.. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
.. document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
.. Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software
.. Foundation, with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts
.. and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included at
.. Documentation/media/uapi/fdl-appendix.rst.
.. TODO: replace it to GFDL-1.1-or-later WITH no-invariant-sections

.. _v4l2-pix-fmt-sbggr12p:
.. _v4l2-pix-fmt-sgbrg12p:
.. _v4l2-pix-fmt-sgrbg12p:


12-bit packed Bayer formats


These four pixel formats are packed raw sRGB / Bayer formats with 12
bits per colour. Every two consecutive samples are packed into three
bytes. Each of the first two bytes contain the 8 high order bits of
the pixels, and the third byte contains the four least significants
bits of each pixel, in the same order.

Each n-pixel row contains n/2 green samples and n/2 blue or red
samples, with alternating green-red and green-blue rows. They are
conventionally described as GRGR... BGBG..., RGRG... GBGB..., etc.
Below is an example of a small V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR12P image:

**Byte Order.**
Each cell is one byte.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{2.2cm}|p{1.2cm}|p{1.2cm}|p{3.1cm}|p{1.2cm}|p{1.2cm}|p{3.1cm}|

.. flat-table::
    :header-rows:  0
    :stub-columns: 0
    :widths:       2 1 1 1 1 1 1

    -  -  start + 0:
       -  B\ :sub:`00high`
       -  G\ :sub:`01high`
       -  G\ :sub:`01low`\ (bits 7--4)

          B\ :sub:`00low`\ (bits 3--0)
       -  B\ :sub:`02high`
       -  G\ :sub:`03high`
       -  G\ :sub:`03low`\ (bits 7--4)

          B\ :sub:`02low`\ (bits 3--0)

    -  -  start + 6:
       -  G\ :sub:`10high`
       -  R\ :sub:`11high`
       -  R\ :sub:`11low`\ (bits 7--4)

          G\ :sub:`10low`\ (bits 3--0)
       -  G\ :sub:`12high`
       -  R\ :sub:`13high`
       -  R\ :sub:`13low`\ (bits 3--2)

          G\ :sub:`12low`\ (bits 3--0)
    -  -  start + 12:
       -  B\ :sub:`20high`
       -  G\ :sub:`21high`
       -  G\ :sub:`21low`\ (bits 7--4)

          B\ :sub:`20low`\ (bits 3--0)
       -  B\ :sub:`22high`
       -  G\ :sub:`23high`
       -  G\ :sub:`23low`\ (bits 7--4)

          B\ :sub:`22low`\ (bits 3--0)
    -  -  start + 18:
       -  G\ :sub:`30high`
       -  R\ :sub:`31high`
       -  R\ :sub:`31low`\ (bits 7--4)

          G\ :sub:`30low`\ (bits 3--0)
       -  G\ :sub:`32high`
       -  R\ :sub:`33high`
       -  R\ :sub:`33low`\ (bits 3--2)

          G\ :sub:`32low`\ (bits 3--0)