#!/usr/bin/python # # Tool for analyzing boot timing # Copyright (c) 2013, Intel Corporation. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, # version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # Authors: # Todd Brandt # # Description: # This tool is designed to assist kernel and OS developers in optimizing # their linux stack's boot time. It creates an html representation of # the kernel boot timeline up to the start of the init process. # # ----------------- LIBRARIES -------------------- import sys import time import os import string import re import platform import shutil from datetime import datetime, timedelta from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE import analyze_suspend as aslib # ----------------- CLASSES -------------------- # Class: SystemValues # Description: # A global, single-instance container used to # store system values and test parameters class SystemValues(aslib.SystemValues): title = 'BootGraph' version = 2.0 hostname = 'localhost' testtime = '' kernel = '' dmesgfile = '' ftracefile = '' htmlfile = 'bootgraph.html' outfile = '' phoronix = False addlogs = False useftrace = False usedevsrc = True suspendmode = 'boot' max_graph_depth = 2 graph_filter = 'do_one_initcall' reboot = False manual = False iscronjob = False timeformat = '%.6f' def __init__(self): if('LOG_FILE' in os.environ and 'TEST_RESULTS_IDENTIFIER' in os.environ): self.phoronix = True self.addlogs = True self.outfile = os.environ['LOG_FILE'] self.htmlfile = os.environ['LOG_FILE'] self.hostname = platform.node() self.testtime = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') if os.path.exists('/proc/version'): fp = open('/proc/version', 'r') val = fp.read().strip() fp.close() self.kernel = self.kernelVersion(val) else: self.kernel = 'unknown' def kernelVersion(self, msg): return msg.split()[2] def kernelParams(self): cmdline = 'initcall_debug log_buf_len=32M' if self.useftrace: cmdline += ' trace_buf_size=128M trace_clock=global '\ 'trace_options=nooverwrite,funcgraph-abstime,funcgraph-cpu,'\ 'funcgraph-duration,funcgraph-proc,funcgraph-tail,'\ 'nofuncgraph-overhead,context-info,graph-time '\ 'ftrace=function_graph '\ 'ftrace_graph_max_depth=%d '\ 'ftrace_graph_filter=%s' % \ (self.max_graph_depth, self.graph_filter) return cmdline def setGraphFilter(self, val): fp = open(self.tpath+'available_filter_functions') master = fp.read().split('\n') fp.close() for i in val.split(','): func = i.strip() if func not in master: doError('function "%s" not available for ftrace' % func) self.graph_filter = val def cronjobCmdString(self): cmdline = '%s -cronjob' % os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) args = iter(sys.argv[1:]) for arg in args: if arg in ['-h', '-v', '-cronjob', '-reboot']: continue elif arg in ['-o', '-dmesg', '-ftrace', '-filter']: args.next() continue cmdline += ' '+arg if self.graph_filter != 'do_one_initcall': cmdline += ' -filter "%s"' % self.graph_filter cmdline += ' -o "%s"' % os.path.abspath(self.htmlfile) return cmdline def manualRebootRequired(self): cmdline = self.kernelParams() print 'To generate a new timeline manually, follow these steps:\n' print '1. Add the CMDLINE string to your kernel command line.' print '2. Reboot the system.' print '3. After reboot, re-run this tool with the same arguments but no command (w/o -reboot or -manual).