* Clock bindings for Freescale i.MX28

Required properties:
- compatible: Should be "fsl,imx28-clkctrl"
- reg: Address and length of the register set
- #clock-cells: Should be <1>

The clock consumer should specify the desired clock by having the clock
ID in its "clocks" phandle cell.  The following is a full list of i.MX28
clocks and IDs.

	Clock		ID
	ref_xtal	0
	pll0		1
	pll1		2
	pll2		3
	ref_cpu		4
	ref_emi		5
	ref_io0		6
	ref_io1		7
	ref_pix		8
	ref_hsadc	9
	ref_gpmi	10
	saif0_sel	11
	saif1_sel	12
	gpmi_sel	13
	ssp0_sel	14
	ssp1_sel	15
	ssp2_sel	16
	ssp3_sel	17
	emi_sel		18
	etm_sel		19
	lcdif_sel	20
	cpu		21
	ptp_sel		22
	cpu_pll		23
	cpu_xtal	24
	hbus		25
	xbus		26
	ssp0_div	27
	ssp1_div	28
	ssp2_div	29
	ssp3_div	30
	gpmi_div	31
	emi_pll		32
	emi_xtal	33
	lcdif_div	34
	etm_div		35
	ptp		36
	saif0_div	37
	saif1_div	38
	clk32k_div	39
	rtc		40
	lradc		41
	spdif_div	42
	clk32k		43
	pwm		44
	uart		45
	ssp0		46
	ssp1		47
	ssp2		48
	ssp3		49
	gpmi		50
	spdif		51
	emi		52
	saif0		53
	saif1		54
	lcdif		55
	etm		56
	fec		57
	can0		58
	can1		59
	usb0		60
	usb1		61
	usb0_phy	62
	usb1_phy	63
	enet_out	64


clks: clkctrl@80040000 {
	compatible = "fsl,imx28-clkctrl";
	reg = <0x80040000 0x2000>;
	#clock-cells = <1>;

auart0: serial@8006a000 {
	compatible = "fsl,imx28-auart", "fsl,imx23-auart";
	reg = <0x8006a000 0x2000>;
	interrupts = <112 70 71>;
	clocks = <&clks 45>;