path: root/rust/kernel/init
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2 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rust/kernel/init/ b/rust/kernel/init/
index a3389a684296..774cb620afa7 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/init/
+++ b/rust/kernel/init/
@@ -161,3 +161,18 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for DropGuard<T> {
+/// Token used by `PinnedDrop` to prevent calling the function without creating this unsafely
+/// created struct. This is needed, because the `drop` function is safe, but should not be called
+/// manually.
+pub struct OnlyCallFromDrop(());
+impl OnlyCallFromDrop {
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This function should only be called from the [`Drop::drop`] function and only be used to
+ /// delegate the destruction to the pinned destructor [`PinnedDrop::drop`] of the same type.
+ pub unsafe fn new() -> Self {
+ Self(())
+ }
diff --git a/rust/kernel/init/ b/rust/kernel/init/
index 9ef02f5411a6..541cfad1d8be 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/init/
+++ b/rust/kernel/init/
@@ -31,6 +31,26 @@
//! pin_init!(Self { t, x: 0 })
//! }
//! }
+//! #[pin_data(PinnedDrop)]
+//! struct Foo {
+//! a: usize,
+//! #[pin]
+//! b: Bar<u32>,
+//! }
+//! #[pinned_drop]
+//! impl PinnedDrop for Foo {
+//! fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
+//! println!("{self:p} is getting dropped.");
+//! }
+//! }
+//! let a = 42;
+//! let initializer = pin_init!(Foo {
+//! a,
+//! b <- Bar::new(36),
+//! });
//! ```
//! This example includes the most common and important features of the pin-init API.
@@ -155,6 +175,14 @@
//! #[allow(drop_bounds)]
//! impl<T: ::core::ops::Drop> MustNotImplDrop for T {}
//! impl<T> MustNotImplDrop for Bar<T> {}
+//! // Here comes a convenience check, if one implemented `PinnedDrop`, but forgot to add it to
+//! // `#[pin_data]`, then this will error with the same mechanic as above, this is not needed
+//! // for safety, but a good sanity check, since no normal code calls `PinnedDrop::drop`.
+//! #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
+//! trait UselessPinnedDropImpl_you_need_to_specify_PinnedDrop {}
+//! impl<T: ::kernel::init::PinnedDrop>
+//! UselessPinnedDropImpl_you_need_to_specify_PinnedDrop for T {}
+//! impl<T> UselessPinnedDropImpl_you_need_to_specify_PinnedDrop for Bar<T> {}
//! };
//! ```
@@ -265,6 +293,210 @@
//! }
//! }
//! ```
+//! ## `#[pin_data]` on `Foo`
+//! Since we already took a look at `#[pin_data]` on `Bar`, this section will only explain the
+//! differences/new things in the expansion of the `Foo` definition:
+//! ```rust
+//! #[pin_data(PinnedDrop)]
+//! struct Foo {
+//! a: usize,
+//! #[pin]
+//! b: Bar<u32>,
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! This expands to the following code:
+//! ```rust
+//! struct Foo {
+//! a: usize,
+//! b: Bar<u32>,
+//! }
+//! const _: () = {
+//! struct __ThePinData {
+//! __phantom: ::core::marker::PhantomData<fn(Foo) -> Foo>,
+//! }
+//! impl ::core::clone::Clone for __ThePinData {
+//! fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+//! *self
+//! }
+//! }
+//! impl ::core::marker::Copy for __ThePinData {}
+//! #[allow(dead_code)]
+//! impl __ThePinData {
+//! unsafe fn b<E>(
+//! self,
+//! slot: *mut Bar<u32>,
+//! // Note that this is `PinInit` instead of `Init`, this is because `b` is
+//! // structurally pinned, as marked by the `#[pin]` attribute.
