# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # Copyright (c) 2015 Stephen Warren # Copyright (c) 2015-2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # Common logic to interact with U-Boot via the console. This class provides # the interface that tests use to execute U-Boot shell commands and wait for # their results. Sub-classes exist to perform board-type-specific setup # operations, such as spawning a sub-process for Sandbox, or attaching to the # serial console of real hardware. import multiplexed_log import os import pytest import re import sys import u_boot_spawn # Regexes for text we expect U-Boot to send to the console. pattern_u_boot_spl_signon = re.compile('(U-Boot SPL \\d{4}\\.\\d{2}[^\r\n]*\\))') pattern_u_boot_main_signon = re.compile('(U-Boot \\d{4}\\.\\d{2}[^\r\n]*\\))') pattern_stop_autoboot_prompt = re.compile('Hit any key to stop autoboot: ') pattern_unknown_command = re.compile('Unknown command \'.*\' - try \'help\'') pattern_error_notification = re.compile('## Error: ') pattern_error_please_reset = re.compile('### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###') PAT_ID = 0 PAT_RE = 1 bad_pattern_defs = ( ('spl_signon', pattern_u_boot_spl_signon), ('main_signon', pattern_u_boot_main_signon), ('stop_autoboot_prompt', pattern_stop_autoboot_prompt), ('unknown_command', pattern_unknown_command), ('error_notification', pattern_error_notification), ('error_please_reset', pattern_error_please_reset), ) class ConsoleDisableCheck(object): """Context manager (for Python's with statement) that temporarily disables the specified console output error check. This is useful when deliberately executing a command that is known to trigger one of the error checks, in order to test that the error condition is actually raised. This class is used internally by ConsoleBase::disable_check(); it is not intended for direct usage.""" def __init__(self, console, check_type): self.console = console self.check_type = check_type def __enter__(self): self.console.disable_check_count[self.check_type] += 1 self.console.eval_bad_patterns() def __exit__(self, extype, value, traceback): self.console.disable_check_count[self.check_type] -= 1 self.console.eval_bad_patterns() class ConsoleEnableCheck(object): """Context manager (for Python's with statement) that temporarily enables the specified console output error check. This is useful when executing a command that might raise an extra bad pattern, beyond the default bad patterns, in order to validate that the extra bad pattern is actually detected. This class is used internally by ConsoleBase::enable_check(); it is not intended for direct usage.""" def __init__(self, console, check_type, check_pattern): self.console = console self.check_type = check_type self.check_pattern = check_pattern def __enter__(self): global bad_pattern_defs self.default_bad_patterns = bad_pattern_defs bad_pattern_defs += ((self.check_type, self.check_pattern),) self.console.disable_check_count = {pat[PAT_ID]: 0 for pat in bad_pattern_defs} self.console.eval_bad_patterns() def __exit__(self, extype, value, traceback): global bad_pattern_defs bad_pattern_defs = self.default_bad_patterns self.console.disable_check_count = {pat[PAT_ID]: 0 for pat in bad_pattern_defs} self.console.eval_bad_patterns() class ConsoleSetupTimeout(object): """Context manager (for Python's with statement) that temporarily sets up timeout for specific command. This is useful when execution time is greater then default 30s.""" def __init__(self, console, timeout): self.p = console.p self.orig_timeout = self.p.timeout self.p.timeout = timeout def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, extype, value, traceback): self.p.timeout = self.orig_timeout class ConsoleBase(object): """The interface through which test functions interact with the U-Boot console. This primarily involves executing shell commands, capturing their results, and checking for common error conditions. Some common utilities are also provided too.""" def __init__(self, log, config, max_fifo_fill): """Initialize a U-Boot console connection. Can only usefully be called by sub-classes. Args: log: A mulptiplex_log.Logfile object, to which the U-Boot output will be logged. config: A configuration data structure, as built by conftest.py. max_fifo_fill: The maximum number of characters to send to U-Boot command-line before waiting for U-Boot to echo the characters back. For UART-based HW without HW flow control, this value should be set less than the UART RX FIFO size to avoid overflow, assuming that U-Boot can't keep up with full-rate traffic at the baud rate. Returns: Nothing. """ self.log = log self.config = config self.max_fifo_fill = max_fifo_fill self.logstream = self.log.get_stream('console', sys.stdout) # Array slice removes leading/trailing quotes self.prompt = self.config.buildconfig['config_sys_prompt'][1:-1] self.prompt_compiled = re.compile('^' + re.escape(self.prompt), re.MULTILINE) self.p = None self.disable_check_count = {pat[PAT_ID]: 0 for pat in bad_pattern_defs} self.eval_bad_patterns() self.at_prompt = False self.at_prompt_logevt = None def get_spawn(self): # This is not called, ssubclass must define this. # Return a value to avoid: # u_boot_console_base.py:348:12: E1128: Assigning result of a function # call, where the function returns None (assignment-from-none) return u_boot_spawn.Spawn([]) def eval_bad_patterns(self): self.bad_patterns = [pat[PAT_RE] for pat in bad_pattern_defs \ if