path: root/tools/perf/tests/shell/base_report/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/perf/tests/shell/base_report/')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/shell/base_report/ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/base_report/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..47677cbd4df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/base_report/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# test_basic of perf_report test
+# Author: Michael Petlan <>
+# Description:
+# This test tests basic functionality of perf report command.
+# include working environment
+. ../common/
+### help message
+if [ "$PARAM_GENERAL_HELP_TEXT_CHECK" = "y" ]; then
+ # test that a help message is shown and looks reasonable
+ $CMD_PERF report --help > $LOGS_DIR/basic_helpmsg.log 2> $LOGS_DIR/basic_helpmsg.err
+ ../common/ "input" "verbose" "show-nr-samples" "show-cpu-utilization" "threads" "comms" "pid" "tid" "dsos" "symbols" "symbol-filter" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_helpmsg.log
+ (( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+ ../common/ "hide-unresolved" "sort" "fields" "parent" "exclude-other" "column-widths" "field-separator" "dump-raw-trace" "children" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_helpmsg.log
+ (( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+ ../common/ "call-graph" "max-stack" "inverted" "ignore-callees" "pretty" "stdio" "tui" "gtk" "vmlinux" "kallsyms" "modules" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_helpmsg.log
+ (( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+ ../common/ "force" "symfs" "cpu" "disassembler-style" "source" "asm-raw" "show-total-period" "show-info" "branch-stack" "group" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_helpmsg.log
+ (( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+ ../common/ "branch-history" "objdump" "demangle" "percent-limit" "percentage" "header" "itrace" "full-source-path" "show-ref-call-graph" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_helpmsg.log
+ (( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+ ../common/ "No manual entry for" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_helpmsg.err
+ (( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+ print_results $PERF_EXIT_CODE $CHECK_EXIT_CODE "help message"
+ (( TEST_RESULT += $? ))
+ print_testcase_skipped "help message"
+### basic execution
+# test that perf report is even working
+$CMD_PERF report -i $CURRENT_TEST_DIR/ --stdio > $LOGS_DIR/basic_basic.log 2> $LOGS_DIR/basic_basic.err
+REGEX_LOST_SAMPLES_INFO="#\s*Total Lost Samples:\s+$RE_NUMBER"
+REGEX_LINES_HEADER="#\s*Children\s+Self\s+Command\s+Shared Object\s+Symbol"
+../common/ "stderr-whitelist.txt" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_basic.err
+(( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+print_results $PERF_EXIT_CODE $CHECK_EXIT_CODE "basic execution"
+(( TEST_RESULT += $? ))
+### number of samples
+# '--show-nr-samples' should show number of samples for each symbol
+$CMD_PERF report --stdio -i $CURRENT_TEST_DIR/ --show-nr-samples > $LOGS_DIR/basic_nrsamples.log 2> $LOGS_DIR/basic_nrsamples.err
+REGEX_LINES_HEADER="#\s*Children\s+Self\s+Samples\s+Command\s+Shared Object\s+Symbol"
+../common/ "$REGEX_LINES_HEADER" "$REGEX_LINES" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_nrsamples.log
+../common/ "stderr-whitelist.txt" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_nrsamples.err
+(( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+print_results $PERF_EXIT_CODE $CHECK_EXIT_CODE "number of samples"
+(( TEST_RESULT += $? ))