\n' print 'CMDLINE="%s"' % cmdline sys.exit() sysvals = SystemValues() # Class: Data # Description: # The primary container for test data. class Data(aslib.Data): dmesg = {} # root data structure start = 0.0 # test start end = 0.0 # test end dmesgtext = [] # dmesg text file in memory testnumber = 0 idstr = '' html_device_id = 0 valid = False initstart = 0.0 boottime = '' phases = ['boot'] do_one_initcall = False def __init__(self, num): self.testnumber = num self.idstr = 'a' self.dmesgtext = [] self.dmesg = { 'boot': {'list': dict(), 'start': -1.0, 'end': -1.0, 'row': 0, 'color': '#dddddd'} } def deviceTopology(self): return '' def newAction(self, phase, name, start, end, ret, ulen): # new device callback for a specific phase self.html_device_id += 1 devid = '%s%d' % (self.idstr, self.html_device_id) list = self.dmesg[phase]['list'] length = -1.0 if(start >= 0 and end >= 0): length = end - start i = 2 origname = name while(name in list): name = '%s[%d]' % (origname, i) i += 1 list[name] = {'name': name, 'start': start, 'end': end, 'pid': 0, 'length': length, 'row': 0, 'id': devid, 'ret': ret, 'ulen': ulen } return name def deviceMatch(self, cg): if cg.end - cg.start == 0: return True list = self.dmesg['boot']['list'] for devname in list: dev = list[devname] if cg.name == 'do_one_initcall': if(cg.start <= dev['start'] and cg.end >= dev['end'] and dev['length'] > 0): dev['ftrace'] = cg self.do_one_initcall = True return True else: if(cg.start > dev['start'] and cg.end < dev['end']): if 'ftraces' not in dev: dev['ftraces'] = [] dev['ftraces'].append(cg) return True return False # ----------------- FUNCTIONS -------------------- # Function: loadKernelLog # Description: # Load a raw kernel log from dmesg def loadKernelLog(): data = Data(0) data.dmesg['boot']['start'] = data.start = ktime = 0.0 sysvals.stamp = { 'time': datetime.now().strftime('%B %d %Y, %I:%M:%S %p'), 'host': sysvals.hostname, 'mode': 'boot', 'kernel': ''} devtemp = dict() if(sysvals.dmesgfile): lf = open(sysvals.dmesgfile, 'r') else: lf = Popen('dmesg', stdout=PIPE).stdout for line in lf: line = line.replace('\r\n', '') idx = line.find('[') if idx > 1: line = line[idx:] m = re.match('[ \t]*(\[ *)(?P[0-9\.]*)(\]) (?P.*)', line) if(not m): continue ktime = float(m.group('ktime')) if(ktime > 120): break msg = m.group('msg') data.end = data.initstart = ktime data.dmesgtext.append(line) if(ktime == 0.0 and re.match('^Linux version .*', msg)): if(not sysvals.stamp['kernel']): sysvals.stamp['kernel'] = sysvals.kernelVersion(msg) continue m = re.match('.* setting system clock to (?P.*) UTC.*', msg) if(m): bt = datetime.strptime(m.group('t'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') bt = bt - timedelta(seconds=int(ktime)) data.boottime = bt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') sysvals.stamp['time'] = bt.strftime('%B %d %Y, %I:%M:%S %p') continue m = re.match('^calling *(?P.*)\+.*', msg) if(m): devtemp[m.group('f')] = ktime continue m = re.match('^initcall *(?P.*)\+.* returned (?P.*) after (?P.*) usecs', msg) if(m): data.valid = True f, r, t = m.group('f', 'r', 't') if(f in devtemp): data.newAction('boot', f, devtemp[f], ktime, int(r), int(t)) data.end = ktime del devtemp[f] continue if(re.match('^Freeing unused kernel memory.*', msg)): break data.dmesg['boot']['end'] = data.end lf.close() return data # Function: loadTraceLog # Description: # Check if trace is available and copy to a temp file def loadTraceLog(data): # load the data to a temp file if none given if not sysvals.ftracefile: lib = aslib.sysvals aslib.rootCheck(True) if not lib.verifyFtrace(): doError('ftrace not available') if lib.fgetVal('current_tracer').strip() != 'function_graph': doError('ftrace not configured for a boot callgraph') sysvals.ftracefile = '/tmp/boot_ftrace.