#!/bin/bash # # Run a series of 14 tests under KVM. These are not particularly # well-selected or well-tuned, but are the current set. Run from the # top level of the source tree. # # Edit the definitions below to set the locations of the various directories, # as well as the test duration. # # Usage: sh kvm.sh [ options ] # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, you can access it online at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html. # # Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 2011 # # Authors: Paul E. McKenney scriptname=$0 args="$*" T=/tmp/kvm.sh.$$ trap 'rm -rf $T' 0 mkdir $T dur=30 dryrun="" KVM="`pwd`/tools/testing/selftests/rcutorture"; export KVM PATH=${KVM}/bin:$PATH; export PATH builddir="${KVM}/b1" RCU_INITRD="$KVM/initrd"; export RCU_INITRD RCU_KMAKE_ARG=""; export RCU_KMAKE_ARG resdir="" configs="" cpus=0 ds=`date +%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S` kversion="" . functions.sh usage () { echo "Usage: $scriptname optional arguments:" echo " --bootargs kernel-boot-arguments" echo " --builddir absolute-pathname" echo " --buildonly" echo " --configs \"config-file list\"" echo " --cpus N" echo " --datestamp string" echo " --dryrun sched|script" echo " --duration minutes" echo " --interactive" echo " --kmake-arg kernel-make-arguments" echo " --kversion vN.NN" echo " --mac nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn" echo " --no-initrd" echo " --qemu-args qemu-system-..." echo " --qemu-cmd qemu-system-..." echo " --results absolute-pathname" echo " --relbuilddir relative-pathname" exit 1 } while test $# -gt 0 do case "$1" in --bootargs) checkarg --bootargs "(list of kernel boot arguments)" "$#" "$2" '.*' '^--' RCU_BOOTARGS="$2" shift ;; --builddir) checkarg --builddir "(absolute pathname)" "$#" "$2" '^/' '^error' builddir=$2 gotbuilddir=1 shift ;; --buildonly) RCU_BUILDONLY=1; export RCU_BUILDONLY ;; --configs) checkarg --configs "(list of config files)" "$#" "$2" '^[^/]*$' '^--' configs="$2" shift ;; --cpus) checkarg --cpus "(number)" "$#" "$2" '^[0-9]*$' '^--' cpus=$2 shift ;; --datestamp) checkarg --datestamp "(relative pathname)" "$#" "$2" '^[^/]*$' '^--' ds=$2 shift ;; --dryrun) checkarg --dryrun "sched|script" $# "$2" 'sched\|script' '^--' dryrun=$2 shift ;; --duration) checkarg --duration "(minutes)" $# "$2" '^[0-9]*$' '^error' dur=$2 shift ;; --interactive) RCU_QEMU_INTERACTIVE=1; export RCU_QEMU_INTERACTIVE ;; --kmake-arg) checkarg --kmake-arg "(kernel make arguments)" $# "$2" '.*' '^error$' RCU_KMAKE_ARG="$2"; export RCU_KMAKE_ARG shift ;; --kversion) checkarg --kversion "(kernel version)" $# "$2" '^v[0-9.]*$' '^error' kversion=$2 shift ;; --mac) checkarg --mac "(MAC address)" $# "$2" '^\([0-9a-fA-F]\{2\}:\)\{5\}[0-9a-fA-F]\{2\}$' error RCU_QEMU_MAC=$2; export RCU_QEMU_MAC shift ;; --no-initrd) RCU_INITRD=""; export RCU_INITRD ;; --qemu-args) checkarg --qemu-args "-qemu args" $# "$2" '^-' '^error' RCU_QEMU_ARG="$2" shift ;; --qemu-cmd) checkarg --qemu-cmd "(qemu-system-...)" $# "$2" 'qemu-system-' '^--' RCU_QEMU_CMD="$2"; export RCU_QEMU_CMD shift ;; --relbuilddir) checkarg --relbuilddir "(relative pathname)" "$#" "$2" '^[^/]*$' '^--' relbuilddir=$2 gotrelbuilddir=1 builddir=${KVM}/${relbuilddir} shift ;; --results) checkarg --results "(absolute pathname)" "$#" "$2" '^/' '^error' resdir=$2 shift ;; *) echo Unknown argument $1 usage ;; esac shift done CONFIGFRAG=${KVM}/configs; export CONFIGFRAG KVPATH=${CONFIGFRAG}/$kversion; export KVPATH if test -z "$configs" then configs="`cat $CONFIGFRAG/$kversion/CFLIST`" fi if test -z "$resdir" then resdir=$KVM/res if ! test -e $resdir then mkdir $resdir || : fi else if ! test -e $resdir then mkdir -p "$resdir" || : fi fi mkdir $resdir/$ds if test "$dryrun" = "" then # Be noisy only if running the script. echo Results directory: $resdir/$ds echo $scriptname $args fi touch $resdir/$ds/log echo $scriptname $args >> $resdir/$ds/log pwd > $resdir/$ds/testid.txt if test -d .git then git status >> $resdir/$ds/testid.txt git rev-parse HEAD >> $resdir/$ds/testid.txt fi # Create a file of test-name/#cpus pairs, sorted by decreasing #cpus. touch $T/cfgcpu for CF in $configs do if test -f "$CONFIGFRAG/$kversion/$CF" then echo $CF `configNR_CPUS.sh $CONFIGFRAG/$kversion/$CF` >> $T/cfgcpu else echo "The --configs file $CF does not exist, terminating." exit 1 fi done sort -k2nr $T/cfgcpu > $T/cfgcpu.sort # Use a greedy bin-packing algorithm, sorting