menu "Xen driver support" depends on XEN config XEN_BALLOON bool "Xen memory balloon driver" default y help The balloon driver allows the Xen domain to request more memory from the system to expand the domain's memory allocation, or alternatively return unneeded memory to the system. config XEN_SELFBALLOONING bool "Dynamically self-balloon kernel memory to target" depends on XEN && XEN_BALLOON && CLEANCACHE && SWAP && XEN_TMEM default n help Self-ballooning dynamically balloons available kernel memory driven by the current usage of anonymous memory ("committed AS") and controlled by various sysfs-settable parameters. Configuring FRONTSWAP is highly recommended; if it is not configured, self- ballooning is disabled by default but can be enabled with the 'selfballooning' kernel boot parameter. If FRONTSWAP is configured, frontswap-selfshrinking is enabled by default but can be disabled with the 'noselfshrink' kernel boot parameter; and self-ballooning is enabled by default but can be disabled with the 'noselfballooning' kernel boot parameter. Note that systems without a sufficiently large swap device should not enable self-ballooning. config XEN_BALLOON_MEMORY_HOTPLUG bool "Memory hotplug support for Xen balloon driver" default n depends on XEN_BALLOON && MEMORY_HOTPLUG help Memory hotplug support for Xen balloon driver allows expanding memory available for the system above limit declared at system startup. It is very useful on critical systems which require long run without rebooting. Memory could be hotplugged in following steps: 1) dom0: xl mem-max <domU> <maxmem> where <maxmem> is >= requested memory size, 2) dom0: xl mem-set <domU> <memory> where <memory> is requested memory size; alternatively memory could be added by writing proper value to /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/target or /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/target_kb on dumU, 3) domU: for i in /sys/devices/system/memory/memory*/state; do \ [ "`cat "$i"`" = offline ] && echo online > "$i"; done Memory could be onlined automatically on domU by adding following line to udev rules: SUBSYSTEM=="memory", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/sh -c '[ -f /sys$devpath/state ] && echo online > /sys$devpath/state'" In that case step 3 should be omitted. config XEN_SCRUB_PAGES bool "Scrub pages before returning them to system" depends on XEN_BALLOON default y help Scrub pages before returning them to the system for reuse by other domains. This makes sure that any confidential data is not accidentally visible to other domains. Is it more secure, but slightly less efficient. If in doubt, say yes. config XEN_DEV_EVTCHN tristate "Xen /dev/xen/evtchn device" default y help The evtchn driver allows a userspace process to triger event channels and to receive notification of an event channel firing. If in doubt, say yes. config XEN_BACKEND bool "Backend driver support" depends on XEN_DOM0 default y help Support for backend device drivers that provide I/O services to other virtual machines. config XENFS tristate "Xen filesystem" select XEN_PRIVCMD default y help The xen filesystem provides a way for domains to share information with each other and with the hypervisor. For example, by reading and writing the "xenbus" file, guests may pass arbitrary information to the initial domain. If in doubt, say yes. config XEN_COMPAT_XENFS bool "Create compatibility mount point /proc/xen" depends on XENFS default y help The old xenstore userspace tools expect to find "xenbus" under /proc/xen, but "xenbus" is now found at the root of the xenfs filesystem. Selecting this causes the kernel to create the compatibility mount point /proc/xen if it is running on a xen platform. If in doubt, say yes. config XEN_SYS_HYPERVISOR bool "Create xen entries under /sys/hypervisor" depends on SYSFS select SYS_HYPERVISOR default y help Create entries under /sys/hypervisor describing the Xen hypervisor environment. When running native or in another virtual environment, /sys/hypervisor will still be present, but will have no xen contents. config XEN_XENBUS_FRONTEND tristate config XEN_GNTDEV tristate "userspace grant access device driver" depends on XEN default m select MMU_NOTIFIER help Allows userspace processes to use grants. config XEN_GRANT_DEV_ALLOC tristate "User-space grant reference allocator driver" depends on XEN default m help Allows userspace processes to create pages with access granted to other domains. This can be used to implement frontend drivers or as part of an inter-domain shared memory channel. config SWIOTLB_XEN def_bool y depends on PCI select SWIOTLB config XEN_TMEM bool default y if (CLEANCACHE || FRONTSWAP) help Shim to interface in-kernel Transcendent Memory hooks (e.g. cleancache and frontswap) to Xen tmem hypercalls. config XEN_PCIDEV_BACKEND tristate "Xen PCI-device backend driver" depends on PCI && X86 && XEN depends on XEN_BACKEND default m help The PCI device backend driver allows the kernel to export arbitrary PCI devices to other guests. If you select this to be a module, you will need to make sure no other driver has bound to the device(s) you want to make visible to other guests. The parameter "passthrough" allows you specify how you want the PCI devices to appear in the guest. You can choose the default (0) where PCI topology starts at 00.00.0, or (1) for passthrough if you want the PCI devices topology appear the same as in the host. The "hide" parameter (only applicable if backend driver is compiled into the kernel) allows you to bind the PCI devices to this module from the default device drivers. The argument is the list of PCI BDFs: xen-pciback.hide=(03:00.0)(04:00.0) If in doubt, say m. config XEN_PRIVCMD tristate depends on XEN default m endmenu