+//! init: impl ::kernel::init::PinInit<Bar<u32>, E>,
+//! ) -> ::core::result::Result<(), E> {
+//! unsafe { ::kernel::init::PinInit::__pinned_init(init, slot) }
+//! }
+//! unsafe fn a<E>(
+//! self,
+//! slot: *mut usize,
+//! init: impl ::kernel::init::Init<usize, E>,
+//! ) -> ::core::result::Result<(), E> {
+//! unsafe { ::kernel::init::Init::__init(init, slot) }
+//! }
+//! }
+//! unsafe impl ::kernel::init::__internal::HasPinData for Foo {
+//! type PinData = __ThePinData;
+//! unsafe fn __pin_data() -> Self::PinData {
+//! __ThePinData {
+//! __phantom: ::core::marker::PhantomData,
+//! }
+//! }
+//! }
+//! unsafe impl ::kernel::init::__internal::PinData for __ThePinData {
+//! type Datee = Foo;
+//! }
+//! #[allow(dead_code)]
+//! struct __Unpin<'__pin> {
+//! __phantom_pin: ::core::marker::PhantomData<fn(&'__pin ()) -> &'__pin ()>,
+//! __phantom: ::core::marker::PhantomData<fn(Foo) -> Foo>,
+//! // Since this field is `#[pin]`, it is listed here.
+//! b: Bar<u32>,
+//! }
+//! #[doc(hidden)]
+//! impl<'__pin> ::core::marker::Unpin for Foo where __Unpin<'__pin>: ::core::marker::Unpin {}
+//! // Since we specified `PinnedDrop` as the argument to `#[pin_data]`, we expect `Foo` to
+//! // implement `PinnedDrop`. Thus we do not need to prevent `Drop` implementations like
+//! // before, instead we implement it here and delegate to `PinnedDrop`.
+//! impl ::core::ops::Drop for Foo {
+//! fn drop(&mut self) {
+//! // Since we are getting dropped, no one else has a reference to `self` and thus we
+//! // can assume that we never move.
+//! let pinned = unsafe { ::core::pin::Pin::new_unchecked(self) };
+//! // Create the unsafe token that proves that we are inside of a destructor, this
+//! // type is only allowed to be created in a destructor.
+//! let token = unsafe { ::kernel::init::__internal::OnlyCallFromDrop::new() };
+//! ::kernel::init::PinnedDrop::drop(pinned, token);
+//! }
+//! }
+//! };
+//! ```
+//! ## `#[pinned_drop]` on `impl PinnedDrop for Foo`
+//! This macro is used to implement the `PinnedDrop` trait, since that trait is `unsafe` and has an
+//! extra parameter that should not be used at all. The macro hides that parameter.
+//! Here is the `PinnedDrop` impl for `Foo`:
+//! ```rust
+//! #[pinned_drop]
+//! impl PinnedDrop for Foo {
+//! fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
+//! println!("{self:p} is getting dropped.");
+//! }
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! This expands to the following code:
+//! ```rust
+//! // `unsafe`, full path and the token parameter are added, everything else stays the same.
+//! unsafe impl ::kernel::init::PinnedDrop for Foo {
+//! fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: ::kernel::init::__internal::OnlyCallFromDrop) {
+//! println!("{self:p} is getting dropped.");
+//! }
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! ## `pin_init!` on `Foo`
+//! Since we already took a look at `pin_init!` on `Bar`, this section will only explain the
+//! differences/new things in the expansion of `pin_init!` on `Foo`:
+//! ```rust
+//! let a = 42;
+//! let initializer = pin_init!(Foo {
+//! a,
+//! b <- Bar::new(36),
+//! });
+//! ```
+//! This expands to the following code:
+//! ```rust
+//! let a = 42;
+//! let initializer = {
+//! struct __InitOk;
+//! let data = unsafe {
+//! use ::kernel::init::__internal::HasPinData;
+//! Foo::__pin_data()
+//! };
+//! let init = ::kernel::init::__internal::PinData::make_closure::<
+//! _,
+//! __InitOk,
+//! ::core::convert::Infallible,
+//! >(data, move |slot| {
+//! {
+//! struct __InitOk;
+//! unsafe { ::core::ptr::write(&raw mut (*slot).a, a) };
+//! let a = &unsafe { ::kernel::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(&raw mut (*slot).a) };
+//! let b = Bar::new(36);
+//! // Here we use `data` to access the correct field and require that `b` is of type
+//! // `PinInit<Bar<u32>, Infallible>`.
