What: /sys/bus/fcoe/ctlr_X Date: March 2012 KernelVersion: TBD Contact: Robert Love <robert.w.love@intel.com>, devel@open-fcoe.org Description: 'FCoE Controller' instances on the fcoe bus Attributes: fcf_dev_loss_tmo: Device loss timeout peroid (see below). Changing this value will change the dev_loss_tmo for all FCFs discovered by this controller. lesb/link_fail: Link Error Status Block (LESB) link failure count. lesb/vlink_fail: Link Error Status Block (LESB) virtual link failure count. lesb/miss_fka: Link Error Status Block (LESB) missed FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP) Keep-Alives (FKA). lesb/symb_err: Link Error Status Block (LESB) symbolic error count. lesb/err_block: Link Error Status Block (LESB) block error count. lesb/fcs_error: Link Error Status Block (LESB) Fibre Channel Serivces error count. Notes: ctlr_X (global increment starting at 0) What: /sys/bus/fcoe/fcf_X Date: March 2012 KernelVersion: TBD Contact: Robert Love <robert.w.love@intel.com>, devel@open-fcoe.org Description: 'FCoE FCF' instances on the fcoe bus. A FCF is a Fibre Channel Forwarder, which is a FCoE switch that can accept FCoE (Ethernet) packets, unpack them, and forward the embedded Fibre Channel frames into a FC fabric. It can also take outbound FC frames and pack them in Ethernet packets to be sent to their destination on the Ethernet segment. Attributes: fabric_name: Identifies the fabric that the FCF services. switch_name: Identifies the FCF. priority: The switch's priority amongst other FCFs on the same fabric. selected: 1 indicates that the switch has been selected for use; 0 indicates that the swich will not be used. fc_map: The Fibre Channel MAP vfid: The Virtual Fabric ID mac: The FCF's MAC address fka_peroid: The FIP Keep-Alive peroid fabric_state: The internal kernel state "Unknown" - Initialization value "Disconnected" - No link to the FCF/fabric "Connected" - Host is connected to the FCF "Deleted" - FCF is being removed from the system dev_loss_tmo: The device loss timeout peroid for this FCF. Notes: A device loss infrastructre similar to the FC Transport's is present in fcoe_sysfs. It is nice to have so that a link flapping adapter doesn't continually advance the count used to identify the discovered FCF. FCFs will exist in a "Disconnected" state until either the timer expires and the FCF becomes "Deleted" or the FCF is rediscovered and becomes "Connected." Users: The first user of this interface will be the fcoeadm application, which is commonly packaged in the fcoe-utils package.