#ifndef LINUX_SFP_H #define LINUX_SFP_H #include <linux/phy.h> struct sfp_eeprom_base { u8 phys_id; u8 phys_ext_id; u8 connector; #if defined __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD u8 e10g_base_er:1; u8 e10g_base_lrm:1; u8 e10g_base_lr:1; u8 e10g_base_sr:1; u8 if_1x_sx:1; u8 if_1x_lx:1; u8 if_1x_copper_active:1; u8 if_1x_copper_passive:1; u8 escon_mmf_1310_led:1; u8 escon_smf_1310_laser:1; u8 sonet_oc192_short_reach:1; u8 sonet_reach_bit1:1; u8 sonet_reach_bit2:1; u8 sonet_oc48_long_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc48_intermediate_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc48_short_reach:1; u8 unallocated_5_7:1; u8 sonet_oc12_smf_long_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc12_smf_intermediate_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc12_short_reach:1; u8 unallocated_5_3:1; u8 sonet_oc3_smf_long_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc3_smf_intermediate_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc3_short_reach:1; u8 e_base_px:1; u8 e_base_bx10:1; u8 e100_base_fx:1; u8 e100_base_lx:1; u8 e1000_base_t:1; u8 e1000_base_cx:1; u8 e1000_base_lx:1; u8 e1000_base_sx:1; u8 fc_ll_v:1; u8 fc_ll_s:1; u8 fc_ll_i:1; u8 fc_ll_l:1; u8 fc_ll_m:1; u8 fc_tech_sa:1; u8 fc_tech_lc:1; u8 fc_tech_electrical_inter_enclosure:1; u8 fc_tech_electrical_intra_enclosure:1; u8 fc_tech_sn:1; u8 fc_tech_sl:1; u8 fc_tech_ll:1; u8 sfp_ct_active:1; u8 sfp_ct_passive:1; u8 unallocated_8_1:1; u8 unallocated_8_0:1; u8 fc_media_tw:1; u8 fc_media_tp:1; u8 fc_media_mi:1; u8 fc_media_tv:1; u8 fc_media_m6:1; u8 fc_media_m5:1; u8 unallocated_9_1:1; u8 fc_media_sm:1; u8 fc_speed_1200:1; u8 fc_speed_800:1; u8 fc_speed_1600:1; u8 fc_speed_400:1; u8 fc_speed_3200:1; u8 fc_speed_200:1; u8 unallocated_10_1:1; u8 fc_speed_100:1; #elif defined __LITTLE_ENDIAN_BITFIELD u8 if_1x_copper_passive:1; u8 if_1x_copper_active:1; u8 if_1x_lx:1; u8 if_1x_sx:1; u8 e10g_base_sr:1; u8 e10g_base_lr:1; u8 e10g_base_lrm:1; u8 e10g_base_er:1; u8 sonet_oc3_short_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc3_smf_intermediate_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc3_smf_long_reach:1; u8 unallocated_5_3:1; u8 sonet_oc12_short_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc12_smf_intermediate_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc12_smf_long_reach:1; u8 unallocated_5_7:1; u8 sonet_oc48_short_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc48_intermediate_reach:1; u8 sonet_oc48_long_reach:1; u8 sonet_reach_bit2:1; u8 sonet_reach_bit1:1; u8 sonet_oc192_short_reach:1; u8 escon_smf_1310_laser:1; u8 escon_mmf_1310_led:1; u8 e1000_base_sx:1; u8 e1000_base_lx:1; u8 e1000_base_cx:1; u8 e1000_base_t:1; u8 e100_base_lx:1; u8 e100_base_fx:1; u8 e_base_bx10:1; u8 e_base_px:1; u8 fc_tech_electrical_inter_enclosure:1; u8 fc_tech_lc:1; u8 fc_tech_sa:1; u8 fc_ll_m:1; u8 fc_ll_l:1; u8 fc_ll_i:1; u8 fc_ll_s:1; u8 fc_ll_v:1; u8 unallocated_8_0:1; u8 unallocated_8_1:1; u8 sfp_ct_passive:1; u8 sfp_ct_active:1; u8 fc_tech_ll:1; u8 fc_tech_sl:1; u8 