%s.txt' % os.getpid() call('cat '+lib.tpath+'trace > '+sysvals.ftracefile, shell=True) if not sysvals.ftracefile: doError('No trace data available') # parse the trace log ftemp = dict() tp = aslib.TestProps() tp.setTracerType('function_graph') tf = open(sysvals.ftracefile, 'r') for line in tf: if line[0] == '#': continue m = re.match(tp.ftrace_line_fmt, line.strip()) if(not m): continue m_time, m_proc, m_pid, m_msg, m_dur = \ m.group('time', 'proc', 'pid', 'msg', 'dur') if float(m_time) > data.end: break if(m_time and m_pid and m_msg): t = aslib.FTraceLine(m_time, m_msg, m_dur) pid = int(m_pid) else: continue if t.fevent or t.fkprobe: continue key = (m_proc, pid) if(key not in ftemp): ftemp[key] = [] ftemp[key].append(aslib.FTraceCallGraph(pid)) cg = ftemp[key][-1] if(cg.addLine(t)): ftemp[key].append(aslib.FTraceCallGraph(pid)) tf.close() # add the callgraph data to the device hierarchy for key in ftemp: proc, pid = key for cg in ftemp[key]: if len(cg.list) < 1 or cg.invalid: continue if(not cg.postProcess()): print('Sanity check failed for %s-%d' % (proc, pid)) continue # match cg data to devices if not data.deviceMatch(cg): print ' BAD: %s %s-%d [%f - %f]' % (cg.name, proc, pid, cg.start, cg.end) # Function: colorForName # Description: # Generate a repeatable color from a list for a given name def colorForName(name): list = [ ('c1', '#ec9999'), ('c2', '#ffc1a6'), ('c3', '#fff0a6'), ('c4', '#adf199'), ('c5', '#9fadea'), ('c6', '#a699c1'), ('c7', '#ad99b4'), ('c8', '#eaffea'), ('c9', '#dcecfb'), ('c10', '#ffffea') ] i = 0 total = 0 count = len(list) while i < len(name): total += ord(name[i]) i += 1 return list[total % count] def cgOverview(cg, minlen): stats = dict() large = [] for l in cg.list: if l.fcall and l.depth == 1: if l.length >= minlen: large.append(l) if l.name not in stats: stats[l.name] = [0, 0.0] stats[l.name][0] += (l.length * 1000.0) stats[l.name][1] += 1 return (large, stats) # Function: createBootGraph # Description: # Create the output html file from the resident test data # Arguments: # testruns: array of Data objects from parseKernelLog or parseTraceLog # Output: # True if the html file was created, false if it failed def createBootGraph(data, embedded): # html function templates html_srccall = '
\n' html_timetotal = '\n'\ ''\ '\n
Time from Kernel Boot to start of User Mode: {0} ms
\n' # device timeline devtl = aslib.Timeline(100, 20) # write the test title and general info header devtl.createHeader(sysvals, 'noftrace') # Generate the header for this timeline t0 = data.start tMax = data.end tTotal = tMax - t0 if(tTotal == 0): print('ERROR: No timeline data') return False boot_time = '%.0f'%(tTotal*1000) devtl.html += html_timetotal.format(boot_time) # determine the maximum number of rows we need to draw phase = 'boot' list = data.dmesg[phase]['list'] devlist = [] for devname in list: d = aslib.DevItem(0, phase, list[devname]) devlist.append(d) devtl.getPhaseRows(devlist) devtl.calcTotalRows() # draw the timeline background devtl.createZoomBox() boot = data.dmesg[phase] length = boot['end']-boot['start'] left = '%.3f' % (((boot['start']-t0)*100.0)/tTotal) width = '%.3f' % ((length*100.0)/tTotal) devtl.html += devtl.html_tblock.format(phase, left, width, devtl.scaleH) devtl.html += devtl.html_phase.format('0', '100', \ '%.3f'%devtl.scaleH, '%.3f'%devtl.bodyH, \ 'white', '') # draw the device timeline num = 0 devstats = dict() for devname in sorted(list): cls, color = colorForName(devname) dev = list[devname] info = '@|%.3f|%.3f|%.3f|%d' % (dev['start']*1000.0, dev['end']*1000.0, dev['ulen']/1000.0, dev['ret']) devstats[dev['id']] = {'info':info} dev['color'] = color height = devtl.phaseRowHeight(0, phase, dev['row']) top = '%.6f' % ((dev['row']*height) + devtl.scaleH) left = '%.6f' % (((dev['start']-t0)*100)/tTotal) width = '%.6f' % (((dev['end']-dev['start'])*100)/tTotal) length = ' (%0.3f ms) ' % ((dev['end']-dev['start'])*1000) devtl.html += devtl.html_device.format(dev['id'], devname+length+'kernel_mode', left, top, '%.3f'%height, width, devname, ' '+cls, '') rowtop = devtl.phaseRowTop(0, phase, dev['row']) height = '%.6f' % (devtl.rowH / 2) top = '%.6f' % (rowtop + devtl.scaleH + (devtl.rowH / 2)) if data.do_one_initcall: if('ftrace' not in dev): continue cg = dev['ftrace'] large, stats = cgOverview(cg, 