/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Valentin Longchamp, EPFL Mobots group * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/i2c.h> #include <linux/spi/spi.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/usb/otg.h> #include <mach/common.h> #include <mach/hardware.h> #include <mach/imx-uart.h> #include <mach/iomux-mx3.h> #include <mach/mmc.h> #include <mach/mxc_ehci.h> #include <mach/ulpi.h> #include <media/soc_camera.h> #include "devices.h" static unsigned int marxbot_pins[] = { /* SDHC2 */ MX31_PIN_PC_PWRON__SD2_DATA3, MX31_PIN_PC_VS1__SD2_DATA2, MX31_PIN_PC_READY__SD2_DATA1, MX31_PIN_PC_WAIT_B__SD2_DATA0, MX31_PIN_PC_CD2_B__SD2_CLK, MX31_PIN_PC_CD1_B__SD2_CMD, MX31_PIN_ATA_DIOR__GPIO3_28, MX31_PIN_ATA_DIOW__GPIO3_29, /* CSI */ MX31_PIN_CSI_D6__CSI_D6, MX31_PIN_CSI_D7__CSI_D7, MX31_PIN_CSI_D8__CSI_D8, MX31_PIN_CSI_D9__CSI_D9, MX31_PIN_CSI_D10__CSI_D10, MX31_PIN_CSI_D11__CSI_D11, MX31_PIN_CSI_D12__CSI_D12, MX31_PIN_CSI_D13__CSI_D13, MX31_PIN_CSI_D14__CSI_D14, MX31_PIN_CSI_D15__CSI_D15, MX31_PIN_CSI_HSYNC__CSI_HSYNC, MX31_PIN_CSI_MCLK__CSI_MCLK, MX31_PIN_CSI_PIXCLK__CSI_PIXCLK, MX31_PIN_CSI_VSYNC__CSI_VSYNC, MX31_PIN_CSI_D4__GPIO3_4, MX31_PIN_CSI_D5__GPIO3_5, MX31_PIN_GPIO3_0__GPIO3_0, MX31_PIN_GPIO3_1__GPIO3_1, MX31_PIN_TXD2__GPIO1_28, /* dsPIC resets */ MX31_PIN_STXD5__GPIO1_21, MX31_PIN_SRXD5__GPIO1_22, /*battery detection */ MX31_PIN_LCS0__GPIO3_23, /* USB H1 */ MX31_PIN_CSPI1_MISO__USBH1_RXDP, MX31_PIN_CSPI1_MOSI__USBH1_RXDM, MX31_PIN_CSPI1_SS0__USBH1_TXDM, MX31_PIN_CSPI1_SS1__USBH1_TXDP, MX31_PIN_CSPI1_SS2__USBH1_RCV, MX31_PIN_CSPI1_SCLK__USBH1_OEB, MX31_PIN_CSPI1_SPI_RDY__USBH1_FS, MX31_PIN_SFS6__USBH1_SUSPEND, MX31_PIN_NFRE_B__GPIO1_11, MX31_PIN_NFALE__GPIO1_12, }; #define SDHC2_CD IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_ATA_DIOR) #define SDHC2_WP IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_ATA_DIOW) static int marxbot_sdhc2_get_ro(struct device *dev) { return !gpio_get_value(SDHC2_WP); } static int marxbot_sdhc2_init(struct device *dev, irq_handler_t detect_irq, void *data) { int ret; ret = gpio_request(SDHC2_CD, "sdhc-detect"); if (ret) return ret; gpio_direction_input(SDHC2_CD); ret = gpio_request(SDHC2_WP, "sdhc-wp"); if (ret) goto err_gpio_free; gpio_direction_input(SDHC2_WP); ret = request_irq(gpio_to_irq(SDHC2_CD), detect_irq, IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING | IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING, "sdhc2-card-detect", data); if (ret) goto err_gpio_free_2; return 0; err_gpio_free_2: gpio_free(SDHC2_WP); err_gpio_free: gpio_free(SDHC2_CD); return ret; } static void marxbot_sdhc2_exit(struct device *dev, void *data) { free_irq(gpio_to_irq(SDHC2_CD), data); gpio_free(SDHC2_WP); gpio_free(SDHC2_CD); } static struct imxmmc_platform_data sdhc2_pdata = { .get_ro = marxbot_sdhc2_get_ro, .init = marxbot_sdhc2_init, .exit = marxbot_sdhc2_exit, }; #define TRSLAT_RST_B IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_STXD5) #define DSPICS_RST_B IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_SRXD5) static void dspics_resets_init(void) { if (!gpio_request(TRSLAT_RST_B, "translator-rst")) { gpio_direction_output(TRSLAT_RST_B, 1); gpio_export(TRSLAT_RST_B, false); } if (!gpio_request(DSPICS_RST_B, "dspics-rst")) { gpio_direction_output(DSPICS_RST_B, 1); gpio_export(DSPICS_RST_B, false); } } static struct spi_board_info marxbot_spi_board_info[] __initdata = { { .modalias = "spidev", .max_speed_hz = 300000, .bus_num = 1, .chip_select = 1, /* according spi1_cs[] ! */ }, }; #define TURRETCAM_POWER IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_GPIO3_1) #define BASECAM_POWER IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_CSI_D5) #define TURRETCAM_RST_B IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_GPIO3_0) #define BASECAM_RST_B IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_CSI_D4) #define CAM_CHOICE IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_TXD2) static int marxbot_basecam_power(struct device *dev, int on) { gpio_set_value(BASECAM_POWER, !on); return 0; } static int marxbot_basecam_reset(struct