+//! unsafe { data.b(&raw mut (*slot).b, b)? };
+//! let b = &unsafe { ::kernel::init::__internal::DropGuard::new(&raw mut (*slot).b) };
+//! #[allow(unreachable_code, clippy::diverging_sub_expression)]
+//! if false {
+//! unsafe {
+//! ::core::ptr::write(
+//! slot,
+//! Foo {
+//! a: ::core::panic!(),
+//! b: ::core::panic!(),
+//! },
+//! );
+//! };
+//! }
+//! unsafe { ::kernel::init::__internal::DropGuard::forget(a) };
+//! unsafe { ::kernel::init::__internal::DropGuard::forget(b) };
+//! }
+//! Ok(__InitOk)
+//! });
+//! let init = move |slot| -> ::core::result::Result<(), ::core::convert::Infallible> {
+//! init(slot).map(|__InitOk| ())
+//! };
+//! let init = unsafe {
+//! ::kernel::init::pin_init_from_closure::<_, ::core::convert::Infallible>(init)
+//! };
+//! init
+//! };
+//! ```
+/// Creates a `unsafe impl<...> PinnedDrop for $type` block.
+/// See [`PinnedDrop`] for more information.
+macro_rules! __pinned_drop {
+ (
+ @impl_sig($($impl_sig:tt)*),
+ @impl_body(
+ $(#[$($attr:tt)*])*
+ fn drop($($sig:tt)*) {
+ $($inner:tt)*
+ }
+ ),
+ ) => {
+ unsafe $($impl_sig)* {
+ // Inherit all attributes and the type/ident tokens for the signature.
+ $(#[$($attr)*])*
+ fn drop($($sig)*, _: $crate::init::__internal::OnlyCallFromDrop) {
+ $($inner)*
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// This macro first parses the struct definition such that it separates pinned and not pinned
/// fields. Afterwards it declares the struct and implement the `PinData` trait safely.
@@ -653,6 +885,38 @@ macro_rules! __pin_data {
impl<T: ::core::ops::Drop> MustNotImplDrop for T {}
impl<$($impl_generics)*> MustNotImplDrop for $name<$($ty_generics)*>
where $($whr)* {}
+ // We also take care to prevent users from writing a useless `PinnedDrop` implementation.
+ // They might implement `PinnedDrop` correctly for the struct, but forget to give
+ // `PinnedDrop` as the parameter to `#[pin_data]`.
+ #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
+ trait UselessPinnedDropImpl_you_need_to_specify_PinnedDrop {}
+ impl<T: $crate::init::PinnedDrop>
+ UselessPinnedDropImpl_you_need_to_specify_PinnedDrop for T {}
+ impl<$($impl_generics)*>
+ UselessPinnedDropImpl_you_need_to_specify_PinnedDrop for $name<$($ty_generics)*>
+ where $($whr)* {}
+ };
+ // When `PinnedDrop` was specified we just implement `Drop` and delegate.
+ (drop_prevention:
+ @name($name:ident),
+ @impl_generics($($impl_generics:tt)*),
+ @ty_generics($($ty_generics:tt)*),
+ @where($($whr:tt)*),
+ @pinned_drop(PinnedDrop),
+ ) => {
+ impl<$($impl_generics)*> ::core::ops::Drop for $name<$($ty_generics)*>
+ where $($whr)*
+ {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // SAFETY: Since this is a destructor, `self` will not move after this function
+ // terminates, since it is inaccessible.
+ let pinned = unsafe { ::core::pin::Pin::new_unchecked(self) };
+ // SAFETY: Since this is a drop function, we can create this token to call the
+ // pinned destructor of this type.
+ let token = unsafe { $crate::init::__internal::OnlyCallFromDrop::new() };
+ $crate::init::PinnedDrop::drop(pinned, token);
+ }
+ }
// If some other parameter was specified, we emit a readable error.