/* * linux/include/asm-arm/hardware/serial_amba.h * * Internal header file for AMBA serial ports * * Copyright (C) ARM Limited * Copyright (C) 2000 Deep Blue Solutions Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef ASM_ARM_HARDWARE_SERIAL_AMBA_H #define ASM_ARM_HARDWARE_SERIAL_AMBA_H #include <linux/types.h> /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * From AMBA UART (PL010) Block Specification * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * UART Register Offsets. */ #define UART01x_DR 0x00 /* Data read or written from the interface. */ #define UART01x_RSR 0x04 /* Receive status register (Read). */ #define UART01x_ECR 0x04 /* Error clear register (Write). */ #define UART010_LCRH 0x08 /* Line control register, high byte. */ #define ST_UART011_DMAWM 0x08 /* DMA watermark configure register. */ #define UART010_LCRM 0x0C /* Line control register, middle byte. */ #define ST_UART011_TIMEOUT 0x0C /* Timeout period register. */ #define UART010_LCRL 0x10 /* Line control register, low byte. */ #define UART010_CR 0x14 /* Control register. */ #define UART01x_FR 0x18 /* Flag register (Read only). */ #define UART010_IIR 0x1C /* Interrupt identification register (Read). */ #define UART010_ICR 0x1C /* Interrupt clear register (Write). */ #define ST_UART011_LCRH_RX 0x1C /* Rx line control register. */ #define UART01x_ILPR 0x20 /* IrDA low power counter register. */ #define UART011_IBRD 0x24 /* Integer baud rate divisor register. */ #define UART011_FBRD 0x28 /* Fractional baud rate divisor register. */ #define UART011_LCRH 0x2c /* Line control register. */ #define ST_UART011_LCRH_TX 0x2c /* Tx Line control register. */ #define UART011_CR 0x30 /* Control register. */ #define UART011_IFLS 0x34 /* Interrupt fifo level select. */ #define UART011_IMSC 0x38 /* Interrupt mask. */ #define UART011_RIS 0x3c /* Raw interrupt status. */ #define UART011_MIS 0x40 /* Masked interrupt status. */ #define UART011_ICR 0x44 /* Interrupt clear register. */ #define UART011_DMACR 0x48 /* DMA control register. */ #define ST_UART011_XFCR 0x50 /* XON/XOFF control register. */ #define ST_UART011_XON1 0x54 /* XON1 register. */ #define ST_UART011_XON2 0x58 /* XON2 register. */ #define ST_UART011_XOFF1 0x5C /* XON1 register. */ #define ST_UART011_XOFF2 0x60 /* XON2 register. */ #define ST_UART011_ITCR 0x80 /* Integration test control register. */ #define ST_UART011_ITIP 0x84 /* Integration test input register. */ #define ST_UART011_ABCR 0x100 /* Autobaud control register. */ #define ST_UART011_ABIMSC 0x15C /* Autobaud interrupt mask/clear register. */ /* * ZTE UART register offsets. This UART has a radically different address * allocation from the ARM and ST variants, so we list all registers here. * We assume unlisted registers do not exist. */ #define ZX_UART011_DR 0x04 #define ZX_UART011_FR 0x14 #define ZX_UART011_IBRD 0x24 #define ZX_UART011_FBRD 0x28 #define ZX_UART011_LCRH 0x30 #define ZX_UART011_CR 0x34 #define ZX_UART011_IFLS 0x38 #define ZX_UART011_IMSC 0x40 #define ZX_UART011_RIS 0x44 #define ZX_UART011_MIS 0x48 #define ZX_UART011_ICR 0x4c #define ZX_UART011_DMACR 0x50 #define UART011_DR_OE (1 << 11) #define UART011_DR_BE (1 << 10) #define UART011_DR_PE (1 << 9) #define UART011_DR_FE (1 << 8) #define UART01x_RSR_OE 0x08 #define UART01x_RSR_BE 0x04 #define UART01x_RSR_PE 0x02 #define UART01x_RSR_FE 0x01 #define UART011_FR_RI 0x100 #define UART011_FR_TXFE 0x080 #define UART011_FR_RXFF 0x040 #define UART01x_FR_TXFF 0x020 #define UART01x_FR_RXFE 0x010 #define UART01x_FR_BUSY 0x008 #define UART01x_FR_DCD 0x004 #define UART01x_FR_DSR 0x002 #define UART01x_FR_CTS 0x001 #define UART01x_FR_TMSK (UART01x_FR_TXFF + UART01x_FR_BUSY) /* * Some bits of Flag Register on ZTE device have different position from * standard ones. */ #define ZX_UART01x_FR_BUSY 0x100 #define ZX_UART01x_FR_DSR 0x008 #define ZX_UART01x_FR_CTS 0x002 #define ZX_UART011_FR_RI 0x001 #define UART011_CR_CTSEN 0x8000 /* CTS hardware flow control */ #define UART011_CR_RTSEN 0x4000 /* RTS hardware flow control */ #define UART011_CR_OUT2 0x2000 /* OUT2 */ #define UART011_CR_OUT1 0x1000 /* OUT1 */ #define UART011_CR_RTS 0x0800 /* RTS */ #define UART011_CR_DTR 0x0400 /* DTR */ #define UART011_CR_RXE 0x0200 /* receive enable */ #define UART011_CR_TXE 0x0100 /* transmit enable */ #define UART011_CR_LBE 0x0080 /* loopback enable */ #define UART010_CR_RTIE 0x0040 #define UART010_CR_TIE 0x0020 #define UART010_CR_RIE 0x0010 #define UART010_CR_MSIE 0x0008 #define ST_UART011_CR_OVSFACT 0x0008 /* Oversampling factor */ #define UART01x_CR_IIRLP 0x0004 /* SIR low power mode */ #define UART01x_CR_SIREN 0x0002 /* SIR enable */ #define UART01x_CR_UARTEN 0x0001 /* UART enable */ #define UART011_LCRH_SPS 0x80 #define UART01x_LCRH_WLEN_8 0x60 #define UART01x_LCRH_WLEN_7 0x40 #define UART01x_LCRH_WLEN_6 0x20 #define UART01x_LCRH_WLEN_5 0x00 #define UART01x_LCRH_FEN 0x10 #define UART01x_LCRH_STP2 0x08 #define UART01x_LCRH_EPS 0x04 #define UART01x_LCRH_PEN 0x02 #define UART01x_LCRH_BRK 0x01 #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_RX_1 (0 << 3) #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_RX_2 (1 << 3) #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_RX_4 (2 << 3) #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_RX_8 (3 << 3) #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_RX_16 (4 << 3) #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_RX_32 (5 << 3) #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_RX_48 (6 << 3) #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_TX_1 0 #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_TX_2 1 #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_TX_4 2 #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_TX_8 3 #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_TX_16 4 #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_TX_32 5 #define ST_UART011_DMAWM_TX_48 6 #define UART010_IIR_RTIS 0x08 #define UART010_IIR_TIS 0x04 #define UART010_IIR_RIS 0x02 #define UART010_IIR_MIS 0x01 #define UART011_IFLS_RX1_8 (0 << 3) #define UART011_IFLS_RX2_8 (1 << 3) #define UART011_IFLS_RX4_8 (2 << 3) #define UART011_IFLS_RX6_8 (3 << 3) #define UART011_IFLS_RX7_8 (4 << 3) #define UART011_IFLS_TX1_8 (0 << 0) #define UART011_IFLS_TX2_8 (1 << 0) #define UART011_IFLS_TX4_8 (2 << 0) #define UART011_IFLS_TX6_8 (3 << 0) #define UART011_IFLS_TX7_8 (4 << 0) /* special values for ST vendor with deeper fifo */ #define UART011_IFLS_RX_HALF (5 << 3) #define UART011_IFLS_TX_HALF (5 << 0) #define UART011_OEIM (1 << 10) /* overrun error interrupt mask */ #define UART011_BEIM (1 << 9) /* break error interrupt mask */ #define UART011_PEIM (1 << 8) /* parity error interrupt mask */ #define UART011_FEIM (1 << 7) /* framing error interrupt mask */ #define UART011_RTIM (1 << 6) /* receive timeout interrupt mask */ #define UART011_TXIM (1 << 5) /* transmit interrupt mask */ #define UART011_RXIM (1 << 4) /* receive interrupt mask */ #define UART011_DSRMIM (1 << 3) /* DSR interrupt mask */ #define UART011_DCDMIM (1 << 2) /* DCD interrupt mask */ #define UART011_CTSMIM (1 << 1) /* CTS interrupt mask */ #define UART011_RIMIM (1 << 0) /* RI interrupt mask */ #define UART011_OEIS (1 << 10) /* overrun error interrupt status */ #define UART011_BEIS (1 << 9) /* break error interrupt status */ #define UART011_PEIS (1 << 8) /* parity error interrupt status */ #define UART011_FEIS (1 << 7) /* framing error interrupt status */ #define UART011_RTIS (1 << 6) /* receive timeout interrupt status */ #define UART011_TXIS (1 << 5) /* transmit interrupt status */ #define UART011_RXIS (1 << 4) /* receive interrupt status */ #define UART011_DSRMIS (1 << 3) /* DSR interrupt status */ #define UART011_DCDMIS (1 << 2) /* DCD interrupt status */ #define UART011_CTSMIS (1 << 1) /* CTS interrupt status */ #define UART011_RIMIS (1 << 0) /* RI interrupt status */ #define UART011_OEIC (1 << 10) /* overrun error interrupt clear */ #define UART011_BEIC (1 << 9) /* break error interrupt clear */ #define UART011_PEIC (1 << 8) /* parity error interrupt clear */ #define UART011_FEIC (1 << 7) /* framing error interrupt clear */ #define UART011_RTIC (1 << 6) /* receive timeout interrupt clear */ #define UART011_TXIC (1 << 5) /* transmit interrupt clear */ #define UART011_RXIC (1 << 4) /* receive interrupt clear */ #define UART011_DSRMIC (1 << 3) /* DSR interrupt clear */ #define UART011_DCDMIC (1 << 2) /* DCD interrupt clear */ #define UART011_CTSMIC (1 << 1) /* CTS interrupt clear */ #define UART011_RIMIC (1 << 0) /* RI interrupt clear */ #define UART011_DMAONERR (1 << 2) /* disable dma on error */ #define UART011_TXDMAE (1 << 1) /* enable transmit dma */ #define UART011_RXDMAE (1 << 0) /* enable receive dma */ #define UART01x_RSR_ANY (UART01x_RSR_OE|UART01x_RSR_BE|UART01x_RSR_PE|UART01x_RSR_FE) #define UART01x_FR_MODEM_ANY (UART01x_FR_DCD|UART01x_FR_DSR|UART01x_FR_CTS) #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__ struct amba_device; /* in uncompress this is included but amba/bus.h is not */ struct amba_pl010_data { void (*set_mctrl)(struct amba_device *dev, void __iomem *base, unsigned int mctrl); }; struct dma_chan; struct amba_pl011_data { bool (*dma_filter)(struct dma_chan *chan, void *filter_param); void *dma_rx_param; void *dma_tx_param; bool dma_rx_poll_enable; unsigned int dma_rx_poll_rate; unsigned int dma_rx_poll_timeout; void (*init) (void); void (*exit) (void); }; #endif #endif