path: root/drivers/thermal/int340x_thermal/acpi_thermal_rel.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-01-06ACPI/int340x_thermal: enumerate INT340X devices even if they're not in _ART/_TRTZhang Rui1-12/+4
2014-12-21Thermal/int340x: Handle properly the case when _trt or _art acpi entry is mis...Ilkka Koskinen1-4/+4
2014-12-09Thermal/int340x: Clear the error value of the last acpi_bus_get_device() callIlkka Koskinen1-0/+2
2014-12-09Thermal/int340x: avoid unnecessary pointer castingJacob Pan1-5/+5
2014-10-11Thermal: int340x_thermal: expose acpi thermal relationship tablesJacob Pan1-0/+400