/* * linux/drivers/scsi/esas2r/esas2r_log.c * For use with ATTO ExpressSAS R6xx SAS/SATA RAID controllers * * Copyright (c) 2001-2013 ATTO Technology, Inc. * (mailto:linuxdrivers@attotech.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * NO WARRANTY * THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT * LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is * solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and * distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its * exercise of rights under this Agreement, including but not limited to * the risks and costs of program errors, damage to or loss of data, * programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations. * * DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY * NEITHER RECIPIENT NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE * USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED * HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. */ #include "esas2r.h" /* * this module within the driver is tasked with providing logging functionality. * the event_log_level module parameter controls the level of messages that are * written to the system log. the default level of messages that are written * are critical and warning messages. if other types of messages are desired, * one simply needs to load the module with the correct value for the * event_log_level module parameter. for example: * * insmod <module> event_log_level=1 * * will load the module and only critical events will be written by this module * to the system log. if critical, warning, and information-level messages are * desired, the correct value for the event_log_level module parameter * would be as follows: * * insmod <module> event_log_level=3 */ #define EVENT_LOG_BUFF_SIZE 1024 static long event_log_level = ESAS2R_LOG_DFLT; module_param(event_log_level, long, S_IRUGO | S_IRUSR); MODULE_PARM_DESC(event_log_level, "Specifies the level of events to report to the system log. Critical and warning level events are logged by default."); /* A shared buffer to use for formatting messages. */ static char event_buffer[EVENT_LOG_BUFF_SIZE]; /* A lock to protect the shared buffer used for formatting messages. */ static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(event_buffer_lock); /** * translates an esas2r-defined logging event level to a kernel logging level. * * @param [in] level the esas2r-defined logging event level to translate * * @return the corresponding kernel logging level. */ static const char *translate_esas2r_event_level_to_kernel(const long level) { switch (level) { case ESAS2R_LOG_CRIT: return KERN_CRIT; case ESAS2R_LOG_WARN: return KERN_WARNING; case ESAS2R_LOG_INFO: return KERN_INFO; case ESAS2R_LOG_DEBG: case ESAS2R_LOG_TRCE: default: return KERN_DEBUG; } } /** * the master logging function. this function will format the message as * outlined by the formatting string, the input device information and the * substitution arguments and output the resulting string to the system log. * * @param [in] level the event log level of the message * @param [in] dev the device information * @param [in] format the formatting string for the message * @param [in] args the substition arguments to the formatting string * * @return 0 on success, or -1 if an error occurred. */ static int esas2r_log_master(const long level, const struct device *dev, const char *format, va_list args) { if (level <= event_log_level) { unsigned long flags = 0; int retval = 0; char *buffer = event_buffer; size_t buflen = EVENT_LOG_BUFF_SIZE; const char *fmt_nodev = "%s%s: "; const char *fmt_dev = "%s%s [%s, %s, %s]"; const char *slevel = translate_esas2r_event_level_to_kernel(level); spin_lock_irqsave(&event_buffer_lock, flags); memset(buffer, 0, buflen); /* * format the level onto the beginning of the string and do * some pointer arithmetic to move the pointer to the point * where the actual message can be inserted. */ if (dev == NULL) { snprintf(buffer, buflen, fmt_nodev, slevel, ESAS2R_DRVR_NAME); } else { snprintf(buffer, buflen, fmt_dev, slevel, ESAS2R_DRVR_NAME, (dev->driver ? dev->driver->name : "unknown"), (dev->bus ? dev->bus->name : "unknown"), dev_name(dev)); } buffer += strlen(event_buffer); buflen -= strlen(event_buffer); retval = vsnprintf(buffer, buflen, format, args); if (retval < 0) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&event_buffer_lock, flags); return -1; } /* * Put a line break at the end of the formatted string so that * we don't wind up with run-on messages. */ printk("%s\n", event_buffer); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&event_buffer_lock, flags); } return 0; } /** * formats and logs a message to the system log. * * @param [in] level the event level of the message * @param [in] format the formating string for the message * @param [in] ... the substitution arguments to the formatting string * * @return 0 on success, or -1 if an error occurred. */ int esas2r_log(const long level, const char *format, ...) { int retval = 0; va_list args; va_start(args, format); retval = esas2r_log_master(level, NULL, format, args); va_end(args); return retval; } /** * formats and logs a message to the system log. this message will include * device information. * * @param [in] level the event level of the message * @param [in] dev the device information * @param [in] format the formatting string for the message * @param [in] ... the substitution arguments to the formatting string * * @return 0 on success, or -1 if an error occurred. */ int esas2r_log_dev(const long level, const struct device *dev, const char *format, ...) { int retval = 0; va_list args; va_start(args, format); retval = esas2r_log_master(level, dev, format, args); va_end(args); return retval; } /** * formats and logs a message to the system log. this message will include * device information. * * @param [in] level the event level of the message * @param [in] buf * @param [in] len * * @return 0 on success, or -1 if an error occurred. */ int esas2r_log_hexdump(const long level, const void *buf, size_t len) { if (level <= event_log_level) { print_hex_dump(translate_esas2r_event_level_to_kernel(level), "", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 16, 1, buf, len, true); } return 1; }