+### header
+# '--header' and '--header-only' should show perf report header
+$CMD_PERF report -i $CURRENT_TEST_DIR/ --stdio --header-only > $LOGS_DIR/basic_header.log
+REGEX_LINE_TIMESTAMP="#\s+captured on\s*:\s*$RE_DATE_TIME"
+REGEX_LINE_KERNEL="#\s+os release\s*:\s*${MY_KERNEL_VERSION//+/\\+}"
+REGEX_LINE_PERF="#\s+perf version\s*:\s*"
+REGEX_LINE_CPUS_ONLINE="#\s+nrcpus online\s*:\s*$MY_CPUS_ONLINE"
+REGEX_LINE_CPUS_AVAIL="#\s+nrcpus avail\s*:\s*$MY_CPUS_AVAILABLE"
+# disable precise check for "nrcpus avail" in BASIC runmode
+print_results $PERF_EXIT_CODE $CHECK_EXIT_CODE "header"
+(( TEST_RESULT += $? ))
+# '--header' and '--header-only' should use creation time
+OLD_TIMESTAMP=`$CMD_PERF report --stdio --header-only -i $CURRENT_TEST_DIR/ | grep "captured on"`
+( tar -C $CURRENT_TEST_DIR -c | xz > $CURRENT_TEST_DIR/ ; xzcat $CURRENT_TEST_DIR/ | tar x -C $HEADER_TAR_DIR )
+(( PERF_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+NEW_TIMESTAMP=`$CMD_PERF report --stdio --header-only -i $HEADER_TAR_DIR/ | grep "captured on"`
+(( PERF_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+print_results $PERF_EXIT_CODE $CHECK_EXIT_CODE "header timestamp"
+(( TEST_RESULT += $? ))
+### show CPU utilization
+# '--showcpuutilization' should show percentage for both system and userspace mode
+$CMD_PERF report -i $CURRENT_TEST_DIR/ --stdio --showcpuutilization > $LOGS_DIR/basic_cpuut.log 2> $LOGS_DIR/basic_cpuut.err
+REGEX_LINES_HEADER="#\s*Children\s+Self\s+sys\s+usr\s+Command\s+Shared Object\s+Symbol"
+../common/ "$REGEX_LINES_HEADER" "$REGEX_LINES" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_cpuut.log
+../common/ "stderr-whitelist.txt" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_cpuut.err
+(( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+print_results $PERF_EXIT_CODE $CHECK_EXIT_CODE "show CPU utilization"
+(( TEST_RESULT += $? ))
+### pid
+# '--pid=' should limit the output for a process with the given pid only
+$CMD_PERF report --stdio -i $CURRENT_TEST_DIR/ --pid=1 > $LOGS_DIR/basic_pid.log 2> $LOGS_DIR/basic_pid.err
+grep -P -v '^#' $LOGS_DIR/basic_pid.log | grep -P '\s+[\d\.]+%' | ../common/ "systemd|init"
+../common/ "stderr-whitelist.txt" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_pid.err
+(( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+print_results $PERF_EXIT_CODE $CHECK_EXIT_CODE "pid"
+(( TEST_RESULT += $? ))
+### non-existing symbol
+# '--symbols' should show only the given symbols
+$CMD_PERF report --stdio -i $CURRENT_TEST_DIR/ --symbols=dummynonexistingsymbol > $LOGS_DIR/basic_symbols.log 2> $LOGS_DIR/basic_symbols.err
+../common/ "$RE_LINE_EMPTY" "$RE_LINE_COMMENT" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_symbols.log
+../common/ "stderr-whitelist.txt" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_symbols.err
+(( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+print_results $PERF_EXIT_CODE $CHECK_EXIT_CODE "non-existing symbol"
+(( TEST_RESULT += $? ))
+### symbol filter
+# '--symbol-filter' should filter symbols based on substrings
+$CMD_PERF report --stdio -i $CURRENT_TEST_DIR/ --symbol-filter=map > $LOGS_DIR/basic_symbolfilter.log 2> $LOGS_DIR/basic_symbolfilter.err
+grep -P -v '^#' $LOGS_DIR/basic_symbolfilter.log | grep -P '\s+[\d\.]+%' | ../common/ "\[[k\.]\]\s+.*map"
+../common/ "stderr-whitelist.txt" < $LOGS_DIR/basic_symbolfilter.err
+(( CHECK_EXIT_CODE += $? ))
+print_results $PERF_EXIT_CODE $CHECK_EXIT_CODE "symbol filter"
+(( TEST_RESULT += $? ))
+# TODO: $CMD_PERF report -n --showcpuutilization -TUxDg 2> 01.log
+# print overall results
+print_overall_results "$TEST_RESULT"
+exit $?