path: root/tools/perf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/perf')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/shell/common/ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/common/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..21dab25c7b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+export RE_NUMBER="[0-9\.]+"
+# Number
+# Examples:
+# 123.456
+export RE_NUMBER_HEX="[0-9A-Fa-f]+"
+# Hexadecimal number
+# Examples:
+# 1234
+# a58d
+# aBcD
+# deadbeef
+export RE_DATE_YYYYMMDD="[0-9]{4}-(?:(?:01|03|05|07|08|10|12)-(?:[0-2][0-9]|3[0-1])|02-[0-2][0-9]|(?:(?:04|06|09|11)-(?:[0-2][0-9]|30)))"
+# Date in YYYY-MM-DD form
+# Examples:
+# 1990-02-29
+# 0015-07-31
+# 2456-12-31
+#! 2012-13-01
+#! 1963-09-31
+export RE_TIME="(?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]"
+# Time
+# Examples:
+# 15:12:27
+# 23:59:59
+#! 24:00:00
+#! 11:25:60
+#! 17:60:15
+export RE_DATE_TIME="\w+\s+\w+\s+$RE_NUMBER\s+$RE_TIME\s+$RE_NUMBER"
+# Time and date
+# Examples:
+# Wed Feb 12 10:46:26 2020
+# Mon Mar 2 13:27:06 2020
+#! St úno 12 10:57:21 CET 2020
+#! Po úno 14 15:17:32 2010
+# Memory address
+# Examples:
+# 0x123abc
+# 0xffffffff9abe8ae8
+# 0x0
+export RE_ADDRESS_NOT_NULL="0x[0-9A-Fa-f]*[1-9A-Fa-f]+[0-9A-Fa-f]*"
+# Memory address (not NULL)
+# Examples:
+# 0xffffffff9abe8ae8
+#! 0x0
+#! 0x0000000000000000
+export RE_PROCESS_PID="[^\/]+\/\d+"
+# A process with PID
+# Example:
+# sleep/4102
+# test_overhead./866185
+# in:imjournal/1096
+# random#$& test/866607
+export RE_EVENT_ANY="[\w\-\:\/_=,]+"
+# Name of any event (universal)
+# Examples:
+# cpu-cycles
+# cpu/event=12,umask=34/
+# r41e1
+# nfs:nfs_getattr_enter
+export RE_EVENT="[\w\-:_]+"
+# Name of an usual event
+# Examples:
+# cpu-cycles
+# Specification of a raw event
+# Examples:
+# r41e1
+# r1a
+export RE_EVENT_CPU="cpu/(\w+=$RE_NUMBER_HEX,?)+/p*"
+# Specification of a CPU event
+# Examples:
+# cpu/event=12,umask=34/pp
+export RE_EVENT_UNCORE="uncore/[\w_]+/"
+# Specification of an uncore event
+# Examples:
+# uncore/qhl_request_local_reads/
+export RE_EVENT_SUBSYSTEM="[\w\-]+:[\w\-]+"
+# Name of an event from subsystem
+# Examples:
+# ext4:ext4_ordered_write_end
+# sched:sched_switch
+export RE_FILE_NAME="[\w\+\.-]+"
+# A filename
+# Examples:
+#! some/path
+# A full filepath
+# Examples:
+# /usr/lib64/
+# /lib/modules/4.3.0-rc5/kernel/fs/xfs/xfs.ko
+# /usr/bin/mv
+#! some/relative/path
+#! ./some/relative/path
+# A filepath
+# Examples:
+# /usr/lib64/
+# /lib/modules/4.3.0-rc5/kernel/fs/xfs/xfs.ko
+# ./.emacs
+# src/fs/file.c
+export RE_DSO="(?:$RE_PATH_ABSOLUTE(?: \(deleted\))?|\[kernel\.kallsyms\]|\[unknown\]|\[vdso\]|\[kernel\.vmlinux\][\.\w]*)"
+# A DSO name in various result tables
+# Examples:
+# /usr/lib64/
+# /usr/bin/somebinart (deleted)
+# /lib/modules/4.3.0-rc5/kernel/fs/xfs/xfs.ko
+# [kernel.kallsyms]
+# [kernel.vmlinux]
+# [vdso]
+# [unknown]
+export RE_LINE_COMMENT="^#.*"
+# A comment line
+# Examples:
+# # Started on Thu Sep 10 11:43:00 2015
+export RE_LINE_EMPTY="^\s*$"
+# An empty line with possible whitespaces
+# Examples:
+export RE_LINE_RECORD1="^\[\s+perf\s+record:\s+Woken up $RE_NUMBER times? to write data\s+\].*$"
+# The first line of perf-record "OK" output
+# Examples:
+# [ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
+export RE_LINE_RECORD2="^\[\s+perf\s+record:\s+Captured and wrote $RE_NUMBER\s*MB\s+(?:[\w\+\.-]*(?:$RE_PATH)?\/)?perf\.data(?:\.\d+)?\s*\(~?$RE_NUMBER samples\)\s+\].*$"
+# The second line of perf-record "OK" output
+# Examples:
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB (109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB (~109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB /some/temp/dir/ (109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB ./ (109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB ./ (109 samples) ]
+export RE_LINE_RECORD2_TOLERANT="^\[\s+perf\s+record:\s+Captured and wrote $RE_NUMBER\s*MB\s+(?:[\w\+\.-]*(?:$RE_PATH)?\/)?perf\.data(?:\.\d+)?\s*(?:\(~?$RE_NUMBER samples\))?\s+\].*$"
+# The second line of perf-record "OK" output, even no samples is OK here
+# Examples:
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB (109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB (~109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB /some/temp/dir/ (109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB ./ (109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB ./ (109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB ]
+export RE_LINE_RECORD2_TOLERANT_FILENAME="^\[\s+perf\s+record:\s+Captured and wrote $RE_NUMBER\s*MB\s+(?:[\w\+\.-]*(?:$RE_PATH)?\/)?perf\w*\.data(?:\.\d+)?\s*\(~?$RE_NUMBER samples\)\s+\].*$"
+# The second line of perf-record "OK" output
+# Examples:
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB (109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB (~109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB (109 samples) ]
+# [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB ./ (109 samples) ]
+#! [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB /some/temp/dir/ (109 samples) ]
+#! [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB ./ (109 samples) ]
+#! [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB ./ (109 samples) ]
+#! [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.405 MB ]
+export RE_LINE_TRACE_FULL="^\s*$RE_NUMBER\s*\(\s*$RE_NUMBER\s*ms\s*\):\s*$RE_PROCESS_PID\s+.*\)\s+=\s+(:?\-?$RE_NUMBER|0x$RE_NUMBER_HEX).*$"
+# A line of perf-trace output
+# Examples:
+# 0.115 ( 0.005 ms): sleep/4102 open(filename: 0xd09e2ab2, flags: CLOEXEC ) = 3
+# 0.157 ( 0.005 ms): sleep/4102 mmap(len: 3932736, prot: EXEC|READ, flags: PRIVATE|DENYWRITE, fd: 3 ) = 0x7f89d0605000
+#! 0.115 ( 0.005 ms): sleep/4102 open(filename: 0xd09e2ab2, flags: CLOEXEC ) =
+export RE_LINE_TRACE_ONE_PROC="^\s*$RE_NUMBER\s*\(\s*$RE_NUMBER\s*ms\s*\):\s*\w+\(.*\)\s+=\s+(?:\-?$RE_NUMBER|0x$RE_NUMBER_HEX).*$"
+# A line of perf-trace output
+# Examples:
+# 0.115 ( 0.005 ms): open(filename: 0xd09e2ab2, flags: CLOEXEC ) = 3
+# 0.157 ( 0.005 ms): mmap(len: 3932736, prot: EXEC|READ, flags: PRIVATE|DENYWRITE, fd: 3 ) = 0x7f89d0605000
+#! 0.115 ( 0.005 ms): open(filename: 0xd09e2ab2, flags: CLOEXEC ) =
+export RE_LINE_TRACE_CONTINUED="^\s*(:?$RE_NUMBER|\?)\s*\(\s*($RE_NUMBER\s*ms\s*)?\):\s*($RE_PROCESS_PID\s*)?\.\.\.\s*\[continued\]:\s+\w+\(\).*\s+=\s+(?:\-?$RE_NUMBER|0x$RE_NUMBER_HEX).*$"
+# A line of perf-trace output
+# Examples:
+# 0.000 ( 0.000 ms): ... [continued]: nanosleep()) = 0
+# 0.000 ( 0.000 ms): ... [continued]: nanosleep()) = 0x00000000
+# ? ( ): packagekitd/94838 ... [continued]: poll()) = 0 (Timeout)
+#! 0.000 ( 0.000 ms): ... [continued]: nanosleep()) =
+export RE_LINE_TRACE_UNFINISHED="^\s*$RE_NUMBER\s*\(\s*\):\s*$RE_PROCESS_PID\s+.*\)\s+\.\.\.\s*$"
+# A line of perf-trace output
+# Examples:
+# 901.040 ( ): in:imjournal/1096 ppoll(ufds: 0x7f701a5adb70, nfds: 1, tsp: 0x7f701a5adaf0, sigsetsize: 8) ...
+# 613.727 ( ): gmain/1099 poll(ufds: 0x56248f6b64b0, nfds: 2, timeout_msecs: 3996) ...
+export RE_LINE_TRACE_SUMMARY_HEADER="\s*syscall\s+calls\s+(?:errors\s+)?total\s+min\s+avg\s+max\s+stddev"
+# A header of a perf-trace summary table
+# Example:
+# syscall calls total min avg max stddev
+# syscall calls errors total min avg max stddev
+export RE_LINE_TRACE_SUMMARY_CONTENT="^\s*\w+\s+(?:$RE_NUMBER\s+){5,6}$RE_NUMBER%"
+# A line of a perf-trace summary table
+# Example:
+# open 3 0.017 0.005 0.006 0.007 10.90%
+# openat 2 0 0.017 0.008 0.009 0.010 12.29%
+export RE_LINE_REPORT_CONTENT="^\s+$RE_NUMBER%\s+\w+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+" # FIXME
+# A line from typicap perf report --stdio output
+# Example:
+# 100.00% sleep [kernel.vmlinux] [k] syscall_return_slowpath
+export RE_TASK="\s+[\w~\/ \.\+:#-]+(?:\[-1(?:\/\d+)?\]|\[\d+(?:\/\d+)?\])"
+# A name of a task used for perf sched timehist -s
+# Example:
+# sleep[62755]
+# gmain[705/682]
+# xfsaild/dm-0[495]
+# kworker/u8:1-ev[62714]
+# :-1[-1/62756]
+# :-1[-1]
+# :-1[62756]
+export RE_SEGFAULT=".*(?:Segmentation\sfault|SIGSEGV|\score\s|dumped|segfault).*"
+# Possible variations of the segfault message
+# Example:
+# /bin/bash: line 1: 32 Segmentation fault timeout 15s
+# Segmentation fault (core dumped)
+# Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV
+#! WARNING: 12323431 isn't a 'cpu_core', please use a CPU list in the 'cpu_core' range (0-15)