0.001) devstats[dev['id']]['fstat'] = stats for l in large: left = '%f' % (((l.time-t0)*100)/tTotal) width = '%f' % (l.length*100/tTotal) title = '%s (%0.3fms)' % (l.name, l.length * 1000.0) devtl.html += html_srccall.format(l.name, left, top, height, width, title, 'x%d'%num) num += 1 continue if('ftraces' not in dev): continue for cg in dev['ftraces']: left = '%f' % (((cg.start-t0)*100)/tTotal) width = '%f' % ((cg.end-cg.start)*100/tTotal) cglen = (cg.end - cg.start) * 1000.0 title = '%s (%0.3fms)' % (cg.name, cglen) cg.id = 'x%d' % num devtl.html += html_srccall.format(cg.name, left, top, height, width, title, dev['id']+cg.id) num += 1 # draw the time scale, try to make the number of labels readable devtl.createTimeScale(t0, tMax, tTotal, phase) devtl.html += '\n' # timeline is finished devtl.html += '\n\n' if(sysvals.outfile == sysvals.htmlfile): hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'a') else: hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'w') # add the css if this is not an embedded run extra = '\ .c1 {background:rgba(209,0,0,0.4);}\n\ .c2 {background:rgba(255,102,34,0.4);}\n\ .c3 {background:rgba(255,218,33,0.4);}\n\ .c4 {background:rgba(51,221,0,0.4);}\n\ .c5 {background:rgba(17,51,204,0.4);}\n\ .c6 {background:rgba(34,0,102,0.4);}\n\ .c7 {background:rgba(51,0,68,0.4);}\n\ .c8 {background:rgba(204,255,204,0.4);}\n\ .c9 {background:rgba(169,208,245,0.4);}\n\ .c10 {background:rgba(255,255,204,0.4);}\n\ .vt {transform:rotate(-60deg);transform-origin:0 0;}\n\ table.fstat {table-layout:fixed;padding:150px 15px 0 0;font-size:10px;column-width:30px;}\n\ .fstat th {width:55px;}\n\ .fstat td {text-align:left;width:35px;}\n\ .srccall {position:absolute;font-size:10px;z-index:7;overflow:hidden;color:black;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;border-radius:5px;border:1px solid black;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#CCC,#969696);}\n\ .srccall:hover {color:white;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid white;}\n' if(not embedded): aslib.addCSS(hf, sysvals, 1, False, extra) # write the device timeline hf.write(devtl.html) # add boot specific html statinfo = 'var devstats = {\n' for n in sorted(devstats): statinfo += '\t"%s": [\n\t\t"%s",\n' % (n, devstats[n]['info']) if 'fstat' in devstats[n]: funcs = devstats[n]['fstat'] for f in sorted(funcs, key=funcs.get, reverse=True): if funcs[f][0] < 0.01 and len(funcs) > 10: break statinfo += '\t\t"%f|%s|%d",\n' % (funcs[f][0], f, funcs[f][1]) statinfo += '\t],\n' statinfo += '};\n' html = \ '
\n'\ '\n'\ '\n' hf.write(html) # add the callgraph html if(sysvals.usecallgraph): aslib.addCallgraphs(sysvals, hf, data) # add the dmesg log as a hidden div if sysvals.addlogs: hf.write('\n') if(not embedded): # write the footer and close aslib.addScriptCode(hf, [data]) hf.write('\n\n') else: # embedded out will be loaded in a page, skip the js hf.write('' % \ (data.start*1000, data.initstart*1000)) hf.close() return True # Function: updateCron # Description: # (restore=False) Set the tool to run automatically on reboot # (restore=True) Restore the original crontab def updateCron(restore=False): if not restore: sysvals.rootUser(True) crondir = '/var/spool/cron/crontabs/' cronfile = crondir+'root' backfile = crondir+'root-analyze_boot-backup' if not os.path.exists(crondir): doError('%s not found' % crondir) out = Popen(['which', 'crontab'], stdout=PIPE).stdout.read() if not out: doError('crontab not found') # on restore: move the backup cron back into place if restore: if os.path.exists(backfile): shutil.move(backfile, cronfile) return # backup current cron and install new one with reboot if os.path.exists(cronfile): shutil.move(cronfile, backfile) else: fp = open(backfile, 'w') fp.close() res = -1 try: fp = open(backfile, 'r') op = open(cronfile, 'w') for