// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* * Watchdog driver for the StarFive JH7100 SoC * * Copyright (C) 2021 Samin Guo * Copyright (C) 2021 Walker Chen */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* JH7100 WatchDog register define */ #define JH7100_WDGINTSTAUS 0x000 #define JH7100_WDOGCONTROL 0x104 /* Watchdog Control Register R/W */ #define JH7100_WDOGLOAD 0x108 /* The initial value to be loaded */ /* into the counter and is also used */ /* as the reload value. R/W */ #define JH7100_WDOGEN 0x110 /* Watchdog enable Register */ #define JH7100_WDOGRELOAD 0x114 /* Write this register to reload preset */ /* value to counter. (Write 0 or 1 are both ok) */ #define JH7100_WDOGVALUE 0x118 /* Watchdog Value Register RO */ #define JH7100_WDOGINTCLR 0x120 /* Watchdog Clear Interrupt Register WO */ #define JH7100_WDOGINTMSK 0x124 /* Watchdog Interrupt Mask Register */ #define JH7100_WDOGLOCK 0x13c /* Watchdog Lock Register R/W */ #define JH7100_UNLOCK_KEY 0x378f0765 #define JH7100_RESEN_SHIFT 0 #define JH7100_EN_SHIFT 0 #define JH7100_INTCLR_AVA_SHIFT 1 /* Watchdog can clear interrupt when this bit is 0 */ /* WDOGCONTROL */ #define WDOG_INT_EN 0x0 #define WDOG_RESET_EN 0x1 /* WDOGLOCK */ #define WDOG_LOCKED BIT(0) #define SI5_WATCHDOG_INTCLR 0x1 #define SI5_WATCHDOG_ENABLE 0x1 #define SI5_WATCHDOG_ATBOOT 0x0 #define SI5_WATCHDOG_MAXCNT 0xffffffff #define SI5_WATCHDOG_DEFAULT_TIME (15) static bool nowayout = WATCHDOG_NOWAYOUT; static int tmr_margin; static int tmr_atboot = SI5_WATCHDOG_ATBOOT; static int soft_noboot; module_param(tmr_margin, int, 0); module_param(tmr_atboot, int, 0); module_param(nowayout, bool, 0); module_param(soft_noboot, int, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(tmr_margin, "Watchdog tmr_margin in seconds. (default=" __MODULE_STRING(SI5_WATCHDOG_DEFAULT_TIME) ")"); MODULE_PARM_DESC(tmr_atboot, "Watchdog is started at boot time if set to 1, default=" __MODULE_STRING(SI5_WATCHDOG_ATBOOT)); MODULE_PARM_DESC(nowayout, "Watchdog cannot be stopped once started (default=" __MODULE_STRING(WATCHDOG_NOWAYOUT) ")"); MODULE_PARM_DESC(soft_noboot, "Watchdog action, set to 1 to ignore reboots, 0 to reboot (default 0)"); struct si5_wdt_variant_t { u32 unlock_key; u8 enrst_shift; u8 en_shift; u8 intclr_check; u8 intclr_ava_shift; }; struct si5_wdt_variant { u32 control; u32 load; u32 enable; u32 reload; u32 value; u32 int_clr; u32 int_mask; u32 unlock; struct si5_wdt_variant_t *variant; }; struct stf_si5_wdt { u64 freq; struct device *dev; struct watchdog_device wdt_device; struct clk *core_clk; struct clk *apb_clk; struct reset_control *rst_wdtimer_apb; struct reset_control *rst_wdt; const struct si5_wdt_variant *drv_data; u32 count; /*count of timeout*/ u32 reload; /*restore the count*/ void __iomem *base; spinlock_t lock; }; #ifdef CONFIG_OF static struct si5_wdt_variant_t jh7100_variant = { .unlock_key = JH7100_UNLOCK_KEY, .enrst_shift = JH7100_RESEN_SHIFT, .en_shift = JH7100_EN_SHIFT, .intclr_check = 1, .intclr_ava_shift = JH7100_INTCLR_AVA_SHIFT, }; static const struct si5_wdt_variant drv_data_jh7100 = { .control = JH7100_WDOGCONTROL, .load = JH7100_WDOGLOAD, .enable = JH7100_WDOGEN, .reload = JH7100_WDOGRELOAD, .value = JH7100_WDOGVALUE, .int_clr = JH7100_WDOGINTCLR, .int_mask = JH7100_WDOGINTMSK, .unlock = JH7100_WDOGLOCK, .variant = &jh7100_variant, }; static const struct of_device_id starfive_wdt_match[] = { { .compatible = "starfive,si5-wdt", .data = &drv_data_jh7100 }, {}, }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, starfive_wdt_match); #endif static const struct platform_device_id si5wdt_ids[] = { { .name = "starfive-si5-wdt", .driver_data = (unsigned long)&drv_data_jh7100, }, {} }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(platform, si5wdt_ids); static int si5wdt_get_clock_rate(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { int ret; u32 freq; if (!IS_ERR(wdt->core_clk)) { wdt->freq = clk_get_rate(wdt->core_clk); return 0; } /* Next we try to get clock-frequency from dts.