device *dev) { gpio_set_value(BASECAM_RST_B, 0); udelay(100); gpio_set_value(BASECAM_RST_B, 1); return 0; } static struct i2c_board_info marxbot_i2c_devices[] = { { I2C_BOARD_INFO("mt9t031", 0x5d), }, }; static struct soc_camera_link base_iclink = { .bus_id = 0, /* Must match with the camera ID */ .power = marxbot_basecam_power, .reset = marxbot_basecam_reset, .board_info = &marxbot_i2c_devices[0], .i2c_adapter_id = 0, .module_name = "mt9t031", }; static struct platform_device marxbot_camera[] = { { .name = "soc-camera-pdrv", .id = 0, .dev = { .platform_data = &base_iclink, }, }, }; static struct platform_device *marxbot_cameras[] __initdata = { &marxbot_camera[0], }; static int __init marxbot_cam_init(void) { int ret = gpio_request(CAM_CHOICE, "cam-choice"); if (ret) return ret; gpio_direction_output(CAM_CHOICE, 1); ret = gpio_request(BASECAM_RST_B, "basecam-reset"); if (ret) return ret; gpio_direction_output(BASECAM_RST_B, 1); ret = gpio_request(BASECAM_POWER, "basecam-standby"); if (ret) return ret; gpio_direction_output(BASECAM_POWER, 0); ret = gpio_request(TURRETCAM_RST_B, "turretcam-reset"); if (ret) return ret; gpio_direction_output(TURRETCAM_RST_B, 1); ret = gpio_request(TURRETCAM_POWER, "turretcam-standby"); if (ret) return ret; gpio_direction_output(TURRETCAM_POWER, 0); return 0; } #define USB_PAD_CFG (PAD_CTL_DRV_MAX | PAD_CTL_SRE_FAST | PAD_CTL_HYS_CMOS | \ PAD_CTL_ODE_CMOS | PAD_CTL_100K_PU) static int marxbot_usbh1_hw_init(struct platform_device *pdev) { mxc_iomux_set_gpr(MUX_PGP_USB_SUSPEND, true); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_CSPI1_MISO, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_CSPI1_MOSI, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_CSPI1_SS0, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_CSPI1_SS1, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_CSPI1_SS2, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_CSPI1_SCLK, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_CSPI1_SPI_RDY, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_SFS6, USB_PAD_CFG); return 0; } #define USBH1_VBUSEN_B IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_NFRE_B) #define USBH1_MODE IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_NFALE) static int marxbot_isp1105_init(struct otg_transceiver *otg) { int ret = gpio_request(USBH1_MODE, "usbh1-mode"); if (ret) return ret; /* single ended */ gpio_direction_output(USBH1_MODE, 0); ret = gpio_request(USBH1_VBUSEN_B, "usbh1-vbusen"); if (ret) { gpio_free(USBH1_MODE); return ret; } gpio_direction_output(USBH1_VBUSEN_B, 1); return 0; } static int marxbot_isp1105_set_vbus(struct otg_transceiver *otg, bool on) { if (on) gpio_set_value(USBH1_VBUSEN_B, 0); else gpio_set_value(USBH1_VBUSEN_B, 1); return 0; } static struct mxc_usbh_platform_data usbh1_pdata = { .init = marxbot_usbh1_hw_init, .portsc = MXC_EHCI_MODE_UTMI | MXC_EHCI_SERIAL, .flags = MXC_EHCI_POWER_PINS_ENABLED | MXC_EHCI_INTERFACE_SINGLE_UNI, }; static int __init marxbot_usbh1_init(void) { struct otg_transceiver *otg; otg = kzalloc(sizeof(*otg), GFP_KERNEL); if (!otg) return -ENOMEM; otg->label = "ISP1105"; otg->init = marxbot_isp1105_init; otg->set_vbus = marxbot_isp1105_set_vbus; usbh1_pdata.otg = otg; return mxc_register_device(&mx31_usbh1, &usbh1_pdata); } /* * system init for baseboard usage. Will be called by mx31moboard init. */ void __init mx31moboard_marxbot_init(void) { printk(KERN_INFO "Initializing mx31marxbot peripherals\n"); mxc_iomux_setup_multiple_pins(marxbot_pins, ARRAY_SIZE(marxbot_pins), "marxbot"); dspics_resets_init(); mxc_register_device(&mxcsdhc_device1, &sdhc2_pdata); spi_register_board_info(marxbot_spi_board_info, ARRAY_SIZE(marxbot_spi_board_info)); marxbot_cam_init(); platform_add_devices(marxbot_cameras, ARRAY_SIZE(marxbot_cameras)); /* battery present pin */ gpio_request(IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_LCS0), "bat-present"); gpio_direction_input(IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_LCS0)); gpio_export(IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_LCS0), false); marxbot_usbh1_init(); }