line in fp: if '@reboot' not in line: op.write(line) continue fp.close() op.write('@reboot python %s\n' % sysvals.cronjobCmdString()) op.close() res = call('crontab %s' % cronfile, shell=True) except Exception, e: print 'Exception: %s' % str(e) shutil.move(backfile, cronfile) res = -1 if res != 0: doError('crontab failed') # Function: updateGrub # Description: # update grub.cfg for all kernels with our parameters def updateGrub(restore=False): # call update-grub on restore if restore: try: call(['update-grub'], stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, env={'PATH': '.:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'}) except Exception, e: print 'Exception: %s\n' % str(e) return # verify we can do this sysvals.rootUser(True) grubfile = '/etc/default/grub' if not os.path.exists(grubfile): print 'ERROR: Unable to set the kernel parameters via grub.\n' sysvals.manualRebootRequired() out = Popen(['which', 'update-grub'], stdout=PIPE).stdout.read() if not out: print 'ERROR: Unable to set the kernel parameters via grub.\n' sysvals.manualRebootRequired() # extract the option and create a grub config without it tgtopt = 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT' cmdline = '' tempfile = '/etc/default/grub.analyze_boot' shutil.move(grubfile, tempfile) res = -1 try: fp = open(tempfile, 'r') op = open(grubfile, 'w') cont = False for line in fp: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue opt = line.split('=')[0].strip() if opt == tgtopt: cmdline = line.split('=', 1)[1].strip('\\') if line[-1] == '\\': cont = True elif cont: cmdline += line.strip('\\') if line[-1] != '\\': cont = False else: op.write('%s\n' % line) fp.close() # if the target option value is in quotes, strip them sp = '"' val = cmdline.strip() if val[0] == '\'' or val[0] == '"': sp = val[0] val = val.strip(sp) cmdline = val # append our cmd line options if len(cmdline) > 0: cmdline += ' ' cmdline += sysvals.kernelParams() # write out the updated target option op.write('\n%s=%s%s%s\n' % (tgtopt, sp, cmdline, sp)) op.close() res = call('update-grub') os.remove(grubfile) except Exception, e: print 'Exception: %s' % str(e) res = -1 # cleanup shutil.move(tempfile, grubfile) if res != 0: doError('update-grub failed') # Function: doError # Description: # generic error function for catastrphic failures # Arguments: # msg: the error message to print # help: True if printHelp should be called after, False otherwise def doError(msg, help=False): if help == True: printHelp() print 'ERROR: %s\n' % msg sys.exit() # Function: printHelp # Description: # print out the help text def printHelp(): print('') print('%s v%.1f' % (sysvals.title, sysvals.version)) print('Usage: bootgraph ') print('') print('Description:') print(' This tool reads in a dmesg log of linux kernel boot and') print(' creates an html representation of the boot timeline up to') print(' the start of the init process.') print('') print(' If no specific command is given the tool reads the current dmesg') print(' and/or ftrace log and outputs bootgraph.html') print('') print('Options:') print(' -h Print this help text') print(' -v Print the current tool version') print(' -addlogs Add the dmesg log to the html output') print(' -o file Html timeline name (default: bootgraph.html)') print(' [advanced]') print(' -f Use ftrace to add function detail (default: disabled)') print(' -callgraph Add callgraph detail, can be very large (default: disabled)') print(' -maxdepth N limit the callgraph data to N call levels (default: 2)') print(' -mincg ms Discard all callgraphs shorter than ms milliseconds (e.g. 0.001 for us)') print(' -timeprec N Number of significant digits in timestamps (0:S, 3:ms, [6:us])') print(' -expandcg pre-expand the callgraph data in the html output (default: disabled)') print(' -filter list