self.disable_check_count[pat[PAT_ID]] == 0] self.bad_pattern_ids = [pat[PAT_ID] for pat in bad_pattern_defs \ if self.disable_check_count[pat[PAT_ID]] == 0] def close(self): """Terminate the connection to the U-Boot console. This function is only useful once all interaction with U-Boot is complete. Once this function is called, data cannot be sent to or received from U-Boot. Args: None. Returns: Nothing. """ if self.p: self.p.close() self.logstream.close() def wait_for_boot_prompt(self, loop_num = 1): """Wait for the boot up until command prompt. This is for internal use only. """ try: bcfg = self.config.buildconfig config_spl_serial = bcfg.get('config_spl_serial', 'n') == 'y' env_spl_skipped = self.config.env.get('env__spl_skipped', False) env_spl_banner_times = self.config.env.get('env__spl_banner_times', 1) while loop_num > 0: loop_num -= 1 while config_spl_serial and not env_spl_skipped and env_spl_banner_times > 0: m = self.p.expect([pattern_u_boot_spl_signon] + self.bad_patterns) if m != 0: raise Exception('Bad pattern found on SPL console: ' + self.bad_pattern_ids[m - 1]) env_spl_banner_times -= 1 m = self.p.expect([pattern_u_boot_main_signon] + self.bad_patterns) if m != 0: raise Exception('Bad pattern found on console: ' + self.bad_pattern_ids[m - 1]) self.u_boot_version_string = self.p.after while True: m = self.p.expect([self.prompt_compiled, pattern_stop_autoboot_prompt] + self.bad_patterns) if m == 0: break if m == 1: self.p.send(' ') continue raise Exception('Bad pattern found on console: ' + self.bad_pattern_ids[m - 2]) except Exception as ex: self.log.error(str(ex)) self.cleanup_spawn() raise finally: self.log.timestamp() def run_command(self, cmd, wait_for_echo=True, send_nl=True, wait_for_prompt=True, wait_for_reboot=False): """Execute a command via the U-Boot console. The command is always sent to U-Boot. U-Boot echoes any command back to its output, and this function typically waits for that to occur. The wait can be disabled by setting wait_for_echo=False, which is useful e.g. when sending CTRL-C to interrupt a long-running command such as "ums". Command execution is typically triggered by sending a newline character. This can be disabled by setting send_nl=False, which is also useful when sending CTRL-C. This function typically waits for the command to finish executing, and returns the console output that it generated. This can be disabled by setting wait_for_prompt=False, which is useful when invoking a long- running command such as "ums". Args: cmd: The command to send. wait_for_echo: Boolean indicating whether to wait for U-Boot to echo the command text back to its output. send_nl: Boolean indicating whether to send a newline character after the command string. wait_for_prompt: Boolean indicating whether to wait for the command prompt to be sent by U-Boot. This typically occurs immediately after the command has been executed. wait_for_reboot: Boolean indication whether to wait for the reboot U-Boot. If this sets True, wait_for_prompt must also be True. Returns: If wait_for_prompt == False: Nothing. Else: The output from U-Boot during command execution. In other words, the text U-Boot emitted between the point it echod the command string and emitted the subsequent command prompts. """ if self.at_prompt and \ self.at_prompt_logevt != self.logstream.logfile.cur_evt: self.logstream.write(self.prompt, implicit=True) try: self.at_prompt = False if send_nl: cmd += '\n' while cmd: # Limit max outstanding data, so UART FIFOs don't overflow chunk = cmd[:self.max_fifo_fill] cmd = cmd[self.max_fifo_fill:] self.p.send(chunk) if not wait_for_echo: continue chunk = re.escape(chunk) chunk = chunk.replace('\\\n', '[\r\n]') m = self.p.expect([chunk] + self.bad_patterns) if m != 0: self.at_prompt = False raise Exception('Bad pattern found on console: ' + self.bad_pattern_ids[m - 1]) if not wait_for_prompt: return if wait_for_reboot: self.wait_for_boot_prompt() else: m = self.p.expect([self.prompt_compiled] + self.bad_patterns) if m != 0: self.at_prompt = False raise Exception('Bad pattern found on console: ' + self.bad_pattern_ids[m - 1]) self.at_prompt = True self.at_prompt_logevt = self.logstream.logfile.cur_evt # Only strip \r\n; space/TAB might be significant if testing # indentation. return self.p.before.strip('\r\n') except Exception as ex: self.log.error(str(ex)) self.cleanup_spawn() raise finally: self.log.timestamp() def run_command_list(self, cmds): """Run a list of commands. This is a helper function to call run_command() with default arguments for each command in a list. Args: cmd: List of commands (each a string). Returns: A list of output strings from each command, one element for each command. """ output = [] for cmd in cmds: output.append(self.run_command(cmd)) return output def ctrlc(self): """Send a CTRL-C character to U-Boot. This is useful in order to stop execution of long-running synchronous commands such as "ums". Args: None. Returns: Nothing. """ self.log.action('Sending Ctrl-C') self.run_command(chr(3), wait_for_echo=False, send_nl=False) def wait_for(self, text): """Wait for a pattern to be emitted by U-Boot. This is useful when a long-running command such as "dfu" is executing, and it periodically emits some text that should show up at a specific location in the log file. Args: text: The text to wait for; either a string (containing raw text, not a regular expression) or an re object. Returns: Nothing. """ if type(text) == type(''): text = re.escape(text) m = self.p.expect([text] + self.bad_patterns) if