fc_tech_sn:1; u8 fc_tech_electrical_intra_enclosure:1; u8 fc_media_sm:1; u8 unallocated_9_1:1; u8 fc_media_m5:1; u8 fc_media_m6:1; u8 fc_media_tv:1; u8 fc_media_mi:1; u8 fc_media_tp:1; u8 fc_media_tw:1; u8 fc_speed_100:1; u8 unallocated_10_1:1; u8 fc_speed_200:1; u8 fc_speed_3200:1; u8 fc_speed_400:1; u8 fc_speed_1600:1; u8 fc_speed_800:1; u8 fc_speed_1200:1; #else #error Unknown Endian #endif u8 encoding; u8 br_nominal; u8 rate_id; u8 link_len[6]; char vendor_name[16]; u8 extended_cc; char vendor_oui[3]; char vendor_pn[16]; char vendor_rev[4]; union { __be16 optical_wavelength; __be16 cable_compliance; struct { #if defined __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD u8 reserved60_2:6; u8 fc_pi_4_app_h:1; u8 sff8431_app_e:1; u8 reserved61:8; #elif defined __LITTLE_ENDIAN_BITFIELD u8 sff8431_app_e:1; u8 fc_pi_4_app_h:1; u8 reserved60_2:6; u8 reserved61:8; #else #error Unknown Endian #endif } __packed passive; struct { #if defined __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD u8 reserved60_4:4; u8 fc_pi_4_lim:1; u8 sff8431_lim:1; u8 fc_pi_4_app_h:1; u8 sff8431_app_e:1; u8 reserved61:8; #elif defined __LITTLE_ENDIAN_BITFIELD u8 sff8431_app_e:1; u8 fc_pi_4_app_h:1; u8 sff8431_lim:1; u8 fc_pi_4_lim:1; u8 reserved60_4:4; u8 reserved61:8; #else #error Unknown Endian #endif } __packed active; } __packed; u8 reserved62; u8 cc_base; } __packed; struct sfp_eeprom_ext { __be16 options; u8 br_max; u8 br_min; char vendor_sn[16]; char datecode[8]; u8 diagmon; u8 enhopts; u8 sff8472_compliance; u8 cc_ext; } __packed; /** * struct sfp_eeprom_id - raw SFP module identification information * @base: base SFP module identification structure * @ext: extended SFP module identification structure * * See the SFF-8472 specification and related documents for the definition * of these structure members. This can be obtained from * ftp://ftp.seagate.com/sff */ struct sfp_eeprom_id { struct sfp_eeprom_base base; struct sfp_eeprom_ext ext; } __packed; /* SFP EEPROM registers */ enum { SFP_PHYS_ID = 0x00, SFP_PHYS_EXT_ID = 0x01, SFP_CONNECTOR = 0x02, SFP_COMPLIANCE = 0x03, SFP_ENCODING = 0x0b, SFP_BR_NOMINAL = 0x0c, SFP_RATE_ID = 0x0d, SFP_LINK_LEN_SM_KM = 0x0e, SFP_LINK_LEN_SM_100M = 0x0f, SFP_LINK_LEN_50UM_OM2_10M = 0x10, SFP_LINK_LEN_62_5UM_OM1_10M = 0x11, SFP_LINK_LEN_COPPER_1M = 0x12, SFP_LINK_LEN_50UM_OM4_10M = 0x12, SFP_LINK_LEN_50UM_OM3_10M = 0x13, SFP_VENDOR_NAME = 0x14, SFP_VENDOR_OUI = 0x25, SFP_VENDOR_PN = 0x28, SFP_VENDOR_REV = 0x38, SFP_OPTICAL_WAVELENGTH_MSB = 0x3c, SFP_OPTICAL_WAVELENGTH_LSB = 0x3d, SFP_CABLE_SPEC = 0x3c, SFP_CC_BASE = 0x3f, SFP_OPTIONS = 0x40, /* 2 bytes, MSB, LSB */ SFP_BR_MAX = 0x42, SFP_BR_MIN = 0x43, SFP_VENDOR_SN = 0x44, SFP_DATECODE = 0x54, SFP_DIAGMON = 0x5c, SFP_ENHOPTS = 0x5d, SFP_SFF8472_COMPLIANCE = 0x5e, SFP_CC_EXT = 0x5f, SFP_PHYS_ID_SFF = 0x02, SFP_PHYS_ID_SFP = 0x03, SFP_PHYS_EXT_ID_SFP = 0x04, SFP_CONNECTOR_UNSPEC = 0x00, /* codes 01-05 not supportable on SFP, but some modules have single SC */ SFP_CONNECTOR_SC = 0x01, SFP_CONNECTOR_FIBERJACK = 0x06, SFP_CONNECTOR_LC = 