diff options
172 files changed, 2660 insertions, 1377 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/DocBook/deviceiobook.tmpl b/Documentation/DocBook/deviceiobook.tmpl
index 90ed23df1f68..c917de681ccd 100644
--- a/Documentation/DocBook/deviceiobook.tmpl
+++ b/Documentation/DocBook/deviceiobook.tmpl
@@ -316,7 +316,8 @@ CPU B: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev_lock, flags)
<chapter id="pubfunctions">
<title>Public Functions Provided</title>
diff --git a/Documentation/HOWTO b/Documentation/HOWTO
index f8cc3f8ed152..c64e969dc33b 100644
--- a/Documentation/HOWTO
+++ b/Documentation/HOWTO
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ tools. One such tool that is particularly recommended is the Linux
Cross-Reference project, which is able to present source code in a
self-referential, indexed webpage format. An excellent up-to-date
repository of the kernel code may be found at:
The development process
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ One of the best ways to put into practice your hacking skills is by fixing
bugs reported by other people. Not only you will help to make the kernel
more stable, you'll learn to fix real world problems and you will improve
your skills, and other developers will be aware of your presence. Fixing
-bugs is one of the best ways to earn merit amongst the developers, because
+bugs is one of the best ways to get merits among other developers, because
not many people like wasting time fixing other people's bugs.
To work in the already reported bug reports, go to
diff --git a/Documentation/SubmittingPatches b/Documentation/SubmittingPatches
index d6b45a9b29b4..397575880dc4 100644
--- a/Documentation/SubmittingPatches
+++ b/Documentation/SubmittingPatches
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ NO!!!! No more huge patch bombs to people!
Kernel Documentation/CodingStyle:
- <>
+ <>
Linus Torvalds's mail on the canonical patch format:
diff --git a/Documentation/accounting/getdelays.c b/Documentation/accounting/getdelays.c
index 24c5aade8998..cbee3a27f768 100644
--- a/Documentation/accounting/getdelays.c
+++ b/Documentation/accounting/getdelays.c
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void print_delayacct(struct taskstats *t)
"IO %15s%15s\n"
" %15llu%15llu\n"
"MEM %15s%15s\n"
- " %15llu%15llu\n"
+ " %15llu%15llu\n",
"count", "real total", "virtual total", "delay total",
t->cpu_count, t->cpu_run_real_total, t->cpu_run_virtual_total,
diff --git a/Documentation/ko_KR/HOWTO b/Documentation/ko_KR/HOWTO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b51d7ca842ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/ko_KR/HOWTO
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+This is a version of Documentation/HOWTO translated into korean
+This document is maintained by minchan Kim <>
+If you find any difference between this document and the original file or
+a problem with the translation, please contact the maintainer of this file.
+Please also note that the purpose of this file is to be easier to
+read for non English (read: korean) speakers and is not intended as
+a fork. So if you have any comments or updates for this file please
+try to update the original English file first.
+이 문서는
+의 한글 번역입니다.
+역자: 김민찬 < >
+감수: 이제이미 <>
+어떻게 리눅스 커널 개발을 하는가
+이 문서는 커널 개발에 있어 가장 중요한 문서이다. 이 문서는
+리눅스 커널 개발자가 되는 법과 리눅스 커널 개발 커뮤니티와 일하는
+법을 담고있다. 커널 프로그래밍의기술적인 측면과 관련된 내용들은
+포함하지 않으려고 하였지만 올바으로 여러분을 안내하는 데 도움이
+될 것이다.
+이 문서에서 오래된 것을 발견하면 문서의 아래쪽에 나열된 메인트너에게
+패치를 보내달라.
+자, 여러분은 리눅스 커널 개발자가 되는 법을 배우고 싶은가? 아니면
+상사로부터"이 장치를 위한 리눅스 드라이버를 작성하시오"라는 말을
+들었는가? 이 문서는 여러분이 겪게 될 과정과 커뮤니티와 일하는 법을
+조언하여 여러분의 목적을 달성하기 위해 필요한 것 모두를 알려주는
+커널은 대부분은 C로 작성되었어고 몇몇 아키텍쳐의 의존적인 부분은
+어셈블리로 작성되었다. 커널 개발을 위해 C를 잘 이해하고 있어야 한다.
+여러분이 특정 아키텍쳐의 low-level 개발을 할 것이 아니라면
+어셈블리(특정 아키텍쳐)는 잘 알아야 할 필요는 없다.
+다음의 참고서적들은 기본에 충실한 C 교육이나 수년간의 경험에 견주지는
+못하지만 적어도 참고 용도로는 좋을 것이다
+ - "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie [Prentice Hall]
+ - "Practical C Programming" by Steve Oualline [O'Reilly]
+ - "C: A Reference Manual" by Harbison and Steele [Prentice Hall]
+커널은 GNU C와 GNU 툴체인을 사용하여 작성되었다. 이 툴들은 ISO C89 표준을
+따르는 반면 표준에 있지 않은 많은 확장기능도 가지고 있다. 커널은 표준 C
+라이브러리와는 관계없이 freestanding C 환경이어서 C 표준의 일부는
+지원되지 않는다. 임의의 long long 나누기나 floating point는 지원되지 않는다.
+때론 이런 이유로 커널이 그런 확장 기능을 가진 툴체인을 가지고 만들어졌다는
+것이 이해하기 어려울 수도 있고 게다가 불행하게도 그런 것을 정확하게 설명하는
+어떤 참고문서도 있지 않다. 정보를 얻기 위해서는 gcc info (`info gcc`)페이지를
+여러분은 기존의 개발 커뮤니티와 일하는 법을 배우려고 하고 있다는 것을
+기억하라. 코딩, 스타일, 절차에 관한 훌륭한 표준을 가진 사람들이 모인
+다양한 그룹이 있다. 이 표준들은 오랜동안 크고 지역적으로 분산된 팀들에
+의해 가장 좋은 방법으로 일하기위하여 찾은 것을 기초로 만들어져왔다.
+그 표준들은 문서화가 잘 되어 있기 때문에 가능한한 미리 많은 표준들에
+관하여 배우려고 시도하라. 다른 사람들은 여러분이나 여러분의 회사가
+일하는 방식에 적응하는 것을 원하지는 않는다.
+법적 문제
+리눅스 커널 소스 코드는 GPL로 배포(release)되었다. 소스트리의 메인
+디렉토리에 있는 라이센스에 관하여 상세하게 쓰여 있는 COPYING이라는
+파일을 봐라.여러분이 라이센스에 관한 더 깊은 문제를 가지고 있다면
+리눅스 커널 메일링 리스트에 묻지말고 변호사와 연락하라. 메일링
+리스트들에 있는 사람들은 변호사가 아니기 때문에 법적 문제에 관하여
+그들의 말에 의지해서는 안된다.
+GPL에 관한 잦은 질문들과 답변들은 다음을 참조하라.
+리눅스 커널 소스 트리는 커널 커뮤니티와 일하는 법을 배우기 위한 많은
+귀중한 문서들을 가지고 있다. 새로운 기능들이 커널에 들어가게 될 때,
+그 기능을 어떻게 사용하는지에 관한 설명을 위하여 새로운 문서 파일을
+추가하는 것을 권장한다. 커널이 유저스페이스로 노출하는 인터페이스를
+변경하게 되면 변경을 설명하는 메뉴얼 페이지들에 대한 패치나 정보를
+mtk-manpages@gmx.net의 메인트너에게 보낼 것을 권장한다.
+다음은 커널 소스 트리에 있는 읽어야 할 파일들의 리스트이다.
+ 이 파일은 리눅스 커널에 관하여 간단한 배경 설명과 커널을 설정하고
+ 빌드하기 위해 필요한 것을 설명한다. 커널에 입문하는 사람들은 여기서
+ 시작해야 한다.
+ Documentation/Changes
+ 이 파일은 커널을 성공적으로 빌드하고 실행시키기 위해 필요한 다양한
+ 소프트웨어 패키지들의 최소 버젼을 나열한다.
+ Documentation/CodingStyle
+ 이 문서는 리눅스 커널 코딩 스타일과 그렇게 한 몇몇 이유를 설명한다.
+ 모든 새로운 코드는 이 문서에 가이드라인들을 따라야 한다. 대부분의
+ 메인트너들은 이 규칙을 따르는 패치들만을 받아들일 것이고 많은 사람들이
+ 그 패치가 올바른 스타일일 경우만 코드를 검토할 것이다.
+ Documentation/SubmittingPatches
+ Documentation/SubmittingDrivers
+ 이 파일들은 성공적으로 패치를 만들고 보내는 법을 다음의 내용들로
+ 굉장히 상세히 설명하고 있다(그러나 다음으로 한정되진 않는다).
+ - Email 내용들
+ - Email 양식
+ - 그것을 누구에게 보낼지
+ 이러한 규칙들을 따르는 것이 성공을 보장하진 않는다(왜냐하면 모든
+ 패치들은 내용과 스타일에 관하여 면밀히 검토되기 때문이다).
+ 그러나 규칙을 따르지 않는다면 거의 성공하지도 못할 것이다.
+ 올바른 패치들을 만드는 법에 관한 훌륭한 다른 문서들이 있다.
+ "The Perfect Patch"
+ "Linux kernel patch submission format"
+ Documentation/stable_api_nonsense.txt
+ 이 문서는 의도적으로 커널이 변하지 않는 API를 갖지 않도록 결정한
+ 이유를 설명하며 다음과 같은 것들을 포함한다.
+ - 서브시스템 shim-layer(호환성을 위해?)
+ - 운영 체제들 간의 드라이버 이식성
+ - 커널 소스 트리내에 빠른 변화를 늦추는 것(또는 빠른 변화를 막는 것)
+ 이 문서는 리눅스 개발 철학을 이해하는데 필수적이며 다른 운영체제에서
+ 리눅스로 옮겨오는 사람들에게는 매우 중요하다.
+ Documentation/SecurityBugs
+ 여러분들이 리눅스 커널의 보안 문제를 발견했다고 생각한다면 이 문서에
+ 나온 단계에 따라서 커널 개발자들에게 알리고 그 문제를 해결할 수 있도록
+ 도와 달라.
+ Documentation/ManagementStyle
+ 이 문서는 리눅스 커널 메인트너들이 어떻게 그들의 방법론의 정신을
+ 어떻게 공유하고 운영하는지를 설명한다. 이것은 커널 개발에 입문하는
+ 모든 사람들(또는 커널 개발에 작은 호기심이라도 있는 사람들)이
+ 읽어야 할 중요한 문서이다. 왜냐하면 이 문서는 커널 메인트너들의
+ 독특한 행동에 관하여 흔히 있는 오해들과 혼란들을 해소하고 있기
+ 때문이다.
+ Documentation/stable_kernel_rules.txt
+ 이 문서는 안정적인 커널 배포가 이루어지는 규칙을 설명하고 있으며
+ 여러분들이 이러한 배포들 중 하나에 변경을 하길 원한다면
+ 무엇을 해야 하는지를 설명한다.
+ Documentation/kernel-docs.txt
+ 커널 개발에 관계된 외부 문서의 리스트이다. 커널 내의 포함된 문서들
+ 중에 여러분이 찾고 싶은 문서를 발견하지 못할 경우 이 리스트를
+ 살펴보라.
+ Documentation/applying-patches.txt
+ 패치가 무엇이며 그것을 커널의 다른 개발 브랜치들에 어떻게
+ 적용하는지에 관하여 자세히 설명 하고 있는 좋은 입문서이다.
+커널은 소스 코드 그 자체에서 자동적으로 만들어질 수 있는 많은 문서들을
+가지고 있다. 이것은 커널 내의 API에 대한 모든 설명, 그리고 락킹을
+올바르게 처리하는 법에 관한 규칙을 포함하고 있다. 이 문서는
+Documentation/DocBook/ 디렉토리 내에서 만들어지며 PDF, Postscript, HTML,
+그리고 man 페이지들로 다음과 같이 실행하여 만들어 진다.
+ make pdfdocs
+ make psdocs
+ make htmldocs
+ make mandocs
+각각의 명령을 메인 커널 소스 디렉토리로부터 실행한다.
+커널 개발자가 되는 것
+여러분이 리눅스 커널 개발에 관하여 아무것도 모른다면 Linux KernelNewbies
+프로젝트를 봐야 한다.
+그곳은 거의 모든 종류의 기본적인 커널 개발 질문들(질문하기 전에 먼저
+아카이브를 찾아봐라. 과거에 이미 답변되었을 수도 있다)을 할수있는 도움이
+될만한 메일링 리스트가 있다. 또한 실시간으로 질문 할수 있는 IRC 채널도
+가지고 있으며 리눅스 커널 개발을 배우는 데 유용한 문서들을 보유하고 있다.
+웹사이트는 코드구성, 서브시스템들, 그리고 현재 프로젝트들
+(트리 내, 외부에 존재하는)에 관한 기본적인 정보들을 가지고 있다. 또한
+그곳은 커널 컴파일이나 패치를 하는 법과 같은 기본적인 것들을 설명한다.
+여러분이 어디서 시작해야 할진 모르지만 커널 개발 커뮤니티에 참여할 수
+있는 일들을 찾길 원한다면 리눅스 커널 Janitor 프로젝트를 살펴봐라.
+그곳은 시작하기에 아주 딱 좋은 곳이다. 그곳은 리눅스 커널 소스 트리내에
+간단히 정리되고 수정될 수 있는 문제들에 관하여 설명한다. 여러분은 이
+프로젝트를 대표하는 개발자들과 일하면서 자신의 패치를 리눅스 커널 트리에
+반영하기 위한 기본적인 것들을 배우게 될것이며 여러분이 아직 아이디어를
+가지고 있지 않다면 다음에 무엇을 해야할지에 관한 방향을 배울 수 있을
+여러분들이 이미 커널 트리에 반영하길 원하는 코드 묶음을 가지고 있지만
+올바른 포맷으로 포장하는데 도움이 필요하다면 그러한 문제를 돕기 위해
+만들어진 kernel-mentors 프로젝트가 있다. 그곳은 메일링 리스트이며
+다음에서 참조할 수 있다.
+리눅스 커널 코드에 실제 변경을 하기 전에 반드시 그 코드가 어떻게
+동작하는지 이해하고 있어야 한다. 코드를 분석하기 위하여 특정한 툴의
+도움을 빌려서라도 코드를 직접 읽는 것보다 좋은 것은 없다(대부분의
+자잘한 부분들은 잘 코멘트되어 있다). 그런 툴들 중에 특히 추천할만한
+것은 Linux Cross-Reference project이며 그것은 자기 참조 방식이며
+소스코드를 인덱스된 웹 페이지들의 형태로 보여준다. 최신의 멋진 커널
+코드 저장소는 다음을 통하여 참조할 수 있다.
+개발 프로세스
+리눅스 커널 개발 프로세스는 현재 몇몇 다른 메인 커널 "브랜치들"과
+서브시스템에 특화된 커널 브랜치들로 구성된다. 몇몇 다른 메인
+브랜치들은 다음과 같다.
+ - main 2.6.x 커널 트리
+ - 2.6.x.y - 안정된 커널 트리
+ - 2.6.x -git 커널 패치들
+ - 2.6.x -mm 커널 패치들
+ - 서브시스템을 위한 커널 트리들과 패치들
+2.6.x 커널 트리
+2.6.x 커널들은 Linux Torvalds가 관리하며 kernel.org의 pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/
+디렉토리에서 참조될 수 있다.개발 프로세스는 다음과 같다.
+ - 새로운 커널이 배포되자마자 2주의 시간이 주어진다. 이 기간동은
+ 메인트너들은 큰 diff들을 Linus에게 제출할 수 있다. 대개 이 패치들은
+ 몇 주 동안 -mm 커널내에 이미 있었던 것들이다. 큰 변경들을 제출하는 데
+ 선호되는 방법은 git(커널의 소스 관리 툴, 더 많은 정보들은
+ 에서 참조할 수 있다)를 사용하는 것이지만 순수한 패치파일의 형식으로 보내도
+ 것도 무관하다.
+ - 2주 후에 -rc1 커널이 배포되며 지금부터는 전체 커널의 안정성에 영향을
+ 미칠수 있는 새로운 기능들을 포함하지 않는 패치들만을 추가될 수 있다.
+ 완전히 새로운 드라이버(혹은 파일시스템)는 -rc1 이후에만 받아들여진다는
+ 것을 기억해라. 왜냐하면 변경이 자체내에서만 발생하고 추가된 코드가
+ 드라이버 외부의 다른 부분에는 영향을 주지 않으므로 그런 변경은
+ 퇴보(regression)를 일으킬 만한 위험을 가지고 있지 않기 때문이다. -rc1이
+ 배포된 이후에 git를 사용하여 패치들을 Linus에게 보낼수 있지만 패치들은
+ 공식적인 메일링 리스트로 보내서 검토를 받을 필요가 있다.
+ - 새로운 -rc는 Linus는 현재 git tree가 테스트 하기에 충분히 안정된 상태에
+ 있다고 판단될 때마다 배포된다. 목표는 새로운 -rc 커널을 매주 배포하는
+ 것이다.
+ - 이러한 프로세스는 커널이 "준비"되었다고 여겨질때까지 계속된다.
+ 프로세스는 대체로 6주간 지속된다.
+ - 각 -rc 배포에 있는 알려진 퇴보의 목록들은 다음 URI에 남겨진다.
+커널 배포에 있어서 언급할만한 가치가 있는 리눅스 커널 메일링 리스트의
+Andrew Morton의 글이 있다.
+ "커널이 언제 배포될지는 아무로 모른다. 왜냐하면 배포는 알려진
+ 버그의 상황에 따라 배포되는 것이지 미리정해 놓은 시간에 따라
+ 배포되는 것은 아니기 때문이다."
+2.6.x.y - 안정 커널 트리
+4 자리 숫자로 이루어진 버젼의 커널들은 -stable 커널들이다. 그것들은 2.6.x
+커널에서 발견된 큰 퇴보들이나 보안 문제들 중 비교적 작고 중요한 수정들을
+이것은 가장 최근의 안정적인 커널을 원하는 사용자에게 추천되는 브랜치이며,
+개발/실험적 버젼을 테스트하는 것을 돕는데는 별로 관심이 없다.
+어떤 2.6.x.y 커널도 사용가능하지 않다면 그때는 가장 높은 숫자의 2.6.x
+커널이 현재의 안정 커널이다.
+2.6.x.y는 "stable" 팀<>에 의해 관리되며 거의 매번 격주로
+커널 트리 문서들 내에 Documentation/stable_kernel_rules.txt 파일은 어떤
+종류의 변경들이 -stable 트리로 들어왔는지와 배포 프로세스가 어떻게
+진행되는지를 설명한다.
+2.6.x -git 패치들
+git 저장소(그러므로 -git이라는 이름이 붙음)에는 날마다 관리되는 Linus의
+커널 트리의 snapshot 들이 있다. 이 패치들은 일반적으로 날마다 배포되며
+Linus의 트리의 현재 상태를 나타낸다. 이 패치들은 정상적인지 조금도
+살펴보지 않고 자동적으로 생성된 것이므로 -rc 커널들 보다도 더 실험적이다.
+2.6.x -mm 커널 패치들
+Andrew Morton에 의해 배포된 실험적인 커널 패치들이다. Andrew는 모든 다른
+서브시스템 커널 트리와 패치들을 가져와서 리눅스 커널 메일링 리스트로
+온 많은 패치들과 한데 묶는다. 이 트리는 새로운 기능들과 패치들을 위한
+장소를 제공하는 역할을 한다. 하나의 패치가 -mm에 한동안 있으면서 그 가치가
+증명되게 되면 Andrew나 서브시스템 메인트너는 그것을 메인라인에 포함시키기
+위하여 Linus에게 보낸다.
+커널 트리에 포함하고 싶은 모든 새로운 패치들은 Linus에게 보내지기 전에
+-mm 트리에서 테스트를 하는 것을 적극 추천한다.
+이 커널들은 안정되게 사용할 시스템에서에 실행하는 것은 적합하지 않으며
+다른 브랜치들의 어떤 것들보다 위험하다.
+여러분이 커널 개발 프로세스를 돕길 원한다면 이 커널 배포들을 사용하고
+테스트한 후 어떤 문제를 발견하거나 또는 모든 것이 잘 동작한다면 리눅스
+커널 메일링 리스트로 피드백을 해달라.
+이 커널들은 일반적으로 모든 다른 실험적인 패치들과 배포될 당시의
+사용가능한 메인라인 -git 커널들의 몇몇 변경을 포함한다.
+-mm 커널들은 정해진 일정대로 배포되지 않는다. 하지만 대개 몇몇 -mm 커널들은
+각 -rc 커널(1부터 3이 흔함) 사이에서 배포된다.
+서브시스템 커널 트리들과 패치들
+많은 다른 커널 서브시스템 개발자들은 커널의 다른 부분들에서 무슨 일이
+일어나고 있는지를 볼수 있도록 그들의 개발 트리를 공개한다. 이 트리들은
+위에서 설명하였던 것 처럼 -mm 커널 배포들로 합쳐진다.
+다음은 활용가능한 커널 트리들을 나열한다.
+ git trees:
+ - Kbuild development tree, Sam Ravnborg <>
+ - ACPI development tree, Len Brown < >
+ - Block development tree, Jens Axboe <>
+ - DRM development tree, Dave Airlie <>
+ - ia64 development tree, Tony Luck <>
+ - infiniband, Roland Dreier < >
+ - libata, Jeff Garzik <>
+ - network drivers, Jeff Garzik <>
+ - pcmcia, Dominik Brodowski <>
+ - SCSI, James Bottomley <>
+ quilt trees:
+ - USB, PCI, Driver Core, and I2C, Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
+ - x86-64, partly i386, Andi Kleen <>
+ 다른 커널 트리들은와 MAINTAINERS 파일에서 참조할 수
+ 있다.
+버그 보고
+bugzilla.kernel.org는 리눅스 커널 개발자들이 커널의 버그를 추적하는 곳이다.
+사용자들은 발견한 모든 버그들을 보고하기 위하여 이 툴을 사용할 것을 권장한다.
+kernel bugzilla를 사용하는 자세한 방법은 다음을 참조하라.
+메인 커널 소스 디렉토리에 있는 REPORTING-BUGS 파일은 커널 버그일 것 같은
+것을 보고하는는 법에 관한 좋은 템플릿이고 문제를 추적하기 위해서 커널
+개발자들이 필요로 하는 정보가 무엇들인지를 상세히 설명하고 있다.
+버그 리포트들의 관리
+여러분의 해킹 기술을 연습하는 가장 좋은 방법 중의 하는 다른 사람들이
+보고한 버그들을 수정하는 것이다. 여러분은 커널을 더욱 안정화시키는데
+도움을 줄 뿐만이 아니라 실제있는 문제들을 수정하는 법을 배우게 되고
+그와 함께 여러분들의 기술은 향상될 것이며 다른 개발자들이 여러분의
+존재에 대해 알게 될 것이다. 버그를 수정하는 것은 개발자들 사이에서
+점수를 얻을 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법중의 하나이다. 왜냐하면 많은 사람들은
+다른 사람들의 버그들을 수정하기 위하여 시간을 낭비하지 않기 때문이다.
+이미 보고된 버그 리포트들을 가지고 작업하기 위해서 http://bugzilla.kernelorg를
+참조하라. 여러분이 앞으로 생겨날 버그 리포트들의 조언자가 되길 원한다면
+bugme-new 메일링 리스트나(새로운 버그 리포트들만이 이곳에서 메일로 전해진다)
+bugme-janitor 메일링 리스트(bugzilla에 모든 변화들이 여기서 메일로 전해진다)
+에 등록하면 된다.
+메일링 리스트들
+위의 몇몇 문서들이 설명하였지만 핵심 커널 개발자들의 대다수는
+리눅스 커널 메일링 리스트에 참여하고 있다. 리스트에 등록하고 해지하는
+방법에 관한 자세한 사항은 다음에서 참조할 수 있다.
+웹상의 많은 다른 곳에도 메일링 리스트의 아카이브들이 있다.
+이러한 아카이브들을 찾으려면 검색 엔진을 사용하라. 예를 들어:
+여러분이 새로운 문제에 관해 리스트에 올리기 전에 말하고 싶은 주제에 대한
+것을 아카이브에서 먼저 찾기를 강력히 권장한다. 이미 상세하게 토론된 많은
+것들이 메일링 리스트의 아카이브에 기록되어 있다.
+각각의 커널 서브시스템들의 대부분은 자신들의 개발에 관한 노력들로 이루어진
+분리된 메일링 리스트를 따로 가지고 있다. 다른 그룹들이 무슨 리스트를 가지고
+있는지는 MAINTAINERS 파일을 참조하라.
+많은 리스트들은 kernel.org에서 호스트되고 있다. 그 정보들은 다음에서 참조될 수 있다.
+리스트들을 사용할 때는 올바른 예절을 따를 것을 유념해라.
+대단하진 않지만 다음 URL은 리스트(혹은 모든 리스트)와 대화하는 몇몇 간단한
+가이드라인을 가지고 있다.
+여러 사람들이 여러분의 메일에 응답한다면 CC: 즉 수신 리스트는 꽤 커지게
+될 것이다. 아무 이유없이 CC에서 어떤 사람도 제거하거나 리스트 주소로만
+회신하지 마라. 메일을 보낸 사람으로서 하나를 받고 리스트로부터 또
+하나를 받아 두번 받는 것에 익숙하여 있으니 mail-header를 조작하려고 하지
+말아라. 사람들은 그런 것을 좋아하지 않을 것이다.
+여러분의 회신의 문맥을 원래대로 유지해야 한다. 여러분들의 회신의 윗부분에
+"John 커널해커는 작성했다...."를 유지하며 여러분들의 의견을 그 메일의 윗부분에
+작성하지 말고 각 인용한 단락들 사이에 넣어라.
+여러분들이 패치들을 메일에 넣는다면 그것들은 Documentation/SubmittingPatches에
+나와있는데로 명백히(plain) 읽을 수 있는 텍스트여야 한다. 커널 개발자들은
+첨부파일이나 압축된 패치들을 원하지 않는다. 그들은 여러분들의 패치의
+각 라인 단위로 코멘트를 하길 원하며 압축하거나 첨부하지 않고 보내는 것이
+그렇게 할 수 있는 유일한 방법이다. 여러분들이 사용하는 메일 프로그램이
+스페이스나 탭 문자들을 조작하지 않는지 확인하라. 가장 좋은 첫 테스트는
+메일을 자신에게 보내보고 스스로 그 패치를 적용해보라. 그것이 동작하지
+않는다면 여러분의 메일 프로그램을 고치던가 제대로 동작하는 프로그램으로
+무엇보다도 메일링 리스트의 다른 구독자들에게 보여주려 한다는 것을 기억하라.
+커뮤니티와 일하는 법
+커널 커뮤니티의 목적은 가능한한 가장 좋은 커널을 제공하는 것이다. 여러분이
+받아들여질 패치를 제출하게 되면 그 패치의 기술적인 이점으로 검토될 것이다.
+그럼 여러분들은 무엇을 기대하고 있어야 하는가?
+ - 비판
+ - 의견
+ - 변경을 위한 요구
+ - 당위성을 위한 요구
+ - 고요
+기억하라. 이것들은 여러분의 패치가 커널로 들어가기 위한 과정이다. 여러분의
+패치들은 비판과 다른 의견을 받을 수 있고 그것들을 기술적인 레벨로 평가하고
+재작업하거나 또는 왜 수정하면 안되는지에 관하여 명료하고 간결한 이유를
+말할 수 있어야 한다. 여러분이 제출한 것에 어떤 응답도 있지 않다면 몇 일을
+기다려보고 다시 시도해라. 때론 너무 많은 메일들 속에 묻혀버리기도 한다.
+여러분은 무엇을 해서는 안되는가?
+ - 여러분의 패치가 아무 질문 없이 받아들여지기를 기대하는 것
+ - 방어적이 되는 것
+ - 의견을 무시하는 것
+ - 요청된 변경을 하지 않고 패치를 다시 제출하는 것
+가능한한 가장 좋은 기술적인 해답을 찾고 있는 커뮤니티에서는 항상
+어떤 패치가 얼마나 좋은지에 관하여 다른 의견들이 있을 수 있다. 여러분은
+협조적이어야 하고 기꺼이 여러분의 생각을 커널 내에 맞추어야 한다. 아니면
+적어도 여러분의 것이 가치있다는 것을 중명하여야 한다. 잘못된 것도 여러분이
+올바른 방향의 해결책으로 이끌어갈 의지가 있다면 받아들여질 것이라는 점을
+여러분의 첫 패치에 여러분이 수정해야하는 십여개 정도의 회신이 오는
+경우도 흔하다. 이것은 여러분의 패치가 받아들여지지 않을 것이라는 것을
+의미하는 것이 아니고 개인적으로 여러분에게 감정이 있어서 그러는 것도
+아니다. 간단히 여러분의 패치에 제기된 문제들을 수정하고 그것을 다시
+커널 커뮤니티와 기업 조직간의 차이점
+커널 커뮤니티는 가장 전통적인 회사의 개발 환경과는 다르다. 여기에 여러분들의
+문제를 피하기 위한 목록이 있다.
+ 여러분들이 제안한 변경들에 관하여 말할 때 좋은 것들 :
+ - " 이것은 여러 문제들을 해겹합니다."
+ - "이것은 2000 라인의 코드를 제거합니다."
+ - "이것은 내가 말하려는 것에 관해 설명하는 패치입니다."
+ - "나는 5개의 다른 아키텍쳐에서 그것을 테스트했슴으로..."
+ - "여기에 일련의 작은 패치들이 있습음로..."
+ - "이것은 일반적인 머신에서 성능을 향상시키므로..."
+ 여러분들이 말할 때 피해야 할 좋지 않은 것들 :
+ - "우리를 그것을 AIT/ptx/Solaris에서 이러한 방법으로 했다. 그러므로 그것은 좋은 것임에 틀립없다..."
+ - "나는 20년동안 이것을 해왔다. 그러므로..."
+ - "이것은 돈을 벌기위해 나의 회사가 필요로 하는 것이다."
+ - "이것은 우리의 엔터프라이즈 상품 라인을 위한 것이다."
+ - "여기에 나의 생각을 말하고 있는 1000 페이지 설계 문서가 있다."
+ - "나는 6달동안 이것을 했으니..."
+ - "여기세 5000라인 짜리 패치가 있으니..."
+ - "나는 현재 뒤죽박죽인 것을 재작성했다. 그리고 여기에..."
+ - "나는 마감시한을 가지고 있으므로 이 패치는 지금 적용될 필요가 있다."
+커널 커뮤니티가 전통적인 소프트웨어 엔지니어링 개발 환경들과
+또 다른 점은 얼굴을 보지 않고 일한다는 점이다. 이메일과 irc를 대화의
+주요수단으로 사용하는 것의 한가지 장점은 성별이나 인종의 차별이
+없다는 것이다. 리눅스 커널의 작업 환경에서는 단지 이메일 주소만
+알수 있기 때문에 여성과 소수 민족들도 모두 받아들여진다. 국제적으로
+일하게 되는 측면은 사람의 이름에 근거하여 성별을 추측할 수 없게
+하기때문에 차별을 없애는 데 도움을 준다. Andrea라는 이름을 가진 남자와
+Pat이라는 이름을 가진 여자가 있을 수도 있는 것이다. 리눅스 커널에서
+작업하며 생각을 표현해왔던 대부분의 여성들은 긍정적인 경험을 가지고
+언어 장벽은 영어에 익숙하지 않은 몇몇 사람들에게 문제가 될 수도 있다.
+ 언어의 훌륭한 구사는 메일링 리스트에서 올바르게 자신의 생각을
+표현하기 위하여 필요하다. 그래서 여러분은 이메일을 보내기 전에
+영어를 올바르게 사용하고 있는지를 체크하는 것이 바람직하다.
+여러분의 변경을 나누어라
+리눅스 커널 커뮤니티는 한꺼번에 굉장히 큰 코드의 묶음을 쉽게
+받아들이지 않는다. 변경은 적절하게 소개되고, 검토되고, 각각의
+부분으로 작게 나누어져야 한다. 이것은 회사에서 하는 것과는 정확히
+반대되는 것이다. 여러분들의 제안은 개발 초기에 일찍이 소개되야 한다.
+그래서 여러분들은 자신이 하고 있는 것에 관하여 피드백을 받을 수 있게
+된다. 커뮤니티가 여러분들이 커뮤니티와 함께 일하고 있다는 것을
+느끼도록 만들고 커뮤니티가 여러분의 기능을 위한 쓰레기 장으로서
+사용되지 않고 있다는 것을 느끼게 하자. 그러나 메일링 리스트에 한번에
+50개의 이메일을 보내지는 말아라. 여러분들의 일련의 패치들은 항상
+더 작아야 한다.
+패치를 나누는 이유는 다음과 같다.
+1) 작은 패치들은 여러분의 패치들이 적용될 수 있는 확률을 높여준다.
+ 왜냐하면 다른 사람들은 정확성을 검증하기 위하여 많은 시간과 노력을
+ 들이기를 원하지 않는다. 5줄의 패치는 메인트너가 거의 몇 초간 힐끗
+ 보면 적용될 수 있다. 그러나 500 줄의 패치는 정확성을 검토하기 위하여
+ 몇시간이 걸릴 수도 있다(걸리는 시간은 패치의 크기 혹은 다른 것에
+ 비례하여 기하급수적으로 늘어난다).
+ 패치를 작게 만드는 것은 무엇인가 잘못되었을 때 디버그하는 것을
+ 쉽게 만든다. 즉, 그렇게 만드는 것은 매우 큰 패치를 적용한 후에
+ 조사하는 것 보다 작은 패치를 적용한 후에 (그리고 몇몇의 것이
+ 깨졌을 때) 하나씩 패치들을 제거해가며 디버그 하기 쉽도록 만들어 준다.
+2) 작은 패치들을 보내는 것뿐만 아니라 패치들을 제출하기전에 재작성하고
+ 간단하게(혹은 간단한게 재배치하여) 하는 것도 중요하다.
+여기에 커널 개발자 Al Viro의 이야기가 있다.
+ "학생의 수학 숙제를 채점하는 선생님을 생각해보라. 선생님은 학생들이
+ 답을 얻을때까지 겪은 시행착오를 보길 원하지 않는다. 선생님들은
+ 간결하고 가장 뛰어난 답을 보길 원한다. 훌륭한 학생은 이것을 알고
+ 마지막으로 답을 얻기 전 중간 과정들을 제출하진 않는다.
+ 커널 개발도 마찬가지이다. 메인트너들과 검토하는 사람들은 문제를
+ 풀어나가는 과정속에 숨겨진 과정을 보길 원하진 않는다. 그들은
+ 간결하고 멋진 답을 보길 원한다."
+커뮤니티와 함께 일하며 뛰어난 답을 찾고 여러분들의 완성되지 않은 일들
+사이에 균형을 유지해야 하는 어려움이 있을 수 있다. 그러므로 프로세스의
+초반에 여러분의 일을 향상시키기위한 피드백을 얻는 것 뿐만 아니라
+여러분들의 변경들을 작은 묶음으로 유지해서 심지어는 여러분의 작업의
+모든 부분이 지금은 포함될 준비가 되어있지 않지만 작은 부분은 이미
+받아들여질 수 있도록 유지하는 것이 바람직하다.
+또한 완성되지 않았고 "나중에 수정될 것이다." 와 같은 것들은 포함하는
+패치들은 받아들여지지 않을 것이라는 점을 유념하라.
+변경을 정당화해라
+여러분들의 나누어진 패치들을 리눅스 커뮤니티가 왜 반영해야 하는지를
+알도록 하는 것은 매우 중요하다. 새로운 기능들이 필요하고 유용하다는
+것은 반드시 그에 맞는 이유가 있어야 한다.
+변경을 문서화해라
+여러분이 패치를 보내려 할때는 여러분이 무엇을 말하려고 하는지를 충분히
+생각하여 이메일을 작성해야 한다. 이 정보는 패치를 위한 ChangeLog가 될
+것이다. 그리고 항상 그 내용을 보길 원하는 모든 사람들을 위해 보존될
+것이다. 패치는 완벽하게 다음과 같은 내용들을 포함하여 설명해야 한다.
+ - 변경이 왜 필요한지
+ - 패치에 관한 전체 설계 어프로치
+ - 구현 상세들
+ - 테스트 결과들
+이것이 무엇인지 더 자세한 것을 알고 싶다면 다음 문서의 ChageLog 항을 봐라.
+ "The Perfect Patch"
+이 모든 것을 하는 것은 매우 어려운 일이다. 완벽히 소화하는 데는 적어도 몇년이
+걸릴 수도 있다. 많은 인내와 결의가 필요한 계속되는 개선의 과정이다. 그러나
+가능한한 포기하지 말라. 많은 사람들은 이전부터 해왔던 것이고 그 사람들도
+정확하게 여러분들이 지금 서 있는 그 곳부터 시작했었다.
+"개발 프로세스"(http://linux.tar.gz/articles/2.6-development_process) 섹션을
+작성하는데 있어 참고할 문서를 사용하도록 허락해준 Paolo Ciarrocchi에게
+감사한다. 여러분들이 말해야 할 것과 말해서는 안되는 것의 목록 중 일부를 제공해준
+Randy Dunlap과 Gerrit Huizenga에게 감사한다. 또한 검토와 의견 그리고
+공헌을 아끼지 않은 Pat Mochel, Hanna Linder, Randy Dunlap, Kay Sievers,
+Vojtech Pavlik, Jan Kara, Josh Boyer, Kees Cook, Andrew Morton, Andi Kleen,
+Vadim Lobanov, Jesper Juhl, Adrian Bunk, Keri Harris, Frans Pop,
+David A. Wheeler, Junio Hamano, Michael Kerrisk, and Alex Shepard에게도 감사를 전한다.
+그들의 도움이 없었다면 이 문서는 존재하지 않았을 것이다.
+메인트너: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
diff --git a/Documentation/vm/numa_memory_policy.txt b/Documentation/vm/numa_memory_policy.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8242f52d0f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/vm/numa_memory_policy.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+What is Linux Memory Policy?
+In the Linux kernel, "memory policy" determines from which node the kernel will
+allocate memory in a NUMA system or in an emulated NUMA system. Linux has
+supported platforms with Non-Uniform Memory Access architectures since 2.4.?.
+The current memory policy support was added to Linux 2.6 around May 2004. This
+document attempts to describe the concepts and APIs of the 2.6 memory policy
+Memory policies should not be confused with cpusets (Documentation/cpusets.txt)
+which is an administrative mechanism for restricting the nodes from which
+memory may be allocated by a set of processes. Memory policies are a
+programming interface that a NUMA-aware application can take advantage of. When
+both cpusets and policies are applied to a task, the restrictions of the cpuset
+takes priority. See "MEMORY POLICIES AND CPUSETS" below for more details.
+Scope of Memory Policies
+The Linux kernel supports _scopes_ of memory policy, described here from
+most general to most specific:
+ System Default Policy: this policy is "hard coded" into the kernel. It
+ is the policy that governs all page allocations that aren't controlled
+ by one of the more specific policy scopes discussed below. When the
+ system is "up and running", the system default policy will use "local
+ allocation" described below. However, during boot up, the system
+ default policy will be set to interleave allocations across all nodes
+ with "sufficient" memory, so as not to overload the initial boot node
+ with boot-time allocations.
+ Task/Process Policy: this is an optional, per-task policy. When defined
+ for a specific task, this policy controls all page allocations made by or
+ on behalf of the task that aren't controlled by a more specific scope.
+ If a task does not define a task policy, then all page allocations that
+ would have been controlled by the task policy "fall back" to the System
+ Default Policy.
+ The task policy applies to the entire address space of a task. Thus,
+ it is inheritable, and indeed is inherited, across both fork()
+ [clone() w/o the CLONE_VM flag] and exec*(). This allows a parent task
+ to establish the task policy for a child task exec()'d from an
+ executable image that has no awareness of memory policy. See the
+ MEMORY POLICY APIS section, below, for an overview of the system call
+ that a task may use to set/change it's task/process policy.
+ In a multi-threaded task, task policies apply only to the thread
+ [Linux kernel task] that installs the policy and any threads
+ subsequently created by that thread. Any sibling threads existing
+ at the time a new task policy is installed retain their current
+ policy.
+ A task policy applies only to pages allocated after the policy is
+ installed. Any pages already faulted in by the task when the task
+ changes its task policy remain where they were allocated based on
+ the policy at the time they were allocated.
+ VMA Policy: A "VMA" or "Virtual Memory Area" refers to a range of a task's
+ virtual adddress space. A task may define a specific policy for a range
+ of its virtual address space. See the MEMORY POLICIES APIS section,
+ below, for an overview of the mbind() system call used to set a VMA
+ policy.
+ A VMA policy will govern the allocation of pages that back this region of
+ the address space. Any regions of the task's address space that don't
+ have an explicit VMA policy will fall back to the task policy, which may
+ itself fall back to the System Default Policy.
+ VMA policies have a few complicating details:
+ VMA policy applies ONLY to anonymous pages. These include pages
+ allocated for anonymous segments, such as the task stack and heap, and
+ any regions of the address space mmap()ed with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag.
+ If a VMA policy is applied to a file mapping, it will be ignored if
+ the mapping used the MAP_SHARED flag. If the file mapping used the
+ MAP_PRIVATE flag, the VMA policy will only be applied when an
+ anonymous page is allocated on an attempt to write to the mapping--
+ i.e., at Copy-On-Write.
+ VMA policies are shared between all tasks that share a virtual address
+ space--a.k.a. threads--independent of when the policy is installed; and
+ they are inherited across fork(). However, because VMA policies refer
+ to a specific region of a task's address space, and because the address
+ space is discarded and recreated on exec*(), VMA policies are NOT
+ inheritable across exec(). Thus, only NUMA-aware applications may
+ use VMA policies.
+ A task may install a new VMA policy on a sub-range of a previously
+ mmap()ed region. When this happens, Linux splits the existing virtual
+ memory area into 2 or 3 VMAs, each with it's own policy.
+ By default, VMA policy applies only to pages allocated after the policy
+ is installed. Any pages already faulted into the VMA range remain
+ where they were allocated based on the policy at the time they were
+ allocated. However, since 2.6.16, Linux supports page migration via
+ the mbind() system call, so that page contents can be moved to match
+ a newly installed policy.
+ Shared Policy: Conceptually, shared policies apply to "memory objects"
+ mapped shared into one or more tasks' distinct address spaces. An
+ application installs a shared policies the same way as VMA policies--using
+ the mbind() system call specifying a range of virtual addresses that map
+ the shared object. However, unlike VMA policies, which can be considered
+ to be an attribute of a range of a task's address space, shared policies
+ apply directly to the shared object. Thus, all tasks that attach to the
+ object share the policy, and all pages allocated for the shared object,
+ by any task, will obey the shared policy.
+ As of 2.6.22, only shared memory segments, created by shmget() or
+ mmap(MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_SHARED), support shared policy. When shared
+ policy support was added to Linux, the associated data structures were
+ added to hugetlbfs shmem segments. At the time, hugetlbfs did not
+ support allocation at fault time--a.k.a lazy allocation--so hugetlbfs
+ shmem segments were never "hooked up" to the shared policy support.
+ Although hugetlbfs segments now support lazy allocation, their support
+ for shared policy has not been completed.
+ As mentioned above [re: VMA policies], allocations of page cache
+ pages for regular files mmap()ed with MAP_SHARED ignore any VMA
+ policy installed on the virtual address range backed by the shared
+ file mapping. Rather, shared page cache pages, including pages backing
+ private mappings that have not yet been written by the task, follow
+ task policy, if any, else System Default Policy.
+ The shared policy infrastructure supports different policies on subset
+ ranges of the shared object. However, Linux still splits the VMA of
+ the task that installs the policy for each range of distinct policy.
+ Thus, different tasks that attach to a shared memory segment can have
+ different VMA configurations mapping that one shared object. This
+ can be seen by examining the /proc/<pid>/numa_maps of tasks sharing
+ a shared memory region, when one task has installed shared policy on
+ one or more ranges of the region.
+Components of Memory Policies
+ A Linux memory policy is a tuple consisting of a "mode" and an optional set
+ of nodes. The mode determine the behavior of the policy, while the
+ optional set of nodes can be viewed as the arguments to the behavior.
+ Internally, memory policies are implemented by a reference counted
+ structure, struct mempolicy. Details of this structure will be discussed
+ in context, below, as required to explain the behavior.
+ Note: in some functions AND in the struct mempolicy itself, the mode
+ is called "policy". However, to avoid confusion with the policy tuple,
+ this document will continue to use the term "mode".
+ Linux memory policy supports the following 4 behavioral modes:
+ Default Mode--MPOL_DEFAULT: The behavior specified by this mode is
+ context or scope dependent.
+ As mentioned in the Policy Scope section above, during normal
+ system operation, the System Default Policy is hard coded to
+ contain the Default mode.
+ In this context, default mode means "local" allocation--that is
+ attempt to allocate the page from the node associated with the cpu
+ where the fault occurs. If the "local" node has no memory, or the
+ node's memory can be exhausted [no free pages available], local
+ allocation will "fallback to"--attempt to allocate pages from--
+ "nearby" nodes, in order of increasing "distance".
+ Implementation detail -- subject to change: "Fallback" uses
+ a per node list of sibling nodes--called zonelists--built at
+ boot time, or when nodes or memory are added or removed from
+ the system [memory hotplug]. These per node zonelist are
+ constructed with nodes in order of increasing distance based
+ on information provided by the platform firmware.
+ When a task/process policy or a shared policy contains the Default
+ mode, this also means "local allocation", as described above.
+ In the context of a VMA, Default mode means "fall back to task
+ policy"--which may or may not specify Default mode. Thus, Default
+ mode can not be counted on to mean local allocation when used
+ on a non-shared region of the address space. However, see
+ The Default mode does not use the optional set of nodes.
+ MPOL_BIND: This mode specifies that memory must come from the
+ set of nodes specified by the policy.
+ The memory policy APIs do not specify an order in which the nodes
+ will be searched. However, unlike "local allocation", the Bind
+ policy does not consider the distance between the nodes. Rather,
+ allocations will fallback to the nodes specified by the policy in
+ order of numeric node id. Like everything in Linux, this is subject
+ to change.
+ MPOL_PREFERRED: This mode specifies that the allocation should be
+ attempted from the single node specified in the policy. If that
+ allocation fails, the kernel will search other nodes, exactly as
+ it would for a local allocation that started at the preferred node
+ in increasing distance from the preferred node. "Local" allocation
+ policy can be viewed as a Preferred policy that starts at the node
+ containing the cpu where the allocation takes place.
+ Internally, the Preferred policy uses a single node--the
+ preferred_node member of struct mempolicy. A "distinguished
+ value of this preferred_node, currently '-1', is interpreted
+ as "the node containing the cpu where the allocation takes
+ place"--local allocation. This is the way to specify
+ local allocation for a specific range of addresses--i.e. for
+ VMA policies.
+ MPOL_INTERLEAVED: This mode specifies that page allocations be
+ interleaved, on a page granularity, across the nodes specified in
+ the policy. This mode also behaves slightly differently, based on
+ the context where it is used:
+ For allocation of anonymous pages and shared memory pages,
+ Interleave mode indexes the set of nodes specified by the policy
+ using the page offset of the faulting address into the segment
+ [VMA] containing the address modulo the number of nodes specified
+ by the policy. It then attempts to allocate a page, starting at
+ the selected node, as if the node had been specified by a Preferred
+ policy or had been selected by a local allocation. That is,
+ allocation will follow the per node zonelist.
+ For allocation of page cache pages, Interleave mode indexes the set
+ of nodes specified by the policy using a node counter maintained
+ per task. This counter wraps around to the lowest specified node
+ after it reaches the highest specified node. This will tend to
+ spread the pages out over the nodes specified by the policy based
+ on the order in which they are allocated, rather than based on any
+ page offset into an address range or file. During system boot up,
+ the temporary interleaved system default policy works in this
+ mode.
+Linux supports 3 system calls for controlling memory policy. These APIS
+always affect only the calling task, the calling task's address space, or
+some shared object mapped into the calling task's address space.
+ Note: the headers that define these APIs and the parameter data types
+ for user space applications reside in a package that is not part of
+ the Linux kernel. The kernel system call interfaces, with the 'sys_'
+ prefix, are defined in <linux/syscalls.h>; the mode and flag
+ definitions are defined in <linux/mempolicy.h>.
+Set [Task] Memory Policy:
+ long set_mempolicy(int mode, const unsigned long *nmask,
+ unsigned long maxnode);
+ Set's the calling task's "task/process memory policy" to mode
+ specified by the 'mode' argument and the set of nodes defined
+ by 'nmask'. 'nmask' points to a bit mask of node ids containing
+ at least 'maxnode' ids.
+ See the set_mempolicy(2) man page for more details
+Get [Task] Memory Policy or Related Information
+ long get_mempolicy(int *mode,
+ const unsigned long *nmask, unsigned long maxnode,
+ void *addr, int flags);
+ Queries the "task/process memory policy" of the calling task, or
+ the policy or location of a specified virtual address, depending
+ on the 'flags' argument.
+ See the get_mempolicy(2) man page for more details
+Install VMA/Shared Policy for a Range of Task's Address Space
+ long mbind(void *start, unsigned long len, int mode,
+ const unsigned long *nmask, unsigned long maxnode,
+ unsigned flags);
+ mbind() installs the policy specified by (mode, nmask, maxnodes) as
+ a VMA policy for the range of the calling task's address space
+ specified by the 'start' and 'len' arguments. Additional actions
+ may be requested via the 'flags' argument.
+ See the mbind(2) man page for more details.
+Although not strictly part of the Linux implementation of memory policy,
+a command line tool, numactl(8), exists that allows one to:
++ set the task policy for a specified program via set_mempolicy(2), fork(2) and
+ exec(2)
++ set the shared policy for a shared memory segment via mbind(2)
+The numactl(8) tool is packages with the run-time version of the library
+containing the memory policy system call wrappers. Some distributions
+package the headers and compile-time libraries in a separate development
+Memory policies work within cpusets as described above. For memory policies
+that require a node or set of nodes, the nodes are restricted to the set of
+nodes whose memories are allowed by the cpuset constraints. If the
+intersection of the set of nodes specified for the policy and the set of nodes
+allowed by the cpuset is the empty set, the policy is considered invalid and
+cannot be installed.
+The interaction of memory policies and cpusets can be problematic for a
+couple of reasons:
+1) the memory policy APIs take physical node id's as arguments. However, the
+ memory policy APIs do not provide a way to determine what nodes are valid
+ in the context where the application is running. An application MAY consult
+ the cpuset file system [directly or via an out of tree, and not generally
+ available, libcpuset API] to obtain this information, but then the
+ application must be aware that it is running in a cpuset and use what are
+ intended primarily as administrative APIs.
+ However, as long as the policy specifies at least one node that is valid
+ in the controlling cpuset, the policy can be used.
+2) when tasks in two cpusets share access to a memory region, such as shared
+ memory segments created by shmget() of mmap() with the MAP_ANONYMOUS and
+ MAP_SHARED flags, and any of the tasks install shared policy on the region,
+ only nodes whose memories are allowed in both cpusets may be used in the
+ policies. Again, obtaining this information requires "stepping outside"
+ the memory policy APIs, as well as knowing in what cpusets other task might
+ be attaching to the shared region, to use the cpuset information.
+ Furthermore, if the cpusets' allowed memory sets are disjoint, "local"
+ allocation is the only valid policy.
diff --git a/Documentation/watchdog/00-INDEX b/Documentation/watchdog/00-INDEX
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c3ea47e507fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/watchdog/00-INDEX
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ - this file.
+ - documentation for Berkshire Products PC Watchdog ISA cards.
+ - directory holding watchdog related example programs.
+ - description of the Linux Watchdog driver API.
+ - description of the Watchdog Timer Interfaces for Linux.
index c1609ea0fa1f..10a6f57776b2 100644
@@ -3452,7 +3452,7 @@ S: Maintained
P: Kylene Hall
P: Marcel Selhorst
diff --git a/arch/h8300/kernel/process.c b/arch/h8300/kernel/process.c
index e061b63a0038..dfbe7ab9ffe2 100644
--- a/arch/h8300/kernel/process.c
+++ b/arch/h8300/kernel/process.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include <linux/a.out.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/reboot.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/system.h>
diff --git a/arch/h8300/kernel/sys_h8300.c b/arch/h8300/kernel/sys_h8300.c
index de7688cfd573..ddc62727dc9f 100644
--- a/arch/h8300/kernel/sys_h8300.c
+++ b/arch/h8300/kernel/sys_h8300.c
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <linux/mman.h>
#include <linux/file.h>
#include <linux/utsname.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/setup.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
diff --git a/arch/i386/Kconfig b/arch/i386/Kconfig
index f16a46e8849c..97b64d7d6bf6 100644
--- a/arch/i386/Kconfig
+++ b/arch/i386/Kconfig
@@ -614,10 +614,14 @@ config X86_PAE
# Common NUMA Features
config NUMA
- bool "Numa Memory Allocation and Scheduler Support"
- depends on SMP && HIGHMEM64G && (X86_NUMAQ || (X86_SUMMIT || X86_GENERICARCH) && ACPI)
+ bool "Numa Memory Allocation and Scheduler Support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
+ depends on SMP && HIGHMEM64G && (X86_NUMAQ || (X86_SUMMIT || X86_GENERICARCH) && ACPI) && EXPERIMENTAL
default n if X86_PC
default y if (X86_NUMAQ || X86_SUMMIT)
+ help
+ NUMA support for i386. This is currently high experimental
+ and should be only used for kernel development. It might also
+ cause boot failures.
comment "NUMA (Summit) requires SMP, 64GB highmem support, ACPI"
depends on X86_SUMMIT && (!HIGHMEM64G || !ACPI)
diff --git a/arch/i386/mm/fault.c b/arch/i386/mm/fault.c
index 01ffdd4964f0..fcb38e7f3543 100644
--- a/arch/i386/mm/fault.c
+++ b/arch/i386/mm/fault.c
@@ -249,9 +249,10 @@ static inline pmd_t *vmalloc_sync_one(pgd_t *pgd, unsigned long address)
pmd_k = pmd_offset(pud_k, address);
if (!pmd_present(*pmd_k))
return NULL;
- if (!pmd_present(*pmd))
+ if (!pmd_present(*pmd)) {
set_pmd(pmd, *pmd_k);
- else
+ arch_flush_lazy_mmu_mode();
+ } else
BUG_ON(pmd_page(*pmd) != pmd_page(*pmd_k));
return pmd_k;
diff --git a/arch/i386/xen/xen-head.S b/arch/i386/xen/xen-head.S
index bc71f3bc4014..f8d6937db2ec 100644
--- a/arch/i386/xen/xen-head.S
+++ b/arch/i386/xen/xen-head.S
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@
#include <asm/boot.h>
#include <xen/interface/elfnote.h>
- .section .init.text
+.pushsection .init.text
movl %esi,xen_start_info
movl $(init_thread_union+THREAD_SIZE),%esp
jmp xen_start_kernel
-.pushsection ".bss.page_aligned"
+.pushsection .bss.page_aligned
.align PAGE_SIZE_asm
.skip 0x1000
- .section .text
ELFNOTE(Xen, XEN_ELFNOTE_GUEST_OS, .asciz "linux")
diff --git a/arch/m68k/kernel/setup.c b/arch/m68k/kernel/setup.c
index 7e6d5fb75390..ed3a4caec620 100644
--- a/arch/m68k/kernel/setup.c
+++ b/arch/m68k/kernel/setup.c
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(m68k_num_memory);
int m68k_realnum_memory;
unsigned long m68k_memoffset;
struct mem_info m68k_memory[NUM_MEMINFO];
@@ -200,7 +199,6 @@ static void __init m68k_parse_bootinfo(const struct bi_record *record)
(m68k_num_memory - 1));
m68k_num_memory = 1;
- m68k_memoffset = m68k_memory[0].addr-PAGE_OFFSET;
diff --git a/arch/m68k/kernel/ b/arch/m68k/kernel/
index c42245775a4d..59fe285865ec 100644
--- a/arch/m68k/kernel/
+++ b/arch/m68k/kernel/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ SECTIONS
} :text = 0x4e75
+ _etext = .; /* End of text section */
. = ALIGN(16); /* Exception table */
__start___ex_table = .;
__ex_table : { *(__ex_table) }
@@ -26,8 +28,6 @@ SECTIONS
- _etext = .; /* End of text section */
.data : { /* Data */
diff --git a/arch/m68k/mm/motorola.c b/arch/m68k/mm/motorola.c
index 7d571a2b44dd..30d34f285024 100644
--- a/arch/m68k/mm/motorola.c
+++ b/arch/m68k/mm/motorola.c
@@ -210,11 +210,7 @@ void __init paging_init(void)
int i;
#ifdef DEBUG
- {
- extern unsigned long availmem;
- printk ("start of paging_init (%p, %lx)\n",
- kernel_pg_dir, availmem);
- }
+ printk ("start of paging_init (%p, %lx)\n", kernel_pg_dir, availmem);
/* Fix the cache mode in the page descriptors for the 680[46]0. */
diff --git a/arch/m68knommu/kernel/process.c b/arch/m68knommu/kernel/process.c
index 846f97534685..47502d5ec19f 100644
--- a/arch/m68knommu/kernel/process.c
+++ b/arch/m68knommu/kernel/process.c
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include <linux/a.out.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/reboot.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/system.h>
diff --git a/arch/m68knommu/kernel/sys_m68k.c b/arch/m68knommu/kernel/sys_m68k.c
index 48e6b33e8b44..15d62c5279a9 100644
--- a/arch/m68knommu/kernel/sys_m68k.c
+++ b/arch/m68knommu/kernel/sys_m68k.c
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <linux/mman.h>
#include <linux/file.h>
#include <linux/utsname.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/setup.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/sysdev/fsl_pci.c b/arch/powerpc/sysdev/fsl_pci.c
index 9fb0ce5c7176..114c90f8f560 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/sysdev/fsl_pci.c
+++ b/arch/powerpc/sysdev/fsl_pci.c
@@ -251,6 +251,8 @@ DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(0x1957, PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8568E, quirk_fsl_pcie_transpare
DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(0x1957, PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8568, quirk_fsl_pcie_transparent);
DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(0x1957, PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8567E, quirk_fsl_pcie_transparent);
DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(0x1957, PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8567, quirk_fsl_pcie_transparent);
+DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(0x1957, PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8533E, quirk_fsl_pcie_transparent);
+DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(0x1957, PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8533, quirk_fsl_pcie_transparent);
DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(0x1957, PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8544E, quirk_fsl_pcie_transparent);
DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(0x1957, PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8544, quirk_fsl_pcie_transparent);
DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_EARLY(0x1957, PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8641, quirk_fsl_pcie_transparent);
diff --git a/arch/s390/hypfs/inode.c b/arch/s390/hypfs/inode.c
index ad4ca75c0f04..5245717295b8 100644
--- a/arch/s390/hypfs/inode.c
+++ b/arch/s390/hypfs/inode.c
@@ -60,17 +60,28 @@ static void hypfs_add_dentry(struct dentry *dentry)
hypfs_last_dentry = dentry;
+static inline int hypfs_positive(struct dentry *dentry)
+ return dentry->d_inode && !d_unhashed(dentry);
static void hypfs_remove(struct dentry *dentry)
struct dentry *parent;
parent = dentry->d_parent;
- if (S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
- simple_rmdir(parent->d_inode, dentry);
- else
- simple_unlink(parent->d_inode, dentry);
+ if (!parent || !parent->d_inode)
+ return;
+ mutex_lock(&parent->d_inode->i_mutex);
+ if (hypfs_positive(dentry)) {
+ if (S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
+ simple_rmdir(parent->d_inode, dentry);
+ else
+ simple_unlink(parent->d_inode, dentry);
+ }
+ mutex_unlock(&parent->d_inode->i_mutex);
static void hypfs_delete_tree(struct dentry *root)
@@ -315,6 +326,7 @@ static int hypfs_fill_super(struct super_block *sb, void *data, int silent)
sb->s_root = root_dentry;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "hypfs: Hypervisor filesystem mounted\n");
return 0;
@@ -356,13 +368,17 @@ static struct dentry *hypfs_create_file(struct super_block *sb, = name;
qname.len = strlen(name);
qname.hash = full_name_hash(name, qname.len);
+ mutex_lock(&parent->d_inode->i_mutex);
dentry = lookup_one_len(name, parent, strlen(name));
- if (IS_ERR(dentry))
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ if (IS_ERR(dentry)) {
+ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ goto fail;
+ }
inode = hypfs_make_inode(sb, mode);
if (!inode) {
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ goto fail;
if (mode & S_IFREG) {
inode->i_fop = &hypfs_file_ops;
@@ -379,6 +395,8 @@ static struct dentry *hypfs_create_file(struct super_block *sb,
inode->i_private = data;
d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
+ mutex_unlock(&parent->d_inode->i_mutex);
return dentry;
@@ -391,7 +409,6 @@ struct dentry *hypfs_mkdir(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *parent,
if (IS_ERR(dentry))
return dentry;
- parent->d_inode->i_nlink++;
return dentry;
diff --git a/arch/s390/kernel/Makefile b/arch/s390/kernel/Makefile
index 3195d375bd51..56cb71007cd9 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kernel/Makefile
+++ b/arch/s390/kernel/Makefile
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ EXTRA_AFLAGS := -traditional
obj-y := bitmap.o traps.o time.o process.o base.o early.o \
setup.o sys_s390.o ptrace.o signal.o cpcmd.o ebcdic.o \
- semaphore.o s390_ext.o debug.o irq.o ipl.o dis.o
+ semaphore.o s390_ext.o debug.o irq.o ipl.o dis.o diag.o
obj-y += $(if $(CONFIG_64BIT),entry64.o,entry.o)
obj-y += $(if $(CONFIG_64BIT),reipl64.o,reipl.o)
diff --git a/arch/s390/kernel/diag.c b/arch/s390/kernel/diag.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c032d11da8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/s390/kernel/diag.c
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * Implementation of s390 diagnose codes
+ *
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2007
+ * Author(s): Michael Holzheu <>
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <asm/diag.h>
+ * Diagnose 10: Release pages
+ */
+void diag10(unsigned long addr)
+ if (addr >= 0x7ff00000)
+ return;
+ asm volatile(
+#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
+ " sam31\n"
+ " diag %0,%0,0x10\n"
+ "0: sam64\n"
+ " diag %0,%0,0x10\n"
+ "0:\n"
+ EX_TABLE(0b, 0b)
+ : : "a" (addr));
+ * Diagnose 14: Input spool file manipulation
+ */
+int diag14(unsigned long rx, unsigned long ry1, unsigned long subcode)
+ register unsigned long _ry1 asm("2") = ry1;
+ register unsigned long _ry2 asm("3") = subcode;
+ int rc = 0;
+ asm volatile(
+#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
+ " sam31\n"
+ " diag %2,2,0x14\n"
+ " sam64\n"
+ " diag %2,2,0x14\n"
+ " ipm %0\n"
+ " srl %0,28\n"
+ : "=d" (rc), "+d" (_ry2)
+ : "d" (rx), "d" (_ry1)
+ : "cc");
+ return rc;
+ * Diagnose 210: Get information about a virtual device
+ */
+int diag210(struct diag210 *addr)
+ /*
+ * diag 210 needs its data below the 2GB border, so we
+ * use a static data area to be sure
+ */
+ static struct diag210 diag210_tmp;
+ static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(diag210_lock);
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int ccode;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&diag210_lock, flags);
+ diag210_tmp = *addr;
+#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
+ asm volatile(
+ " lhi %0,-1\n"
+ " sam31\n"
+ " diag %1,0,0x210\n"
+ "0: ipm %0\n"
+ " srl %0,28\n"
+ "1: sam64\n"
+ EX_TABLE(0b, 1b)
+ : "=&d" (ccode) : "a" (&diag210_tmp) : "cc", "memory");
+ asm volatile(
+ " lhi %0,-1\n"
+ " diag %1,0,0x210\n"
+ "0: ipm %0\n"
+ " srl %0,28\n"
+ "1:\n"
+ EX_TABLE(0b, 1b)
+ : "=&d" (ccode) : "a" (&diag210_tmp) : "cc", "memory");
+ *addr = diag210_tmp;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&diag210_lock, flags);
+ return ccode;
diff --git a/arch/s390/kernel/dis.c b/arch/s390/kernel/dis.c
index d3057318f2bf..50d2235df732 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kernel/dis.c
+++ b/arch/s390/kernel/dis.c
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ static struct insn opcode_b2[] = {
{ "esta", 0x4a, INSTR_RRE_RR },
{ "lura", 0x4b, INSTR_RRE_RR },
{ "tar", 0x4c, INSTR_RRE_AR },
- { "cpya", INSTR_RRE_AA },
+ { "cpya", 0x4d, INSTR_RRE_AA },
{ "sar", 0x4e, INSTR_RRE_AR },
{ "ear", 0x4f, INSTR_RRE_RA },
{ "csp", 0x50, INSTR_RRE_RR },
diff --git a/arch/s390/kernel/kprobes.c b/arch/s390/kernel/kprobes.c
index 358d2bbbc481..e40373d9fbce 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kernel/kprobes.c
+++ b/arch/s390/kernel/kprobes.c
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void __kprobes get_instruction_type(struct arch_specific_insn *ainsn)
ainsn->reg = (*ainsn->insn & 0xf0) >> 4;
/* save the instruction length (pop 5-5) in bytes */
- switch (*(__u8 *) (ainsn->insn) >> 4) {
+ switch (*(__u8 *) (ainsn->insn) >> 6) {
case 0:
ainsn->ilen = 2;
diff --git a/arch/s390/kernel/s390_ksyms.c b/arch/s390/kernel/s390_ksyms.c
index 90b5ef529eb7..7234c737f825 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kernel/s390_ksyms.c
+++ b/arch/s390/kernel/s390_ksyms.c
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(_oi_bitmap);
* semaphore ops
diff --git a/arch/s390/mm/cmm.c b/arch/s390/mm/cmm.c
index c5b2f4f078bc..fabc50adc46a 100644
--- a/arch/s390/mm/cmm.c
+++ b/arch/s390/mm/cmm.c
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <asm/pgalloc.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <asm/diag.h>
static char *sender = "VMRMSVM";
module_param(sender, charp, 0400);
diff --git a/arch/s390/mm/init.c b/arch/s390/mm/init.c
index 9098531a2671..3a25bbf2eb0a 100644
--- a/arch/s390/mm/init.c
+++ b/arch/s390/mm/init.c
@@ -42,23 +42,6 @@ DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct mmu_gather, mmu_gathers);
pgd_t swapper_pg_dir[PTRS_PER_PGD] __attribute__((__aligned__(PAGE_SIZE)));
char empty_zero_page[PAGE_SIZE] __attribute__((__aligned__(PAGE_SIZE)));
-void diag10(unsigned long addr)
- if (addr >= 0x7ff00000)
- return;
- asm volatile(
-#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
- " sam31\n"
- " diag %0,%0,0x10\n"
- "0: sam64\n"
- " diag %0,%0,0x10\n"
- "0:\n"
- EX_TABLE(0b,0b)
- : : "a" (addr));
void show_mem(void)
int i, total = 0, reserved = 0;
diff --git a/arch/sparc/mm/init.c b/arch/sparc/mm/init.c
index c13e6cd279ac..a1bef07755a9 100644
--- a/arch/sparc/mm/init.c
+++ b/arch/sparc/mm/init.c
@@ -206,7 +206,8 @@ unsigned long __init bootmem_init(unsigned long *pages_avail)
/* Now have to check initial ramdisk, so that bootmap does not overwrite it */
if (sparc_ramdisk_image) {
- sparc_ramdisk_image -= KERNBASE;
+ if (sparc_ramdisk_image >= (unsigned long)&_end - 2 * PAGE_SIZE)
+ sparc_ramdisk_image -= KERNBASE;
initrd_start = sparc_ramdisk_image + phys_base;
initrd_end = initrd_start + sparc_ramdisk_size;
if (initrd_end > end_of_phys_memory) {
diff --git a/arch/um/drivers/ubd_kern.c b/arch/um/drivers/ubd_kern.c
index aff661fe2ee1..0eabe73c964d 100644
--- a/arch/um/drivers/ubd_kern.c
+++ b/arch/um/drivers/ubd_kern.c
@@ -612,6 +612,8 @@ static int ubd_open_dev(struct ubd *ubd_dev)
ubd_dev->fd = fd;
if(ubd_dev->cow.file != NULL){
+ blk_queue_max_sectors(ubd_dev->queue, 8 * sizeof(long));
err = -ENOMEM;
ubd_dev->cow.bitmap = (void *) vmalloc(ubd_dev->cow.bitmap_len);
if(ubd_dev->cow.bitmap == NULL){
@@ -712,8 +714,6 @@ static int ubd_add(int n, char **error_out)
ubd_dev->queue->queuedata = ubd_dev;
blk_queue_max_hw_segments(ubd_dev->queue, MAX_SG);
- if(ubd_dev->cow.file != NULL)
- blk_queue_max_sectors(ubd_dev->queue, 8 * sizeof(long));
err = ubd_disk_register(MAJOR_NR, ubd_dev->size, n, &ubd_gendisk[n]);
*error_out = "Failed to register device";
diff --git a/drivers/ata/pata_it821x.c b/drivers/ata/pata_it821x.c
index 430673be1df7..7225124d96c2 100644
--- a/drivers/ata/pata_it821x.c
+++ b/drivers/ata/pata_it821x.c
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ static int it821x_port_start(struct ata_port *ap)
itdev->want[1][1] = ATA_ANY;
itdev->last_device = -1;
- if (pdev->revision == 0x11) {
+ if (pdev->revision == 0x10) {
itdev->timing10 = 1;
/* Need to disable ATAPI DMA for this case */
if (!itdev->smart)
diff --git a/drivers/auxdisplay/cfag12864b.c b/drivers/auxdisplay/cfag12864b.c
index cb44cb4f6a47..80bb06105387 100644
--- a/drivers/auxdisplay/cfag12864b.c
+++ b/drivers/auxdisplay/cfag12864b.c
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ static int __init cfag12864b_init(void)
cfag12864b_cache = kmalloc(sizeof(unsigned char) *
- if (cfag12864b_buffer == NULL) {
+ if (cfag12864b_cache == NULL) {
printk(KERN_ERR CFAG12864B_NAME ": ERROR: "
"can't alloc cache buffer (%i bytes)\n",
diff --git a/drivers/block/Kconfig b/drivers/block/Kconfig
index ef32e977d307..4245b7f80a49 100644
--- a/drivers/block/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/block/Kconfig
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ config AMIGA_Z2RAM
config BLK_DEV_XD
tristate "XT hard disk support"
depends on ISA && ISA_DMA_API
Very old 8 bit hard disk controllers used in the IBM XT computer
will be supported if you say Y here.
diff --git a/drivers/char/ipmi/ipmi_si_intf.c b/drivers/char/ipmi/ipmi_si_intf.c
index 96d2f9ee42d6..9b07f7851061 100644
--- a/drivers/char/ipmi/ipmi_si_intf.c
+++ b/drivers/char/ipmi/ipmi_si_intf.c
@@ -2292,7 +2292,7 @@ static int __devinit ipmi_of_probe(struct of_device *dev,
info->irq = irq_of_parse_and_map(dev->node, 0);
info->dev = &dev->dev;
- dev_dbg(&dev->dev, "addr 0x%lx regsize %ld spacing %ld irq %x\n",
+ dev_dbg(&dev->dev, "addr 0x%lx regsize %d spacing %d irq %x\n",
info->io.addr_data, info->io.regsize, info->io.regspacing,
diff --git a/drivers/char/keyboard.c b/drivers/char/keyboard.c
index 2ce0af1bd588..d95f316afb5a 100644
--- a/drivers/char/keyboard.c
+++ b/drivers/char/keyboard.c
@@ -1022,10 +1022,6 @@ static const unsigned short x86_keycodes[256] =
332,340,365,342,343,344,345,346,356,270,341,368,369,370,371,372 };
-extern int mac_hid_mouse_emulate_buttons(int, int, int);
static int sparc_l1_a_state = 0;
extern void sun_do_break(void);
diff --git a/drivers/char/synclink_gt.c b/drivers/char/synclink_gt.c
index bbb7f1292665..2f97d2f8f916 100644
--- a/drivers/char/synclink_gt.c
+++ b/drivers/char/synclink_gt.c
@@ -1565,6 +1565,9 @@ static int hdlcdev_open(struct net_device *dev)
int rc;
unsigned long flags;
+ if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE))
+ return -EBUSY;
DBGINFO(("%s hdlcdev_open\n", dev->name));
/* generic HDLC layer open processing */
@@ -1634,6 +1637,7 @@ static int hdlcdev_close(struct net_device *dev)
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&info->netlock, flags);
+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm.c b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm.c
index 9bb542913b86..39564b76d4a3 100644
--- a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm.c
+++ b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm.c
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Reiner Sailer <>
* Kylene Hall <>
- * Maintained by: <>
+ * Maintained by: <>
* Device driver for TCG/TCPA TPM (trusted platform module).
* Specifications at
diff --git a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm.h b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm.h
index b2e2b002a1bb..d15ccddc92eb 100644
--- a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm.h
+++ b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm.h
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Reiner Sailer <>
* Kylene Hall <>
- * Maintained by: <>
+ * Maintained by: <>
* Device driver for TCG/TCPA TPM (trusted platform module).
* Specifications at
diff --git a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_atmel.c b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_atmel.c
index 1ab0896070be..d0e7926eb486 100644
--- a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_atmel.c
+++ b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_atmel.c
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Reiner Sailer <>
* Kylene Hall <>
- * Maintained by: <>
+ * Maintained by: <>
* Device driver for TCG/TCPA TPM (trusted platform module).
* Specifications at
diff --git a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_atmel.h b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_atmel.h
index 9363bcf0a402..6c831f9466b7 100644
--- a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_atmel.h
+++ b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_atmel.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* Authors:
* Kylene Hall <>
- * Maintained by: <>
+ * Maintained by: <>
* Device driver for TCG/TCPA TPM (trusted platform module).
* Specifications at
diff --git a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_bios.c b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_bios.c
index 8677fc6a545e..60a2d2630e36 100644
--- a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_bios.c
+++ b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_bios.c
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
* Reiner Sailer <>
* Kylene Hall <>
+ * Maintained by: <>
+ *
* Access to the eventlog extended by the TCG BIOS of PC platform
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
diff --git a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_nsc.c b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_nsc.c
index 608f73071bef..6313326bc41f 100644
--- a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_nsc.c
+++ b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_nsc.c
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Reiner Sailer <>
* Kylene Hall <>
- * Maintained by: <>
+ * Maintained by: <>
* Device driver for TCG/TCPA TPM (trusted platform module).
* Specifications at
diff --git a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_tis.c b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_tis.c
index 483f3f60013c..23fa18a6654c 100644
--- a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_tis.c
+++ b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_tis.c
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
* Leendert van Doorn <>
* Kylene Hall <>
+ * Maintained by: <>
+ *
* Device driver for TCG/TCPA TPM (trusted platform module).
* Specifications at
diff --git a/drivers/char/watchdog/alim1535_wdt.c b/drivers/char/watchdog/alim1535_wdt.c
index e3f6a7d0c83d..c404fc69e7e6 100644
--- a/drivers/char/watchdog/alim1535_wdt.c
+++ b/drivers/char/watchdog/alim1535_wdt.c
@@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ static int ali_notify_sys(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long code, void
static struct pci_device_id ali_pci_tbl[] = {
{ 0, },
@@ -329,9 +330,11 @@ static int __init ali_find_watchdog(void)
struct pci_dev *pdev;
u32 wdog;
- /* Check for a 1535 series bridge */
+ /* Check for a 1533/1535 series bridge */
pdev = pci_get_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_AL, 0x1535, NULL);
- if(pdev == NULL)
+ if (pdev == NULL)
+ pdev = pci_get_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_AL, 0x1533, NULL);
+ if (pdev == NULL)
return -ENODEV;
diff --git a/drivers/char/watchdog/eurotechwdt.c b/drivers/char/watchdog/eurotechwdt.c
index b070324e27a6..b14e9d1f164d 100644
--- a/drivers/char/watchdog/eurotechwdt.c
+++ b/drivers/char/watchdog/eurotechwdt.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Eurotech CPU-1220/1410 on board WDT driver
+ * Eurotech CPU-1220/1410/1420 on board WDT driver
* (c) Copyright 2001 Ascensit <>
* (c) Copyright 2001 Rodolfo Giometti <>
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
/* Changelog:
+ * 2001 - Rodolfo Giometti
+ * Initial release
+ *
* 2002/04/25 - Rob Radez
* clean up #includes
* clean up locking
@@ -33,13 +36,15 @@
* add expect_close support
- * 2001 - Rodolfo Giometti
- * Initial release
- *
* 2002.05.30 - Joel Becker <>
* Added Matt Domsch's nowayout module option.
+ * The eurotech CPU-1220/1410/1420's watchdog is a part
+ * of the on-board SUPER I/O device SMSC FDC 37B782.
+ */
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
diff --git a/drivers/input/misc/Kconfig b/drivers/input/misc/Kconfig
index 9b26574f1466..d602b8fa7d46 100644
--- a/drivers/input/misc/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/input/misc/Kconfig
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ config INPUT_WISTRON_BTNS
select NEW_LEDS
Say Y here for support of Winstron laptop button interface, used on
laptops of various brands, including Acer and Fujitsu-Siemens. If
diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.c b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.c
index b1a26e02df02..60843b3f3b6f 100644
--- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.c
+++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.c
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
* hfc_usb.c
- * $Id: hfc_usb.c,v 2006/02/17 17:17:22 mbachem Exp $
+ * $Id: hfc_usb.c,v 2007/08/20 14:07:54 mbachem Exp $
* modular HiSax ISDN driver for Colognechip HFC-S USB chip
- * Authors : Peter Sprenger (
- * Martin Bachem (
+ * Authors : Peter Sprenger (
+ * Martin Bachem (,
* based on the first hfc_usb driver of
* Werner Cornelius (
@@ -37,24 +37,25 @@
#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
#include <linux/usb.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#include "hisax.h"
#include "hisax_if.h"
#include "hfc_usb.h"
static const char *hfcusb_revision =
- "$Revision: $ $Date: 2006/02/17 17:17:22 $ ";
+ "$Revision: $ $Date: 2007/08/20 14:07:54 $ ";
/* Hisax debug support
-* use "modprobe debug=x" where x is bitfield of USB_DBG & ISDN_DBG
+* debug flags defined in hfc_usb.h as HFCUSB_DBG_[*]
-#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#define __debug_variable hfc_debug
#include "hisax_debug.h"
static u_int debug;
module_param(debug, uint, 0);
static int hfc_debug;
/* private vendor specific data */
typedef struct {
@@ -63,9 +64,7 @@ typedef struct {
char *vend_name; // device name
} hfcsusb_vdata;
-/* data defining the devices to be used */
+/* VID/PID device list */
static struct usb_device_id hfcusb_idtab[] = {
USB_DEVICE(0x0959, 0x2bd0),
@@ -90,49 +89,47 @@ static struct usb_device_id hfcusb_idtab[] = {
.driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata)
{LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1},
"Stollmann USB TA"}),
- },
+ },
USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x2009),
.driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata)
{LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1},
"Aceex USB ISDN TA"}),
- },
+ },
USB_DEVICE(0x0742, 0x200A),
.driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata)
{LED_SCHEME1, {4, 0, 2, 1},
- },
+ },
USB_DEVICE(0x08e3, 0x0301),
.driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata)
{LED_SCHEME1, {2, 0, 1, 4},
"Olitec USB RNIS"}),
- },
+ },
USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x0846),
.driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata)
{LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16},
"Bewan Modem RNIS USB"}),
- },
+ },
USB_DEVICE(0x07fa, 0x0847),
.driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata)
{LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16},
"Djinn Numeris USB"}),
- },
+ },
USB_DEVICE(0x07b0, 0x0006),
.driver_info = (unsigned long) &((hfcsusb_vdata)
{LED_SCHEME1, {0x80, -64, -32, -16},
"Twister ISDN TA"}),
- },
+ },
{ }
/* structure defining input+output fifos (interrupt/bulk mode) */
struct usb_fifo; /* forward definition */
typedef struct iso_urb_struct {
struct urb *purb;
@@ -140,8 +137,8 @@ typedef struct iso_urb_struct {
struct usb_fifo *owner_fifo; /* pointer to owner fifo */
} iso_urb_struct;
struct hfcusb_data; /* forward definition */
typedef struct usb_fifo {
int fifonum; /* fifo index attached to this structure */
int active; /* fifo is currently active */
@@ -160,15 +157,12 @@ typedef struct usb_fifo {
struct hisax_if *hif; /* hisax interface */
int delete_flg; /* only delete skbuff once */
int last_urblen; /* remember length of last packet */
} usb_fifo;
/* structure holding all data for one device */
typedef struct hfcusb_data {
/* HiSax Interface for loadable Layer1 drivers */
- struct hisax_d_if d_if; /* see hisax_if.h */
+ struct hisax_d_if d_if; /* see hisax_if.h */
struct hisax_b_if b_if[2]; /* see hisax_if.h */
int protocol;
@@ -176,12 +170,13 @@ typedef struct hfcusb_data {
int if_used; /* used interface number */
int alt_used; /* used alternate config */
int ctrl_paksize; /* control pipe packet size */
- int ctrl_in_pipe, ctrl_out_pipe; /* handles for control pipe */
+ int ctrl_in_pipe, /* handles for control pipe */
+ ctrl_out_pipe;
int cfg_used; /* configuration index used */
int vend_idx; /* vendor found */
int b_mode[2]; /* B-channel mode */
int l1_activated; /* layer 1 activated */
- int disc_flag; /* 'true' if device was disonnected to avoid some USB actions */
+ int disc_flag; /* TRUE if device was disonnected to avoid some USB actions */
int packet_size, iso_packet_size;
/* control pipe background handling */
@@ -208,7 +203,6 @@ typedef struct hfcusb_data {
static void collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo * fifo, __u8 * data, int len,
int finish);
static inline const char *
symbolic(struct hfcusb_symbolic_list list[], const int num)
@@ -219,10 +213,6 @@ symbolic(struct hfcusb_symbolic_list list[], const int num)
return "<unknown ERROR>";
-/* start next background transfer for control channel */
static void
ctrl_start_transfer(hfcusb_data * hfc)
@@ -240,10 +230,6 @@ ctrl_start_transfer(hfcusb_data * hfc)
} /* ctrl_start_transfer */
-/* queue a control transfer request */
-/* return 0 on success. */
static int
queue_control_request(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 reg, __u8 val, int action)
@@ -260,19 +246,8 @@ queue_control_request(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 reg, __u8 val, int action)
if (++hfc->ctrl_cnt == 1)
return (0);
-} /* queue_control_request */
-static int
-control_action_handler(hfcusb_data * hfc, int reg, int val, int action)
- if (!action)
- return (1); /* no action defined */
- return (0);
-/* control completion routine handling background control cmds */
static void
ctrl_complete(struct urb *urb)
@@ -282,9 +257,6 @@ ctrl_complete(struct urb *urb)
urb->dev = hfc->dev;
if (hfc->ctrl_cnt) {
buf = &hfc->ctrl_buff[hfc->ctrl_out_idx];
- control_action_handler(hfc, buf->hfc_reg, buf->reg_val,
- buf->action);
hfc->ctrl_cnt--; /* decrement actual count */
if (++hfc->ctrl_out_idx >= HFC_CTRL_BUFSIZE)
hfc->ctrl_out_idx = 0; /* pointer wrap */
@@ -293,9 +265,7 @@ ctrl_complete(struct urb *urb)
} /* ctrl_complete */
/* write led data to auxport & invert if necessary */
static void
write_led(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 led_state)
@@ -305,9 +275,6 @@ write_led(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 led_state)
-/* handle LED bits */
static void
set_led_bit(hfcusb_data * hfc, signed short led_bits, int unset)
@@ -324,9 +291,7 @@ set_led_bit(hfcusb_data * hfc, signed short led_bits, int unset)
-/* handle LED requests */
+/* handle LED requests */
static void
handle_led(hfcusb_data * hfc, int event)
@@ -339,85 +304,73 @@ handle_led(hfcusb_data * hfc, int event)
switch (event) {
- set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[0],
- 0);
- set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1],
- 1);
- set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2],
- 1);
- set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3],
- 1);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[0], 0);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 1);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 1);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 1);
- case LED_POWER_OFF: /* no Power off handling */
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[0], 1);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 1);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 1);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 1);
case LED_S0_ON:
- set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1],
- 0);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 0);
case LED_S0_OFF:
- set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1],
- 1);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[1], 1);
case LED_B1_ON:
- set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2],
- 0);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 0);
case LED_B1_OFF:
- set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2],
- 1);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[2], 1);
case LED_B2_ON:
- set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3],
- 0);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 0);
case LED_B2_OFF:
- set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3],
- 1);
+ set_led_bit(hfc, driver_info->led_bits[3], 1);
write_led(hfc, hfc->led_state);
-/* called when timer t3 expires */
+/* ISDN l1 timer T3 expires */
static void
l1_timer_expire_t3(hfcusb_data * hfc)
hfc->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&hfc->d_if.ifc, PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION,
- hfc->l1_activated = false;
+ hfc->l1_activated = 0;
handle_led(hfc, LED_S0_OFF);
/* deactivate : */
queue_control_request(hfc, HFCUSB_STATES, 0x10, 1);
queue_control_request(hfc, HFCUSB_STATES, 3, 1);
-/* called when timer t4 expires */
+/* ISDN l1 timer T4 expires */
static void
l1_timer_expire_t4(hfcusb_data * hfc)
hfc->d_if.ifc.l1l2(&hfc->d_if.ifc, PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION,
- hfc->l1_activated = false;
+ hfc->l1_activated = 0;
handle_led(hfc, LED_S0_OFF);
-/* handle S0 state changes */
+/* S0 state changed */
static void
-state_handler(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 state)
+s0_state_handler(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 state)
__u8 old_state;
@@ -425,38 +378,29 @@ state_handler(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 state)
if (state == old_state || state < 1 || state > 8)
- DBG(ISDN_DBG, "HFC-S USB: new S0 state:%d old_state:%d", state,
- old_state);
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, "HFC-S USB: S0 statechange(%d -> %d)",
+ old_state, state);
if (state < 4 || state == 7 || state == 8) {
if (timer_pending(&hfc->t3_timer))
- DBG(ISDN_DBG, "HFC-S USB: T3 deactivated");
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, "HFC-S USB: T3 deactivated");
if (state >= 7) {
if (timer_pending(&hfc->t4_timer))
- DBG(ISDN_DBG, "HFC-S USB: T4 deactivated");
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, "HFC-S USB: T4 deactivated");
if (state == 7 && !hfc->l1_activated) {
- hfc->l1_activated = true;
+ hfc->l1_activated = 1;
handle_led(hfc, LED_S0_ON);
} else if (state <= 3 /* && activated */ ) {
if (old_state == 7 || old_state == 8) {
- DBG(ISDN_DBG, "HFC-S USB: T4 activated");
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, "HFC-S USB: T4 activated");
if (!timer_pending(&hfc->t4_timer)) {
hfc->t4_timer.expires =
jiffies + (HFC_TIMER_T4 * HZ) / 1000;
@@ -466,18 +410,15 @@ state_handler(hfcusb_data * hfc, __u8 state)
- hfc->l1_activated = false;
+ hfc->l1_activated = 0;
handle_led(hfc, LED_S0_OFF);
hfc->l1_state = state;
-/* prepare iso urb */
static void
fill_isoc_urb(struct urb *urb, struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int pipe,
void *buf, int num_packets, int packet_size, int interval,
@@ -503,15 +444,16 @@ fill_isoc_urb(struct urb *urb, struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int pipe,
/* allocs urbs and start isoc transfer with two pending urbs to avoid
- gaps in the transfer chain */
+ * gaps in the transfer chain
+ */
static int
start_isoc_chain(usb_fifo * fifo, int num_packets_per_urb,
usb_complete_t complete, int packet_size)
int i, k, errcode;
- printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S USB: starting ISO-chain for Fifo %i\n",
- fifo->fifonum);
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_INIT, "HFC-S USB: starting ISO-URBs for fifo:%d\n",
+ fifo->fifonum);
/* allocate Memory for Iso out Urbs */
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
@@ -556,10 +498,9 @@ start_isoc_chain(usb_fifo * fifo, int num_packets_per_urb,
errcode = usb_submit_urb(fifo->iso[i].purb, GFP_KERNEL);
fifo->active = (errcode >= 0) ? 1 : 0;
- if (errcode < 0) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S USB: %s URB nr:%d\n",
- symbolic(urb_errlist, errcode), i);
- };
+ if (errcode < 0)
+ printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S USB: usb_submit_urb URB nr:%d, error(%i): '%s'\n",
+ i, errcode, symbolic(urb_errlist, errcode));
return (fifo->active);
@@ -572,16 +513,15 @@ stop_isoc_chain(usb_fifo * fifo)
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (fifo->iso[i].purb) {
"HFC-S USB: Stopping iso chain for fifo %i.%i",
fifo->fifonum, i);
fifo->iso[i].purb = NULL;
fifo->urb = NULL;
@@ -594,9 +534,6 @@ static int iso_packets[8] =
-/* transmit completion routine for all ISO tx fifos */
static void
tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb)
@@ -607,20 +544,38 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb)
int frame_complete, transp_mode, fifon, status;
__u8 threshbit;
- __u8 threshtable[8] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 };
fifon = fifo->fifonum;
status = urb->status;
tx_offset = 0;
+ /* ISO transfer only partially completed,
+ look at individual frame status for details */
+ if (status == -EXDEV) {
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_VERBOSE_USB, "HFC-S USB: tx_iso_complete with -EXDEV"
+ ", urb->status %d, fifonum %d\n",
+ status, fifon);
+ for (k = 0; k < iso_packets[fifon]; ++k) {
+ errcode = urb->iso_frame_desc[k].status;
+ if (errcode)
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_VERBOSE_USB, "HFC-S USB: tx_iso_complete "
+ "packet %i, status: %i\n",
+ k, errcode);
+ }
+ // clear status, so go on with ISO transfers
+ status = 0;
+ }
if (fifo->active && !status) {
transp_mode = 0;
if (fifon < 4 && hfc->b_mode[fifon / 2] == L1_MODE_TRANS)
- transp_mode = true;
+ transp_mode = 1;
/* is FifoFull-threshold set for our channel? */
- threshbit = threshtable[fifon] & hfc->threshold_mask;
+ threshbit = (hfc->threshold_mask & (1 << fifon));
num_isoc_packets = iso_packets[fifon];
/* predict dataflow to avoid fifo overflow */
@@ -635,8 +590,9 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb)
tx_iso_complete, urb->context);
memset(context_iso_urb->buffer, 0,
- frame_complete = false;
- /* Generate next Iso Packets */
+ frame_complete = 0;
+ /* Generate next ISO Packets */
for (k = 0; k < num_isoc_packets; ++k) {
if (fifo->skbuff) {
len = fifo->skbuff->len;
@@ -661,7 +617,7 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb)
/* add 2 byte flags and 16bit CRC at end of ISDN frame */
fifo->bit_line += 32;
- frame_complete = true;
+ frame_complete = 1;
memcpy(context_iso_urb->buffer +
@@ -688,7 +644,7 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb)
if (frame_complete) {
- fifo->delete_flg = true;
+ fifo->delete_flg = 1;
(void *) (unsigned long) fifo->skbuff->
@@ -696,30 +652,26 @@ tx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb)
if (fifo->skbuff && fifo->delete_flg) {
fifo->skbuff = NULL;
- fifo->delete_flg = false;
+ fifo->delete_flg = 0;
- frame_complete = false;
+ frame_complete = 0;
errcode = usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC);
if (errcode < 0) {
- "HFC-S USB: error submitting ISO URB: %d \n",
+ "HFC-S USB: error submitting ISO URB: %d\n",
} else {
if (status && !hfc->disc_flag) {
- "HFC-S USB: tx_iso_complete : urb->status %s (%i), fifonum=%d\n",
- symbolic(urb_errlist, status), status,
- fifon);
+ "HFC-S USB: tx_iso_complete: error(%i): '%s', fifonum=%d\n",
+ status, symbolic(urb_errlist, status), fifon);
-} /* tx_iso_complete */
-/* receive completion routine for all ISO tx fifos */
static void
rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb)
@@ -731,21 +683,25 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb)
unsigned int iso_status;
__u8 *buf;
static __u8 eof[8];
- __u8 i;
fifon = fifo->fifonum;
status = urb->status;
if (urb->status == -EOVERFLOW) {
- "HFC-USB: ignoring USB DATAOVERRUN for fifo %i \n",
- fifon);
+ "HFC-USB: ignoring USB DATAOVERRUN fifo(%i)", fifon);
+ status = 0;
+ }
+ /* ISO transfer only partially completed,
+ look at individual frame status for details */
+ if (status == -EXDEV) {
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_VERBOSE_USB, "HFC-S USB: rx_iso_complete with -EXDEV "
+ "urb->status %d, fifonum %d\n",
+ status, fifon);
status = 0;
if (fifo->active && !status) {
num_isoc_packets = iso_packets[fifon];
maxlen = fifo->usb_packet_maxlen;
@@ -754,40 +710,38 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb)
offset = urb->iso_frame_desc[k].offset;
buf = context_iso_urb->buffer + offset;
iso_status = urb->iso_frame_desc[k].status;
if (iso_status && !hfc->disc_flag)
- "HFC-S USB: ISO packet failure - status:%x",
- iso_status);
+ "HFC-S USB: rx_iso_complete "
+ "ISO packet %i, status: %i\n",
+ k, iso_status);
- if ((fifon == 5) && (debug > 1)) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
+ if (fifon == HFCUSB_D_RX) {
"HFC-S USB: ISO-D-RX lst_urblen:%2d "
- "act_urblen:%2d max-urblen:%2d "
- "EOF:0x%0x DATA: ",
+ "act_urblen:%2d max-urblen:%2d EOF:0x%0x",
fifo->last_urblen, len, maxlen,
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- printk("%.2x ", buf[i]);
- printk("\n");
if (fifo->last_urblen != maxlen) {
/* the threshold mask is in the 2nd status byte */
hfc->threshold_mask = buf[1];
/* care for L1 state only for D-Channel
to avoid overlapped iso completions */
- if (fifon == 5) {
+ if (fifon == HFCUSB_D_RX) {
/* the S0 state is in the upper half
of the 1st status byte */
- state_handler(hfc, buf[0] >> 4);
+ s0_state_handler(hfc, buf[0] >> 4);
eof[fifon] = buf[0] & 1;
if (len > 2)
collect_rx_frame(fifo, buf + 2,
len - 2,
- (len <
- maxlen) ?
+ (len < maxlen) ?
eof[fifon] : 0);
} else {
collect_rx_frame(fifo, buf, len,
@@ -804,41 +758,37 @@ rx_iso_complete(struct urb *urb)
rx_iso_complete, urb->context);
errcode = usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC);
if (errcode < 0) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "HFC-S USB: error submitting ISO URB: %d \n",
+ printk(KERN_ERR
+ "HFC-S USB: error submitting ISO URB: %d\n",
} else {
if (status && !hfc->disc_flag) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
+ printk(KERN_ERR
"HFC-S USB: rx_iso_complete : "
"urb->status %d, fifonum %d\n",
status, fifon);
-} /* rx_iso_complete */
-/* collect data from interrupt or isochron in */
+/* collect rx data from INT- and ISO-URBs */
static void
collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo * fifo, __u8 * data, int len, int finish)
hfcusb_data *hfc = fifo->hfc;
int transp_mode, fifon;
- int i;
fifon = fifo->fifonum;
transp_mode = 0;
if (fifon < 4 && hfc->b_mode[fifon / 2] == L1_MODE_TRANS)
- transp_mode = true;
+ transp_mode = 1;
if (!fifo->skbuff) {
fifo->skbuff = dev_alloc_skb(fifo->max_size + 3);
if (!fifo->skbuff) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "HFC-S USB: cannot allocate buffer (dev_alloc_skb) fifo:%d\n",
+ printk(KERN_ERR
+ "HFC-S USB: cannot allocate buffer for fifo(%d)\n",
@@ -847,17 +797,11 @@ collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo * fifo, __u8 * data, int len, int finish)
if (fifo->skbuff->len + len < fifo->max_size) {
memcpy(skb_put(fifo->skbuff, len), data, len);
} else {
- printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S USB: ");
- for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
- printk("%.2x ",
- fifo->skbuff->data[fifo->skbuff->
- len - 15 + i]);
- printk("\n");
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "HCF-USB: got frame exceeded fifo->max_size:%d on fifo:%d\n",
+ "HCF-USB: got frame exceeded fifo->max_size(%d) fifo(%d)",
fifo->max_size, fifon);
+ skb_trim(fifo->skbuff, 0);
if (transp_mode && fifo->skbuff->len >= 128) {
@@ -870,6 +814,13 @@ collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo * fifo, __u8 * data, int len, int finish)
if (finish) {
if ((!fifo->skbuff->data[fifo->skbuff->len - 1])
&& (fifo->skbuff->len > 3)) {
+ if (fifon == HFCUSB_D_RX) {
+ "HFC-S USB: D-RX len(%d)", fifo->skbuff->len);
+ }
/* remove CRC & status */
skb_trim(fifo->skbuff, fifo->skbuff->len - 3);
if (fifon == HFCUSB_PCM_RX) {
@@ -882,39 +833,17 @@ collect_rx_frame(usb_fifo * fifo, __u8 * data, int len, int finish)
fifo->skbuff = NULL; /* buffer was freed from upper layer */
} else {
- if (fifo->skbuff->len > 3) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "HFC-S USB: got frame %d bytes but CRC ERROR on fifo:%d!!!\n",
- fifo->skbuff->len, fifon);
- if (debug > 1) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S USB: ");
- for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
- printk("%.2x ",
- fifo->skbuff->
- data[fifo->skbuff->
- len - 15 + i]);
- printk("\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "HFC-S USB: frame to small (%d bytes)!!!\n",
- fifo->skbuff->len);
- }
+ "HFC-S USB: ERROR frame len(%d) fifo(%d)",
+ fifo->skbuff->len, fifon);
skb_trim(fifo->skbuff, 0);
-/* receive completion routine for all rx fifos */
static void
-rx_complete(struct urb *urb)
+rx_int_complete(struct urb *urb)
int len;
int status;
@@ -922,18 +851,14 @@ rx_complete(struct urb *urb)
usb_fifo *fifo = (usb_fifo *) urb->context;
hfcusb_data *hfc = fifo->hfc;
static __u8 eof[8];
- __u8 i;
urb->dev = hfc->dev; /* security init */
fifon = fifo->fifonum;
if ((!fifo->active) || (urb->status)) {
- DBG(USB_DBG, "HFC-S USB: RX-Fifo %i is going down (%i)",
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_INIT, "HFC-S USB: RX-Fifo %i is going down (%i)",
fifon, urb->status);
fifo->urb->interval = 0; /* cancel automatic rescheduling */
if (fifo->skbuff) {
@@ -945,22 +870,20 @@ rx_complete(struct urb *urb)
buf = fifo->buffer;
maxlen = fifo->usb_packet_maxlen;
- if ((fifon == 5) && (debug > 1)) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "HFC-S USB: INT-D-RX lst_urblen:%2d act_urblen:%2d max-urblen:%2d EOF:0x%0x DATA: ",
- fifo->last_urblen, len, maxlen, eof[5]);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- printk("%.2x ", buf[i]);
- printk("\n");
+ if (fifon == HFCUSB_D_RX) {
+ "HFC-S USB: INT-D-RX lst_urblen:%2d "
+ "act_urblen:%2d max-urblen:%2d EOF:0x%0x",
+ fifo->last_urblen, len, maxlen,
+ eof[5]);
if (fifo->last_urblen != fifo->usb_packet_maxlen) {
/* the threshold mask is in the 2nd status byte */
hfc->threshold_mask = buf[1];
/* the S0 state is in the upper half of the 1st status byte */
- state_handler(hfc, buf[0] >> 4);
+ s0_state_handler(hfc, buf[0] >> 4);
eof[fifon] = buf[0] & 1;
/* if we have more than the 2 status bytes -> collect data */
if (len > 2)
@@ -975,20 +898,19 @@ rx_complete(struct urb *urb)
status = usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC);
if (status) {
- "HFC-S USB: error resubmitting URN at rx_complete...\n");
+ "HFC-S USB: %s error resubmitting URB fifo(%d)\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, fifon);
-} /* rx_complete */
-/* start the interrupt transfer for the given fifo */
+/* start initial INT-URB for certain fifo */
static void
start_int_fifo(usb_fifo * fifo)
int errcode;
- printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S USB: starting intr IN fifo:%d\n",
- fifo->fifonum);
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_INIT, "HFC-S USB: starting RX INT-URB for fifo:%d\n",
+ fifo->fifonum);
if (!fifo->urb) {
fifo->urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL);
@@ -997,33 +919,28 @@ start_int_fifo(usb_fifo * fifo)
usb_fill_int_urb(fifo->urb, fifo->hfc->dev, fifo->pipe,
fifo->buffer, fifo->usb_packet_maxlen,
- rx_complete, fifo, fifo->intervall);
+ rx_int_complete, fifo, fifo->intervall);
fifo->active = 1; /* must be marked active */
errcode = usb_submit_urb(fifo->urb, GFP_KERNEL);
if (errcode) {
- printk(KERN_INFO
+ printk(KERN_ERR
"HFC-S USB: submit URB error(start_int_info): status:%i\n",
fifo->active = 0;
fifo->skbuff = NULL;
-} /* start_int_fifo */
-/* set the B-channel mode */
static void
-set_hfcmode(hfcusb_data * hfc, int channel, int mode)
+setup_bchannel(hfcusb_data * hfc, int channel, int mode)
__u8 val, idx_table[2] = { 0, 2 };
if (hfc->disc_flag) {
- DBG(ISDN_DBG, "HFC-S USB: setting channel %d to mode %d", channel,
- mode);
+ DBG(HFCUSB_DBG_STATES, "HFC-S USB: setting channel %d to mode %d",
+ channel, mode);
hfc->b_mode[channel] = mode;
/* setup CON_HDLC */
@@ -1080,20 +997,17 @@ hfc_usb_l2l1(struct hisax_if *my_hisax_if, int pr, void *arg)
switch (pr) {
if (fifo->fifonum == HFCUSB_D_TX) {
"HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 D-chan: PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST");
if (hfc->l1_state != 3
&& hfc->l1_state != 7) {
"HFC-S USB: PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION sent (not state 3 or 7)");
} else {
if (hfc->l1_state == 7) { /* l1 already active */
@@ -1103,10 +1017,8 @@ hfc_usb_l2l1(struct hisax_if *my_hisax_if, int pr, void *arg)
} else {
/* force sending sending INFO1 */
@@ -1132,11 +1044,9 @@ hfc_usb_l2l1(struct hisax_if *my_hisax_if, int pr, void *arg)
} else {
- "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 Bx-chan: PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST");
- set_hfcmode(hfc,
+ "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 B-chan: PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST");
+ setup_bchannel(hfc,
(fifo->fifonum ==
HFCUSB_B1_TX) ? 0 : 1,
(long) arg);
@@ -1147,18 +1057,12 @@ hfc_usb_l2l1(struct hisax_if *my_hisax_if, int pr, void *arg)
if (fifo->fifonum == HFCUSB_D_TX) {
"HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 D-chan: PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST");
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "HFC-S USB: ISDN TE device should not deativate...\n");
} else {
"HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1 Bx-chan: PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST");
- set_hfcmode(hfc,
+ setup_bchannel(hfc,
(fifo->fifonum ==
HFCUSB_B1_TX) ? 0 : 1,
(int) L1_MODE_NULL);
@@ -1171,25 +1075,20 @@ hfc_usb_l2l1(struct hisax_if *my_hisax_if, int pr, void *arg)
if (fifo->skbuff && fifo->delete_flg) {
fifo->skbuff = NULL;
- fifo->delete_flg = false;
+ fifo->delete_flg = 0;
fifo->skbuff = arg; /* we have a new buffer */
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1: unkown state : %#x\n",
- pr);
+ "HFC_USB: hfc_usb_d_l2l1: unkown state : %#x", pr);
-/* usb_init is called once when a new matching device is detected to setup */
-/* main parameters. It registers the driver at the main hisax module. */
-/* on success 0 is returned. */
+/* initial init HFC-S USB chip registers, HiSax interface, USB URBs */
static int
-usb_init(hfcusb_data * hfc)
+hfc_usb_init(hfcusb_data * hfc)
usb_fifo *fifo;
int i, err;
@@ -1214,11 +1113,11 @@ usb_init(hfcusb_data * hfc)
/* aux = output, reset off */
write_usb(hfc, HFCUSB_CIRM, 0x10);
- /* set USB_SIZE to match the wMaxPacketSize for INT or BULK transfers */
+ /* set USB_SIZE to match wMaxPacketSize for INT or BULK transfers */
write_usb(hfc, HFCUSB_USB_SIZE,
(hfc->packet_size / 8) | ((hfc->packet_size / 8) << 4));
- /* set USB_SIZE_I to match the wMaxPacketSize for ISO transfers */
+ /* set USB_SIZE_I to match wMaxPacketSize for ISO transfers */
write_usb(hfc, HFCUSB_USB_SIZE_I, hfc->iso_packet_size);
/* enable PCM/GCI master mode */
@@ -1257,8 +1156,8 @@ usb_init(hfcusb_data * hfc)
hfc->b_mode[0] = L1_MODE_NULL;
hfc->b_mode[1] = L1_MODE_NULL;
- hfc->l1_activated = false;
- hfc->disc_flag = false;
+ hfc->l1_activated = 0;
+ hfc->disc_flag = 0;
hfc->led_state = 0;
hfc->led_new_data = 0;
hfc->old_led_state = 0;
@@ -1349,11 +1248,9 @@ usb_init(hfcusb_data * hfc)
handle_led(hfc, LED_POWER_ON);
return (0);
-} /* usb_init */
-/* function called to probe a new plugged device */
+/* initial callback for each plugged USB device */
static int
hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id)
@@ -1378,11 +1275,6 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id)
- "HFC-USB: probing interface(%d) actalt(%d) minor(%d)\n", ifnum,
- iface->desc.bAlternateSetting, intf->minor);
"HFC-S USB: probing interface(%d) actalt(%d) minor(%d)\n",
ifnum, iface->desc.bAlternateSetting, intf->minor);
@@ -1403,15 +1295,11 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id)
/* check for config EOL element */
while (validconf[cfg_used][0]) {
- cfg_found = true;
+ cfg_found = 1;
vcf = validconf[cfg_used];
/* first endpoint descriptor */
ep = iface->endpoint;
- "HFC-S USB: (if=%d alt=%d cfg_used=%d)\n",
- ifnum, probe_alt_setting, cfg_used);
memcpy(cmptbl, vcf, 16 * sizeof(int));
/* check for all endpoints in this alternate setting */
@@ -1425,7 +1313,7 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id)
attr = ep->desc.bmAttributes;
if (cmptbl[idx] == EP_NUL) {
- cfg_found = false;
+ cfg_found = 0;
&& cmptbl[idx] == EP_INT)
@@ -1438,16 +1326,9 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id)
cmptbl[idx] = EP_NUL;
/* check if all INT endpoints match minimum interval */
- && ep->desc.bInterval <
- vcf[17]) {
- if (cfg_found)
- "HFC-S USB: Interrupt Endpoint interval < %d found - skipping config",
- vcf[17]);
- cfg_found = false;
+ if ((attr == USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT)
+ && (ep->desc.bInterval < vcf[17])) {
+ cfg_found = 0;
@@ -1455,7 +1336,7 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id)
/* all entries must be EP_NOP or EP_NUL for a valid config */
if (cmptbl[i] != EP_NOP
&& cmptbl[i] != EP_NUL)
- cfg_found = false;
+ cfg_found = 0;
if (cfg_found) {
if (cfg_used < small_match) {
@@ -1464,23 +1345,16 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id)
iface_used = iface;
- "HFC-USB: small_match=%x %x\n",
- small_match, alt_used);
- } /* (alt_idx < intf->num_altsetting) */
+ } /* (alt_idx < intf->num_altsetting) */
/* found a valid USB Ta Endpint config */
if (small_match != 0xffff) {
iface = iface_used;
- if (!
- (context =
- kzalloc(sizeof(hfcusb_data), GFP_KERNEL)))
+ if (!(context = kzalloc(sizeof(hfcusb_data), GFP_KERNEL)))
return (-ENOMEM); /* got no mem */
ep = iface->endpoint;
@@ -1613,20 +1487,15 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id)
printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S USB: detected \"%s\"\n",
- "HFC-S USB: Endpoint-Config: %s (if=%d alt=%d)\n",
+ "HFC-S USB: Endpoint-Config: %s (if=%d alt=%d), E-Channel(%d)",
conf_str[small_match], context->if_used,
- context->alt_used);
- printk(KERN_INFO
- "HFC-S USB: E-channel (\"ECHO:\") logging ");
- if (validconf[small_match][18])
- printk(" possible\n");
- else
- printk("NOT possible\n");
+ context->alt_used,
+ validconf[small_match][18]);
/* init the chip and register the driver */
- if (usb_init(context)) {
+ if (hfc_usb_init(context)) {
context->ctrl_urb = NULL;
@@ -1643,17 +1512,19 @@ hfc_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id)
return (-EIO);
-/* function called when an active device is removed */
+/* callback for unplugged USB device */
static void
hfc_usb_disconnect(struct usb_interface
hfcusb_data *context = usb_get_intfdata(intf);
int i;
+ handle_led(context, LED_POWER_OFF);
+ schedule_timeout((10 * HZ) / 1000);
printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S USB: device disconnect\n");
- context->disc_flag = true;
+ context->disc_flag = 1;
usb_set_intfdata(intf, NULL);
if (!context)
@@ -1661,25 +1532,22 @@ hfc_usb_disconnect(struct usb_interface
if (timer_pending(&context->t4_timer))
/* tell all fifos to terminate */
for (i = 0; i < HFCUSB_NUM_FIFOS; i++) {
if (context->fifos[i].usb_transfer_mode == USB_ISOC) {
if (context->fifos[i].active > 0) {
- "HFC-S USB: hfc_usb_disconnect: stopping ISOC chain Fifo no %i",
- i);
+ "HFC-S USB: %s stopping ISOC chain Fifo(%i)",
+ __FUNCTION__, i);
} else {
if (context->fifos[i].active > 0) {
context->fifos[i].active = 0;
- "HFC-S USB: hfc_usb_disconnect: unlinking URB for Fifo no %i",
- i);
+ "HFC-S USB: %s unlinking URB for Fifo(%i)",
+ __FUNCTION__, i);
@@ -1692,34 +1560,29 @@ hfc_usb_disconnect(struct usb_interface
context->ctrl_urb = NULL;
kfree(context); /* free our structure again */
-} /* hfc_usb_disconnect */
-/* our driver information structure */
static struct usb_driver hfc_drv = {
.name = "hfc_usb",
.id_table = hfcusb_idtab,
.probe = hfc_usb_probe,
.disconnect = hfc_usb_disconnect,
static void __exit
- DBG(USB_DBG, "HFC-S USB: calling \"hfc_usb_exit\" ...");
- usb_deregister(&hfc_drv); /* release our driver */
+ usb_deregister(&hfc_drv); /* release our driver */
printk(KERN_INFO "HFC-S USB: module removed\n");
static int __init
+ char revstr[30], datestr[30], dummy[30];
- unsigned int debug = -1;
+ hfc_debug = debug;
- char revstr[30], datestr[30], dummy[30];
"%s %s $ %s %s %s $ ", dummy, revstr,
dummy, datestr, dummy);
@@ -1734,8 +1597,8 @@ hfc_usb_init(void)
return (0);
diff --git a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.h b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.h
index 471f2354dfde..e79f56568d30 100644
--- a/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.h
+++ b/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_usb.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-* hfc_usb.h
-* $Id: hfc_usb.h,v 4.2 2005/04/07 15:27:17 martinb1 Exp $
+ * hfc_usb.h
+ *
+ * $Id: hfc_usb.h,v 2007/08/20 14:36:03 mbachem Exp $
+ */
#ifndef __HFC_USB_H__
#define __HFC_USB_H__
@@ -10,25 +10,20 @@
#define DRIVER_AUTHOR "Peter Sprenger ("
#define DRIVER_DESC "HFC-S USB based HiSAX ISDN driver"
+#define HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT 20 /* 5ms timeout writing/reading regs */
+#define HFC_TIMER_T3 8000 /* timeout for l1 activation timer */
+#define HFC_TIMER_T4 500 /* time for state change interval */
-/* defines */
-#define HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT 20 /* 5ms timeout writing/reading regs */
-#define HFC_TIMER_T3 8000 /* timeout for l1 activation timer */
-#define HFC_TIMER_T4 500 /* time for state change interval */
+#define HFCUSB_L1_STATECHANGE 0 /* L1 state changed */
+#define HFCUSB_L1_DRX 1 /* D-frame received */
+#define HFCUSB_L1_ERX 2 /* E-frame received */
+#define HFCUSB_L1_DTX 4 /* D-frames completed */
-#define HFCUSB_L1_STATECHANGE 0 /* L1 state changed */
-#define HFCUSB_L1_DRX 1 /* D-frame received */
-#define HFCUSB_L1_ERX 2 /* E-frame received */
-#define HFCUSB_L1_DTX 4 /* D-frames completed */
+#define MAX_BCH_SIZE 2048 /* allowed B-channel packet size */
-#define MAX_BCH_SIZE 2048 /* allowed B-channel packet size */
-#define HFCUSB_RX_THRESHOLD 64 /* threshold for fifo report bit rx */
-#define HFCUSB_TX_THRESHOLD 64 /* threshold for fifo report bit tx */
+#define HFCUSB_RX_THRESHOLD 64 /* threshold for fifo report bit rx */
+#define HFCUSB_TX_THRESHOLD 64 /* threshold for fifo report bit tx */
#define HFCUSB_CHIP_ID 0x16 /* Chip ID register index */
#define HFCUSB_CIRM 0x00 /* cirm register index */
@@ -52,9 +47,8 @@
#define HFCUSB_CHIPID 0x40 /* ID value of HFC-S USB */
/* fifo registers */
#define HFCUSB_NUM_FIFOS 8 /* maximum number of fifos */
#define HFCUSB_B1_TX 0 /* index for B1 transmit bulk/int */
#define HFCUSB_B1_RX 1 /* index for B1 receive bulk/int */
@@ -66,9 +60,9 @@
#define HFCUSB_PCM_RX 7
-* used to switch snd_transfer_mode for different TA modes e.g. the Billion USB TA just
-* supports ISO out, while the Cologne Chip EVAL TA just supports BULK out
+ * used to switch snd_transfer_mode for different TA modes e.g. the Billion USB TA just
+ * supports ISO out, while the Cologne Chip EVAL TA just supports BULK out
+ */
#define USB_INT 0
#define USB_BULK 1
#define USB_ISOC 2
@@ -77,49 +71,36 @@
#define ISOC_PACKETS_B 8
#define ISO_BUFFER_SIZE 128
-// ISO send definitions
+/* Fifo flow Control for TX ISO */
#define SINK_MAX 68
#define SINK_MIN 48
#define SINK_DMIN 12
#define SINK_DMAX 18
#define BITLINE_INF (-64*8)
-/* macros */
+/* HFC-S USB register access by Control-URSs */
#define write_usb(a,b,c)usb_control_msg((a)->dev,(a)->ctrl_out_pipe,0,0x40,(c),(b),NULL,0,HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT)
#define read_usb(a,b,c) usb_control_msg((a)->dev,(a)->ctrl_in_pipe,1,0xC0,0,(b),(c),1,HFC_CTRL_TIMEOUT)
-/* Debugging Flags */
-#define USB_DBG 1
-#define ISDN_DBG 2
-/* *********************/
-/* USB related defines */
/* entry and size of output/input control buffer */
typedef struct {
__u8 hfc_reg; /* register number */
__u8 reg_val; /* value to be written (or read) */
int action; /* data for action handler */
} ctrl_buft;
+/* Debugging Flags */
+#define HFCUSB_DBG_INIT 0x0001
+#define HFCUSB_DBG_STATES 0x0002
+#define HFCUSB_DBG_DCHANNEL 0x0080
+#define HFCUSB_DBG_FIFO_ERR 0x4000
+#define HFCUSB_DBG_VERBOSE_USB 0x8000
-/* URB error codes: */
-/* Used to represent a list of values and their respective symbolic names */
+ * URB error codes:
+ * Used to represent a list of values and their respective symbolic names
+ */
struct hfcusb_symbolic_list {
const int num;
const char *name;
@@ -134,20 +115,20 @@ static struct hfcusb_symbolic_list urb_errlist[] = {
{-ENXIO, "URB already queued"},
{-EFBIG, "Too much ISO frames requested"},
{-ENOSR, "Buffer error (overrun)"},
- {-EPIPE, "Specified endpoint is stalled"},
+ {-EPIPE, "Specified endpoint is stalled (device not responding)"},
{-EOVERFLOW, "Babble (bad cable?)"},
{-EPROTO, "Bit-stuff error (bad cable?)"},
- {-EILSEQ, "CRC or missing token"},
- {-ETIME, "Device did not respond"},
+ {-EILSEQ, "CRC/Timeout"},
+ {-ETIMEDOUT, "NAK (device does not respond)"},
{-ESHUTDOWN, "Device unplugged"},
{-1, NULL}
-/* device dependant information to support different */
-/* ISDN Ta's using the HFC-S USB chip */
+ * device dependant information to support different
+ * ISDN Ta's using the HFC-S USB chip
+ */
/* USB descriptor need to contain one of the following EndPoint combination: */
#define CNF_4INT3ISO 1 // 4 INT IN, 3 ISO OUT
@@ -155,16 +136,19 @@ static struct hfcusb_symbolic_list urb_errlist[] = {
#define CNF_4ISO3ISO 3 // 4 ISO IN, 3 ISO OUT
#define CNF_3ISO3ISO 4 // 3 ISO IN, 3 ISO OUT
-#define EP_NUL 1 // Endpoint at this position not allowed
-#define EP_NOP 2 // all type of endpoints allowed at this position
-#define EP_ISO 3 // Isochron endpoint mandatory at this position
-#define EP_BLK 4 // Bulk endpoint mandatory at this position
-#define EP_INT 5 // Interrupt endpoint mandatory at this position
+#define EP_NUL 1 // Endpoint at this position not allowed
+#define EP_NOP 2 // all type of endpoints allowed at this position
+#define EP_ISO 3 // Isochron endpoint mandatory at this position
+#define EP_BLK 4 // Bulk endpoint mandatory at this position
+#define EP_INT 5 // Interrupt endpoint mandatory at this position
-/* this array represents all endpoints possible in the HCF-USB the last
-* 3 entries are the configuration number, the minimum interval for
-* Interrupt endpoints & boolean if E-channel logging possible
+ * List of all supported endpoint configuration sets, used to find the
+ * best matching endpoint configuration within a devices' USB descriptor.
+ * We need at least 3 RX endpoints, and 3 TX endpoints, either
+ * INT-in and ISO-out, or ISO-in and ISO-out)
+ * with 4 RX endpoints even E-Channel logging is possible
+ */
static int validconf[][19] = {
// INT in, ISO out config
@@ -193,7 +177,6 @@ static char *conf_str[] = {
typedef struct {
int vendor; // vendor id
int prod_id; // product id
@@ -202,9 +185,9 @@ typedef struct {
signed short led_bits[8]; // array of 8 possible LED bitmask settings
} vendor_data;
-#define LED_OFF 0 // no LED support
-#define LED_SCHEME1 1 // LED standard scheme
-#define LED_SCHEME2 2 // not used yet...
+#define LED_OFF 0 // no LED support
+#define LED_SCHEME1 1 // LED standard scheme
+#define LED_SCHEME2 2 // not used yet...
#define LED_POWER_ON 1
#define LED_POWER_OFF 2
@@ -217,11 +200,8 @@ typedef struct {
#define LED_B2_OFF 9
#define LED_B2_DATA 10
-#define LED_NORMAL 0 // LEDs are normal
-#define LED_INVERTED 1 // LEDs are inverted
-/* time in ms to perform a Flashing LED when B-Channel has traffic */
-#define LED_TIME 250
+#define LED_NORMAL 0 // LEDs are normal
+#define LED_INVERTED 1 // LEDs are inverted
-#endif // __HFC_USB_H__
+#endif // __HFC_USB_H__
diff --git a/drivers/lguest/Kconfig b/drivers/lguest/Kconfig
index fd6925f41647..41e2250613a1 100644
--- a/drivers/lguest/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/lguest/Kconfig
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
config LGUEST
tristate "Linux hypervisor example code"
- depends on X86 && PARAVIRT && EXPERIMENTAL && !X86_PAE
+ depends on X86 && PARAVIRT && EXPERIMENTAL && !X86_PAE && FUTEX
diff --git a/drivers/macintosh/mac_hid.c b/drivers/macintosh/mac_hid.c
index 76c1e8e4a487..33dee3a773ed 100644
--- a/drivers/macintosh/mac_hid.c
+++ b/drivers/macintosh/mac_hid.c
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <linux/sysctl.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kbd_kern.h>
static struct input_dev *emumousebtn;
diff --git a/drivers/macintosh/via-pmu68k.c b/drivers/macintosh/via-pmu68k.c
index dfdf11c1eec4..e2f84da09e7c 100644
--- a/drivers/macintosh/via-pmu68k.c
+++ b/drivers/macintosh/via-pmu68k.c
@@ -818,243 +818,3 @@ pmu_present(void)
return (pmu_kind != PMU_UNKNOWN);
-#if 0 /* needs some work for 68K */
- * This struct is used to store config register values for
- * PCI devices which may get powered off when we sleep.
- */
-static struct pci_save {
- u16 command;
- u16 cache_lat;
- u16 intr;
-} *pbook_pci_saves;
-static int n_pbook_pci_saves;
-static inline void
- int npci;
- struct pci_dev *pd = NULL;
- struct pci_save *ps;
- npci = 0;
- while ((pd = pci_get_device(PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, pd)) != NULL)
- ++npci;
- n_pbook_pci_saves = npci;
- if (npci == 0)
- return;
- ps = kmalloc(npci * sizeof(*ps), GFP_KERNEL);
- pbook_pci_saves = ps;
- if (ps == NULL)
- return;
- pd = NULL;
- while ((pd = pci_get_device(PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, pd)) != NULL) {
- pci_read_config_word(pd, PCI_COMMAND, &ps->command);
- pci_read_config_word(pd, PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, &ps->cache_lat);
- pci_read_config_word(pd, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, &ps->intr);
- ++ps;
- --npci;
- }
-static inline void
- u16 cmd;
- struct pci_save *ps = pbook_pci_saves;
- struct pci_dev *pd = NULL;
- int j;
- while ((pd = pci_get_device(PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, pd)) != NULL) {
- if (ps->command == 0)
- continue;
- pci_read_config_word(pd, PCI_COMMAND, &cmd);
- if ((ps->command & ~cmd) == 0)
- continue;
- switch (pd->hdr_type) {
- for (j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
- pci_write_config_dword(pd,
- pd->resource[j].start);
- pci_write_config_dword(pd, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS,
- pd->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start);
- pci_write_config_word(pd, PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
- ps->cache_lat);
- pci_write_config_word(pd, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE,
- ps->intr);
- pci_write_config_word(pd, PCI_COMMAND, ps->command);
- break;
- /* other header types not restored at present */
- }
- }
- * Put the powerbook to sleep.
- */
-#define IRQ_ENABLE ((unsigned int *)0xf3000024)
-#define MEM_CTRL ((unsigned int *)0xf8000070)
-int powerbook_sleep(void)
- int ret, i, x;
- static int save_backlight;
- static unsigned int save_irqen;
- unsigned long msr;
- unsigned int hid0;
- unsigned long p, wait;
- struct adb_request sleep_req;
- /* Notify device drivers */
- ret = blocking_notifier_call_chain(&sleep_notifier_list,
- if (ret & NOTIFY_STOP_MASK)
- return -EBUSY;
- /* Sync the disks. */
- /* XXX It would be nice to have some way to ensure that
- * nobody is dirtying any new buffers while we wait. */
- sys_sync();
- /* Turn off the display backlight */
- save_backlight = backlight_enabled;
- if (save_backlight)
- pmu_enable_backlight(0);
- /* Give the disks a little time to actually finish writing */
- for (wait = jiffies + (HZ/4); time_before(jiffies, wait); )
- mb();
- /* Disable all interrupts except pmu */
- save_irqen = in_le32(IRQ_ENABLE);
- for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
- if (i != vias->intrs[0].line && (save_irqen & (1 << i)))
- disable_irq(i);
- asm volatile("mtdec %0" : : "r" (0x7fffffff));
- /* Save the state of PCI config space for some slots */
- pbook_pci_save();
- /* Set the memory controller to keep the memory refreshed
- while we're asleep */
- for (i = 0x403f; i >= 0x4000; --i) {
- out_be32(MEM_CTRL, i);
- do {
- x = (in_be32(MEM_CTRL) >> 16) & 0x3ff;
- } while (x == 0);
- if (x >= 0x100)
- break;
- }
- /* Ask the PMU to put us to sleep */
- pmu_request(&sleep_req, NULL, 5, PMU_SLEEP, 'M', 'A', 'T', 'T');
- while (!sleep_req.complete)
- mb();
- /* displacement-flush the L2 cache - necessary? */
- for (p = KERNELBASE; p < KERNELBASE + 0x100000; p += 0x1000)
- i = *(volatile int *)p;
- asleep = 1;
- /* Put the CPU into sleep mode */
- asm volatile("mfspr %0,1008" : "=r" (hid0) :);
- hid0 = (hid0 & ~(HID0_NAP | HID0_DOZE)) | HID0_SLEEP;
- asm volatile("mtspr 1008,%0" : : "r" (hid0));
- local_save_flags(msr);
- msr |= MSR_POW | MSR_EE;
- local_irq_restore(msr);
- udelay(10);
- /* OK, we're awake again, start restoring things */
- out_be32(MEM_CTRL, 0x3f);
- pbook_pci_restore();
- /* wait for the PMU interrupt sequence to complete */
- while (asleep)
- mb();
- /* reenable interrupts */
- for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
- if (i != vias->intrs[0].line && (save_irqen & (1 << i)))
- enable_irq(i);
- /* Notify drivers */
- blocking_notifier_call_chain(&sleep_notifier_list, PBOOK_WAKE, NULL);
- /* reenable ADB autopoll */
- pmu_adb_autopoll(adb_dev_map);
- /* Turn on the screen backlight, if it was on before */
- if (save_backlight)
- pmu_enable_backlight(1);
- /* Wait for the hard disk to spin up */
- return 0;
- * Support for /dev/pmu device
- */
-static int pmu_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- return 0;
-static ssize_t pmu_read(struct file *file, char *buf,
- size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
- return 0;
-static ssize_t pmu_write(struct file *file, const char *buf,
- size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
- return 0;
-static int pmu_ioctl(struct inode * inode, struct file *filp,
- u_int cmd, u_long arg)
- int error;
- __u32 value;
- switch (cmd) {
- return -ENOSYS;
- return put_user(backlight_level, (__u32 *)arg);
- error = get_user(value, (__u32 *)arg);
- if (!error)
- pmu_set_brightness(value);
- return error;
- return put_user(pmu_kind, (__u32 *)arg);
- }
- return -EINVAL;
-static const struct file_operations pmu_device_fops = {
- .read = pmu_read,
- .write = pmu_write,
- .ioctl = pmu_ioctl,
- .open = pmu_open,
-static struct miscdevice pmu_device = {
- PMU_MINOR, "pmu", &pmu_device_fops
-void pmu_device_init(void)
- if (!via)
- return;
- if (misc_register(&pmu_device) < 0)
- printk(KERN_ERR "via-pmu68k: cannot register misc device.\n");
-#endif /* CONFIG_PMAC_PBOOK */
diff --git a/drivers/md/raid1.c b/drivers/md/raid1.c
index 650991bddd8e..f33a729960ca 100644
--- a/drivers/md/raid1.c
+++ b/drivers/md/raid1.c
@@ -1972,7 +1972,8 @@ static int run(mddev_t *mddev)
!test_bit(In_sync, &disk->rdev->flags)) {
disk->head_position = 0;
- conf->fullsync = 1;
+ if (disk->rdev)
+ conf->fullsync = 1;
if (mddev->degraded == conf->raid_disks) {
@@ -2153,11 +2154,25 @@ static int raid1_reshape(mddev_t *mddev)
oldpool = conf->r1bio_pool;
conf->r1bio_pool = newpool;
- for (d=d2=0; d < conf->raid_disks; d++)
- if (conf->mirrors[d].rdev) {
- conf->mirrors[d].rdev->raid_disk = d2;
- newmirrors[d2++].rdev = conf->mirrors[d].rdev;
+ for (d = d2 = 0; d < conf->raid_disks; d++) {
+ mdk_rdev_t *rdev = conf->mirrors[d].rdev;
+ if (rdev && rdev->raid_disk != d2) {
+ char nm[20];
+ sprintf(nm, "rd%d", rdev->raid_disk);
+ sysfs_remove_link(&mddev->kobj, nm);
+ rdev->raid_disk = d2;
+ sprintf(nm, "rd%d", rdev->raid_disk);
+ sysfs_remove_link(&mddev->kobj, nm);
+ if (sysfs_create_link(&mddev->kobj,
+ &rdev->kobj, nm))
+ "md/raid1: cannot register "
+ "%s for %s\n",
+ nm, mdname(mddev));
+ if (rdev)
+ newmirrors[d2++].rdev = rdev;
+ }
conf->mirrors = newmirrors;
diff --git a/drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-video.c b/drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-video.c
index 2c7b158ce7e1..40307f3f6fe3 100644
--- a/drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-video.c
+++ b/drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-video.c
@@ -1772,6 +1772,7 @@ static int em28xx_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *interface,
if (dev->alt_max_pkt_size == NULL) {
em28xx_errdev("out of memory!\n");
+ kfree(dev);
return -ENOMEM;
diff --git a/drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-if.c b/drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-if.c
index 9c0e8d18c2f6..3d81966d8c42 100644
--- a/drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-if.c
+++ b/drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-if.c
@@ -1196,12 +1196,19 @@ static int pwc_video_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
return 0;
+static void pwc_cleanup(struct pwc_device *pdev)
+ pwc_remove_sysfs_files(pdev->vdev);
+ video_unregister_device(pdev->vdev);
/* Note that all cleanup is done in the reverse order as in _open */
static int pwc_video_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
struct video_device *vdev = file->private_data;
struct pwc_device *pdev;
- int i;
+ int i, hint;
PWC_DEBUG_OPEN(">> video_close called(vdev = 0x%p).\n", vdev);
@@ -1224,8 +1231,9 @@ static int pwc_video_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ lock_kernel();
/* Turn off LEDS and power down camera, but only when not unplugged */
- if (pdev->error_status != EPIPE) {
+ if (!pdev->unplugged) {
/* Turn LEDs off */
if (pwc_set_leds(pdev, 0, 0) < 0)
PWC_DEBUG_MODULE("Failed to set LED on/off time.\n");
@@ -1234,9 +1242,19 @@ static int pwc_video_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
if (i < 0)
PWC_ERROR("Failed to power down camera (%d)\n", i);
+ pdev->vopen--;
+ PWC_DEBUG_OPEN("<< video_close() vopen=%d\n", i);
+ } else {
+ pwc_cleanup(pdev);
+ /* Free memory (don't set pdev to 0 just yet) */
+ kfree(pdev);
+ /* search device_hint[] table if we occupy a slot, by any chance */
+ for (hint = 0; hint < MAX_DEV_HINTS; hint++)
+ if (device_hint[hint].pdev == pdev)
+ device_hint[hint].pdev = NULL;
- pdev->vopen--;
- PWC_DEBUG_OPEN("<< video_close() vopen=%d\n", pdev->vopen);
+ unlock_kernel();
return 0;
@@ -1791,21 +1809,21 @@ static void usb_pwc_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf)
/* Alert waiting processes */
/* Wait until device is closed */
- while (pdev->vopen)
- schedule();
- /* Device is now closed, so we can safely unregister it */
- PWC_DEBUG_PROBE("Unregistering video device in disconnect().\n");
- pwc_remove_sysfs_files(pdev->vdev);
- video_unregister_device(pdev->vdev);
- /* Free memory (don't set pdev to 0 just yet) */
- kfree(pdev);
+ if(pdev->vopen) {
+ pdev->unplugged = 1;
+ } else {
+ /* Device is closed, so we can safely unregister it */
+ PWC_DEBUG_PROBE("Unregistering video device in disconnect().\n");
+ pwc_cleanup(pdev);
+ /* Free memory (don't set pdev to 0 just yet) */
+ kfree(pdev);
- /* search device_hint[] table if we occupy a slot, by any chance */
- for (hint = 0; hint < MAX_DEV_HINTS; hint++)
- if (device_hint[hint].pdev == pdev)
- device_hint[hint].pdev = NULL;
+ /* search device_hint[] table if we occupy a slot, by any chance */
+ for (hint = 0; hint < MAX_DEV_HINTS; hint++)
+ if (device_hint[hint].pdev == pdev)
+ device_hint[hint].pdev = NULL;
+ }
diff --git a/drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc.h b/drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc.h
index 910a04f53920..8e8e5b27e77e 100644
--- a/drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc.h
+++ b/drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc.h
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ struct pwc_device
char vsnapshot; /* snapshot mode */
char vsync; /* used by isoc handler */
char vmirror; /* for ToUCaM series */
+ char unplugged;
int cmd_len;
unsigned char cmd_buf[13];
diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/bus.c b/drivers/mmc/core/bus.c
index fe0e785ed7d2..817a79462b3d 100644
--- a/drivers/mmc/core/bus.c
+++ b/drivers/mmc/core/bus.c
@@ -186,12 +186,10 @@ struct mmc_card *mmc_alloc_card(struct mmc_host *host)
struct mmc_card *card;
- card = kmalloc(sizeof(struct mmc_card), GFP_KERNEL);
+ card = kzalloc(sizeof(struct mmc_card), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!card)
return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- memset(card, 0, sizeof(struct mmc_card));
card->host = host;
diff --git a/drivers/mmc/core/host.c b/drivers/mmc/core/host.c
index 6a7e29849603..2c7ce8f43a9a 100644
--- a/drivers/mmc/core/host.c
+++ b/drivers/mmc/core/host.c
@@ -58,12 +58,10 @@ struct mmc_host *mmc_alloc_host(int extra, struct device *dev)
struct mmc_host *host;
- host = kmalloc(sizeof(struct mmc_host) + extra, GFP_KERNEL);
+ host = kzalloc(sizeof(struct mmc_host) + extra, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!host)
return NULL;
- memset(host, 0, sizeof(struct mmc_host) + extra);
host->parent = dev;
host->class_dev.parent = dev;
host->class_dev.class = &mmc_host_class;
diff --git a/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.c b/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.c
index f2bc87ac24f7..20a7d89e01ba 100644
--- a/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.c
+++ b/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.c
@@ -385,6 +385,9 @@ static void sdhci_prepare_data(struct sdhci_host *host, struct mmc_data *data)
BUG_ON(data->blksz > host->mmc->max_blk_size);
BUG_ON(data->blocks > 65535);
+ host->data = data;
+ host->data_early = 0;
/* timeout in us */
target_timeout = data->timeout_ns / 1000 +
data->timeout_clks / host->clock;
@@ -443,11 +446,11 @@ static void sdhci_set_transfer_mode(struct sdhci_host *host,
u16 mode;
- WARN_ON(host->data);
if (data == NULL)
+ WARN_ON(!host->data);
if (data->blocks > 1)
@@ -477,8 +480,8 @@ static void sdhci_finish_data(struct sdhci_host *host)
* Controller doesn't count down when in single block mode.
- if ((data->blocks == 1) && (data->error == MMC_ERR_NONE))
- blocks = 0;
+ if (data->blocks == 1)
+ blocks = (data->error == MMC_ERR_NONE) ? 0 : 1;
blocks = readw(host->ioaddr + SDHCI_BLOCK_COUNT);
data->bytes_xfered = data->blksz * (data->blocks - blocks);
@@ -600,9 +603,10 @@ static void sdhci_finish_command(struct sdhci_host *host)
host->cmd->error = MMC_ERR_NONE;
- if (host->cmd->data)
- host->data = host->cmd->data;
- else
+ if (host->data && host->data_early)
+ sdhci_finish_data(host);
+ if (!host->cmd->data)
host->cmd = NULL;
@@ -929,9 +933,9 @@ static void sdhci_cmd_irq(struct sdhci_host *host, u32 intmask)
BUG_ON(intmask == 0);
if (!host->cmd) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Got command interrupt even though no "
- "command operation was in progress.\n",
- mmc_hostname(host->mmc));
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Got command interrupt 0x%08x even "
+ "though no command operation was in progress.\n",
+ mmc_hostname(host->mmc), (unsigned)intmask);
@@ -961,9 +965,9 @@ static void sdhci_data_irq(struct sdhci_host *host, u32 intmask)
if (intmask & SDHCI_INT_DATA_END)
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Got data interrupt even though no "
- "data operation was in progress.\n",
- mmc_hostname(host->mmc));
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Got data interrupt 0x%08x even "
+ "though no data operation was in progress.\n",
+ mmc_hostname(host->mmc), (unsigned)intmask);
@@ -991,8 +995,18 @@ static void sdhci_data_irq(struct sdhci_host *host, u32 intmask)
writel(readl(host->ioaddr + SDHCI_DMA_ADDRESS),
host->ioaddr + SDHCI_DMA_ADDRESS);
- if (intmask & SDHCI_INT_DATA_END)
- sdhci_finish_data(host);
+ if (intmask & SDHCI_INT_DATA_END) {
+ if (host->cmd) {
+ /*
+ * Data managed to finish before the
+ * command completed. Make sure we do
+ * things in the proper order.
+ */
+ host->data_early = 1;
+ } else {
+ sdhci_finish_data(host);
+ }
+ }
@@ -1347,12 +1361,11 @@ static int __devinit sdhci_probe_slot(struct pci_dev *pdev, int slot)
mmc->max_blk_size = (caps & SDHCI_MAX_BLOCK_MASK) >> SDHCI_MAX_BLOCK_SHIFT;
if (mmc->max_blk_size >= 3) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Invalid maximum block size.\n",
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Invalid maximum block size, assuming 512\n",
- ret = -ENODEV;
- goto unmap;
- }
- mmc->max_blk_size = 512 << mmc->max_blk_size;
+ mmc->max_blk_size = 512;
+ } else
+ mmc->max_blk_size = 512 << mmc->max_blk_size;
* Maximum block count.
diff --git a/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.h b/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.h
index d157776c1149..e28987d6d2eb 100644
--- a/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.h
+++ b/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.h
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ struct sdhci_host {
struct mmc_request *mrq; /* Current request */
struct mmc_command *cmd; /* Current command */
struct mmc_data *data; /* Current data request */
+ int data_early:1; /* Data finished before cmd */
struct scatterlist *cur_sg; /* We're working on this */
int num_sg; /* Entries left */
diff --git a/drivers/net/ppp_generic.c b/drivers/net/ppp_generic.c
index ef3325b69233..9293c82ef2af 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ppp_generic.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ppp_generic.c
@@ -1726,7 +1726,7 @@ ppp_decompress_frame(struct ppp *ppp, struct sk_buff *skb)
/* the decompressor still expects the A/C bytes in the hdr */
len = ppp->rcomp->decompress(ppp->rc_state, skb->data - 2,
- skb->len + 2, ns->data, ppp->mru + PPP_HDRLEN);
+ skb->len + 2, ns->data, obuff_size);
if (len < 0) {
/* Pass the compressed frame to pppd as an
error indication. */
diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.c b/drivers/net/sky2.c
index e7a2eadcc3b0..757592436390 100644
--- a/drivers/net/sky2.c
+++ b/drivers/net/sky2.c
@@ -696,8 +696,8 @@ static void sky2_mac_init(struct sky2_hw *hw, unsigned port)
int i;
const u8 *addr = hw->dev[port]->dev_addr;
- sky2_write32(hw, SK_REG(port, GPHY_CTRL), GPC_RST_SET);
- sky2_write32(hw, SK_REG(port, GPHY_CTRL), GPC_RST_CLR);
+ sky2_write8(hw, SK_REG(port, GPHY_CTRL), GPC_RST_SET);
+ sky2_write8(hw, SK_REG(port, GPHY_CTRL), GPC_RST_CLR);
sky2_write8(hw, SK_REG(port, GMAC_CTRL), GMC_RST_CLR);
diff --git a/drivers/pci/hotplug/cpqphp_ctrl.c b/drivers/pci/hotplug/cpqphp_ctrl.c
index 79ff6b4de3a6..37d72f123a80 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/hotplug/cpqphp_ctrl.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/hotplug/cpqphp_ctrl.c
@@ -1746,10 +1746,8 @@ static void pushbutton_helper_thread(unsigned long data)
static int event_thread(void* data)
struct controller *ctrl;
- lock_kernel();
- unlock_kernel();
while (1) {
dbg("!!!!event_thread sleeping\n");
diff --git a/drivers/pci/pci.h b/drivers/pci/pci.h
index c6e132d7c0f7..4c36e80f6d26 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/pci.h
+++ b/drivers/pci/pci.h
@@ -5,12 +5,7 @@ extern int pci_uevent(struct device *dev, char **envp, int num_envp,
extern int pci_create_sysfs_dev_files(struct pci_dev *pdev);
extern void pci_remove_sysfs_dev_files(struct pci_dev *pdev);
extern void pci_cleanup_rom(struct pci_dev *dev);
-extern int pci_bus_alloc_resource(struct pci_bus *bus, struct resource *res,
- resource_size_t size, resource_size_t align,
- resource_size_t min, unsigned int type_mask,
- void (*alignf)(void *, struct resource *,
- resource_size_t, resource_size_t),
- void *alignf_data);
/* Firmware callbacks */
extern pci_power_t (*platform_pci_choose_state)(struct pci_dev *dev, pm_message_t state);
extern int (*platform_pci_set_power_state)(struct pci_dev *dev, pci_power_t state);
@@ -35,7 +30,6 @@ static inline int pci_proc_detach_bus(struct pci_bus *bus) { return 0; }
/* Functions for PCI Hotplug drivers to use */
extern unsigned int pci_do_scan_bus(struct pci_bus *bus);
-extern int pci_bus_find_capability (struct pci_bus *bus, unsigned int devfn, int cap);
extern void pci_remove_legacy_files(struct pci_bus *bus);
diff --git a/drivers/pci/probe.c b/drivers/pci/probe.c
index 34b8dae0d90f..27e00b2d7b5b 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/probe.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/probe.c
@@ -653,20 +653,20 @@ int pci_scan_bridge(struct pci_bus *bus, struct pci_dev * dev, int max, int pass
sprintf(child->name, (is_cardbus ? "PCI CardBus #%02x" : "PCI Bus #%02x"), child->number);
+ /* Has only triggered on CardBus, fixup is in yenta_socket */
while (bus->parent) {
if ((child->subordinate > bus->subordinate) ||
(child->number > bus->subordinate) ||
(child->number < bus->number) ||
(child->subordinate < bus->number)) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "PCI: Bus #%02x (-#%02x) is "
- "hidden behind%s bridge #%02x (-#%02x)%s\n",
- child->number, child->subordinate,
- bus->self->transparent ? " transparent" : " ",
- bus->number, bus->subordinate,
- pcibios_assign_all_busses() ? " " :
- " (try 'pci=assign-busses')");
- printk(KERN_WARNING "Please report the result to "
- "<> to fix this permanently\n");
+ pr_debug("PCI: Bus #%02x (-#%02x) is %s"
+ "hidden behind%s bridge #%02x (-#%02x)\n",
+ child->number, child->subordinate,
+ (bus->number > child->subordinate &&
+ bus->subordinate < child->number) ?
+ "wholly " : " partially",
+ bus->self->transparent ? " transparent" : " ",
+ bus->number, bus->subordinate);
bus = bus->parent;
diff --git a/drivers/pci/quirks.c b/drivers/pci/quirks.c
index c559085c89a5..2d40f437b9fc 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/quirks.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/quirks.c
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ static void k8t_sound_hostbridge(struct pci_dev *dev)
unsigned char val;
pci_read_config_byte(dev, 0x50, &val);
- if (val == 0x88 || val == 0xc8) {
+ if (val == 0xc8) {
/* Assume it's probably a MSI-K8T-Neo2Fir */
printk(KERN_INFO "PCI: MSI-K8T-Neo2Fir, attempting to turn soundcard ON\n");
pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0x50, val & (~0x40));
@@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ static void __devinit quirk_e100_interrupt(struct pci_dev *dev)
static void __devinit fixup_rev1_53c810(struct pci_dev* dev)
/* Disable MSI on chipsets that are known to not support it */
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/rtc-m41t80.c b/drivers/rtc/rtc-m41t80.c
index 80c4a8463065..1cb33cac1237 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/rtc-m41t80.c
+++ b/drivers/rtc/rtc-m41t80.c
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ static int m41t80_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
static struct i2c_driver m41t80_driver = {
.driver = {
- .name = "m41t80",
+ .name = "rtc-m41t80",
.probe = m41t80_probe,
.remove = m41t80_remove,
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/rtc-max6902.c b/drivers/rtc/rtc-max6902.c
index d94170728075..3e183cfee10f 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/rtc-max6902.c
+++ b/drivers/rtc/rtc-max6902.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* 24-May-2006: Raphael Assenat <>
* - Major rework
- * Converted to rtc_device and uses the SPI layer.
+ * Converted to rtc_device and uses the SPI layer.
* ??-???-2005: Someone at Compulab
* - Initial driver creation.
@@ -259,11 +259,11 @@ static int __devexit max6902_remove(struct spi_device *spi)
static struct spi_driver max6902_driver = {
.driver = {
- .name = "max6902",
+ .name = "rtc-max6902",
.bus = &spi_bus_type,
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .probe = max6902_probe,
+ .probe = max6902_probe,
.remove = __devexit_p(max6902_remove),
diff --git a/drivers/s390/block/dasd_diag.c b/drivers/s390/block/dasd_diag.c
index eccac1c3b71b..d32c60dbdd82 100644
--- a/drivers/s390/block/dasd_diag.c
+++ b/drivers/s390/block/dasd_diag.c
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <asm/s390_ext.h>
#include <asm/todclk.h>
#include <asm/vtoc.h>
+#include <asm/diag.h>
#include "dasd_int.h"
#include "dasd_diag.h"
diff --git a/drivers/s390/char/raw3270.c b/drivers/s390/char/raw3270.c
index 4f2f81b16cfa..2edd5fb6d3dc 100644
--- a/drivers/s390/char/raw3270.c
+++ b/drivers/s390/char/raw3270.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include <asm/ccwdev.h>
#include <asm/cio.h>
#include <asm/ebcdic.h>
+#include <asm/diag.h>
#include "raw3270.h"
diff --git a/drivers/s390/char/vmur.c b/drivers/s390/char/vmur.c
index 04b19bdc09da..d70a6e65bf14 100644
--- a/drivers/s390/char/vmur.c
+++ b/drivers/s390/char/vmur.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include <asm/cio.h>
#include <asm/ccwdev.h>
#include <asm/debug.h>
+#include <asm/diag.h>
#include "vmur.h"
@@ -68,8 +69,26 @@ static struct ccw_driver ur_driver = {
.set_offline = ur_set_offline,
+static DEFINE_MUTEX(vmur_mutex);
* Allocation, freeing, getting and putting of urdev structures
+ *
+ * Each ur device (urd) contains a reference to its corresponding ccw device
+ * (cdev) using the urd->cdev pointer. Each ccw device has a reference to the
+ * ur device using the cdev->dev.driver_data pointer.
+ *
+ * urd references:
+ * - ur_probe gets a urd reference, ur_remove drops the reference
+ * (cdev->dev.driver_data)
+ * - ur_open gets a urd reference, ur_relase drops the reference
+ * (urf->urd)
+ *
+ * cdev references:
+ * - urdev_alloc get a cdev reference (urd->cdev)
+ * - urdev_free drops the cdev reference (urd->cdev)
+ *
+ * Setting and clearing of cdev->dev.driver_data is protected by the ccwdev lock
static struct urdev *urdev_alloc(struct ccw_device *cdev)
@@ -78,42 +97,61 @@ static struct urdev *urdev_alloc(struct ccw_device *cdev)
urd = kzalloc(sizeof(struct urdev), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!urd)
return NULL;
- urd->cdev = cdev;
urd->reclen = cdev->id.driver_info;
ccw_device_get_id(cdev, &urd->dev_id);
+ atomic_set(&urd->ref_count, 1);
+ urd->cdev = cdev;
+ get_device(&cdev->dev);
return urd;
static void urdev_free(struct urdev *urd)
+ TRACE("urdev_free: %p\n", urd);
+ if (urd->cdev)
+ put_device(&urd->cdev->dev);
- * This is how the character device driver gets a reference to a
- * ur device. When this call returns successfully, a reference has
- * been taken (by get_device) on the underlying kobject. The recipient
- * of this urdev pointer must eventually drop it with urdev_put(urd)
- * which does the corresponding put_device().
- */
+static void urdev_get(struct urdev *urd)
+ atomic_inc(&urd->ref_count);
+static struct urdev *urdev_get_from_cdev(struct ccw_device *cdev)
+ struct urdev *urd;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(get_ccwdev_lock(cdev), flags);
+ urd = cdev->dev.driver_data;
+ if (urd)
+ urdev_get(urd);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(get_ccwdev_lock(cdev), flags);
+ return urd;
static struct urdev *urdev_get_from_devno(u16 devno)
char bus_id[16];
struct ccw_device *cdev;
+ struct urdev *urd;
sprintf(bus_id, "0.0.%04x", devno);
cdev = get_ccwdev_by_busid(&ur_driver, bus_id);
if (!cdev)
return NULL;
- return cdev->dev.driver_data;
+ urd = urdev_get_from_cdev(cdev);
+ put_device(&cdev->dev);
+ return urd;
static void urdev_put(struct urdev *urd)
- put_device(&urd->cdev->dev);
+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&urd->ref_count))
+ urdev_free(urd);
@@ -245,6 +283,7 @@ static void ur_int_handler(struct ccw_device *cdev, unsigned long intparm,
urd = cdev->dev.driver_data;
+ BUG_ON(!urd);
/* On special conditions irb is an error pointer */
if (IS_ERR(irb))
urd->io_request_rc = PTR_ERR(irb);
@@ -262,9 +301,15 @@ static void ur_int_handler(struct ccw_device *cdev, unsigned long intparm,
static ssize_t ur_attr_reclen_show(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
- struct urdev *urd = dev->driver_data;
+ struct urdev *urd;
+ int rc;
- return sprintf(buf, "%zu\n", urd->reclen);
+ urd = urdev_get_from_cdev(to_ccwdev(dev));
+ if (!urd)
+ return -ENODEV;
+ rc = sprintf(buf, "%zu\n", urd->reclen);
+ urdev_put(urd);
+ return rc;
static DEVICE_ATTR(reclen, 0444, ur_attr_reclen_show, NULL);
@@ -379,31 +424,6 @@ static ssize_t ur_write(struct file *file, const char __user *udata,
return do_write(urf->urd, udata, count, urf->dev_reclen, ppos);
-static int do_diag_14(unsigned long rx, unsigned long ry1,
- unsigned long subcode)
- register unsigned long _ry1 asm("2") = ry1;
- register unsigned long _ry2 asm("3") = subcode;
- int rc = 0;
- asm volatile(
-#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
- " sam31\n"
- " diag %2,2,0x14\n"
- " sam64\n"
- " diag %2,2,0x14\n"
- " ipm %0\n"
- " srl %0,28\n"
- : "=d" (rc), "+d" (_ry2)
- : "d" (rx), "d" (_ry1)
- : "cc");
- TRACE("diag 14: subcode=0x%lx, cc=%i\n", subcode, rc);
- return rc;
* diagnose code 0x14 subcode 0x0028 - position spool file to designated
* record
@@ -415,7 +435,7 @@ static int diag_position_to_record(int devno, int record)
int cc;
- cc = do_diag_14(record, devno, 0x28);
+ cc = diag14(record, devno, 0x28);
switch (cc) {
case 0:
return 0;
@@ -440,7 +460,7 @@ static int diag_read_file(int devno, char *buf)
int cc;
- cc = do_diag_14((unsigned long) buf, devno, 0x00);
+ cc = diag14((unsigned long) buf, devno, 0x00);
switch (cc) {
case 0:
return 0;
@@ -533,7 +553,7 @@ static int diag_read_next_file_info(struct file_control_block *buf, int spid)
int cc;
- cc = do_diag_14((unsigned long) buf, spid, 0xfff);
+ cc = diag14((unsigned long) buf, spid, 0xfff);
switch (cc) {
case 0:
return 0;
@@ -750,64 +770,63 @@ static struct file_operations ur_fops = {
* ccw_device infrastructure:
- * ur_probe gets its own ref to the device (i.e. get_device),
- * creates the struct urdev, the device attributes, sets up
- * the interrupt handler and validates the virtual unit record device.
- * ur_remove removes the device attributes, frees the struct urdev
- * and drops (put_device) the ref to the device we got in ur_probe.
+ * ur_probe creates the struct urdev (with refcount = 1), the device
+ * attributes, sets up the interrupt handler and validates the virtual
+ * unit record device.
+ * ur_remove removes the device attributes and drops the reference to
+ * struct urdev.
+ *
+ * ur_probe, ur_remove, ur_set_online and ur_set_offline are serialized
+ * by the vmur_mutex lock.
+ *
+ * urd->char_device is used as indication that the online function has
+ * been completed successfully.
static int ur_probe(struct ccw_device *cdev)
struct urdev *urd;
int rc;
- TRACE("ur_probe: cdev=%p state=%d\n", cdev, *(int *) cdev->private);
- if (!get_device(&cdev->dev))
- return -ENODEV;
+ TRACE("ur_probe: cdev=%p\n", cdev);
+ mutex_lock(&vmur_mutex);
urd = urdev_alloc(cdev);
if (!urd) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail;
+ goto fail_unlock;
rc = ur_create_attributes(&cdev->dev);
if (rc) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail;
+ goto fail_urdev_put;
- cdev->dev.driver_data = urd;
cdev->handler = ur_int_handler;
/* validate virtual unit record device */
urd->class = get_urd_class(urd);
if (urd->class < 0) {
rc = urd->class;
- goto fail;
+ goto fail_remove_attr;
if ((urd->class != DEV_CLASS_UR_I) && (urd->class != DEV_CLASS_UR_O)) {
- goto fail;
+ goto fail_remove_attr;
+ spin_lock_irq(get_ccwdev_lock(cdev));
+ cdev->dev.driver_data = urd;
+ spin_unlock_irq(get_ccwdev_lock(cdev));
+ mutex_unlock(&vmur_mutex);
return 0;
- urdev_free(urd);
- put_device(&cdev->dev);
- return rc;
-static void ur_remove(struct ccw_device *cdev)
- struct urdev *urd = cdev->dev.driver_data;
- TRACE("ur_remove\n");
- if (cdev->online)
- ur_set_offline(cdev);
- urdev_free(urd);
- put_device(&cdev->dev);
+ urdev_put(urd);
+ mutex_unlock(&vmur_mutex);
+ return rc;
static int ur_set_online(struct ccw_device *cdev)
@@ -816,20 +835,29 @@ static int ur_set_online(struct ccw_device *cdev)
int minor, major, rc;
char node_id[16];
- TRACE("ur_set_online: cdev=%p state=%d\n", cdev,
- *(int *) cdev->private);
+ TRACE("ur_set_online: cdev=%p\n", cdev);
- if (!try_module_get(ur_driver.owner))
- return -EINVAL;
+ mutex_lock(&vmur_mutex);
+ urd = urdev_get_from_cdev(cdev);
+ if (!urd) {
+ /* ur_remove already deleted our urd */
+ rc = -ENODEV;
+ goto fail_unlock;
+ }
+ if (urd->char_device) {
+ /* Another ur_set_online was faster */
+ rc = -EBUSY;
+ goto fail_urdev_put;
+ }
- urd = (struct urdev *) cdev->dev.driver_data;
minor = urd->dev_id.devno;
major = MAJOR(ur_first_dev_maj_min);
urd->char_device = cdev_alloc();
if (!urd->char_device) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail_module_put;
+ goto fail_urdev_put;
cdev_init(urd->char_device, &ur_fops);
@@ -858,29 +886,79 @@ static int ur_set_online(struct ccw_device *cdev)
TRACE("ur_set_online: device_create rc=%d\n", rc);
goto fail_free_cdev;
+ urdev_put(urd);
+ mutex_unlock(&vmur_mutex);
return 0;
- module_put(ur_driver.owner);
+ urd->char_device = NULL;
+ urdev_put(urd);
+ mutex_unlock(&vmur_mutex);
return rc;
-static int ur_set_offline(struct ccw_device *cdev)
+static int ur_set_offline_force(struct ccw_device *cdev, int force)
struct urdev *urd;
+ int rc;
- TRACE("ur_set_offline: cdev=%p cdev->private=%p state=%d\n",
- cdev, cdev->private, *(int *) cdev->private);
- urd = (struct urdev *) cdev->dev.driver_data;
+ TRACE("ur_set_offline: cdev=%p\n", cdev);
+ urd = urdev_get_from_cdev(cdev);
+ if (!urd)
+ /* ur_remove already deleted our urd */
+ return -ENODEV;
+ if (!urd->char_device) {
+ /* Another ur_set_offline was faster */
+ rc = -EBUSY;
+ goto fail_urdev_put;
+ }
+ if (!force && (atomic_read(&urd->ref_count) > 2)) {
+ /* There is still a user of urd (e.g. ur_open) */
+ TRACE("ur_set_offline: BUSY\n");
+ rc = -EBUSY;
+ goto fail_urdev_put;
+ }
device_destroy(vmur_class, urd->char_device->dev);
- module_put(ur_driver.owner);
+ urd->char_device = NULL;
+ rc = 0;
- return 0;
+ urdev_put(urd);
+ return rc;
+static int ur_set_offline(struct ccw_device *cdev)
+ int rc;
+ mutex_lock(&vmur_mutex);
+ rc = ur_set_offline_force(cdev, 0);
+ mutex_unlock(&vmur_mutex);
+ return rc;
+static void ur_remove(struct ccw_device *cdev)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ TRACE("ur_remove\n");
+ mutex_lock(&vmur_mutex);
+ if (cdev->online)
+ ur_set_offline_force(cdev, 1);
+ ur_remove_attributes(&cdev->dev);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(get_ccwdev_lock(cdev), flags);
+ urdev_put(cdev->dev.driver_data);
+ cdev->dev.driver_data = NULL;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(get_ccwdev_lock(cdev), flags);
+ mutex_unlock(&vmur_mutex);
diff --git a/drivers/s390/char/vmur.h b/drivers/s390/char/vmur.h
index 2b3c564e0472..fa959644735a 100644
--- a/drivers/s390/char/vmur.h
+++ b/drivers/s390/char/vmur.h
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ struct urdev {
size_t reclen; /* Record length for *write* CCWs */
int class; /* VM device class */
int io_request_rc; /* return code from I/O request */
+ atomic_t ref_count; /* reference counter */
diff --git a/drivers/s390/cio/cmf.c b/drivers/s390/cio/cmf.c
index 02fd00b55e1b..34a796913b06 100644
--- a/drivers/s390/cio/cmf.c
+++ b/drivers/s390/cio/cmf.c
@@ -594,6 +594,9 @@ alloc_cmb (struct ccw_device *cdev)
free_pages((unsigned long)mem, get_order(size));
} else if (!mem) {
/* no luck */
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "cio: failed to allocate area "
+ "for measuring %d subchannels\n",
+ cmb_area.num_channels);
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto out;
} else {
@@ -1279,13 +1282,6 @@ init_cmf(void)
format_string = "basic";
cmbops = &cmbops_basic;
- if (cmb_area.num_channels > 4096 || cmb_area.num_channels < 1) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "cio: Basic channel measurement "
- "facility can only use 1 to 4096 devices\n"
- KERN_ERR "when the cmf driver is built"
- " as a loadable module\n");
- return 1;
- }
format_string = "extended";
diff --git a/drivers/s390/cio/device.c b/drivers/s390/cio/device.c
index 297659fa0e26..e44d92eac8e9 100644
--- a/drivers/s390/cio/device.c
+++ b/drivers/s390/cio/device.c
@@ -117,7 +117,10 @@ static int ccw_uevent(struct device *dev, char **envp, int num_envp,
snprint_alias(modalias_buf, sizeof(modalias_buf), id, "");
ret = add_uevent_var(envp, num_envp, &i, buffer, buffer_size, &len,
"MODALIAS=%s", modalias_buf);
- return ret;
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ envp[i] = NULL;
+ return 0;
struct bus_type ccw_bus_type;
diff --git a/drivers/s390/cio/device_id.c b/drivers/s390/cio/device_id.c
index 60b9347f7c92..f232832f2b22 100644
--- a/drivers/s390/cio/device_id.c
+++ b/drivers/s390/cio/device_id.c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <asm/delay.h>
#include <asm/cio.h>
#include <asm/lowcore.h>
+#include <asm/diag.h>
#include "cio.h"
#include "cio_debug.h"
@@ -25,51 +26,6 @@
#include "ioasm.h"
- * diag210 is used under VM to get information about a virtual device
- */
-diag210(struct diag210 * addr)
- /*
- * diag 210 needs its data below the 2GB border, so we
- * use a static data area to be sure
- */
- static struct diag210 diag210_tmp;
- static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(diag210_lock);
- unsigned long flags;
- int ccode;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&diag210_lock, flags);
- diag210_tmp = *addr;
-#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
- asm volatile(
- " lhi %0,-1\n"
- " sam31\n"
- " diag %1,0,0x210\n"
- "0: ipm %0\n"
- " srl %0,28\n"
- "1: sam64\n"
- EX_TABLE(0b,1b)
- : "=&d" (ccode) : "a" (&diag210_tmp) : "cc", "memory");
- asm volatile(
- " lhi %0,-1\n"
- " diag %1,0,0x210\n"
- "0: ipm %0\n"
- " srl %0,28\n"
- "1:\n"
- EX_TABLE(0b,1b)
- : "=&d" (ccode) : "a" (&diag210_tmp) : "cc", "memory");
- *addr = diag210_tmp;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&diag210_lock, flags);
- return ccode;
* Input :
* devno - device number
* ps - pointer to sense ID data area
@@ -349,5 +305,3 @@ ccw_device_sense_id_irq(struct ccw_device *cdev, enum dev_event dev_event)
diff --git a/drivers/s390/cio/qdio.c b/drivers/s390/cio/qdio.c
index 03347aed2b3e..d8d479876ec7 100644
--- a/drivers/s390/cio/qdio.c
+++ b/drivers/s390/cio/qdio.c
@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ qdio_do_eqbs(struct qdio_q *q, unsigned char *state,
ccq = do_eqbs(irq->sch_token, state, q_no, start, cnt);
rc = qdio_check_ccq(q, ccq);
+ if ((ccq == 96) && (tmp_cnt != *cnt))
+ rc = 0;
if (rc == 1) {
goto again;
@@ -740,7 +742,8 @@ qdio_get_outbound_buffer_frontier(struct qdio_q *q)
- if ((!q->is_iqdio_q)&&(!q->hydra_gives_outbound_pcis))
+ if (((!q->is_iqdio_q) && (!q->hydra_gives_outbound_pcis)) ||
+ (q->queue_type == QDIO_IQDIO_QFMT_ASYNCH))
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/Kconfig b/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
index d2b3898b750a..6f2c71ef47ee 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
@@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ config SCSI_3W_9XXX
config SCSI_7000FASST
tristate "7000FASST SCSI support"
depends on ISA && SCSI && ISA_DMA_API
This driver supports the Western Digital 7000 SCSI host adapter
family. Some information is in the source:
@@ -388,6 +389,7 @@ config SCSI_AHA152X
tristate "Adaptec AHA152X/2825 support"
depends on ISA && SCSI && !64BIT
This is a driver for the AHA-1510, AHA-1520, AHA-1522, and AHA-2825
SCSI host adapters. It also works for the AVA-1505, but the IRQ etc.
@@ -583,6 +585,7 @@ config SCSI_DTC3280
tristate "DTC3180/3280 SCSI support"
depends on ISA && SCSI
This is support for DTC 3180/3280 SCSI Host Adapters. Please read
the SCSI-HOWTO, available from
@@ -657,6 +660,7 @@ config SCSI_EATA_PIO
tristate "Future Domain 16xx SCSI/AHA-2920A support"
depends on (ISA || PCI) && SCSI
This is support for Future Domain's 16-bit SCSI host adapters
(TMC-1660/1680, TMC-1650/1670, TMC-3260, TMC-1610M/MER/MEX) and
@@ -1324,6 +1328,7 @@ config SCSI_LPFC
tristate "Seagate ST-02 and Future Domain TMC-8xx SCSI support"
depends on X86 && ISA && SCSI
These are 8-bit SCSI controllers; the ST-01 is also supported by
this driver. It is explained in section 3.9 of the SCSI-HOWTO,
@@ -1397,6 +1402,7 @@ config SCSI_T128
tristate "Trantor T128/T128F/T228 SCSI support"
depends on ISA && SCSI
This is support for a SCSI host adapter. It is explained in section
3.11 of the SCSI-HOWTO, available from
@@ -1561,7 +1567,7 @@ config A3000_SCSI
built-in SCSI controller, say Y. Otherwise, say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
- module will be called wd33c93.
+ module will be called a3000.
config A2091_SCSI
tristate "A2091/A590 WD33C93A support"
@@ -1571,7 +1577,7 @@ config A2091_SCSI
say N.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
- module will be called wd33c93.
+ module will be called a2091.
config GVP11_SCSI
tristate "GVP Series II WD33C93A support"
diff --git a/drivers/serial/8250.c b/drivers/serial/8250.c
index 301313002f6b..f94109cbb46e 100644
--- a/drivers/serial/8250.c
+++ b/drivers/serial/8250.c
@@ -129,7 +129,16 @@ struct uart_8250_port {
unsigned char mcr;
unsigned char mcr_mask; /* mask of user bits */
unsigned char mcr_force; /* mask of forced bits */
- unsigned char lsr_break_flag;
+ /*
+ * Some bits in registers are cleared on a read, so they must
+ * be saved whenever the register is read but the bits will not
+ * be immediately processed.
+ */
+ unsigned char lsr_saved_flags;
+ unsigned char msr_saved_flags;
* We provide a per-port pm hook.
@@ -1238,6 +1247,7 @@ static void serial8250_start_tx(struct uart_port *port)
if (up->bugs & UART_BUG_TXEN) {
unsigned char lsr, iir;
lsr = serial_in(up, UART_LSR);
+ up->lsr_saved_flags |= lsr & LSR_SAVE_FLAGS;
iir = serial_in(up, UART_IIR) & 0x0f;
if ((up->port.type == PORT_RM9000) ?
(lsr & UART_LSR_THRE &&
@@ -1290,18 +1300,10 @@ receive_chars(struct uart_8250_port *up, unsigned int *status)
flag = TTY_NORMAL;
- /*
- * Recover the break flag from console xmit
- */
- if (up->port.line == up->port.cons->index) {
- lsr |= up->lsr_break_flag;
- up->lsr_break_flag = 0;
- }
+ lsr |= up->lsr_saved_flags;
+ up->lsr_saved_flags = 0;
- if (unlikely(lsr & (UART_LSR_BI | UART_LSR_PE |
+ if (unlikely(lsr & UART_LSR_BRK_ERROR_BITS)) {
* For statistics only
@@ -1392,6 +1394,8 @@ static unsigned int check_modem_status(struct uart_8250_port *up)
unsigned int status = serial_in(up, UART_MSR);
+ status |= up->msr_saved_flags;
+ up->msr_saved_flags = 0;
if (status & UART_MSR_ANY_DELTA && up->ier & UART_IER_MSI &&
up-> != NULL) {
if (status & UART_MSR_TERI)
@@ -1591,7 +1595,8 @@ static void serial8250_timeout(unsigned long data)
static void serial8250_backup_timeout(unsigned long data)
struct uart_8250_port *up = (struct uart_8250_port *)data;
- unsigned int iir, ier = 0;
+ unsigned int iir, ier = 0, lsr;
+ unsigned long flags;
* Must disable interrupts or else we risk racing with the interrupt
@@ -1610,9 +1615,13 @@ static void serial8250_backup_timeout(unsigned long data)
* the "Diva" UART used on the management processor on many HP
* ia64 and parisc boxes.
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&up->port.lock, flags);
+ lsr = serial_in(up, UART_LSR);
+ up->lsr_saved_flags |= lsr & LSR_SAVE_FLAGS;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&up->port.lock, flags);
if ((iir & UART_IIR_NO_INT) && (up->ier & UART_IER_THRI) &&
(!uart_circ_empty(&up->>xmit) || up->port.x_char) &&
- (serial_in(up, UART_LSR) & UART_LSR_THRE)) {
+ (lsr & UART_LSR_THRE)) {
@@ -1631,13 +1640,14 @@ static unsigned int serial8250_tx_empty(struct uart_port *port)
struct uart_8250_port *up = (struct uart_8250_port *)port;
unsigned long flags;
- unsigned int ret;
+ unsigned int lsr;
spin_lock_irqsave(&up->port.lock, flags);
- ret = serial_in(up, UART_LSR) & UART_LSR_TEMT ? TIOCSER_TEMT : 0;
+ lsr = serial_in(up, UART_LSR);
+ up->lsr_saved_flags |= lsr & LSR_SAVE_FLAGS;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&up->port.lock, flags);
- return ret;
+ return lsr & UART_LSR_TEMT ? TIOCSER_TEMT : 0;
static unsigned int serial8250_get_mctrl(struct uart_port *port)
@@ -1708,8 +1718,7 @@ static inline void wait_for_xmitr(struct uart_8250_port *up, int bits)
do {
status = serial_in(up, UART_LSR);
- if (status & UART_LSR_BI)
- up->lsr_break_flag = UART_LSR_BI;
+ up->lsr_saved_flags |= status & LSR_SAVE_FLAGS;
if (--tmout == 0)
@@ -1718,8 +1727,12 @@ static inline void wait_for_xmitr(struct uart_8250_port *up, int bits)
/* Wait up to 1s for flow control if necessary */
if (up->port.flags & UPF_CONS_FLOW) {
- tmout = 1000000;
- while (!(serial_in(up, UART_MSR) & UART_MSR_CTS) && --tmout) {
+ unsigned int tmout;
+ for (tmout = 1000000; tmout; tmout--) {
+ unsigned int msr = serial_in(up, UART_MSR);
+ up->msr_saved_flags |= msr & MSR_SAVE_FLAGS;
+ if (msr & UART_MSR_CTS)
+ break;
@@ -1889,6 +1902,18 @@ static int serial8250_startup(struct uart_port *port)
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&up->port.lock, flags);
+ * Clear the interrupt registers again for luck, and clear the
+ * saved flags to avoid getting false values from polling
+ * routines or the previous session.
+ */
+ serial_inp(up, UART_LSR);
+ serial_inp(up, UART_RX);
+ serial_inp(up, UART_IIR);
+ serial_inp(up, UART_MSR);
+ up->lsr_saved_flags = 0;
+ up->msr_saved_flags = 0;
+ /*
* Finally, enable interrupts. Note: Modem status interrupts
* are set via set_termios(), which will be occurring imminently
* anyway, so we don't enable them here.
@@ -1906,14 +1931,6 @@ static int serial8250_startup(struct uart_port *port)
(void) inb_p(icp);
- /*
- * And clear the interrupt registers again for luck.
- */
- (void) serial_inp(up, UART_LSR);
- (void) serial_inp(up, UART_RX);
- (void) serial_inp(up, UART_IIR);
- (void) serial_inp(up, UART_MSR);
return 0;
@@ -2484,6 +2501,16 @@ serial8250_console_write(struct console *co, const char *s, unsigned int count)
wait_for_xmitr(up, BOTH_EMPTY);
serial_out(up, UART_IER, ier);
+ /*
+ * The receive handling will happen properly because the
+ * receive ready bit will still be set; it is not cleared
+ * on read. However, modem control will not, we must
+ * call it if we have saved something in the saved flags
+ * while processing with interrupts off.
+ */
+ if (up->msr_saved_flags)
+ check_modem_status(up);
if (locked)
diff --git a/drivers/serial/8250_pci.c b/drivers/serial/8250_pci.c
index 5e485876f54c..bd66339f7a3f 100644
--- a/drivers/serial/8250_pci.c
+++ b/drivers/serial/8250_pci.c
@@ -580,6 +580,138 @@ static int pci_netmos_init(struct pci_dev *dev)
return num_serial;
+ * ITE support by Niels de Vos <>
+ *
+ * These chips are available with optionally one parallel port and up to
+ * two serial ports. Unfortunately they all have the same product id.
+ *
+ * Basic configuration is done over a region of 32 I/O ports. The base
+ * ioport is called INTA or INTC, depending on docs/other drivers.
+ *
+ * The region of the 32 I/O ports is configured in POSIO0R...
+ */
+/* registers */
+#define ITE_887x_MISCR 0x9c
+#define ITE_887x_INTCBAR 0x78
+#define ITE_887x_UARTBAR 0x7c
+#define ITE_887x_PS0BAR 0x10
+#define ITE_887x_POSIO0 0x60
+/* I/O space size */
+#define ITE_887x_IOSIZE 32
+/* I/O space size (bits 26-24; 8 bytes = 011b) */
+#define ITE_887x_POSIO_IOSIZE_8 (3 << 24)
+/* I/O space size (bits 26-24; 32 bytes = 101b) */
+#define ITE_887x_POSIO_IOSIZE_32 (5 << 24)
+/* Decoding speed (1 = slow, 2 = medium, 3 = fast) */
+#define ITE_887x_POSIO_SPEED (3 << 29)
+/* enable IO_Space bit */
+#define ITE_887x_POSIO_ENABLE (1 << 31)
+static int __devinit pci_ite887x_init(struct pci_dev *dev)
+ /* inta_addr are the configuration addresses of the ITE */
+ static const short inta_addr[] = { 0x2a0, 0x2c0, 0x220, 0x240, 0x1e0,
+ 0x200, 0x280, 0 };
+ int ret, i, type;
+ struct resource *iobase = NULL;
+ u32 miscr, uartbar, ioport;
+ /* search for the base-ioport */
+ i = 0;
+ while (inta_addr[i] && iobase == NULL) {
+ iobase = request_region(inta_addr[i], ITE_887x_IOSIZE,
+ "ite887x");
+ if (iobase != NULL) {
+ /* write POSIO0R - speed | size | ioport */
+ pci_write_config_dword(dev, ITE_887x_POSIO0,
+ ITE_887x_POSIO_IOSIZE_32 | inta_addr[i]);
+ /* write INTCBAR - ioport */
+ pci_write_config_dword(dev, ITE_887x_INTCBAR, inta_addr[i]);
+ ret = inb(inta_addr[i]);
+ if (ret != 0xff) {
+ /* ioport connected */
+ break;
+ }
+ release_region(iobase->start, ITE_887x_IOSIZE);
+ iobase = NULL;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (!inta_addr[i]) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "ite887x: could not find iobase\n");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ /* start of undocumented type checking (see parport_pc.c) */
+ type = inb(iobase->start + 0x18) & 0x0f;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 0x2: /* ITE8871 (1P) */
+ case 0xa: /* ITE8875 (1P) */
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0xe: /* ITE8872 (2S1P) */
+ ret = 2;
+ break;
+ case 0x6: /* ITE8873 (1S) */
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x8: /* ITE8874 (2S) */
+ ret = 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ moan_device("Unknown ITE887x", dev);
+ ret = -ENODEV;
+ }
+ /* configure all serial ports */
+ for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
+ /* read the I/O port from the device */
+ pci_read_config_dword(dev, ITE_887x_PS0BAR + (0x4 * (i + 1)),
+ &ioport);
+ ioport &= 0x0000FF00; /* the actual base address */
+ pci_write_config_dword(dev, ITE_887x_POSIO0 + (0x4 * (i + 1)),
+ ITE_887x_POSIO_IOSIZE_8 | ioport);
+ /* write the ioport to the UARTBAR */
+ pci_read_config_dword(dev, ITE_887x_UARTBAR, &uartbar);
+ uartbar &= ~(0xffff << (16 * i)); /* clear half the reg */
+ uartbar |= (ioport << (16 * i)); /* set the ioport */
+ pci_write_config_dword(dev, ITE_887x_UARTBAR, uartbar);
+ /* get current config */
+ pci_read_config_dword(dev, ITE_887x_MISCR, &miscr);
+ /* disable interrupts (UARTx_Routing[3:0]) */
+ miscr &= ~(0xf << (12 - 4 * i));
+ /* activate the UART (UARTx_En) */
+ miscr |= 1 << (23 - i);
+ /* write new config with activated UART */
+ pci_write_config_dword(dev, ITE_887x_MISCR, miscr);
+ }
+ if (ret <= 0) {
+ /* the device has no UARTs if we get here */
+ release_region(iobase->start, ITE_887x_IOSIZE);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void __devexit pci_ite887x_exit(struct pci_dev *dev)
+ u32 ioport;
+ /* the ioport is bit 0-15 in POSIO0R */
+ pci_read_config_dword(dev, ITE_887x_POSIO0, &ioport);
+ ioport &= 0xffff;
+ release_region(ioport, ITE_887x_IOSIZE);
static int
pci_default_setup(struct serial_private *priv, struct pciserial_board *board,
struct uart_port *port, int idx)
@@ -653,6 +785,18 @@ static struct pci_serial_quirk pci_serial_quirks[] = {
.setup = pci_default_setup,
+ * ITE
+ */
+ {
+ .vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_ITE,
+ .device = PCI_DEVICE_ID_ITE_8872,
+ .subvendor = PCI_ANY_ID,
+ .subdevice = PCI_ANY_ID,
+ .init = pci_ite887x_init,
+ .setup = pci_default_setup,
+ .exit = __devexit_p(pci_ite887x_exit),
+ },
+ /*
* Panacom
@@ -933,6 +1077,7 @@ enum pci_board_num_t {
+ pbn_b1_bt_1_115200,
@@ -983,6 +1128,7 @@ enum pci_board_num_t {
+ pbn_pasemi_1682M,
@@ -1211,6 +1357,13 @@ static struct pciserial_board pci_boards[] __devinitdata = {
.uart_offset = 8,
+ [pbn_b1_bt_1_115200] = {
+ .flags = FL_BASE1|FL_BASE_BARS,
+ .num_ports = 1,
+ .base_baud = 115200,
+ .uart_offset = 8,
+ },
[pbn_b1_bt_2_921600] = {
.num_ports = 2,
@@ -1498,6 +1651,18 @@ static struct pciserial_board pci_boards[] __devinitdata = {
.base_baud = 921600,
.uart_offset = 0x200,
+ /*
+ * PA Semi PWRficient PA6T-1682M on-chip UART
+ */
+ [pbn_pasemi_1682M] = {
+ .flags = FL_BASE0,
+ .num_ports = 1,
+ .base_baud = 8333333,
+ },
+static const struct pci_device_id softmodem_blacklist[] = {
+ { PCI_VDEVICE ( AL, 0x5457 ), }, /* ALi Corporation M5457 AC'97 Modem */
@@ -1508,6 +1673,7 @@ static struct pciserial_board pci_boards[] __devinitdata = {
static int __devinit
serial_pci_guess_board(struct pci_dev *dev, struct pciserial_board *board)
+ const struct pci_device_id *blacklist;
int num_iomem, num_port, first_port = -1, i;
@@ -1522,6 +1688,18 @@ serial_pci_guess_board(struct pci_dev *dev, struct pciserial_board *board)
(dev->class & 0xff) > 6)
return -ENODEV;
+ /*
+ * Do not access blacklisted devices that are known not to
+ * feature serial ports.
+ */
+ for (blacklist = softmodem_blacklist;
+ blacklist < softmodem_blacklist + ARRAY_SIZE(softmodem_blacklist);
+ blacklist++) {
+ if (dev->vendor == blacklist->vendor &&
+ dev->device == blacklist->device)
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
num_iomem = num_port = 0;
for (i = 0; i < PCI_NUM_BAR_RESOURCES; i++) {
if (pci_resource_flags(dev, i) & IORESOURCE_IO) {
@@ -2364,6 +2542,13 @@ static struct pci_device_id serial_pci_tbl[] = {
pbn_b0_1_115200 },
+ /*
+ * ITE
+ */
+ 0, 0,
+ pbn_b1_bt_1_115200 },
* IntaShield IS-200
@@ -2382,6 +2567,13 @@ static struct pci_device_id serial_pci_tbl[] = {
0, 0, pbn_b2_8_921600 },
+ * PA Semi PA6T-1682M on-chip UART
+ */
+ pbn_pasemi_1682M },
+ /*
* These entries match devices with class COMMUNICATION_SERIAL,
diff --git a/drivers/serial/serial_core.c b/drivers/serial/serial_core.c
index 030a6063541d..a055f58f342f 100644
--- a/drivers/serial/serial_core.c
+++ b/drivers/serial/serial_core.c
@@ -1146,11 +1146,14 @@ static void uart_set_termios(struct tty_struct *tty, struct ktermios *old_termio
* These are the bits that are used to setup various
- * flags in the low level driver.
+ * flags in the low level driver. We can ignore the Bfoo
+ * bits in c_cflag; c_[io]speed will always be set
+ * appropriately by set_termios() in tty_ioctl.c
if ((cflag ^ old_termios->c_cflag) == 0 &&
+ tty->termios->c_ospeed == old_termios->c_ospeed &&
+ tty->termios->c_ispeed == old_termios->c_ispeed &&
RELEVANT_IFLAG(tty->termios->c_iflag ^ old_termios->c_iflag) == 0)
diff --git a/drivers/serial/serial_txx9.c b/drivers/serial/serial_txx9.c
index b8f91e018b21..0930e2a85514 100644
--- a/drivers/serial/serial_txx9.c
+++ b/drivers/serial/serial_txx9.c
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#include <asm/io.h>
-static char *serial_version = "1.09";
+static char *serial_version = "1.10";
static char *serial_name = "TX39/49 Serial driver";
#define PASS_LIMIT 256
@@ -436,8 +436,10 @@ static unsigned int serial_txx9_get_mctrl(struct uart_port *port)
struct uart_txx9_port *up = (struct uart_txx9_port *)port;
unsigned int ret;
- ret = ((sio_in(up, TXX9_SIFLCR) & TXX9_SIFLCR_RTSSC) ? 0 : TIOCM_RTS)
- | ((sio_in(up, TXX9_SICISR) & TXX9_SICISR_CTSS) ? 0 : TIOCM_CTS);
+ /* no modem control lines */
+ ret |= (sio_in(up, TXX9_SIFLCR) & TXX9_SIFLCR_RTSSC) ? 0 : TIOCM_RTS;
+ ret |= (sio_in(up, TXX9_SICISR) & TXX9_SICISR_CTSS) ? 0 : TIOCM_CTS;
return ret;
@@ -557,6 +559,12 @@ serial_txx9_set_termios(struct uart_port *port, struct ktermios *termios,
unsigned long flags;
unsigned int baud, quot;
+ /*
+ * We don't support modem control lines.
+ */
+ termios->c_cflag &= ~(HUPCL | CMSPAR);
+ termios->c_cflag |= CLOCAL;
cval = sio_in(up, TXX9_SILCR);
/* byte size and parity */
diff --git a/drivers/usb/Kconfig b/drivers/usb/Kconfig
index 63436892688c..7580aa5da0f8 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/usb/Kconfig
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ config USB_ARCH_HAS_HCD
default y if USB_ARCH_HAS_EHCI
default y if PCMCIA && !M32R # sl811_cs
default y if ARM # SL-811
+ default y if SUPERH # r8a66597-hcd
default PCI
# many non-PCI SOC chips embed OHCI
diff --git a/drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c b/drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c
index 02c52f8d5dbf..a73e714288e5 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c
@@ -456,7 +456,6 @@ static int cxacru_start_wait_urb(struct urb *urb, struct completion *done,
int* actual_length)
struct timer_list timer;
- int status = urb->status;
timer.expires = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(CMD_TIMEOUT);
@@ -468,7 +467,7 @@ static int cxacru_start_wait_urb(struct urb *urb, struct completion *done,
if (actual_length)
*actual_length = urb->actual_length;
- return status;
+ return urb->status; /* must read status after completion */
static int cxacru_cm(struct cxacru_data *instance, enum cxacru_cm_request cm,
diff --git a/drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c b/drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
index a1a1c9d467e0..29807d048b04 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
@@ -1721,9 +1721,12 @@ static int uea_bind(struct usbatm_data *usbatm, struct usb_interface *intf,
ret = uea_boot(sc);
if (ret < 0)
- goto error;
+ goto error_rm_grp;
return 0;
+ sysfs_remove_group(&intf->dev.kobj, &attr_grp);
return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c b/drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c
index fe940e0536e0..f51e22490edf 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c
@@ -921,6 +921,10 @@ skip_normal_probe:
return -EINVAL;
+ /* Accept probe requests only for the control interface */
+ if (intf != control_interface)
+ return -ENODEV;
if (usb_interface_claimed(data_interface)) { /* valid in this context */
dev_dbg(&intf->dev,"The data interface isn't available");
@@ -1109,10 +1113,12 @@ static void acm_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf)
if (acm->country_codes){
- device_remove_file(&intf->dev, &dev_attr_wCountryCodes);
- device_remove_file(&intf->dev, &dev_attr_iCountryCodeRelDate);
+ device_remove_file(&acm->control->dev,
+ &dev_attr_wCountryCodes);
+ device_remove_file(&acm->control->dev,
+ &dev_attr_iCountryCodeRelDate);
- device_remove_file(&intf->dev, &dev_attr_bmCapabilities);
+ device_remove_file(&acm->control->dev, &dev_attr_bmCapabilities);
acm->dev = NULL;
usb_set_intfdata(acm->control, NULL);
usb_set_intfdata(acm->data, NULL);
diff --git a/drivers/usb/core/driver.c b/drivers/usb/core/driver.c
index 654857493a82..a1ad11d0c47c 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/core/driver.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/core/driver.c
@@ -1224,6 +1224,8 @@ static int usb_autopm_do_device(struct usb_device *udev, int inc_usage_cnt)
udev->auto_pm = 1;
udev->pm_usage_cnt += inc_usage_cnt;
WARN_ON(udev->pm_usage_cnt < 0);
+ if (inc_usage_cnt)
+ udev->last_busy = jiffies;
if (inc_usage_cnt >= 0 && udev->pm_usage_cnt > 0) {
if (udev->state == USB_STATE_SUSPENDED)
status = usb_resume_both(udev);
@@ -1232,8 +1234,6 @@ static int usb_autopm_do_device(struct usb_device *udev, int inc_usage_cnt)
else if (inc_usage_cnt)
udev->last_busy = jiffies;
} else if (inc_usage_cnt <= 0 && udev->pm_usage_cnt <= 0) {
- if (inc_usage_cnt)
- udev->last_busy = jiffies;
status = usb_suspend_both(udev, PMSG_SUSPEND);
@@ -1342,16 +1342,15 @@ static int usb_autopm_do_interface(struct usb_interface *intf,
else {
udev->auto_pm = 1;
intf->pm_usage_cnt += inc_usage_cnt;
+ udev->last_busy = jiffies;
if (inc_usage_cnt >= 0 && intf->pm_usage_cnt > 0) {
if (udev->state == USB_STATE_SUSPENDED)
status = usb_resume_both(udev);
if (status != 0)
intf->pm_usage_cnt -= inc_usage_cnt;
- else if (inc_usage_cnt)
+ else
udev->last_busy = jiffies;
} else if (inc_usage_cnt <= 0 && intf->pm_usage_cnt <= 0) {
- if (inc_usage_cnt)
- udev->last_busy = jiffies;
status = usb_suspend_both(udev, PMSG_SUSPEND);
diff --git a/drivers/usb/core/hub.c b/drivers/usb/core/hub.c
index e341a1da517f..f7b337feb3ea 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/core/hub.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/core/hub.c
@@ -1644,9 +1644,10 @@ static int finish_port_resume(struct usb_device *udev)
* and device drivers will know about any resume quirks.
if (status == 0) {
+ devstatus = 0;
status = usb_get_status(udev, USB_RECIP_DEVICE, 0, &devstatus);
if (status >= 0)
- status = (status == 2 ? 0 : -ENODEV);
+ status = (status > 0 ? 0 : -ENODEV);
if (status) {
diff --git a/drivers/usb/core/message.c b/drivers/usb/core/message.c
index b6bd05e3d439..d8f7b089a8f0 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/core/message.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/core/message.c
@@ -637,12 +637,12 @@ int usb_get_descriptor(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned char type, unsigned char
memset(buf,0,size); // Make sure we parse really received data
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- /* retry on length 0 or stall; some devices are flakey */
+ /* retry on length 0 or error; some devices are flakey */
result = usb_control_msg(dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev, 0),
(type << 8) + index, 0, buf, size,
- if (result == 0 || result == -EPIPE)
+ if (result <= 0 && result != -ETIMEDOUT)
if (result > 1 && ((u8 *)buf)[1] != type) {
result = -EPROTO;
@@ -1358,6 +1358,30 @@ static int usb_if_uevent(struct device *dev, char **envp, int num_envp,
usb_dev = interface_to_usbdev(intf);
alt = intf->cur_altsetting;
+ if (add_uevent_var(envp, num_envp, &i,
+ buffer, buffer_size, &length,
+ "DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/%03d/%03d",
+ usb_dev->bus->busnum, usb_dev->devnum))
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ if (add_uevent_var(envp, num_envp, &i,
+ buffer, buffer_size, &length,
+ "PRODUCT=%x/%x/%x",
+ le16_to_cpu(usb_dev->descriptor.idVendor),
+ le16_to_cpu(usb_dev->descriptor.idProduct),
+ le16_to_cpu(usb_dev->descriptor.bcdDevice)))
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ if (add_uevent_var(envp, num_envp, &i,
+ buffer, buffer_size, &length,
+ "TYPE=%d/%d/%d",
+ usb_dev->descriptor.bDeviceClass,
+ usb_dev->descriptor.bDeviceSubClass,
+ usb_dev->descriptor.bDeviceProtocol))
+ return -ENOMEM;
if (add_uevent_var(envp, num_envp, &i,
buffer, buffer_size, &length,
diff --git a/drivers/usb/core/quirks.c b/drivers/usb/core/quirks.c
index b7917c5a3c6f..9e467118dc94 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/core/quirks.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/core/quirks.c
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
static const struct usb_device_id usb_quirk_list[] = {
/* HP 5300/5370C scanner */
{ USB_DEVICE(0x03f0, 0x0701), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_STRING_FETCH_255 },
+ /* Hewlett-Packard PhotoSmart 720 / PhotoSmart 935 (storage) */
+ { USB_DEVICE(0x03f0, 0x4002), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
/* Acer Peripherals Inc. (now BenQ Corp.) Prisa 640BU */
{ USB_DEVICE(0x04a5, 0x207e), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
/* Benq S2W 3300U */
@@ -56,6 +58,8 @@ static const struct usb_device_id usb_quirk_list[] = {
{ USB_DEVICE(0x04b8, 0x0121), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
/* Seiko Epson Corp.*/
{ USB_DEVICE(0x04b8, 0x0122), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
+ /* Samsung ML-2010 printer */
+ { USB_DEVICE(0x04e8, 0x326c), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
/* Samsung ML-2510 Series printer */
{ USB_DEVICE(0x04e8, 0x327e), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
/* Elsa MicroLink 56k (V.250) */
@@ -64,12 +68,20 @@ static const struct usb_device_id usb_quirk_list[] = {
{ USB_DEVICE(0x05d8, 0x4005), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
/* Agfa Snapscan1212u */
{ USB_DEVICE(0x06bd, 0x2061), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
+ /* Seagate RSS LLC */
+ { USB_DEVICE(0x0bc2, 0x3000), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
/* Umax [hex] Astra 3400U */
{ USB_DEVICE(0x1606, 0x0060), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
/* Philips PSC805 audio device */
{ USB_DEVICE(0x0471, 0x0155), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_RESET_RESUME },
+ /* Alcor multi-card reader */
+ { USB_DEVICE(0x058f, 0x6366), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
+ /* Canon EOS 5D in PC Connection mode */
+ { USB_DEVICE(0x04a9, 0x3101), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
/* RIM Blackberry */
{ USB_DEVICE(0x0fca, 0x0001), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
{ USB_DEVICE(0x0fca, 0x0004), .driver_info = USB_QUIRK_NO_AUTOSUSPEND },
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/dummy_hcd.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/dummy_hcd.c
index f2fbdc7fe376..d008d1360a7a 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/dummy_hcd.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/dummy_hcd.c
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
* bypassing some hardware (and driver) issues. UML could help too.
-#define DEBUG
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/file_storage.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/file_storage.c
index be7a1bd2823b..965ad7bec7b7 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/file_storage.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/file_storage.c
@@ -599,7 +599,6 @@ enum fsg_buffer_state {
struct fsg_buffhd {
void *buf;
- dma_addr_t dma;
enum fsg_buffer_state state;
struct fsg_buffhd *next;
@@ -1295,6 +1294,7 @@ static int class_setup_req(struct fsg_dev *fsg,
struct usb_request *req = fsg->ep0req;
int value = -EOPNOTSUPP;
u16 w_index = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wIndex);
+ u16 w_value = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wValue);
u16 w_length = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wLength);
if (!fsg->config)
@@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ static int class_setup_req(struct fsg_dev *fsg,
if (ctrl->bRequestType != (USB_DIR_OUT |
- if (w_index != 0) {
+ if (w_index != 0 || w_value != 0) {
value = -EDOM;
@@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@ static int class_setup_req(struct fsg_dev *fsg,
if (ctrl->bRequestType != (USB_DIR_IN |
- if (w_index != 0) {
+ if (w_index != 0 || w_value != 0) {
value = -EDOM;
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ static int class_setup_req(struct fsg_dev *fsg,
if (ctrl->bRequestType != (USB_DIR_OUT |
- if (w_index != 0) {
+ if (w_index != 0 || w_value != 0) {
value = -EDOM;
@@ -2611,7 +2611,6 @@ static int send_status(struct fsg_dev *fsg)
fsg->intr_buffhd = bh; // Point to the right buffhd
fsg->intreq->buf = bh->inreq->buf;
- fsg->intreq->dma = bh->inreq->dma;
fsg->intreq->context = bh;
start_transfer(fsg, fsg->intr_in, fsg->intreq,
&fsg->intreq_busy, &bh->state);
@@ -3200,7 +3199,6 @@ reset:
if ((rc = alloc_request(fsg, fsg->bulk_out, &bh->outreq)) != 0)
goto reset;
bh->inreq->buf = bh->outreq->buf = bh->buf;
- bh->inreq->dma = bh->outreq->dma = bh->dma;
bh->inreq->context = bh->outreq->context = bh;
bh->inreq->complete = bulk_in_complete;
bh->outreq->complete = bulk_out_complete;
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/fsl_usb2_udc.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/fsl_usb2_udc.c
index 10b2b33b8698..d57bcfbc08a5 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/fsl_usb2_udc.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/fsl_usb2_udc.c
@@ -1277,31 +1277,32 @@ static void setup_received_irq(struct fsl_udc *udc,
udc_reset_ep_queue(udc, 0);
+ /* We process some stardard setup requests here */
switch (setup->bRequest) {
- /* Request that need Data+Status phase from udc */
- if ((setup->bRequestType & (USB_DIR_IN | USB_TYPE_STANDARD))
+ /* Data+Status phase from udc */
+ if ((setup->bRequestType & (USB_DIR_IN | USB_TYPE_MASK))
ch9getstatus(udc, setup->bRequestType, wValue, wIndex, wLength);
- break;
+ return;
- /* Requests that need Status phase from udc */
+ /* Status phase from udc */
if (setup->bRequestType != (USB_DIR_OUT | USB_TYPE_STANDARD
ch9setaddress(udc, wValue, wIndex, wLength);
- break;
+ return;
- /* Handled by udc, no data, status by udc */
- { /* status transaction */
+ /* Status phase from udc */
+ {
int rc = -EOPNOTSUPP;
- if ((setup->bRequestType & USB_RECIP_MASK)
+ if ((setup->bRequestType & (USB_RECIP_MASK | USB_TYPE_MASK))
int pipe = get_pipe_by_windex(wIndex);
struct fsl_ep *ep;
@@ -1315,8 +1316,9 @@ static void setup_received_irq(struct fsl_udc *udc,
? 1 : 0);
- } else if ((setup->bRequestType & USB_RECIP_MASK)
+ } else if ((setup->bRequestType & (USB_RECIP_MASK
/* Note: The driver has not include OTG support yet.
* This will be set when OTG support is added */
if (!udc->gadget.is_otg)
@@ -1329,39 +1331,42 @@ static void setup_received_irq(struct fsl_udc *udc,
udc->gadget.a_alt_hnp_support = 1;
rc = 0;
- }
+ } else
+ break;
if (rc == 0) {
if (ep0_prime_status(udc, EP_DIR_IN))
- break;
+ return;
- /* Requests handled by gadget */
- default:
- if (wLength) {
- /* Data phase from gadget, status phase from udc */
- udc->ep0_dir = (setup->bRequestType & USB_DIR_IN)
- spin_unlock(&udc->lock);
- if (udc->driver->setup(&udc->gadget,
- &udc->local_setup_buff) < 0)
- ep0stall(udc);
- spin_lock(&udc->lock);
- udc->ep0_state = (setup->bRequestType & USB_DIR_IN)
- } else {
- /* No data phase, IN status from gadget */
- udc->ep0_dir = USB_DIR_IN;
- spin_unlock(&udc->lock);
- if (udc->driver->setup(&udc->gadget,
- &udc->local_setup_buff) < 0)
- ep0stall(udc);
- spin_lock(&udc->lock);
- udc->ep0_state = WAIT_FOR_OUT_STATUS;
- }
+ default:
+ /* Requests handled by gadget */
+ if (wLength) {
+ /* Data phase from gadget, status phase from udc */
+ udc->ep0_dir = (setup->bRequestType & USB_DIR_IN)
+ spin_unlock(&udc->lock);
+ if (udc->driver->setup(&udc->gadget,
+ &udc->local_setup_buff) < 0)
+ ep0stall(udc);
+ spin_lock(&udc->lock);
+ udc->ep0_state = (setup->bRequestType & USB_DIR_IN)
+ } else {
+ /* No data phase, IN status from gadget */
+ udc->ep0_dir = USB_DIR_IN;
+ spin_unlock(&udc->lock);
+ if (udc->driver->setup(&udc->gadget,
+ &udc->local_setup_buff) < 0)
+ ep0stall(udc);
+ spin_lock(&udc->lock);
+ udc->ep0_state = WAIT_FOR_OUT_STATUS;
+ }
/* Process request for Data or Status phase of ep0
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/pxa2xx_udc.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/pxa2xx_udc.c
index 72b4ebbf132d..1407ad1c8128 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/pxa2xx_udc.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/pxa2xx_udc.c
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ static int pxa2xx_udc_pullup(struct usb_gadget *_gadget, int is_active)
udc = container_of(_gadget, struct pxa2xx_udc, gadget);
/* not all boards support pullup control */
- if (!udc->mach->udc_command)
+ if (!udc->mach->gpio_pullup && !udc->mach->udc_command)
is_active = (is_active != 0);
@@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@ static int pxa2xx_udc_suspend(struct platform_device *dev, pm_message_t state)
struct pxa2xx_udc *udc = platform_get_drvdata(dev);
- if (!udc->mach->udc_command)
+ if (!udc->mach->gpio_pullup && !udc->mach->udc_command)
WARN("USB host won't detect disconnect!\n");
pullup(udc, 0);
diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/Kconfig b/drivers/usb/host/Kconfig
index 2f529828c74d..565d6ef4c4cf 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/host/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/usb/host/Kconfig
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ config USB_SL811_CS
module will be called "sl811_cs".
config USB_R8A66597_HCD
- tristate "R8A66597 HCD suppoort"
+ tristate "R8A66597 HCD support"
depends on USB
The R8A66597 is a USB 2.0 host and peripheral controller.
diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/ehci-au1xxx.c b/drivers/usb/host/ehci-au1xxx.c
index 5d1b12aad776..b1d19268cb23 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/host/ehci-au1xxx.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/host/ehci-au1xxx.c
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
* EHCI HCD (Host Controller Driver) for USB.