*/ ret = of_property_read_u32(wdt->dev->of_node, "clock-frequency", &freq); if (!ret) { wdt->freq = (u64)freq; return 0; } else dev_err(wdt->dev, "get rate failed, need clock-frequency define in dts.\n"); return -ENOENT; } static int si5wdt_enable_clock(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { struct reset_control_bulk_data resets[] = { { .id = "wdtimer_apb" }, { .id = "wdt" }, }; int ret; ret = devm_reset_control_bulk_get_exclusive(wdt->dev, ARRAY_SIZE(resets), resets); if (ret) { printk(KERN_INFO "faied to get watchdog reset controls\n"); return ret; } wdt->rst_wdtimer_apb = resets[0].rstc; wdt->rst_wdt = resets[1].rstc; wdt->apb_clk = devm_clk_get(wdt->dev, "wdtimer_apb"); if (!IS_ERR(wdt->apb_clk)) { ret = clk_prepare_enable(wdt->apb_clk); if(ret) dev_warn(wdt->dev, "enable core_clk error.\n"); } wdt->core_clk = devm_clk_get(wdt->dev, "wdt_coreclk"); if (!IS_ERR(wdt->core_clk)) { ret = clk_prepare_enable(wdt->core_clk); if(ret) dev_warn(wdt->dev, "enable apb_clk error.\n"); } ret = reset_control_assert(wdt->rst_wdtimer_apb); if (ret) { printk(KERN_INFO "failed to assert wdtimer_apb\n"); return ret; } ret = reset_control_assert(wdt->rst_wdt); if (ret) { printk(KERN_INFO "failed to assert wdt\n"); return ret; } ret = reset_control_deassert(wdt->rst_wdtimer_apb); if (ret) { printk(KERN_INFO "failed to deassert wdtimer_apb, ret=%d\n", ret); return ret; } ret = reset_control_deassert(wdt->rst_wdt); if (ret) { printk(KERN_INFO "failed to deassert wdt\n"); return ret; } return 0; } static __maybe_unused u32 si5wdt_sec_to_ticks(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt, u32 sec) { return sec * wdt->freq; } static __maybe_unused u32 si5wdt_ticks_to_sec(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt, u32 ticks) { return DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST(ticks, wdt->freq); } /* * Write unlock-key to unlock. Write other value to lock. When lock bit is 1, * external accesses to other watchdog registers are ignored. */ static int si5wdt_is_locked(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { u32 val; val = readl(wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->unlock); return !!(val & WDOG_LOCKED); } static void si5wdt_unlock(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { if (si5wdt_is_locked(wdt)) writel(wdt->drv_data->variant->unlock_key, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->unlock); } static void si5wdt_lock(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { if (!si5wdt_is_locked(wdt)) writel(~wdt->drv_data->variant->unlock_key, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->unlock); } static int __maybe_unused si5wdt_is_running(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { u32 val; si5wdt_unlock(wdt); val = readl(wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->enable); si5wdt_lock(wdt); return !!