0x07, SFP_CONNECTOR_MT_RJ = 0x08, SFP_CONNECTOR_MU = 0x09, SFP_CONNECTOR_SG = 0x0a, SFP_CONNECTOR_OPTICAL_PIGTAIL = 0x0b, SFP_CONNECTOR_MPO_1X12 = 0x0c, SFP_CONNECTOR_MPO_2X16 = 0x0d, SFP_CONNECTOR_HSSDC_II = 0x20, SFP_CONNECTOR_COPPER_PIGTAIL = 0x21, SFP_CONNECTOR_RJ45 = 0x22, SFP_CONNECTOR_NOSEPARATE = 0x23, SFP_CONNECTOR_MXC_2X16 = 0x24, SFP_ENCODING_UNSPEC = 0x00, SFP_ENCODING_8B10B = 0x01, SFP_ENCODING_4B5B = 0x02, SFP_ENCODING_NRZ = 0x03, SFP_ENCODING_8472_MANCHESTER = 0x04, SFP_ENCODING_8472_SONET = 0x05, SFP_ENCODING_8472_64B66B = 0x06, SFP_ENCODING_256B257B = 0x07, SFP_ENCODING_PAM4 = 0x08, SFP_OPTIONS_HIGH_POWER_LEVEL = BIT(13), SFP_OPTIONS_PAGING_A2 = BIT(12), SFP_OPTIONS_RETIMER = BIT(11), SFP_OPTIONS_COOLED_XCVR = BIT(10), SFP_OPTIONS_POWER_DECL = BIT(9), SFP_OPTIONS_RX_LINEAR_OUT = BIT(8), SFP_OPTIONS_RX_DECISION_THRESH = BIT(7), SFP_OPTIONS_TUNABLE_TX = BIT(6), SFP_OPTIONS_RATE_SELECT = BIT(5), SFP_OPTIONS_TX_DISABLE = BIT(4), SFP_OPTIONS_TX_FAULT = BIT(3), SFP_OPTIONS_LOS_INVERTED = BIT(2), SFP_OPTIONS_LOS_NORMAL = BIT(1), SFP_DIAGMON_DDM = BIT(6), SFP_DIAGMON_INT_CAL = BIT(5), SFP_DIAGMON_EXT_CAL = BIT(4), SFP_DIAGMON_RXPWR_AVG = BIT(3), SFP_DIAGMON_ADDRMODE = BIT(2), SFP_ENHOPTS_ALARMWARN = BIT(7), SFP_ENHOPTS_SOFT_TX_DISABLE = BIT(6), SFP_ENHOPTS_SOFT_TX_FAULT = BIT(5), SFP_ENHOPTS_SOFT_RX_LOS = BIT(4), SFP_ENHOPTS_SOFT_RATE_SELECT = BIT(3), SFP_ENHOPTS_APP_SELECT_SFF8079 = BIT(2), SFP_ENHOPTS_SOFT_RATE_SFF8431 = BIT(1), SFP_SFF8472_COMPLIANCE_NONE = 0x00, SFP_SFF8472_COMPLIANCE_REV9_3 = 0x01, SFP_SFF8472_COMPLIANCE_REV9_5 = 0x02, SFP_SFF8472_COMPLIANCE_REV10_2 = 0x03, SFP_SFF8472_COMPLIANCE_REV10_4 = 0x04, SFP_SFF8472_COMPLIANCE_REV11_0 = 0x05, SFP_SFF8472_COMPLIANCE_REV11_3 = 0x06, SFP_SFF8472_COMPLIANCE_REV11_4 = 0x07, SFP_SFF8472_COMPLIANCE_REV12_0 = 0x08, }; /* SFP Diagnostics */ enum { /* Alarm and warnings stored MSB at lower address then LSB */ SFP_TEMP_HIGH_ALARM = 0x00, SFP_TEMP_LOW_ALARM = 0x02, SFP_TEMP_HIGH_WARN = 0x04, SFP_TEMP_LOW_WARN = 0x06, SFP_VOLT_HIGH_ALARM = 0x08, SFP_VOLT_LOW_ALARM = 0x0a, SFP_VOLT_HIGH_WARN = 0x0c, SFP_VOLT_LOW_WARN = 0x0e, SFP_BIAS_HIGH_ALARM = 0x10, SFP_BIAS_LOW_ALARM = 0x12, SFP_BIAS_HIGH_WARN = 0x14, SFP_BIAS_LOW_WARN = 0x16, SFP_TXPWR_HIGH_ALARM = 0x18, SFP_TXPWR_LOW_ALARM = 0x1a, SFP_TXPWR_HIGH_WARN = 0x1c, SFP_TXPWR_LOW_WARN = 0x1e, SFP_RXPWR_HIGH_ALARM = 0x20, SFP_RXPWR_LOW_ALARM = 0x22, SFP_RXPWR_HIGH_WARN = 0x24, SFP_RXPWR_LOW_WARN = 0x26, SFP_LASER_TEMP_HIGH_ALARM = 0x28, SFP_LASER_TEMP_LOW_ALARM = 0x2a, SFP_LASER_TEMP_HIGH_WARN = 0x2c, SFP_LASER_TEMP_LOW_WARN = 0x2e, SFP_TEC_CUR_HIGH_ALARM = 0x30, SFP_TEC_CUR_LOW_ALARM = 0x32, SFP_TEC_CUR_HIGH_WARN = 0x34, SFP_TEC_CUR_LOW_WARN = 0x36, SFP_CAL_RXPWR4 = 0x38, SFP_CAL_RXPWR3 = 0x3c, SFP_CAL_RXPWR2 = 0x40, SFP_CAL_RXPWR1 = 0x44, SFP_CAL_RXPWR0 = 0x48, SFP_CAL_TXI_SLOPE = 0x4c, SFP_CAL_TXI_OFFSET = 0x4e, SFP_CAL_TXPWR_SLOPE = 0x50, SFP_CAL_TXPWR_OFFSET = 0x52, SFP_CAL_T_SLOPE = 0x54, SFP_CAL_T_OFFSET = 0x56, SFP_CAL_V_SLOPE = 0x58, SFP_CAL_V_OFFSET = 0x5a, SFP_CHKSUM = 0x5f, SFP_TEMP = 0x60, SFP_VCC = 