Limit ftrace to comma-delimited list of functions (default: do_one_initcall)') print(' [commands]') print(' -reboot Reboot the machine automatically and generate a new timeline') print(' -manual Show the requirements to generate a new timeline manually') print(' -dmesg file Load a stored dmesg file (used with -ftrace)') print(' -ftrace file Load a stored ftrace file (used with -dmesg)') print(' -flistall Print all functions capable of being captured in ftrace') print('') return True # ----------------- MAIN -------------------- # exec start (skipped if script is loaded as library) if __name__ == '__main__': # loop through the command line arguments cmd = '' simplecmds = ['-updategrub', '-flistall'] args = iter(sys.argv[1:]) for arg in args: if(arg == '-h'): printHelp() sys.exit() elif(arg == '-v'): print("Version %.1f" % sysvals.version) sys.exit() elif(arg in simplecmds): cmd = arg[1:] elif(arg == '-f'): sysvals.useftrace = True elif(arg == '-callgraph'): sysvals.useftrace = True sysvals.usecallgraph = True elif(arg == '-mincg'): sysvals.mincglen = aslib.getArgFloat('-mincg', args, 0.0, 10000.0) elif(arg == '-timeprec'): sysvals.setPrecision(aslib.getArgInt('-timeprec', args, 0, 6)) elif(arg == '-maxdepth'): sysvals.max_graph_depth = aslib.getArgInt('-maxdepth', args, 0, 1000) elif(arg == '-filter'): try: val = args.next() except: doError('No filter functions supplied', True) aslib.rootCheck(True) sysvals.setGraphFilter(val) elif(arg == '-ftrace'): try: val = args.next() except: doError('No ftrace file supplied', True) if(os.path.exists(val) == False): doError('%s does not exist' % val) sysvals.ftracefile = val elif(arg == '-addlogs'): sysvals.addlogs = True elif(arg == '-expandcg'): sysvals.cgexp = True elif(arg == '-dmesg'): try: val = args.next() except: doError('No dmesg file supplied', True) if(os.path.exists(val) == False): doError('%s does not exist' % val) if(sysvals.htmlfile == val or sysvals.outfile == val): doError('Output filename collision') sysvals.dmesgfile = val elif(arg == '-o'): try: val = args.next() except: doError('No HTML filename supplied', True) if(sysvals.dmesgfile == val or sysvals.ftracefile == val): doError('Output filename collision') sysvals.htmlfile = val elif(arg == '-reboot'): if sysvals.iscronjob: doError('-reboot and -cronjob are incompatible') sysvals.reboot = True elif(arg == '-manual'): sysvals.reboot = True sysvals.manual = True # remaining options are only for cron job use elif(arg == '-cronjob'): sysvals.iscronjob = True if sysvals.reboot: doError('-reboot and -cronjob are incompatible') else: doError('Invalid argument: '+arg, True) if cmd != '': if cmd == 'updategrub': updateGrub() elif cmd == 'flistall': sysvals.getFtraceFilterFunctions(False) sys.exit() # update grub, setup a cronjob, and reboot if sysvals.reboot: if not sysvals.manual: updateGrub() updateCron() call('reboot') else: sysvals.manualRebootRequired() sys.exit() # disable the cronjob if sysvals.iscronjob: updateCron(True) updateGrub(True) data = loadKernelLog() if sysvals.useftrace: loadTraceLog(data) if sysvals.iscronjob: try: sysvals.fsetVal('0', 'tracing_on') except: pass if(sysvals.outfile and sysvals.phoronix): fp = open(sysvals.outfile, 'w') fp.write('pass %s initstart %.3f end %.3f boot %s\n' % (data.valid, data.initstart*1000, data.end*1000, data.boottime)) fp.close() if(not data.valid): if sysvals.dmesgfile: doError('No initcall data found in %s' % sysvals.dmesgfile) else: doError('No initcall data found, is initcall_debug enabled?') print(' Host: %s' % sysvals.hostname) print(' Test time: %s' % sysvals.testtime) print(' Boot time: %s' % data.boottime) print('Kernel Version: %s' % sysvals.kernel) print(' Kernel start: %.3f' % (data.start * 1000)) print(' init start: %.3f' % (data.initstart * 1000)) createBootGraph(data, sysvals.phoronix)