(val & SI5_WATCHDOG_ENABLE << wdt->drv_data->variant->en_shift); } static inline void si5wdt_int_enable(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { u32 val; if (wdt->drv_data->int_mask) { val = readl(wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->int_mask); val &= ~(1<<0); writel(val, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->int_mask); } } static inline void si5wdt_int_disable(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { u32 val; if (wdt->drv_data->int_mask) { val = readl(wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->int_mask); val |= (1<<0); writel(val, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->int_mask); } } static void si5wdt_enable_reset(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { u32 val; val = readl(wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->control); val |= WDOG_RESET_EN << wdt->drv_data->variant->enrst_shift; /* enable wdog interrupt to reset */ writel(val, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->control); } static void si5wdt_disable_reset(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { u32 val; val = readl(wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->control); val &= ~(WDOG_RESET_EN << wdt->drv_data->variant->enrst_shift); /*disable wdog interrupt to reset*/ writel(val, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->control); } static void si5wdt_int_clr(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { void __iomem *addr; u8 clr_check; u8 clr_ava_shift; addr = wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->int_clr; clr_ava_shift = wdt->drv_data->variant->intclr_ava_shift; clr_check = wdt->drv_data->variant->intclr_check; if (clr_check) { /* waiting interrupt can be to clearing */ do { } while (readl(addr) & BIT(clr_ava_shift)); } writel(SI5_WATCHDOG_INTCLR, addr); } static inline void si5wdt_set_count(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt, u32 val) { writel(val, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->load); } static inline u32 si5wdt_get_count(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { return readl(wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->value); } static inline void si5wdt_enable(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { u32 val; val = readl(wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->enable); val |= SI5_WATCHDOG_ENABLE << wdt->drv_data->variant->en_shift; writel(val, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->enable); } static inline void si5wdt_disable(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { u32 val; val = readl(wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->enable); val &= ~(SI5_WATCHDOG_ENABLE << wdt->drv_data->variant->en_shift); writel(val, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->enable); } static inline void si5wdt_set_relod_count(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt, u32 count) { writel(count, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->load); if (wdt->drv_data->reload) writel(0x1, wdt->base + wdt->drv_data->reload); } static int si5wdt_mask_and_disable_reset(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt, bool mask) { si5wdt_unlock(wdt); if (mask) si5wdt_disable_reset(wdt); else si5wdt_enable_reset(wdt); si5wdt_lock(wdt); return 0; } static unsigned int si5wdt_max_timeout(struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt) { return DIV_ROUND_UP(SI5_WATCHDOG_MAXCNT, wdt->freq) - 1; } static unsigned int si5wdt_get_timeleft(struct watchdog_device *wdd) { struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt = watchdog_get_drvdata(wdd); u32 count; si5wdt_unlock(wdt); count = si5wdt_get_count(wdt); si5wdt_lock(wdt); return si5wdt_ticks_to_sec(wdt, count); } static int si5wdt_keepalive(struct watchdog_device *wdd) { struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt = watchdog_get_drvdata(wdd); spin_lock(&wdt->lock); si5wdt_unlock(wdt); si5wdt_set_relod_count(wdt, wdt->count); si5wdt_lock(wdt); spin_unlock(&wdt->lock); return 0; } static irqreturn_t si5wdt_interrupt_handler(int irq, void *data) { /* * We don't clear the IRQ status. It's supposed to