/* * Mediatek MT7530 DSA Switch driver * Copyright (C) 2017 Sean Wang * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mt7530.h" /* String, offset, and register size in bytes if different from 4 bytes */ static const struct mt7530_mib_desc mt7530_mib[] = { MIB_DESC(1, 0x00, "TxDrop"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x04, "TxCrcErr"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x08, "TxUnicast"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x0c, "TxMulticast"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x10, "TxBroadcast"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x14, "TxCollision"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x18, "TxSingleCollision"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x1c, "TxMultipleCollision"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x20, "TxDeferred"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x24, "TxLateCollision"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x28, "TxExcessiveCollistion"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x2c, "TxPause"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x30, "TxPktSz64"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x34, "TxPktSz65To127"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x38, "TxPktSz128To255"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x3c, "TxPktSz256To511"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x40, "TxPktSz512To1023"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x44, "Tx1024ToMax"), MIB_DESC(2, 0x48, "TxBytes"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x60, "RxDrop"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x64, "RxFiltering"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x6c, "RxMulticast"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x70, "RxBroadcast"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x74, "RxAlignErr"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x78, "RxCrcErr"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x7c, "RxUnderSizeErr"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x80, "RxFragErr"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x84, "RxOverSzErr"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x88, "RxJabberErr"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x8c, "RxPause"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x90, "RxPktSz64"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x94, "RxPktSz65To127"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x98, "RxPktSz128To255"), MIB_DESC(1, 0x9c, "RxPktSz256To511"), MIB_DESC(1, 0xa0, "RxPktSz512To1023"), MIB_DESC(1, 0xa4, "RxPktSz1024ToMax"), MIB_DESC(2, 0xa8, "RxBytes"), MIB_DESC(1, 0xb0, "RxCtrlDrop"), MIB_DESC(1, 0xb4, "RxIngressDrop"), MIB_DESC(1, 0xb8, "RxArlDrop"), }; static int mt7623_trgmii_write(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val) { int ret; ret = regmap_write(priv->ethernet, TRGMII_BASE(reg), val); if (ret < 0) dev_err(priv->dev, "failed to priv write register\n"); return ret; } static u32 mt7623_trgmii_read(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg) { int ret; u32 val; ret = regmap_read(priv->ethernet, TRGMII_BASE(reg), &val); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(priv->dev, "failed to priv read register\n"); return ret; } return val; } static void mt7623_trgmii_rmw(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 mask, u32 set) { u32 val; val = mt7623_trgmii_read(priv, reg); val &= ~mask; val |= set; mt7623_trgmii_write(priv, reg, val); } static void mt7623_trgmii_set(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val) { mt7623_trgmii_rmw(priv, reg, 0, val); } static void mt7623_trgmii_clear(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val) { mt7623_trgmii_rmw(priv, reg, val, 0); } static int core_read_mmd_indirect(struct mt7530_priv *priv, int prtad, int devad) { struct mii_bus *bus = priv->bus; int value, ret; /* Write the desired MMD Devad */ ret = bus->write(bus, 0, MII_MMD_CTRL, devad); if (ret < 0) goto err; /* Write the desired MMD register address */ ret = bus->write(bus, 0, MII_MMD_DATA, prtad); if (ret < 0) goto err; /* Select the Function : DATA with no post increment */ ret = bus->write(bus, 0, MII_MMD_CTRL, (devad | MII_MMD_CTRL_NOINCR)); if (ret < 0) goto err; /* Read the content of the MMD's selected register */ value = bus->read(bus, 0, MII_MMD_DATA); return value; err: dev_err(&bus->dev, "failed to read mmd register\n"); return ret; } static int core_write_mmd_indirect(struct mt7530_priv *priv, int prtad, int devad, u32 data) { struct mii_bus *bus = priv->bus; int ret; /* Write the desired MMD Devad */ ret = bus->write(bus, 0, MII_MMD_CTRL, devad); if (ret < 0) goto err; /* Write the desired MMD register address */ ret = bus->write(bus, 0, MII_MMD_DATA, prtad); if (ret < 0) goto err; /* Select the Function : DATA with no post increment */ ret = bus->write(bus, 0, MII_MMD_CTRL, (devad | MII_MMD_CTRL_NOINCR)); if (ret < 0) goto err; /* Write the data into MMD's selected register */ ret = bus->write(bus, 0, MII_MMD_DATA, data); err: if (ret < 0) dev_err(&bus->dev, "failed to write mmd register\n"); return ret; } static void core_write(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val) { struct mii_bus *bus = priv->bus; mutex_lock_nested(&bus->mdio_lock, MDIO_MUTEX_NESTED); core_write_mmd_indirect(priv, reg, MDIO_MMD_VEND2, val); mutex_unlock(&bus->mdio_lock); } static void core_rmw(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 mask, u32 set) { struct mii_bus *bus = priv->bus; u32 val; mutex_lock_nested(&bus->mdio_lock, MDIO_MUTEX_NESTED); val = core_read_mmd_indirect(priv, reg, MDIO_MMD_VEND2); val &= ~mask; val |= set; core_write_mmd_indirect(priv, reg, MDIO_MMD_VEND2, val); mutex_unlock(&bus->mdio_lock); } static void core_set(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val) { core_rmw(priv, reg, 0, val); } static void core_clear(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val) { core_rmw(priv, reg, val, 0); } static int mt7530_mii_write(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val) { struct mii_bus *bus = priv->bus; u16 page, r, lo, hi; int ret; page = (reg >> 6) & 0x3ff; r = (reg >> 2) & 0xf; lo = val & 0xffff; hi = val >> 16; /* MT7530 uses 31 as the pseudo port */ ret = bus->write(bus, 0x1f, 0x1f, page); if (ret < 0) goto err; ret = bus->write(bus, 0x1f, r, lo); if (ret < 0) goto err; ret = bus->write(bus, 0x1f, 0x10, hi); err: if (ret < 0) dev_err(&bus->dev, "failed to write mt7530 register\n"); return ret; } static u32 mt7530_mii_read(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg) { struct mii_bus *bus = priv->bus; u16 page, r, lo, hi; int ret; page = (reg >> 6) & 0x3ff; r = (reg >> 2) & 0xf; /* MT7530 uses 31 as the pseudo port */ ret = bus->write(bus, 0x1f, 0x1f, page); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(&bus->dev, "failed to read mt7530 register\n"); return ret; } lo = bus->read(bus, 0x1f, r); hi = bus->read(bus, 0x1f, 0x10); return (hi << 16) | (lo & 0xffff); } static void mt7530_write(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val) { struct mii_bus *bus = priv->bus; mutex_lock_nested(&bus->mdio_lock, MDIO_MUTEX_NESTED); mt7530_mii_write(priv, reg, val); mutex_unlock(&bus->mdio_lock); } static u32 _mt7530_read(struct mt7530_dummy_poll *p) { struct mii_bus *bus = p->priv->bus; u32 val; mutex_lock_nested(&bus->mdio_lock, MDIO_MUTEX_NESTED); val = mt7530_mii_read(p->priv, p->reg); mutex_unlock(&bus->mdio_lock); return val; } static u32 mt7530_read(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg) { struct mt7530_dummy_poll p; INIT_MT7530_DUMMY_POLL(&p, priv, reg); return _mt7530_read(&p); } static void mt7530_rmw(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 mask, u32 set) { struct mii_bus *bus = priv->bus; u32 val; mutex_lock_nested(&bus->mdio_lock, MDIO_MUTEX_NESTED); val = mt7530_mii_read(priv, reg); val &= ~mask; val |= set; mt7530_mii_write(priv, reg, val); mutex_unlock(&bus->mdio_lock); } static void mt7530_set(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val) { mt7530_rmw(priv, reg, 0, val); } static void mt7530_clear(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val) { mt7530_rmw(priv, reg, val, 0); } static int mt7530_fdb_cmd(struct mt7530_priv *priv, enum mt7530_fdb_cmd cmd, u32 *rsp) { u32 val; int ret; struct mt7530_dummy_poll p; /* Set the command operating upon the MAC address entries */ val = ATC_BUSY | ATC_MAT(0) | cmd; mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_ATC, val); INIT_MT7530_DUMMY_POLL(&p, priv, MT7530_ATC); ret = readx_poll_timeout(_mt7530_read, &p, val, !(val & ATC_BUSY), 20, 20000); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(priv->dev, "reset timeout\n"); return ret; } /* Additional sanity for read command if the specified * entry is invalid */ val = mt7530_read(priv, MT7530_ATC); if ((cmd == MT7530_FDB_READ) && (val & ATC_INVALID)) return -EINVAL; if (rsp) *rsp = val; return 0; } static void mt7530_fdb_read(struct mt7530_priv *priv, struct mt7530_fdb *fdb) { u32 reg[3]; int i; /* Read from ARL table into an array */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { reg[i] = mt7530_read(priv, MT7530_TSRA1 + (i * 4)); dev_dbg(priv->dev, "%s(%d) reg[%d]=0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, i, reg[i]); } fdb->vid = (reg[1] >> CVID) & CVID_MASK; fdb->aging = (reg[2] >> AGE_TIMER) & AGE_TIMER_MASK; fdb->port_mask = (reg[2] >> PORT_MAP) & PORT_MAP_MASK; fdb->mac[0] = (reg[0] >> MAC_BYTE_0) & MAC_BYTE_MASK; fdb->mac[1] = (reg[0] >> MAC_BYTE_1) & MAC_BYTE_MASK; fdb->mac[2] = (reg[0] >> MAC_BYTE_2) & MAC_BYTE_MASK; fdb->mac[3] = (reg[0] >> MAC_BYTE_3) & MAC_BYTE_MASK; fdb->mac[4] = (reg[1] >> MAC_BYTE_4) & MAC_BYTE_MASK; fdb->mac[5] = (reg[1] >> MAC_BYTE_5) & MAC_BYTE_MASK; fdb->noarp = ((reg[2] >> ENT_STATUS) & ENT_STATUS_MASK) == STATIC_ENT; } static void mt7530_fdb_write(struct mt7530_priv *priv, u16 vid, u8 port_mask, const u8 *mac, u8 aging, u8 type) { u32 reg[3] = { 0 }; int i; reg[1] |= vid & CVID_MASK; reg[2] |= (aging & AGE_TIMER_MASK) << AGE_TIMER; reg[2] |= (port_mask & PORT_MAP_MASK) << PORT_MAP; /* STATIC_ENT indicate that entry is static wouldn't * be aged out and STATIC_EMP specified as erasing an * entry */ reg[2] |= (type & ENT_STATUS_MASK) << ENT_STATUS; reg[1] |= mac[5] << MAC_BYTE_5; reg[1] |= mac[4] << MAC_BYTE_4; reg[0] |= mac[3] << MAC_BYTE_3; reg[0] |= mac[2] << MAC_BYTE_2; reg[0] |= mac[1] << MAC_BYTE_1; reg[0] |= mac[0] << MAC_BYTE_0; /* Write array into the ARL table */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_ATA1 + (i * 4), reg[i]); } static int mt7530_pad_clk_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds, int mode) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; u32 ncpo1, ssc_delta, trgint, i; switch (mode) { case PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII: trgint = 0; ncpo1 = 0x0c80; ssc_delta = 0x87; break; case PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_TRGMII: trgint = 1; ncpo1 = 0x1400; ssc_delta = 0x57; break; default: dev_err(priv->dev, "xMII mode %d not supported\n", mode); return -EINVAL; } mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_P6ECR, P6_INTF_MODE_MASK, P6_INTF_MODE(trgint)); /* Lower Tx Driving for TRGMII path */ for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_TRGMII_CTRL ; i++) mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_TRGMII_TD_ODT(i), TD_DM_DRVP(8) | TD_DM_DRVN(8)); /* Setup core clock for MT7530 */ if (!trgint) { /* Disable MT7530 core clock */ core_clear(priv, CORE_TRGMII_GSW_CLK_CG, REG_GSWCK_EN); /* Disable PLL, since phy_device has not yet been created * provided for phy_[read,write]_mmd_indirect is called, we * provide our own core_write_mmd_indirect to complete this * function. */ core_write_mmd_indirect(priv, CORE_GSWPLL_GRP1, MDIO_MMD_VEND2, 0); /* Set core clock into 500Mhz */ core_write(priv, CORE_GSWPLL_GRP2, RG_GSWPLL_POSDIV_500M(1) | RG_GSWPLL_FBKDIV_500M(25)); /* Enable PLL */ core_write(priv, CORE_GSWPLL_GRP1, RG_GSWPLL_EN_PRE | RG_GSWPLL_POSDIV_200M(2) | RG_GSWPLL_FBKDIV_200M(32)); /* Enable MT7530 core clock */ core_set(priv, CORE_TRGMII_GSW_CLK_CG, REG_GSWCK_EN); } /* Setup the MT7530 TRGMII Tx Clock */ core_set(priv, CORE_TRGMII_GSW_CLK_CG, REG_GSWCK_EN); core_write(priv, CORE_PLL_GROUP5, RG_LCDDS_PCW_NCPO1(ncpo1)); core_write(priv, CORE_PLL_GROUP6, RG_LCDDS_PCW_NCPO0(0)); core_write(priv, CORE_PLL_GROUP10, RG_LCDDS_SSC_DELTA(ssc_delta)); core_write(priv, CORE_PLL_GROUP11, RG_LCDDS_SSC_DELTA1(ssc_delta)); core_write(priv, CORE_PLL_GROUP4, RG_SYSPLL_DDSFBK_EN | RG_SYSPLL_BIAS_EN | RG_SYSPLL_BIAS_LPF_EN); core_write(priv, CORE_PLL_GROUP2, RG_SYSPLL_EN_NORMAL | RG_SYSPLL_VODEN | RG_SYSPLL_POSDIV(1)); core_write(priv, CORE_PLL_GROUP7, RG_LCDDS_PCW_NCPO_CHG | RG_LCCDS_C(3) | RG_LCDDS_PWDB | RG_LCDDS_ISO_EN); core_set(priv, CORE_TRGMII_GSW_CLK_CG, REG_GSWCK_EN | REG_TRGMIICK_EN); if (!trgint) for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_TRGMII_CTRL; i++) mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_TRGMII_RD(i), RD_TAP_MASK, RD_TAP(16)); else mt7623_trgmii_set(priv, GSW_INTF_MODE, INTF_MODE_TRGMII); return 0; } static int mt7623_pad_clk_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; int i; for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_TRGMII_CTRL; i++) mt7623_trgmii_write(priv, GSW_TRGMII_TD_ODT(i), TD_DM_DRVP(8) | TD_DM_DRVN(8)); mt7623_trgmii_set(priv, GSW_TRGMII_RCK_CTRL, RX_RST | RXC_DQSISEL); mt7623_trgmii_clear(priv, GSW_TRGMII_RCK_CTRL, RX_RST); return 0; } static void mt7530_mib_reset(struct dsa_switch *ds) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_MIB_CCR, CCR_MIB_FLUSH); mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_MIB_CCR, CCR_MIB_ACTIVATE); } static void mt7530_port_set_status(struct mt7530_priv *priv, int port, int enable) { u32 mask = PMCR_TX_EN | PMCR_RX_EN | PMCR_FORCE_LNK; if (enable) mt7530_set(priv, MT7530_PMCR_P(port), mask); else mt7530_clear(priv, MT7530_PMCR_P(port), mask); } static int mt7530_phy_read(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, int regnum) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; return mdiobus_read_nested(priv->bus, port, regnum); } int mt7530_phy_write(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, int regnum, u16 val) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; return mdiobus_write_nested(priv->bus, port, regnum, val); } static void mt7530_get_strings(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, uint8_t *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mt7530_mib); i++) strncpy(data + i * ETH_GSTRING_LEN, mt7530_mib[i].name, ETH_GSTRING_LEN); } static void mt7530_get_ethtool_stats(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, uint64_t *data) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; const struct mt7530_mib_desc *mib; u32 reg, i; u64 hi; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mt7530_mib); i++) { mib = &mt7530_mib[i]; reg = MT7530_PORT_MIB_COUNTER(port) + mib->offset; data[i] = mt7530_read(priv, reg); if (mib->size == 2) { hi = mt7530_read(priv, reg + 4); data[i] |= hi << 32; } } } static int mt7530_get_sset_count(struct dsa_switch *ds) { return ARRAY_SIZE(mt7530_mib); } static void mt7530_adjust_link(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, struct phy_device *phydev) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; if (phy_is_pseudo_fixed_link(phydev)) { dev_dbg(priv->dev, "phy-mode for master device = %x\n", phydev->interface); /* Setup TX circuit incluing relevant PAD and driving */ mt7530_pad_clk_setup(ds, phydev->interface); /* Setup RX circuit, relevant PAD and driving on the host * which must be placed after the setup on the device side is * all finished. */ mt7623_pad_clk_setup(ds); } else { u16 lcl_adv = 0, rmt_adv = 0; u8 flowctrl; u32 mcr = PMCR_USERP_LINK | PMCR_FORCE_MODE; switch (phydev->speed) { case SPEED_1000: mcr |= PMCR_FORCE_SPEED_1000; break; case SPEED_100: mcr |= PMCR_FORCE_SPEED_100; break; }; if (phydev->link) mcr |= PMCR_FORCE_LNK; if (phydev->duplex) { mcr |= PMCR_FORCE_FDX; if (phydev->pause) rmt_adv = LPA_PAUSE_CAP; if (phydev->asym_pause) rmt_adv |= LPA_PAUSE_ASYM; if (phydev->advertising & ADVERTISED_Pause) lcl_adv |= ADVERTISE_PAUSE_CAP; if (phydev->advertising & ADVERTISED_Asym_Pause) lcl_adv |= ADVERTISE_PAUSE_ASYM; flowctrl = mii_resolve_flowctrl_fdx(lcl_adv, rmt_adv); if (flowctrl & FLOW_CTRL_TX) mcr |= PMCR_TX_FC_EN; if (flowctrl & FLOW_CTRL_RX) mcr |= PMCR_RX_FC_EN; } mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_PMCR_P(port), mcr); } } static int mt7530_cpu_port_enable(struct mt7530_priv *priv, int port) { /* Enable Mediatek header mode on the cpu port */ mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_PVC_P(port), PORT_SPEC_TAG); /* Setup the MAC by default for the cpu port */ mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_PMCR_P(port), PMCR_CPUP_LINK); /* Disable auto learning on the cpu port */ mt7530_set(priv, MT7530_PSC_P(port), SA_DIS); /* Unknown unicast frame fordwarding to the cpu port */ mt7530_set(priv, MT7530_MFC, UNU_FFP(BIT(port))); /* CPU port gets connected to all user ports of * the switch */ mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_PCR_P(port), PCR_MATRIX(priv->ds->enabled_port_mask)); return 0; } static int mt7530_port_enable(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, struct phy_device *phy) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; mutex_lock(&priv->reg_mutex); /* Setup the MAC for the user port */ mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_PMCR_P(port), PMCR_USERP_LINK); /* Allow the user port gets connected to the cpu port and also * restore the port matrix if the port is the member of a certain * bridge. */ priv->ports[port].pm |= PCR_MATRIX(BIT(MT7530_CPU_PORT)); priv->ports[port].enable = true; mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_PCR_P(port), PCR_MATRIX_MASK, priv->ports[port].pm); mt7530_port_set_status(priv, port, 1); mutex_unlock(&priv->reg_mutex); return 0; } static void mt7530_port_disable(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, struct phy_device *phy) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; mutex_lock(&priv->reg_mutex); /* Clear up all port matrix which could be restored in the next * enablement for the port. */ priv->ports[port].enable = false; mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_PCR_P(port), PCR_MATRIX_MASK, PCR_MATRIX_CLR); mt7530_port_set_status(priv, port, 0); mutex_unlock(&priv->reg_mutex); } static void mt7530_stp_state_set(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, u8 state) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; u32 stp_state; switch (state) { case BR_STATE_DISABLED: stp_state = MT7530_STP_DISABLED; break; case BR_STATE_BLOCKING: stp_state = MT7530_STP_BLOCKING; break; case BR_STATE_LISTENING: stp_state = MT7530_STP_LISTENING; break; case BR_STATE_LEARNING: stp_state = MT7530_STP_LEARNING; break; case BR_STATE_FORWARDING: default: stp_state = MT7530_STP_FORWARDING; break; } mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_SSP_P(port), FID_PST_MASK, stp_state); } static int mt7530_port_bridge_join(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, struct net_device *bridge) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; u32 port_bitmap = BIT(MT7530_CPU_PORT); int i; mutex_lock(&priv->reg_mutex); for (i = 0; i < MT7530_NUM_PORTS; i++) { /* Add this port to the port matrix of the other ports in the * same bridge. If the port is disabled, port matrix is kept * and not being setup until the port becomes enabled. */ if (ds->enabled_port_mask & BIT(i) && i != port) { if (ds->ports[i].bridge_dev != bridge) continue; if (priv->ports[i].enable) mt7530_set(priv, MT7530_PCR_P(i), PCR_MATRIX(BIT(port))); priv->ports[i].pm |= PCR_MATRIX(BIT(port)); port_bitmap |= BIT(i); } } /* Add the all other ports to this port matrix. */ if (priv->ports[port].enable) mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_PCR_P(port), PCR_MATRIX_MASK, PCR_MATRIX(port_bitmap)); priv->ports[port].pm |= PCR_MATRIX(port_bitmap); mutex_unlock(&priv->reg_mutex); return 0; } static void mt7530_port_bridge_leave(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, struct net_device *bridge) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; int i; mutex_lock(&priv->reg_mutex); for (i = 0; i < MT7530_NUM_PORTS; i++) { /* Remove this port from the port matrix of the other ports * in the same bridge. If the port is disabled, port matrix * is kept and not being setup until the port becomes enabled. */ if (ds->enabled_port_mask & BIT(i) && i != port) { if (ds->ports[i].bridge_dev != bridge) continue; if (priv->ports[i].enable) mt7530_clear(priv, MT7530_PCR_P(i), PCR_MATRIX(BIT(port))); priv->ports[i].pm &= ~PCR_MATRIX(BIT(port)); } } /* Set the cpu port to be the only one in the port matrix of * this port. */ if (priv->ports[port].enable) mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_PCR_P(port), PCR_MATRIX_MASK, PCR_MATRIX(BIT(MT7530_CPU_PORT))); priv->ports[port].pm = PCR_MATRIX(BIT(MT7530_CPU_PORT)); mutex_unlock(&priv->reg_mutex); } static int mt7530_port_fdb_add(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, const unsigned char *addr, u16 vid) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; int ret; u8 port_mask = BIT(port); mutex_lock(&priv->reg_mutex); mt7530_fdb_write(priv, vid, port_mask, addr, -1, STATIC_ENT); ret = mt7530_fdb_cmd(priv, MT7530_FDB_WRITE, 0); mutex_unlock(&priv->reg_mutex); return ret; } static int mt7530_port_fdb_del(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, const unsigned char *addr, u16 vid) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; int ret; u8 port_mask = BIT(port); mutex_lock(&priv->reg_mutex); mt7530_fdb_write(priv, vid, port_mask, addr, -1, STATIC_EMP); ret = mt7530_fdb_cmd(priv, MT7530_FDB_WRITE, 0); mutex_unlock(&priv->reg_mutex); return ret; } static int mt7530_port_fdb_dump(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, dsa_fdb_dump_cb_t *cb, void *data) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; struct mt7530_fdb _fdb = { 0 }; int cnt = MT7530_NUM_FDB_RECORDS; int ret = 0; u32 rsp = 0; mutex_lock(&priv->reg_mutex); ret = mt7530_fdb_cmd(priv, MT7530_FDB_START, &rsp); if (ret < 0) goto err; do { if (rsp & ATC_SRCH_HIT) { mt7530_fdb_read(priv, &_fdb); if (_fdb.port_mask & BIT(port)) { ret = cb(_fdb.mac, _fdb.vid, _fdb.noarp, data); if (ret < 0) break; } } } while (--cnt && !(rsp & ATC_SRCH_END) && !mt7530_fdb_cmd(priv, MT7530_FDB_NEXT, &rsp)); err: mutex_unlock(&priv->reg_mutex); return 0; } static enum dsa_tag_protocol mtk_get_tag_protocol(struct dsa_switch *ds) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; if (!dsa_is_cpu_port(ds, MT7530_CPU_PORT)) { dev_warn(priv->dev, "port not matched with tagging CPU port\n"); return DSA_TAG_PROTO_NONE; } else { return DSA_TAG_PROTO_MTK; } } static int mt7530_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv; int ret, i; u32 id, val; struct device_node *dn; struct mt7530_dummy_poll p; /* The parent node of cpu_dp->netdev which holds the common system * controller also is the container for two GMACs nodes representing * as two netdev instances. */ dn = ds->dst->cpu_dp->netdev->dev.of_node->parent; priv->ethernet = syscon_node_to_regmap(dn); if (IS_ERR(priv->ethernet)) return PTR_ERR(priv->ethernet); regulator_set_voltage(priv->core_pwr, 1000000, 1000000); ret = regulator_enable(priv->core_pwr); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(priv->dev, "Failed to enable core power: %d\n", ret); return ret; } regulator_set_voltage(priv->io_pwr, 3300000, 3300000); ret = regulator_enable(priv->io_pwr); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(priv->dev, "Failed to enable io pwr: %d\n", ret); return ret; } /* Reset whole chip through gpio pin or memory-mapped registers for * different type of hardware */ if (priv->mcm) { reset_control_assert(priv->rstc); usleep_range(1000, 1100); reset_control_deassert(priv->rstc); } else { gpiod_set_value_cansleep(priv->reset, 0); usleep_range(1000, 1100); gpiod_set_value_cansleep(priv->reset, 1); } /* Waiting for MT7530 got to stable */ INIT_MT7530_DUMMY_POLL(&p, priv, MT7530_HWTRAP); ret = readx_poll_timeout(_mt7530_read, &p, val, val != 0, 20, 1000000); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(priv->dev, "reset timeout\n"); return ret; } id = mt7530_read(priv, MT7530_CREV); id >>= CHIP_NAME_SHIFT; if (id != MT7530_ID) { dev_err(priv->dev, "chip %x can't be supported\n", id); return -ENODEV; } /* Reset the switch through internal reset */ mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_SYS_CTRL, SYS_CTRL_PHY_RST | SYS_CTRL_SW_RST | SYS_CTRL_REG_RST); /* Enable Port 6 only; P5 as GMAC5 which currently is not supported */ val = mt7530_read(priv, MT7530_MHWTRAP); val &= ~MHWTRAP_P6_DIS & ~MHWTRAP_PHY_ACCESS; val |= MHWTRAP_MANUAL; mt7530_write(priv, MT7530_MHWTRAP, val); /* Enable and reset MIB counters */ mt7530_mib_reset(ds); mt7530_clear(priv, MT7530_MFC, UNU_FFP_MASK); for (i = 0; i < MT7530_NUM_PORTS; i++) { /* Disable forwarding by default on all ports */ mt7530_rmw(priv, MT7530_PCR_P(i), PCR_MATRIX_MASK, PCR_MATRIX_CLR); if (dsa_is_cpu_port(ds, i)) mt7530_cpu_port_enable(priv, i); else mt7530_port_disable(ds, i, NULL); } /* Flush the FDB table */ ret = mt7530_fdb_cmd(priv, MT7530_FDB_FLUSH, 0); if (ret < 0) return ret; return 0; } static const struct dsa_switch_ops mt7530_switch_ops = { .get_tag_protocol = mtk_get_tag_protocol, .setup = mt7530_setup, .get_strings = mt7530_get_strings, .phy_read = mt7530_phy_read, .phy_write = mt7530_phy_write, .get_ethtool_stats = mt7530_get_ethtool_stats, .get_sset_count = mt7530_get_sset_count, .adjust_link = mt7530_adjust_link, .port_enable = mt7530_port_enable, .port_disable = mt7530_port_disable, .port_stp_state_set = mt7530_stp_state_set, .port_bridge_join = mt7530_port_bridge_join, .port_bridge_leave = mt7530_port_bridge_leave, .port_fdb_add = mt7530_port_fdb_add, .port_fdb_del = mt7530_port_fdb_del, .port_fdb_dump = mt7530_port_fdb_dump, }; static int mt7530_probe(struct mdio_device *mdiodev) { struct mt7530_priv *priv; struct device_node *dn; dn = mdiodev->dev.of_node; priv = devm_kzalloc(&mdiodev->dev, sizeof(*priv), GFP_KERNEL); if (!priv) return -ENOMEM; priv->ds = dsa_switch_alloc(&mdiodev->dev, DSA_MAX_PORTS); if (!priv->ds) return -ENOMEM; /* Use medatek,mcm property to distinguish hardware type that would * casues a little bit differences on power-on sequence. */ priv->mcm = of_property_read_bool(dn, "mediatek,mcm"); if (priv->mcm) { dev_info(&mdiodev->dev, "MT7530 adapts as multi-chip module\n"); priv->rstc = devm_reset_control_get(&mdiodev->dev, "mcm"); if (IS_ERR(priv->rstc)) { dev_err(&mdiodev->dev, "Couldn't get our reset line\n"); return PTR_ERR(priv->rstc); } } priv->core_pwr = devm_regulator_get(&mdiodev->dev, "core"); if (IS_ERR(priv->core_pwr)) return PTR_ERR(priv->core_pwr); priv->io_pwr = devm_regulator_get(&mdiodev->dev, "io"); if (IS_ERR(priv->io_pwr)) return PTR_ERR(priv->io_pwr); /* Not MCM that indicates switch works as the remote standalone * integrated circuit so the GPIO pin would be used to complete * the reset, otherwise memory-mapped register accessing used * through syscon provides in the case of MCM. */ if (!priv->mcm) { priv->reset = devm_gpiod_get_optional(&mdiodev->dev, "reset", GPIOD_OUT_LOW); if (IS_ERR(priv->reset)) { dev_err(&mdiodev->dev, "Couldn't get our reset line\n"); return PTR_ERR(priv->reset); } } priv->bus = mdiodev->bus; priv->dev = &mdiodev->dev; priv->ds->priv = priv; priv->ds->ops = &mt7530_switch_ops; mutex_init(&priv->reg_mutex); dev_set_drvdata(&mdiodev->dev, priv); return dsa_register_switch(priv->ds); } static void mt7530_remove(struct mdio_device *mdiodev) { struct mt7530_priv *priv = dev_get_drvdata(&mdiodev->dev); int ret = 0; ret = regulator_disable(priv->core_pwr); if (ret < 0) dev_err(priv->dev, "Failed to disable core power: %d\n", ret); ret = regulator_disable(priv->io_pwr); if (ret < 0) dev_err(priv->dev, "Failed to disable io pwr: %d\n", ret); dsa_unregister_switch(priv->ds); mutex_destroy(&priv->reg_mutex); } static const struct of_device_id mt7530_of_match[] = { { .compatible = "mediatek,mt7530" }, { /* sentinel */ }, }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, mt7530_of_match); static struct mdio_driver mt7530_mdio_driver = { .probe = mt7530_probe, .remove = mt7530_remove, .mdiodrv.driver = { .name = "mt7530", .of_match_table = mt7530_of_match, }, }; mdio_module_driver(mt7530_mdio_driver); MODULE_AUTHOR("Sean Wang "); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Driver for Mediatek MT7530 Switch"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_ALIAS("platform:mediatek-mt7530");