#!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "Usage: headers_install.sh INFILE OUTFILE" echo echo "Prepares kernel header files for use by user space, by removing" echo "all compiler.h definitions and #includes, removing any" echo "#ifdef __KERNEL__ sections, and putting __underscores__ around" echo "asm/inline/volatile keywords." echo echo "INFILE: header file to operate on" echo "OUTFILE: output file which the processed header is writen to" exit 1 fi # Grab arguments INFILE=$1 OUTFILE=$2 TMPFILE=$OUTFILE.tmp trap 'rm -f $OUTFILE $TMPFILE' EXIT sed -E -e ' s/([[:space:](])(__user|__force|__iomem)[[:space:]]/\1/g s/__attribute_const__([[:space:]]|$)/\1/g s@^#include <linux/compiler(|_types).h>@@ s/(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])__packed([^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$)/\1__attribute__((packed))\2/g s/(^|[[:space:](])(inline|asm|volatile)([[:space:](]|$)/\1__\2__\3/g s@#(ifndef|define|endif[[:space:]]*/[*])[[:space:]]*_UAPI@#\1 @ ' $INFILE > $TMPFILE || exit 1 scripts/unifdef -U__KERNEL__ -D__EXPORTED_HEADERS__ $TMPFILE > $OUTFILE [ $? -gt 1 ] && exit 1 rm -f $TMPFILE trap - EXIT