.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ UEFI subsystem ============== Lauching UEFI images -------------------- Bootefi command ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The bootefi command is used to start UEFI applications or to install UEFI drivers. It takes two parameters bootefi <image address> [fdt address] * image address - the memory address of the UEFI binary * fdt address - the memory address of the flattened device tree The environment variable 'bootargs' is passed as load options in the UEFI system table. The Linux kernel EFI stub uses the load options as command line arguments. .. kernel-doc:: cmd/bootefi.c :internal: Boot manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The UEFI specification foresees to define boot entries and boot sequence via UEFI variables. Booting according to these variables is possible via bootefi bootmgr [fdt address] * fdt address - the memory address of the flattened device tree The relevant variables are: * Boot0000-BootFFFF define boot entries * BootNext specifies next boot option to be booted * BootOrder specifies in which sequence the boot options shall be tried if BootNext is not defined or booting via BootNext fails .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_bootmgr.c :internal: Efidebug command ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The efidebug command is used to set and display boot options as well as to display information about internal data of the UEFI subsystem (devices, drivers, handles, loaded images, and the memory map). .. kernel-doc:: cmd/efidebug.c :internal: Initialization of the UEFI sub-system ------------------------------------- .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_setup.c :internal: Boot services ------------- .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_boottime.c :internal: Image relocation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_image_loader.c :internal: Memory services ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_memory.c :internal: SetWatchdogTimer service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_watchdog.c :internal: Runtime services ---------------- .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_runtime.c :internal: Variable services ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_variable.c :internal: UEFI drivers ------------ UEFI driver uclass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_driver/efi_uclass.c :internal: Block device driver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_driver/efi_block_device.c :internal: Protocols --------- Block IO protocol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_disk.c :internal: File protocol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_file.c :internal: Graphical output protocol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_gop.c :internal: Load file 2 protocol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The load file 2 protocol can be used by the Linux kernel to load the initial RAM disk. U-Boot can be configured to provide an implementation. .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_load_initrd.c :internal: Network protocols ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_net.c :internal: Random number generator protocol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_rng.c :internal: Text IO protocols ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_console.c :internal: Unicode Collation protocol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. kernel-doc:: lib/efi_loader/efi_unicode_collation.c :internal: Unit testing ------------ The following library functions are provided to support writing UEFI unit tests. The should not be used elsewhere. .. kernel-doc:: include/efi_selftest.h :internal: