path: root/drivers/usb/chipidea/debug.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/usb/chipidea/debug.c')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 359 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/usb/chipidea/debug.c b/drivers/usb/chipidea/debug.c
index e6cc45ebb33d..898aca591915 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/chipidea/debug.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/chipidea/debug.c
@@ -10,46 +10,6 @@
#include "bits.h"
#include "debug.h"
-/* Interrupt statistics */
-#define ISR_MASK 0x1F
-static struct isr_statistics {
- u32 test;
- u32 ui;
- u32 uei;
- u32 pci;
- u32 uri;
- u32 sli;
- u32 none;
- struct {
- u32 cnt;
- u32 buf[ISR_MASK+1];
- u32 idx;
- } hndl;
-} isr_statistics;
-void dbg_interrupt(u32 intmask)
- if (!intmask) {
- isr_statistics.none++;
- return;
- }
- isr_statistics.hndl.buf[isr_statistics.hndl.idx++] = intmask;
- isr_statistics.hndl.idx &= ISR_MASK;
- isr_statistics.hndl.cnt++;
- if (USBi_URI & intmask)
- isr_statistics.uri++;
- if (USBi_PCI & intmask)
- isr_statistics.pci++;
- if (USBi_UEI & intmask)
- isr_statistics.uei++;
- if (USBi_UI & intmask)
- isr_statistics.ui++;
- if (USBi_SLI & intmask)
- isr_statistics.sli++;
* hw_register_read: reads all device registers (execute without interruption)
* @buf: destination buffer
@@ -196,312 +156,6 @@ static ssize_t show_driver(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
static DEVICE_ATTR(driver, S_IRUSR, show_driver, NULL);
-/* Maximum event message length */
-#define DBG_DATA_MSG 64UL
-/* Maximum event messages */
-#define DBG_DATA_MAX 128UL
-/* Event buffer descriptor */
-static struct {
- char (buf[DBG_DATA_MAX])[DBG_DATA_MSG]; /* buffer */
- unsigned idx; /* index */
- unsigned tty; /* print to console? */
- rwlock_t lck; /* lock */
-} dbg_data = {
- .idx = 0,
- .tty = 0,
- .lck = __RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED(dbg_data.lck)
- * dbg_dec: decrements debug event index
- * @idx: buffer index
- */
-static void dbg_dec(unsigned *idx)
- *idx = (*idx - 1) & (DBG_DATA_MAX-1);
- * dbg_inc: increments debug event index
- * @idx: buffer index
- */
-static void dbg_inc(unsigned *idx)
- *idx = (*idx + 1) & (DBG_DATA_MAX-1);
- * dbg_print: prints the common part of the event
- * @addr: endpoint address
- * @name: event name
- * @status: status
- * @extra: extra information
- */
-static void dbg_print(u8 addr, const char *name, int status, const char *extra)
- struct timeval tval;
- unsigned int stamp;
- unsigned long flags;
- write_lock_irqsave(&dbg_data.lck, flags);
- do_gettimeofday(&tval);
- stamp = tval.tv_sec & 0xFFFF; /* 2^32 = 4294967296. Limit to 4096s */
- stamp = stamp * 1000000 + tval.tv_usec;
- scnprintf(dbg_data.buf[dbg_data.idx], DBG_DATA_MSG,
- "%04X\t? %02X %-7.7s %4i ?\t%s\n",
- stamp, addr, name, status, extra);
- dbg_inc(&dbg_data.idx);
- write_unlock_irqrestore(&dbg_data.lck, flags);
- if (dbg_data.tty != 0)
- pr_notice("%04X\t? %02X %-7.7s %4i ?\t%s\n",
- stamp, addr, name, status, extra);
- * dbg_done: prints a DONE event
- * @addr: endpoint address
- * @td: transfer descriptor
- * @status: status
- */
-void dbg_done(u8 addr, const u32 token, int status)
- char msg[DBG_DATA_MSG];
- scnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%d %02X",
- (int)(token & TD_TOTAL_BYTES) >> ffs_nr(TD_TOTAL_BYTES),
- (int)(token & TD_STATUS) >> ffs_nr(TD_STATUS));
- dbg_print(addr, "DONE", status, msg);
- * dbg_event: prints a generic event
- * @addr: endpoint address
- * @name: event name
- * @status: status
- */
-void dbg_event(u8 addr, const char *name, int status)
- if (name != NULL)
- dbg_print(addr, name, status, "");
- * dbg_queue: prints a QUEUE event
- * @addr: endpoint address
- * @req: USB request
- * @status: status
- */
-void dbg_queue(u8 addr, const struct usb_request *req, int status)
- char msg[DBG_DATA_MSG];
- if (req != NULL) {
- scnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
- "%d %d", !req->no_interrupt, req->length);
- dbg_print(addr, "QUEUE", status, msg);
- }
- * dbg_setup: prints a SETUP event
- * @addr: endpoint address
- * @req: setup request
- */
-void dbg_setup(u8 addr, const struct usb_ctrlrequest *req)
- char msg[DBG_DATA_MSG];
- if (req != NULL) {
- scnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
- "%02X %02X %04X %04X %d", req->bRequestType,
- req->bRequest, le16_to_cpu(req->wValue),
- le16_to_cpu(req->wIndex), le16_to_cpu(req->wLength));
- dbg_print(addr, "SETUP", 0, msg);
- }
- * show_events: displays the event buffer
- *
- * Check "device.h" for details
- */
-static ssize_t show_events(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
- char *buf)
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned i, j, n = 0;
- if (attr == NULL || buf == NULL) {
- dev_err(dev->parent, "[%s] EINVAL\n", __func__);
- return 0;
- }
- read_lock_irqsave(&dbg_data.lck, flags);
- i = dbg_data.idx;
- for (dbg_dec(&i); i != dbg_data.idx; dbg_dec(&i)) {
- n += strlen(dbg_data.buf[i]);
- if (n >= PAGE_SIZE) {
- n -= strlen(dbg_data.buf[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- for (j = 0, dbg_inc(&i); j < n; dbg_inc(&i))
- j += scnprintf(buf + j, PAGE_SIZE - j,
- "%s", dbg_data.buf[i]);
- read_unlock_irqrestore(&dbg_data.lck, flags);
- return n;
- * store_events: configure if events are going to be also printed to console
- *
- * Check "device.h" for details
- */
-static ssize_t store_events(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
- const char *buf, size_t count)
- unsigned tty;
- if (attr == NULL || buf == NULL) {
- dev_err(dev, "[%s] EINVAL\n", __func__);
- goto done;
- }
- if (sscanf(buf, "%u", &tty) != 1 || tty > 1) {
- dev_err(dev, "<1|0>: enable|disable console log\n");
- goto done;
- }
- dbg_data.tty = tty;
- dev_info(dev, "tty = %u", dbg_data.tty);
- done:
- return count;
-static DEVICE_ATTR(events, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, show_events, store_events);
- * show_inters: interrupt status, enable status and historic
- *
- * Check "device.h" for details
- */
-static ssize_t show_inters(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
- char *buf)
- struct ci13xxx *ci = container_of(dev, struct ci13xxx,;
- unsigned long flags;
- u32 intr;
- unsigned i, j, n = 0;
- if (attr == NULL || buf == NULL) {
- dev_err(ci->dev, "[%s] EINVAL\n", __func__);
- return 0;
- }
- spin_lock_irqsave(&ci->lock, flags);
- /*n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n,
- "status = %08x\n", hw_read_intr_status(ci));
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n,
- "enable = %08x\n", hw_read_intr_enable(ci));*/
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "*test = %d\n",
- isr_statistics.test);
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "? ui = %d\n",
- isr_statistics.ui);
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "? uei = %d\n",
- isr_statistics.uei);
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "? pci = %d\n",
- isr_statistics.pci);
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "? uri = %d\n",
- isr_statistics.uri);
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "? sli = %d\n",
- isr_statistics.sli);
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "*none = %d\n",
- isr_statistics.none);
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "*hndl = %d\n",
- isr_statistics.hndl.cnt);
- for (i = isr_statistics.hndl.idx, j = 0; j <= ISR_MASK; j++, i++) {
- i &= ISR_MASK;
- intr = isr_statistics.hndl.buf[i];
- if (USBi_UI & intr)
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "ui ");
- intr &= ~USBi_UI;
- if (USBi_UEI & intr)
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "uei ");
- intr &= ~USBi_UEI;
- if (USBi_PCI & intr)
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "pci ");
- intr &= ~USBi_PCI;
- if (USBi_URI & intr)
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "uri ");
- intr &= ~USBi_URI;
- if (USBi_SLI & intr)
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "sli ");
- intr &= ~USBi_SLI;
- if (intr)
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "??? ");
- if (isr_statistics.hndl.buf[i])
- n += scnprintf(buf + n, PAGE_SIZE - n, "\n");
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ci->lock, flags);
- return n;
- * store_inters: enable & force or disable an individual interrutps
- * (to be used for test purposes only)
- *
- * Check "device.h" for details
- */
-static ssize_t store_inters(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
- const char *buf, size_t count)
- struct ci13xxx *ci = container_of(dev, struct ci13xxx,;
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned en, bit;
- if (attr == NULL || buf == NULL) {
- dev_err(ci->dev, "EINVAL\n");
- goto done;
- }
- if (sscanf(buf, "%u %u", &en, &bit) != 2 || en > 1) {
- dev_err(ci->dev, "<1|0> <bit>: enable|disable interrupt\n");
- goto done;
- }
- spin_lock_irqsave(&ci->lock, flags);
- if (en) {
- if (hw_intr_force(ci, bit))
- dev_err(dev, "invalid bit number\n");
- else
- isr_statistics.test++;
- } else {
- if (hw_intr_clear(ci, bit))
- dev_err(dev, "invalid bit number\n");
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ci->lock, flags);
- done:
- return count;
-static DEVICE_ATTR(inters, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, show_inters, store_inters);
* show_port_test: reads port test mode
@@ -730,15 +384,9 @@ int dbg_create_files(struct device *dev)
retval = device_create_file(dev, &dev_attr_driver);
if (retval)
goto rm_device;
- retval = device_create_file(dev, &dev_attr_events);
- if (retval)
- goto rm_driver;
- retval = device_create_file(dev, &dev_attr_inters);
- if (retval)
- goto rm_events;
retval = device_create_file(dev, &dev_attr_port_test);
if (retval)
- goto rm_inters;
+ goto rm_driver;
retval = device_create_file(dev, &dev_attr_qheads);
if (retval)
goto rm_port_test;
@@ -756,10 +404,6 @@ int dbg_create_files(struct device *dev)
device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_qheads);
device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_port_test);
- rm_inters:
- device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_inters);
- rm_events:
- device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_events);
device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_driver);
@@ -782,8 +426,6 @@ int dbg_remove_files(struct device *dev)
device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_registers);
device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_qheads);
device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_port_test);
- device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_inters);
- device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_events);
device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_driver);
device_remove_file(dev, &dev_attr_device);
return 0;