#!/bin/bash # perf record tests (exclusive) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 set -e shelldir=$(dirname "$0") # shellcheck source=lib/waiting.sh . "${shelldir}"/lib/waiting.sh # shellcheck source=lib/perf_has_symbol.sh . "${shelldir}"/lib/perf_has_symbol.sh testsym="test_loop" skip_test_missing_symbol ${testsym} err=0 perfdata=$(mktemp /tmp/__perf_test.perf.data.XXXXX) script_output=$(mktemp /tmp/__perf_test.perf.data.XXXXX.script) testprog="perf test -w thloop" cpu_pmu_dir="/sys/bus/event_source/devices/cpu*" br_cntr_file="/caps/branch_counter_nr" br_cntr_output="branch stack counters" br_cntr_script_output="br_cntr: A" default_fd_limit=$(ulimit -Sn) # With option --threads=cpu the number of open file descriptors should be # equal to sum of: nmb_cpus * nmb_events (2+dummy), # nmb_threads for perf.data.n (equal to nmb_cpus) and # 2*nmb_cpus of pipes = 4*nmb_cpus (each pipe has 2 ends) # All together it needs 8*nmb_cpus file descriptors plus some are also used # outside of testing, thus raising the limit to 16*nmb_cpus min_fd_limit=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) * 16)) cleanup() { rm -rf "${perfdata}" rm -rf "${perfdata}".old trap - EXIT TERM INT } trap_cleanup() { cleanup exit 1 } trap trap_cleanup EXIT TERM INT test_per_thread() { echo "Basic --per-thread mode test" if ! perf record -o /dev/null --quiet ${testprog} 2> /dev/null then echo "Per-thread record [Skipped event not supported]" return fi if ! perf record --per-thread -o "${perfdata}" ${testprog} 2> /dev/null then echo "Per-thread record [Failed record]" err=1 return fi if ! perf report -i "${perfdata}" -q | grep -q "${testsym}" then echo "Per-thread record [Failed missing output]" err=1 return fi # run the test program in background (for 30 seconds) ${testprog} 30 & TESTPID=$! rm -f "${perfdata}" wait_for_threads ${TESTPID} 2 perf record -p "${TESTPID}" --per-thread -o "${perfdata}" sleep 1 2> /dev/null kill ${TESTPID} if [ ! -e "${perfdata}" ] then echo "Per-thread record [Failed record -p]" err=1 return fi if ! perf report -i "${perfdata}" -q | grep -q "${testsym}" then echo "Per-thread record [Failed -p missing output]" err=1 return fi echo "Basic --per-thread mode test [Success]" } test_register_capture() { echo "Register capture test" if ! perf list pmu | grep -q 'br_inst_retired.near_call' then echo "Register capture test [Skipped missing event]" return fi if ! perf record --intr-regs=\? 2>&1 | grep -q 'available registers: AX BX CX DX SI DI BP SP IP FLAGS CS SS R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15' then echo "Register capture test [Skipped missing registers]" return fi if ! perf record -o - --intr-regs=di,r8,dx,cx -e br_inst_retired.near_call \ -c 1000 --per-thread ${testprog} 2> /dev/null \ | perf script -F ip,sym,iregs -i - 2> /dev/null \ | grep -q "DI:" then echo "Register capture test [Failed missing output]" err=1 return fi echo "Register capture test [Success]" } test_system_wide() { echo "Basic --system-wide mode test" if ! perf record -aB --synth=no -o "${perfdata}" ${testprog} 2> /dev/null then echo "System-wide record [Skipped not supported]" return fi if ! perf report -i "${perfdata}" -q | grep -q "${testsym}" then echo "System-wide record [Failed missing output]" err=1 return fi if ! perf record -aB --synth=no -e cpu-clock,cs --threads=cpu \ -o "${perfdata}" ${testprog} 2> /dev/null then echo "System-wide record [Failed record --threads option]" err=1 return fi if ! perf report -i "${perfdata}" -q | grep -q "${testsym}" then echo "System-wide record [Failed --threads missing output]" err=1 return fi echo "Basic --system-wide mode test [Success]" } test_workload() { echo "Basic target workload test" if ! perf record -o "${perfdata}" ${testprog} 2> /dev/null then echo "Workload record [Failed record]" err=1 return fi if ! perf report -i "${perfdata}" -q | grep -q "${testsym}" then echo "Workload record [Failed missing output]" err=1 return fi if ! perf record -e cpu-clock,cs --threads=package \ -o "${perfdata}" ${testprog} 2> /dev/null then echo "Workload record [Failed record --threads option]" err=1 return fi if ! perf report -i "${perfdata}" -q | grep -q "${testsym}" then echo "Workload record [Failed --threads missing output]" err=1 return fi echo "Basic target workload test [Success]" } test_branch_counter() { echo "Branch counter test" # Check if the branch counter feature is supported for dir in $cpu_pmu_dir do if [ ! -e "$dir$br_cntr_file" ] then echo "branch counter feature not supported on all core PMUs ($dir) [Skipped]" return fi done if ! perf record -o "${perfdata}" -e "{branches:p,instructions}" -j any,counter ${testprog} 2> /dev/null then echo "Branch counter record test [Failed record]" err=1 return fi if ! perf report -i "${perfdata}" -D -q | grep -q "$br_cntr_output" then echo "Branch counter report test [Failed missing output]" err=1 return fi if ! perf script -i "${perfdata}" -F +brstackinsn,+brcntr | grep -q "$br_cntr_script_output" then echo " Branch counter script test [Failed missing output]" err=1 return fi echo "Branch counter test [Success]" } test_cgroup() { echo "Cgroup sampling test" if ! perf record -aB --synth=cgroup --all-cgroups -o "${perfdata}" ${testprog} 2> /dev/null then echo "Cgroup sampling [Skipped not supported]" return fi if ! perf report -i "${perfdata}" -D | grep -q "CGROUP" then echo "Cgroup sampling [Failed missing output]" err=1 return fi if ! perf script -i "${perfdata}" -F cgroup | grep -q -v "unknown" then echo "Cgroup sampling [Failed cannot resolve cgroup names]" err=1 return fi echo "Cgroup sampling test [Success]" } test_leader_sampling() { echo "Basic leader sampling test" if ! perf record -o "${perfdata}" -e "{instructions,instructions}:Su" -- \ perf test -w brstack 2> /dev/null then echo "Leader sampling [Failed record]" err=1 return fi index=0 perf script -i "${perfdata}" > $script_output while IFS= read -r line do # Check if the two instruction counts are equal in each record instructions=$(echo $line | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i=="instructions:") print $(i-1)}') if [ $(($index%2)) -ne 0 ] && [ ${instructions}x != ${prev_instructions}x ] then echo "Leader sampling [Failed inconsistent instructions count]" err=1 return fi index=$(($index+1)) prev_instructions=$instructions done < $script_output echo "Basic leader sampling test [Success]" } test_topdown_leader_sampling() { echo "Topdown leader sampling test" if ! perf stat -e "{slots,topdown-retiring}" true 2> /dev/null then echo "Topdown leader sampling [Skipped event parsing failed]" return fi if ! perf record -o "${perfdata}" -e "{instructions,slots,topdown-retiring}:S" true 2> /dev/null then echo "Topdown leader sampling [Failed topdown events not reordered correctly]" err=1 return fi echo "Topdown leader sampling test [Success]" } test_precise_max() { echo "precise_max attribute test" if ! perf stat -e "cycles,instructions" true 2> /dev/null then echo "precise_max attribute [Skipped no hardware events]" return fi # Just to make sure it doesn't fail if ! perf record -o "${perfdata}" -e "cycles:P" true 2> /dev/null then echo "precise_max attribute [Failed cycles:P event]" err=1 return fi # On AMD, cycles and instructions events are treated differently if ! perf record -o "${perfdata}" -e "instructions:P" true 2> /dev/null then echo "precise_max attribute [Failed instructions:P event]" err=1 return fi echo "precise_max attribute test [Success]" } # raise the limit of file descriptors to minimum if [[ $default_fd_limit -lt $min_fd_limit ]]; then ulimit -Sn $min_fd_limit fi test_per_thread test_register_capture test_system_wide test_workload test_branch_counter test_cgroup test_leader_sampling test_topdown_leader_sampling test_precise_max # restore the default value ulimit -Sn $default_fd_limit cleanup exit $err