m != 0: raise Exception('Bad pattern found on console: ' + self.bad_pattern_ids[m - 1]) def drain_console(self): """Read from and log the U-Boot console for a short time. U-Boot's console output is only logged when the test code actively waits for U-Boot to emit specific data. There are cases where tests can fail without doing this. For example, if a test asks U-Boot to enable USB device mode, then polls until a host-side device node exists. In such a case, it is useful to log U-Boot's console output in case U-Boot printed clues as to why the host-side even did not occur. This function will do that. Args: None. Returns: Nothing. """ # If we are already not connected to U-Boot, there's nothing to drain. # This should only happen when a previous call to run_command() or # wait_for() failed (and hence the output has already been logged), or # the system is shutting down. if not self.p: return orig_timeout = self.p.timeout try: # Drain the log for a relatively short time. self.p.timeout = 1000 # Wait for something U-Boot will likely never send. This will # cause the console output to be read and logged. self.p.expect(['This should never match U-Boot output']) except: # We expect a timeout, since U-Boot won't print what we waited # for. Squash it when it happens. # # Squash any other exception too. This function is only used to # drain (and log) the U-Boot console output after a failed test. # The U-Boot process will be restarted, or target board reset, once # this function returns. So, we don't care about detecting any # additional errors, so they're squashed so that the rest of the # post-test-failure cleanup code can continue operation, and # correctly terminate any log sections, etc. pass finally: self.p.timeout = orig_timeout def ensure_spawned(self, expect_reset=False): """Ensure a connection to a correctly running U-Boot instance. This may require spawning a new Sandbox process or resetting target hardware, as defined by the implementation sub-class. This is an internal function and should not be called directly. Args: expect_reset: Boolean indication whether this boot is expected to be reset while the 1st boot process after main boot before prompt. False by default. Returns: Nothing. """ if self.p: # Reset the console timeout value as some tests may change # its default value during the execution if not self.config.gdbserver: self.p.timeout = 30000 return try: self.log.start_section('Starting U-Boot') self.at_prompt = False self.p = self.get_spawn() # Real targets can take a long time to scroll large amounts of # text if LCD is enabled. This value may need tweaking in the # future, possibly per-test to be optimal. This works for 'help' # on board 'seaboard'. if not self.config.gdbserver: self.p.timeout = 30000 self.p.logfile_read = self.logstream if expect_reset: loop_num = 2 else: loop_num = 1 self.wait_for_boot_prompt(loop_num = loop_num) self.at_prompt = True self.at_prompt_logevt = self.logstream.logfile.cur_evt except Exception as ex: self.log.error(str(ex)) self.cleanup_spawn() raise finally: self.log.timestamp() self.log.end_section('Starting U-Boot') def cleanup_spawn(self): """Shut down all interaction with the U-Boot instance. This is used when an error is detected prior to re-establishing a connection with a fresh U-Boot instance. This is an internal function and should not be called directly. Args: None. Returns: Nothing. """ try: if self.p: self.p.close() except: pass self.p = None def restart_uboot(self, expect_reset=False): """Shut down and restart U-Boot.""" self.cleanup_spawn() self.ensure_spawned(expect_reset) def get_spawn_output(self): """Return the start-up output from U-Boot Returns: The output produced by ensure_spawed(), as a string. """ if self.p: return self.p.get_expect_output() return None def validate_version_string_in_text(self, text): """Assert that a command's output includes the U-Boot signon message. This is primarily useful for validating the "version" command without duplicating the signon text regex in a test function. Args: text: The command output text to check. Returns: Nothing. An exception is raised if the validation fails. """ assert(self.u_boot_version_string in text) def disable_check(self, check_type): """Temporarily disable an error check of U-Boot's output. Create a new context manager (for use with the "with" statement) which temporarily disables a particular console output error check. Args: check_type: The type of error-check to disable. Valid values may be found in self.disable_check_count above. Returns: A context manager object. """ return ConsoleDisableCheck(self, check_type) def enable_check(self, check_type, check_pattern): """Temporarily enable an error check of U-Boot's output. Create a new context manager (for use with the "with" statement) which temporarily enables a particular console output error check. The arguments form a new element of bad_pattern_defs defined above. Args: check_type: The type of error-check or bad pattern to enable. check_pattern: The regexes for text error pattern or bad pattern to be checked. Returns: A context manager object. """ return ConsoleEnableCheck(self, check_type, check_pattern) def temporary_timeout(self, timeout): """Temporarily set up different timeout for commands. Create a new context manager (for use with the "with" statement) which temporarily change timeout. Args: timeout: Time in milliseconds. Returns: A context manager object. """ return ConsoleSetupTimeout(self, timeout)