the list accordingly. awk < $T/cfgcpu.sort > $T/cfgcpu.pack -v ncpus=$cpus ' BEGIN { njobs = 0; } { # Read file of tests and corresponding required numbers of CPUs. cf[njobs] = $1; cpus[njobs] = $2; njobs++; } END { alldone = 0; batch = 0; nc = -1; # Each pass through the following loop creates on test batch # that can be executed concurrently given ncpus. Note that a # given test that requires more than the available CPUs will run in # their own batch. Such tests just have to make do with what # is available. while (nc != ncpus) { batch++; nc = ncpus; # Each pass through the following loop considers one # test for inclusion in the current batch. for (i = 0; i < njobs; i++) { if (done[i]) continue; # Already part of a batch. if (nc >= cpus[i] || nc == ncpus) { # This test fits into the current batch. done[i] = batch; nc -= cpus[i]; if (nc <= 0) break; # Too-big test in its own batch. } } } # Dump out the tests in batch order. for (b = 1; b <= batch; b++) for (i = 0; i < njobs; i++) if (done[i] == b) print cf[i], cpus[i]; }' # Generate a script to execute the tests in appropriate batches. awk < $T/cfgcpu.pack \ -v CONFIGDIR="$CONFIGFRAG/$kversion/" \ -v KVM="$KVM" \ -v ncpus=$cpus \ -v rd=$resdir/$ds/ \ -v dur=$dur \ -v RCU_QEMU_ARG=$RCU_QEMU_ARG \ -v RCU_BOOTARGS=$RCU_BOOTARGS \ 'BEGIN { i = 0; } { cf[i] = $1; cpus[i] = $2; i++; } # Dump out the scripting required to run one test batch. function dump(first, pastlast) { print "echo ----start batch----" jn=1 for (j = first; j < pastlast; j++) { builddir=KVM "/b" jn cpusr[jn] = cpus[j]; if (cfrep[cf[j]] == "") { cfr[jn] = cf[j]; cfrep[cf[j]] = 1; } else { cfrep[cf[j]]++; cfr[jn] = cf[j] "." cfrep[cf[j]]; } print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ": Starting build."; print "rm -f " builddir ".*"; print "touch " builddir ".wait"; print "mkdir " builddir " > /dev/null 2>&1 || :"; print "mkdir " rd cfr[jn] " || :"; print "kvm-test-1-rcu.sh " CONFIGDIR cf[j], builddir, rd cfr[jn], dur " \"" RCU_QEMU_ARG "\" \"" RCU_BOOTARGS "\" > " builddir ".out 2>&1 &" print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ": Waiting for build to complete." print "while test -f " builddir ".wait" print "do" print "\tsleep 1" print "done" print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ": Build complete." jn++; } for (j = 1; j < jn; j++) { builddir=KVM "/b" j print "rm -f " builddir ".ready" print "echo ----", cfr[j], cpusr[j] ": Starting kernel" } print "wait" print "echo ---- All kernel runs complete" for (j = 1; j < jn; j++) { builddir=KVM "/b" j print "echo ----", cfr[j], cpusr[j] ": Build/run results:" print "cat " builddir ".out" } } END { njobs = i; nc = ncpus; first = 0; # Each pass through the following loop considers one test. for (i = 0; i < njobs; i++) { if (ncpus == 0) { # Sequential test specified, each test its own batch. dump(i, i + 1); first = i; } else if (nc < cpus[i] && i != 0) { # Out of CPUs, dump out a batch. dump(first, i); first = i; nc = ncpus; } # Account for the CPUs needed by the current test. nc -= cpus[i]; } # Dump the last batch. if (ncpus != 0) dump(first, i); }' > $T/script if test "$dryrun" = script then # Dump out the script, but define the environment variables that # it needs to run standalone. echo CONFIGFRAG="$CONFIGFRAG; export CONFIGFRAG" echo KVM="$KVM; export KVM" echo KVPATH="$KVPATH; export KVPATH" echo PATH="$PATH; export PATH" echo RCU_BUILDONLY="$RCU_BUILDONLY; export RCU_BUILDONLY" echo RCU_INITRD="$RCU_INITRD; export RCU_INITRD" echo RCU_KMAKE_ARG="$RCU_KMAKE_ARG; export RCU_KMAKE_ARG" echo RCU_QEMU_CMD="$RCU_QEMU_CMD; export RCU_QEMU_CMD" echo RCU_QEMU_INTERACTIVE="$RCU_QEMU_INTERACTIVE; export RCU_QEMU_INTERACTIVE" echo RCU_QEMU_MAC="$RCU_QEMU_MAC; export RCU_QEMU_MAC" cat $T/script exit 0 elif test "$dryrun" = sched then # Extract the test run schedule from the script. egrep 'start batch|Starting build\.' $T/script | sed -e 's/:.*$//' -e 's/^echo //' exit 0 else # Not a dryru, so run the script. sh $T/script fi # Tracing: trace_event=rcu:rcu_grace_period,rcu:rcu_future_grace_period,rcu:rcu_grace_period_init,rcu:rcu_nocb_wake,rcu:rcu_preempt_task,rcu:rcu_unlock_preempted_task,rcu:rcu_quiescent_state_report,rcu:rcu_fqs,rcu:rcu_callback,rcu:rcu_kfree_callback,rcu:rcu_batch_start,rcu:rcu_invoke_callback,rcu:rcu_invoke_kfree_callback,rcu:rcu_batch_end,rcu:rcu_torture_read,rcu:rcu_barrier echo " --- `date` Test summary:" kvm-recheck.sh $resdir/$ds