0x62, SFP_TX_BIAS = 0x64, SFP_TX_POWER = 0x66, SFP_RX_POWER = 0x68, SFP_LASER_TEMP = 0x6a, SFP_TEC_CUR = 0x6c, SFP_STATUS = 0x6e, SFP_ALARM = 0x70, SFP_EXT_STATUS = 0x76, SFP_VSL = 0x78, SFP_PAGE = 0x7f, }; struct fwnode_handle; struct ethtool_eeprom; struct ethtool_modinfo; struct net_device; struct sfp_bus; /** * struct sfp_upstream_ops - upstream operations structure * @module_insert: called after a module has been detected to determine * whether the module is supported for the upstream device. * @module_remove: called after the module has been removed. * @link_down: called when the link is non-operational for whatever * reason. * @link_up: called when the link is operational. * @connect_phy: called when an I2C accessible PHY has been detected * on the module. * @disconnect_phy: called when a module with an I2C accessible PHY has * been removed. */ struct sfp_upstream_ops { int (*module_insert)(void *priv, const struct sfp_eeprom_id *id); void (*module_remove)(void *priv); void (*link_down)(void *priv); void (*link_up)(void *priv); int (*connect_phy)(void *priv, struct phy_device *); void (*disconnect_phy)(void *priv); }; #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SFP) int sfp_parse_port(struct sfp_bus *bus, const struct sfp_eeprom_id *id, unsigned long *support); void sfp_parse_support(struct sfp_bus *bus, const struct sfp_eeprom_id *id, unsigned long *support); phy_interface_t sfp_select_interface(struct sfp_bus *bus, const struct sfp_eeprom_id *id, unsigned long *link_modes); int sfp_get_module_info(struct sfp_bus *bus, struct ethtool_modinfo *modinfo); int sfp_get_module_eeprom(struct sfp_bus *bus, struct ethtool_eeprom *ee, u8 *data); void sfp_upstream_start(struct sfp_bus *bus); void sfp_upstream_stop(struct sfp_bus *bus); struct sfp_bus *sfp_register_upstream(struct fwnode_handle *fwnode, struct net_device *ndev, void *upstream, const struct sfp_upstream_ops *ops); void sfp_unregister_upstream(struct sfp_bus *bus); #else static inline int sfp_parse_port(struct sfp_bus *bus, const struct sfp_eeprom_id *id, unsigned long *support) { return PORT_OTHER; } static inline void sfp_parse_support(struct sfp_bus *bus, const struct sfp_eeprom_id *id, unsigned long *support) { } static inline phy_interface_t sfp_select_interface(struct sfp_bus *bus, const struct sfp_eeprom_id *id, unsigned long *link_modes) { return PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_NA; } static inline int sfp_get_module_info(struct sfp_bus *bus, struct ethtool_modinfo *modinfo) { return -EOPNOTSUPP; } static inline int sfp_get_module_eeprom(struct sfp_bus *bus, struct ethtool_eeprom *ee, u8 *data) { return -EOPNOTSUPP; } static inline void sfp_upstream_start(struct sfp_bus *bus) { } static inline void sfp_upstream_stop(struct sfp_bus *bus) { } static inline struct sfp_bus *sfp_register_upstream( struct fwnode_handle *fwnode, struct net_device *ndev, void *upstream, const struct sfp_upstream_ops *ops) { return (struct sfp_bus *)-1; } static inline void sfp_unregister_upstream(struct sfp_bus *bus) { } #endif #endif