be done by the * following ping operations. */ return IRQ_HANDLED; } static int si5wdt_stop(struct watchdog_device *wdd) { struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt = watchdog_get_drvdata(wdd); spin_lock(&wdt->lock); si5wdt_unlock(wdt); si5wdt_int_disable(wdt); si5wdt_int_clr(wdt); si5wdt_disable(wdt); si5wdt_lock(wdt); spin_unlock(&wdt->lock); return 0; } static int si5wdt_start(struct watchdog_device *wdd) { struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt = watchdog_get_drvdata(wdd); spin_lock(&wdt->lock); si5wdt_unlock(wdt); if (soft_noboot) si5wdt_disable_reset(wdt); else si5wdt_enable_reset(wdt); si5wdt_set_count(wdt, wdt->count); si5wdt_int_enable(wdt); si5wdt_enable(wdt); si5wdt_lock(wdt); spin_unlock(&wdt->lock); return 0; } static int si5wdt_restart(struct watchdog_device *wdd, unsigned long action, void *data) { struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt = watchdog_get_drvdata(wdd); si5wdt_unlock(wdt); /* disable watchdog, to be safe */ si5wdt_disable(wdt); if (soft_noboot) si5wdt_disable_reset(wdt); else si5wdt_enable_reset(wdt); /* put initial values into count and data */ si5wdt_set_count(wdt, wdt->count); /* set the watchdog to go and reset... */ si5wdt_int_clr(wdt); si5wdt_int_enable(wdt); si5wdt_enable(wdt); /* wait for reset to assert... */ mdelay(500); si5wdt_lock(wdt); return 0; } static int si5wdt_set_timeout(struct watchdog_device *wdd, unsigned int timeout) { struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt = watchdog_get_drvdata(wdd); unsigned long freq = wdt->freq; unsigned int count; if (timeout < 1) return -EINVAL; count = timeout * freq; if (count > SI5_WATCHDOG_MAXCNT) { dev_warn(wdt->dev, "timeout %d too big,use the MAX-timeout set.\n", timeout); timeout = si5wdt_max_timeout(wdt); count = timeout * freq; } dev_info(wdt->dev, "Heartbeat: timeout=%d, count=%d (%08x)\n", timeout, count, count); si5wdt_unlock(wdt); si5wdt_disable(wdt); si5wdt_set_relod_count(wdt, count); si5wdt_enable(wdt); si5wdt_lock(wdt); wdt->count = count; wdd->timeout = timeout; return 0; } #define OPTIONS (WDIOF_SETTIMEOUT | WDIOF_KEEPALIVEPING | WDIOF_MAGICCLOSE) static const struct watchdog_info si5_wdt_ident = { .options = OPTIONS, .firmware_version = 0, .identity = "StarFive SI5 Watchdog", }; static const struct watchdog_ops si5wdt_ops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .start = si5wdt_start, .stop = si5wdt_stop, .ping = si5wdt_keepalive, .set_timeout = si5wdt_set_timeout, .restart = si5wdt_restart, .get_timeleft = si5wdt_get_timeleft, }; static const struct watchdog_device starfive_si5_wdd = { .info = &si5_wdt_ident, .ops = &si5wdt_ops, .timeout = SI5_WATCHDOG_DEFAULT_TIME, }; static inline const struct si5_wdt_variant * si5_get_wdt_drv_data(struct platform_device *pdev) { const struct si5_wdt_variant *variant; variant = of_device_get_match_data(&pdev->dev); if (!variant) { /* Device matched by platform_device_id */ variant = (struct si5_wdt_variant *) platform_get_device_id(pdev)->driver_data; } return variant; } static int si5wdt_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt; struct resource *wdt_irq; int started = 0; int ret; wdt = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*wdt), GFP_KERNEL); if (!wdt) return -ENOMEM; wdt->dev = dev; spin_lock_init(&wdt->lock); wdt->wdt_device = starfive_si5_wdd; wdt->drv_data = si5_get_wdt_drv_data(pdev); wdt_irq = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_IRQ, 0); if (wdt_irq == NULL) { dev_err(dev, "no irq resource specified\n"); ret = -ENOENT; goto err; } /* get the memory region for the watchdog timer */ wdt->base = devm_platform_ioremap_resource(pdev, 0); if (IS_ERR(wdt->base)) { ret = PTR_ERR(wdt->base); goto err; } ret = si5wdt_enable_clock(wdt); if (ret) dev_warn(wdt->dev, "get & enable clk err\n"); si5wdt_get_clock_rate(wdt); wdt->wdt_device.min_timeout = 1; wdt->wdt_device.max_timeout = si5wdt_max_timeout(wdt); watchdog_set_drvdata(&wdt->wdt_device, wdt); /* * see if we can actually set the requested timer margin, * and if not, try the default value. */ watchdog_init_timeout(&wdt->wdt_device, tmr_margin, dev); ret = si5wdt_set_timeout(&wdt->wdt_device, wdt->wdt_device.timeout); if (ret) { dev_info(dev, "tmr_margin value out of range, default %d used\n", SI5_WATCHDOG_DEFAULT_TIME); si5wdt_set_timeout(&wdt->wdt_device, SI5_WATCHDOG_DEFAULT_TIME); } ret = devm_request_irq(dev, wdt_irq->start, si5wdt_interrupt_handler, 0, pdev->name, pdev); if (ret != 0) { dev_err(dev, "failed to install irq (%d)\n", ret); goto err; } watchdog_set_nowayout(&wdt->wdt_device, nowayout); watchdog_set_restart_priority(&wdt->wdt_device, 128); wdt->wdt_device.parent = dev; ret = watchdog_register_device(&wdt->wdt_device); if (ret) goto err; ret = si5wdt_mask_and_disable_reset(wdt, false); if (ret < 0) goto err_unregister; if (tmr_atboot && started == 0) { dev_info(dev, "starting watchdog timer\n"); si5wdt_start(&wdt->wdt_device); } else if (!tmr_atboot) { /* *if we're not enabling the watchdog, then ensure it is * disabled if it has been left running from the bootloader * or other source. */ si5wdt_stop(&wdt->wdt_device); } platform_set_drvdata(pdev, wdt); return 0; err_unregister: watchdog_unregister_device(&wdt->wdt_device); err: return ret; } static int si5wdt_remove(struct platform_device *dev) { int ret; struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt = platform_get_drvdata(dev); ret = si5wdt_mask_and_disable_reset(wdt, true); if (ret < 0) return ret; watchdog_unregister_device(&wdt->wdt_device); clk_disable_unprepare(wdt->core_clk); return 0; } static void si5wdt_shutdown(struct platform_device *dev) { struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt = platform_get_drvdata(dev); si5wdt_mask_and_disable_reset(wdt, true); si5wdt_stop(&wdt->wdt_device); } #ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP static int si5wdt_suspend(struct device *dev) { int ret; struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt = dev_get_drvdata(dev); si5wdt_unlock(wdt); /* Save watchdog state, and turn it off. */ wdt->reload = si5wdt_get_count(wdt); ret = si5wdt_mask_and_disable_reset(wdt, true); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Note that WTCNT doesn't need to be saved. */ si5wdt_stop(&wdt->wdt_device); si5wdt_lock(wdt); return 0; } static int si5wdt_resume(struct device *dev) { int ret; struct stf_si5_wdt *wdt = dev_get_drvdata(dev); si5wdt_unlock(wdt); /* Restore watchdog state. */ si5wdt_set_relod_count(wdt, wdt->reload); ret = si5wdt_mask_and_disable_reset(wdt, false); if (ret < 0) return ret; si5wdt_lock(wdt); dev_info(dev, "watchdog resume\n") return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_PM_SLEEP */ static SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(si5wdt_pm_ops, si5wdt_suspend, si5wdt_resume); static struct platform_driver starfive_si5wdt_driver = { .probe = si5wdt_probe, .remove = si5wdt_remove, .shutdown = si5wdt_shutdown, .id_table = si5wdt_ids, .driver = { .name = "starfive-si5-wdt", .pm = &si5wdt_pm_ops, .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(starfive_wdt_match), }, }; module_platform_driver(starfive_si5wdt_driver); MODULE_AUTHOR("samin.guo "); MODULE_AUTHOR("Walker Chen "); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("StarFive SI5 Watchdog Device Driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2");