- * (C) Copyright 2000-2004 David Brownell <>
- *
* Bus Glue for AMD Alchemy Au1xxx
* Based on "ohci-au1xxx.c" by Matt Porter <>
@@ -196,6 +194,9 @@ static const struct hc_driver ehci_au1xxx_hc_driver = {
* basic lifecycle operations
+ *
+ * FIXME -- ehci_init() doesn't do enough here.
+ * See ehci-ppc-soc for a complete implementation.
.reset = ehci_init,
.start = ehci_run,
diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/ehci-ppc-soc.c b/drivers/usb/host/ehci-ppc-soc.c
index c2cedb09ed8b..4f99b0eb27bc 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/host/ehci-ppc-soc.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/host/ehci-ppc-soc.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Bus Glue for PPC On-Chip EHCI driver
* Tested on AMCC 440EPx
- * Based on "ehci-au12xx.c" by David Brownell <>
+ * Based on "ehci-au1xxx.c" by K.Boge <>
* This file is licenced under the GPL.
@@ -15,6 +15,24 @@
extern int usb_disabled(void);
+/* called during probe() after chip reset completes */
+static int ehci_ppc_soc_setup(struct usb_hcd *hcd)
+ struct ehci_hcd *ehci = hcd_to_ehci(hcd);
+ int retval;
+ retval = ehci_halt(ehci);
+ if (retval)
+ return retval;
+ retval = ehci_init(hcd);
+ if (retval)
+ return retval;
+ ehci->sbrn = 0x20;
+ return ehci_reset(ehci);
* usb_ehci_ppc_soc_probe - initialize PPC-SoC-based HCDs
* Context: !in_interrupt()
@@ -120,7 +138,7 @@ static const struct hc_driver ehci_ppc_soc_hc_driver = {
* basic lifecycle operations
- .reset = ehci_init,
+ .reset = ehci_ppc_soc_setup,
.start = ehci_run,
.stop = ehci_stop,
.shutdown = ehci_shutdown,
diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/ohci-dbg.c b/drivers/usb/host/ohci-dbg.c
index 6f9e43e9a6ca..f61c6cdd06f2 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/host/ohci-dbg.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/host/ohci-dbg.c
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ urb_print (struct urb * urb, char * str, int small)
#define ohci_dbg_sw(ohci, next, size, format, arg...) \
do { \
- if (next) { \
+ if (next != NULL) { \
unsigned s_len; \
s_len = scnprintf (*next, *size, format, ## arg ); \
*size -= s_len; *next += s_len; \
diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/r8a66597-hcd.c b/drivers/usb/host/r8a66597-hcd.c
index d60f1985320c..40a1de4c256e 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/host/r8a66597-hcd.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/host/r8a66597-hcd.c
@@ -2208,8 +2208,6 @@ static int __init r8a66597_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
if (reg)
- if (res)
- release_mem_region(res->start, 1);
return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/u132-hcd.c b/drivers/usb/host/u132-hcd.c
index 7f765ec038cd..b88eb3c62c02 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/host/u132-hcd.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/host/u132-hcd.c
@@ -1520,12 +1520,15 @@ static void u132_hcd_endp_work_scheduler(struct work_struct *work)
+#ifdef CONFIG_PM
static void port_power(struct u132 *u132, int pn, int is_on)
u132->port[pn].power = is_on;
static void u132_power(struct u132 *u132, int is_on)
struct usb_hcd *hcd = u132_to_hcd(u132)
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/airprime.c b/drivers/usb/serial/airprime.c
index cff6fd190a28..77bb893bf2e9 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/airprime.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/airprime.c
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
static struct usb_device_id id_table [] = {
{ USB_DEVICE(0x0c88, 0x17da) }, /* Kyocera Wireless KPC650/Passport */
- { USB_DEVICE(0x413c, 0x8115) }, /* Dell Wireless HSDPA 5500 */
{ },
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, id_table);
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/belkin_sa.c b/drivers/usb/serial/belkin_sa.c
index e67ce25f7512..86724e885704 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/belkin_sa.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/belkin_sa.c
@@ -383,6 +383,10 @@ static void belkin_sa_set_termios (struct usb_serial_port *port, struct ktermios
baud = tty_get_baud_rate(port->tty);
+ if (baud == 0) {
+ dbg("%s - tty_get_baud_rate says 0 baud", __FUNCTION__);
+ return;
+ }
urb_value = BELKIN_SA_BAUD(baud);
/* Clip to maximum speed */
if (urb_value == 0)
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.c b/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.c
index 7b1673a44077..1370c423d7c2 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.c
@@ -538,6 +538,8 @@ static struct usb_device_id id_table_combined [] = {
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.h b/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.h
index d9e49716db13..c70e1de6389e 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.h
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.h
@@ -430,6 +430,9 @@
#define EVOLUTION_VID 0xDEEE /* Vendor ID */
#define EVOLUTION_ER1_PID 0x0300 /* ER1 Control Module */
+#define EVO_8U232AM_PID 0x02FF /* Evolution robotics RCM2 (FT232AM)*/
+#define EVO_HYBRID_PID 0x0302 /* Evolution robotics RCM4 PID (FT232BM)*/
+#define EVO_RCM4_PID 0x0303 /* Evolution robotics RCM4 PID */
/* Pyramid Computer GmbH */
#define FTDI_PYRAMID_PID 0xE6C8 /* Pyramid Appliance Display */
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/garmin_gps.c b/drivers/usb/serial/garmin_gps.c
index 04bd3b7a2985..f1c90cfe7251 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/garmin_gps.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/garmin_gps.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* Garmin GPS driver
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Hermann Kneissel
+ * Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Hermann Kneissel
* The latest version of the driver can be found at
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <asm/atomic.h>
#include <linux/usb.h>
#include <linux/usb/serial.h>
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ static int debug = 0;
-#define VERSION_MINOR 28
+#define VERSION_MINOR 31
#define _STR(s) #s
#define _DRIVER_VERSION(a,b) "v" _STR(a) "." _STR(b)
@@ -141,6 +142,8 @@ struct garmin_data {
__u8 inbuffer [GPS_IN_BUFSIZ]; /* tty -> usb */
__u8 outbuffer[GPS_OUT_BUFSIZ]; /* usb -> tty */
__u8 privpkt[4*6];
+ atomic_t req_count;
+ atomic_t resp_count;
spinlock_t lock;
struct list_head pktlist;
@@ -171,8 +174,6 @@ struct garmin_data {
#define CLEAR_HALT_REQUIRED 0x0001
#define FLAGS_QUEUING 0x0100
-#define FLAGS_APP_RESP_SEEN 0x0200
-#define FLAGS_APP_REQ_SEEN 0x0400
#define FLAGS_DROP_DATA 0x0800
#define FLAGS_GSP_SKIP 0x1000
@@ -186,7 +187,8 @@ struct garmin_data {
/* function prototypes */
static void gsp_next_packet(struct garmin_data * garmin_data_p);
static int garmin_write_bulk(struct usb_serial_port *port,
- const unsigned char *buf, int count);
+ const unsigned char *buf, int count,
+ int dismiss_ack);
/* some special packets to be send or received */
static unsigned char const GARMIN_START_SESSION_REQ[]
@@ -233,9 +235,7 @@ static struct usb_driver garmin_driver = {
static inline int noResponseFromAppLayer(struct garmin_data * garmin_data_p)
- return ((garmin_data_p->flags
+ return atomic_read(&garmin_data_p->req_count) == atomic_read(&garmin_data_p->resp_count);
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ static int gsp_rec_packet(struct garmin_data * garmin_data_p, int count)
usbdata[2] = __cpu_to_le32(size);
garmin_write_bulk (garmin_data_p->port, garmin_data_p->inbuffer,
/* if this was an abort-transfer command, flush all
queued data. */
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ static int nat_receive(struct garmin_data * garmin_data_p,
if (garmin_data_p->insize >= len) {
garmin_write_bulk (garmin_data_p->port,
- len);
+ len, 0);
garmin_data_p->insize = 0;
/* if this was an abort-transfer command,
@@ -893,10 +893,11 @@ static int garmin_clear(struct garmin_data * garmin_data_p)
struct usb_serial_port *port = garmin_data_p->port;
- if (port != NULL && garmin_data_p->flags & FLAGS_APP_RESP_SEEN) {
+ if (port != NULL && atomic_read(&garmin_data_p->resp_count)) {
/* send a terminate command */
status = garmin_write_bulk(port, GARMIN_STOP_TRANSFER_REQ,
+ 1);
/* flush all queued data */
@@ -939,7 +940,8 @@ static int garmin_init_session(struct usb_serial_port *port)
dbg("%s - starting session ...", __FUNCTION__);
garmin_data_p->state = STATE_ACTIVE;
status = garmin_write_bulk(port, GARMIN_START_SESSION_REQ,
+ 0);
if (status >= 0) {
@@ -950,7 +952,8 @@ static int garmin_init_session(struct usb_serial_port *port)
/* not needed, but the win32 driver does it too ... */
status = garmin_write_bulk(port,
+ 0);
if (status >= 0) {
status = 0;
spin_lock_irqsave(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
@@ -987,6 +990,8 @@ static int garmin_open (struct usb_serial_port *port, struct file *filp)
garmin_data_p->mode = initial_mode;
garmin_data_p->count = 0;
garmin_data_p->flags = 0;
+ atomic_set(&garmin_data_p->req_count, 0);
+ atomic_set(&garmin_data_p->resp_count, 0);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
/* shutdown any bulk reads that might be going on */
@@ -1035,28 +1040,39 @@ static void garmin_write_bulk_callback (struct urb *urb)
unsigned long flags;
struct usb_serial_port *port = (struct usb_serial_port *)urb->context;
- struct garmin_data * garmin_data_p = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);
int status = urb->status;
- /* free up the transfer buffer, as usb_free_urb() does not do this */
- kfree (urb->transfer_buffer);
+ if (port) {
+ struct garmin_data * garmin_data_p = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);
- dbg("%s - port %d", __FUNCTION__, port->number);
+ dbg("%s - port %d", __FUNCTION__, port->number);
- if (status) {
- dbg("%s - nonzero write bulk status received: %d",
- __FUNCTION__, status);
- spin_lock_irqsave(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
- garmin_data_p->flags |= CLEAR_HALT_REQUIRED;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
+ if (GARMIN_LAYERID_APPL == getLayerId(urb->transfer_buffer)
+ && (garmin_data_p->mode == MODE_GARMIN_SERIAL)) {
+ gsp_send_ack(garmin_data_p, ((__u8 *)urb->transfer_buffer)[4]);
+ }
+ if (status) {
+ dbg("%s - nonzero write bulk status received: %d",
+ __FUNCTION__, urb->status);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
+ garmin_data_p->flags |= CLEAR_HALT_REQUIRED;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
+ }
+ usb_serial_port_softint(port);
- usb_serial_port_softint(port);
+ /* Ignore errors that resulted from garmin_write_bulk with dismiss_ack=1 */
+ /* free up the transfer buffer, as usb_free_urb() does not do this */
+ kfree (urb->transfer_buffer);
static int garmin_write_bulk (struct usb_serial_port *port,
- const unsigned char *buf, int count)
+ const unsigned char *buf, int count,
+ int dismiss_ack)
unsigned long flags;
struct usb_serial *serial = port->serial;
@@ -1093,13 +1109,12 @@ static int garmin_write_bulk (struct usb_serial_port *port,
usb_sndbulkpipe (serial->dev,
buffer, count,
- garmin_write_bulk_callback, port);
+ garmin_write_bulk_callback,
+ dismiss_ack ? NULL : port);
urb->transfer_flags |= URB_ZERO_PACKET;
if (GARMIN_LAYERID_APPL == getLayerId(buffer)) {
- spin_lock_irqsave(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
- garmin_data_p->flags |= FLAGS_APP_REQ_SEEN;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
+ atomic_inc(&garmin_data_p->req_count);
if (garmin_data_p->mode == MODE_GARMIN_SERIAL) {
garmin_data_p->state = STATE_GSP_WAIT_DATA;
@@ -1114,13 +1129,6 @@ static int garmin_write_bulk (struct usb_serial_port *port,
"failed with status = %d\n",
__FUNCTION__, status);
count = status;
- } else {
- if (GARMIN_LAYERID_APPL == getLayerId(buffer)
- && (garmin_data_p->mode == MODE_GARMIN_SERIAL)) {
- gsp_send_ack(garmin_data_p, buffer[4]);
- }
/* we are done with this urb, so let the host driver
@@ -1135,7 +1143,6 @@ static int garmin_write_bulk (struct usb_serial_port *port,
static int garmin_write (struct usb_serial_port *port,
const unsigned char *buf, int count)
- unsigned long flags;
int pktid, pktsiz, len;
struct garmin_data * garmin_data_p = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);
__le32 *privpkt = (__le32 *)garmin_data_p->privpkt;
@@ -1186,9 +1193,7 @@ static int garmin_write (struct usb_serial_port *port,
- spin_lock_irqsave(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
- garmin_data_p->flags |= FLAGS_APP_REQ_SEEN;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
+ atomic_inc(&garmin_data_p->req_count);
@@ -1241,8 +1246,6 @@ static int garmin_chars_in_buffer (struct usb_serial_port *port)
static void garmin_read_process(struct garmin_data * garmin_data_p,
unsigned char *data, unsigned data_length)
- unsigned long flags;
if (garmin_data_p->flags & FLAGS_DROP_DATA) {
/* abort-transfer cmd is actice */
dbg("%s - pkt dropped", __FUNCTION__);
@@ -1254,9 +1257,7 @@ static void garmin_read_process(struct garmin_data * garmin_data_p,
the device */
if (0 == memcmp(data, GARMIN_APP_LAYER_REPLY,
- spin_lock_irqsave(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
- garmin_data_p->flags |= FLAGS_APP_RESP_SEEN;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&garmin_data_p->lock, flags);
+ atomic_inc(&garmin_data_p->resp_count);
/* if throttling is active or postprecessing is required
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/ipaq.c b/drivers/usb/serial/ipaq.c
index 0455c1552ae9..6a3a704b5849 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/ipaq.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/ipaq.c
@@ -545,6 +545,7 @@ static struct usb_device_id ipaq_id_table [] = {
{ USB_DEVICE(0x413C, 0x4009) }, /* Dell Axim USB Sync */
{ USB_DEVICE(0x4505, 0x0010) }, /* Smartphone */
{ USB_DEVICE(0x5E04, 0xCE00) }, /* SAGEM Wireless Assistant */
+ { USB_DEVICE(0x0BB4, 0x00CF) }, /* HTC smartphone modems */
{ } /* Terminating entry */
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/option.c b/drivers/usb/serial/option.c
index 84c12b5f1271..4cb3c165742b 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/option.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/option.c
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ static int option_send_setup(struct usb_serial_port *port);
#define HUAWEI_PRODUCT_E220 0x1003
+#define DELL_VENDOR_ID 0x413C
#define ANYDATA_VENDOR_ID 0x16d5
#define ANYDATA_PRODUCT_ADU_E100A 0x6501
@@ -119,8 +120,6 @@ static int option_send_setup(struct usb_serial_port *port);
#define BANDRICH_PRODUCT_C100_1 0x1002
#define BANDRICH_PRODUCT_C100_2 0x1003
-#define DELL_VENDOR_ID 0x413C
static struct usb_device_id option_ids[] = {
@@ -171,11 +170,16 @@ static struct usb_device_id option_ids[] = {
{ USB_DEVICE(NOVATELWIRELESS_VENDOR_ID, 0x2110) }, /* Novatel Merlin ES620 / Merlin ES720 / Ovation U720 */
{ USB_DEVICE(NOVATELWIRELESS_VENDOR_ID, 0x2130) }, /* Novatel Merlin ES620 SM Bus */
{ USB_DEVICE(NOVATELWIRELESS_VENDOR_ID, 0x2410) }, /* Novatel EU740 */
+ { USB_DEVICE(DELL_VENDOR_ID, 0x8114) }, /* Dell Wireless 5700 Mobile Broadband CDMA/EVDO Mini-Card == Novatel Expedite EV620 CDMA/EV-DO */
+ { USB_DEVICE(DELL_VENDOR_ID, 0x8115) }, /* Dell Wireless 5500 Mobile Broadband HSDPA Mini-Card == Novatel Expedite EU740 HSDPA/3G */
+ { USB_DEVICE(DELL_VENDOR_ID, 0x8116) }, /* Dell Wireless 5505 Mobile Broadband HSDPA Mini-Card == Novatel Expedite EU740 HSDPA/3G */
+ { USB_DEVICE(DELL_VENDOR_ID, 0x8117) }, /* Dell Wireless 5700 Mobile Broadband CDMA/EVDO ExpressCard == Novatel Merlin XV620 CDMA/EV-DO */
+ { USB_DEVICE(DELL_VENDOR_ID, 0x8118) }, /* Dell Wireless 5510 Mobile Broadband HSDPA ExpressCard == Novatel Merlin XU870 HSDPA/3G */
+ { USB_DEVICE(DELL_VENDOR_ID, 0x8128) }, /* Dell Wireless 5700 Mobile Broadband CDMA/EVDO Mini-Card == Novatel Expedite E720 CDMA/EV-DO */
- { USB_DEVICE(DELL_VENDOR_ID, 0x8118) }, /* Dell Wireless 5510 Mobile Broadband HSDPA ExpressCard */
{ } /* Terminating entry */
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, option_ids);
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/oti6858.c b/drivers/usb/serial/oti6858.c
index d7db71eca520..833ada47fc54 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/oti6858.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/oti6858.c
@@ -818,19 +818,17 @@ static int oti6858_ioctl(struct usb_serial_port *port, struct file *file,
switch (cmd) {
case TCGETS:
- if (copy_to_user(user_arg, port->tty->termios,
- sizeof(struct ktermios))) {
+ if (kernel_termios_to_user_termios((struct ktermios __user *)arg,
+ port->tty->termios))
return -EFAULT;
- }
return 0;
case TCSETS:
case TCSETSW: /* FIXME: this is not the same! */
case TCSETSF: /* FIXME: this is not the same! */
- if (copy_from_user(port->tty->termios, user_arg,
- sizeof(struct ktermios))) {
+ if (user_termios_to_kernel_termios(port->tty->termios,
+ (struct ktermios __user *)arg))
return -EFAULT;
- }
oti6858_set_termios(port, NULL);
return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c b/drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
index 86899d55d8d8..51669b7622bb 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
@@ -74,13 +74,13 @@
#include <linux/usb/serial.h>
static int debug;
static int safe = 1;
-static int padded = CONFIG_USB_SAFE_PADDED;
+static int padded = CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_SAFE_PADDED;
#define DRIVER_VERSION "v0.0b"
#define DRIVER_AUTHOR ","
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/visor.c b/drivers/usb/serial/visor.c
index 7d84a7647e81..30e08c0bcdc2 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/visor.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/visor.c
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ static struct usb_device_id id_table [] = {
.driver_info = (kernel_ulong_t)&palm_os_4_probe },
.driver_info = (kernel_ulong_t)&palm_os_4_probe },
+ .driver_info = (kernel_ulong_t)&palm_os_4_probe },
.driver_info = (kernel_ulong_t)&palm_os_4_probe },
diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/visor.h b/drivers/usb/serial/visor.h
index 4ce6f62a6f39..57229cf66477 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/serial/visor.h
+++ b/drivers/usb/serial/visor.h
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
#define SONY_CLIE_UX50_ID 0x0144
#define SONY_CLIE_TJ25_ID 0x0169
+#define ACER_VENDOR_ID 0x0502
+#define ACER_S10_ID 0x0001
#define SAMSUNG_VENDOR_ID 0x04E8
#define SAMSUNG_SCH_I330_ID 0x8001
#define SAMSUNG_SPH_I500_ID 0x6601
diff --git a/drivers/usb/storage/unusual_devs.h b/drivers/usb/storage/unusual_devs.h
index d8d008d42946..2d92ce31018f 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/storage/unusual_devs.h
+++ b/drivers/usb/storage/unusual_devs.h
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ UNUSUAL_DEV( 0x04b0, 0x040d, 0x0100, 0x0100,
/* Reported by Emil Larsson <> */
-UNUSUAL_DEV( 0x04b0, 0x0411, 0x0100, 0x0100,
+UNUSUAL_DEV( 0x04b0, 0x0411, 0x0100, 0x0101,
diff --git a/drivers/usb/storage/usb.c b/drivers/usb/storage/usb.c
index 28842d208bb0..25e557d4fe6b 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/storage/usb.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/storage/usb.c
@@ -112,13 +112,6 @@ module_param(delay_use, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(delay_use, "seconds to delay before using a new device");
-/* These are used to make sure the module doesn't unload before all the
- * threads have exited.
- */
-static atomic_t total_threads = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
-static DECLARE_COMPLETION(threads_gone);
* The entries in this table correspond, line for line,
* with the entries of us_unusual_dev_list[].
@@ -879,9 +872,6 @@ static void quiesce_and_remove_host(struct us_data *us)
- /* It doesn't matter if the SCSI-scanning thread is still running.
- * The thread will exit when it sees the DISCONNECTING flag. */
/* queuecommand won't accept any new commands and the control
* thread won't execute a previously-queued command. If there
* is such a command pending, complete it with an error. */
@@ -891,12 +881,16 @@ static void quiesce_and_remove_host(struct us_data *us)
us->srb = NULL;
+ complete(&us->notify); /* in case of an abort */
/* Now we own no commands so it's safe to remove the SCSI host */
+ /* Wait for the SCSI-scanning thread to stop */
+ wait_for_completion(&us->scanning_done);
/* Second stage of disconnect processing: deallocate all resources */
@@ -947,9 +941,8 @@ retry:
/* Should we unbind if no devices were detected? */
- scsi_host_put(us_to_host(us));
- complete_and_exit(&threads_gone, 0);
+ complete_and_exit(&us->scanning_done, 0);
@@ -984,6 +977,7 @@ static int storage_probe(struct usb_interface *intf,
+ init_completion(&us->scanning_done);
/* Associate the us_data structure with the USB device */
result = associate_dev(us, intf);
@@ -1033,11 +1027,6 @@ static int storage_probe(struct usb_interface *intf,
goto BadDevice;
- /* Take a reference to the host for the scanning thread and
- * count it among all the threads we have launched. Then
- * start it up. */
- scsi_host_get(us_to_host(us));
- atomic_inc(&total_threads);
usb_autopm_get_interface(intf); /* dropped in the scanning thread */
@@ -1104,16 +1093,6 @@ static void __exit usb_stor_exit(void)
US_DEBUGP("-- calling usb_deregister()\n");
usb_deregister(&usb_storage_driver) ;
- /* Don't return until all of our control and scanning threads
- * have exited. Since each thread signals threads_gone as its
- * last act, we have to call wait_for_completion the right number
- * of times.
- */
- while (atomic_read(&total_threads) > 0) {
- wait_for_completion(&threads_gone);
- atomic_dec(&total_threads);
- }
diff --git a/drivers/usb/storage/usb.h b/drivers/usb/storage/usb.h
index 6445665b1577..8d87503e2560 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/storage/usb.h
+++ b/drivers/usb/storage/usb.h
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ struct us_data {
struct semaphore sema; /* to sleep thread on */
struct completion notify; /* thread begin/end */
wait_queue_head_t delay_wait; /* wait during scan, reset */
+ struct completion scanning_done; /* wait for scan thread */
/* subdriver information */
void *extra; /* Any extra data */
diff --git a/drivers/video/au1100fb.c b/drivers/video/au1100fb.c
index 80a81eccad36..832e4613673a 100644
--- a/drivers/video/au1100fb.c
+++ b/drivers/video/au1100fb.c
@@ -115,6 +115,52 @@ static int nocursor = 0;
module_param(nocursor, int, 0644);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(nocursor, "cursor enable/disable");
+/* fb_blank
+ * Blank the screen. Depending on the mode, the screen will be
+ * activated with the backlight color, or desactivated
+ */
+static int au1100fb_fb_blank(int blank_mode, struct fb_info *fbi)
+ struct au1100fb_device *fbdev = to_au1100fb_device(fbi);
+ print_dbg("fb_blank %d %p", blank_mode, fbi);
+ switch (blank_mode) {
+ /* Turn on panel */
+ fbdev->regs->lcd_control |= LCD_CONTROL_GO;
+#ifdef CONFIG_MIPS_PB1100
+ if (drv_info.panel_idx == 1) {
+ au_writew(au_readw(PB1100_G_CONTROL)
+ PB1100_G_CONTROL);
+ }
+ au_sync();
+ break;
+ /* Turn off panel */
+ fbdev->regs->lcd_control &= ~LCD_CONTROL_GO;
+#ifdef CONFIG_MIPS_PB1100
+ if (drv_info.panel_idx == 1) {
+ au_writew(au_readw(PB1100_G_CONTROL)
+ & ~(PB1100_G_CONTROL_BL | PB1100_G_CONTROL_VDD),
+ PB1100_G_CONTROL);
+ }
+ au_sync();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
* Set hardware with var settings. This will enable the controller with a specific
* mode, normally validated with the fb_check_var method
@@ -272,52 +318,6 @@ int au1100fb_fb_setcolreg(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green, unsigned
return 0;
-/* fb_blank
- * Blank the screen. Depending on the mode, the screen will be
- * activated with the backlight color, or desactivated
- */
-int au1100fb_fb_blank(int blank_mode, struct fb_info *fbi)
- struct au1100fb_device *fbdev = to_au1100fb_device(fbi);
- print_dbg("fb_blank %d %p", blank_mode, fbi);
- switch (blank_mode) {
- /* Turn on panel */
- fbdev->regs->lcd_control |= LCD_CONTROL_GO;
-#ifdef CONFIG_MIPS_PB1100
- if (drv_info.panel_idx == 1) {
- au_writew(au_readw(PB1100_G_CONTROL)
- PB1100_G_CONTROL);
- }
- au_sync();
- break;
- /* Turn off panel */
- fbdev->regs->lcd_control &= ~LCD_CONTROL_GO;
-#ifdef CONFIG_MIPS_PB1100
- if (drv_info.panel_idx == 1) {
- au_writew(au_readw(PB1100_G_CONTROL)
- & ~(PB1100_G_CONTROL_BL | PB1100_G_CONTROL_VDD),
- PB1100_G_CONTROL);
- }
- au_sync();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
/* fb_pan_display
* Pan display in x and/or y as specified
diff --git a/drivers/video/console/newport_con.c b/drivers/video/console/newport_con.c
index 7fa1afeae8dc..dda0586ab3f3 100644
--- a/drivers/video/console/newport_con.c
+++ b/drivers/video/console/newport_con.c
@@ -738,9 +738,8 @@ const struct consw newport_con = {
#ifdef MODULE
static int __init newport_console_init(void)
if (!sgi_gfxaddr)
- return NULL;
+ return 0;
if (!npregs)
npregs = (struct newport_regs *)/* ioremap cannot fail */
diff --git a/drivers/video/imsttfb.c b/drivers/video/imsttfb.c
index 5715b8ad0ddc..94f4511023d8 100644
--- a/drivers/video/imsttfb.c
+++ b/drivers/video/imsttfb.c
@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ init_imstt(struct fb_info *info)
-#if USE_NV_MODES && defined(CONFIG_PPC)
+#if USE_NV_MODES && defined(CONFIG_PPC32)
int vmode = init_vmode, cmode = init_cmode;
diff --git a/drivers/w1/w1_int.c b/drivers/w1/w1_int.c
index 2fbd8dd16df5..6840dfebe4d4 100644
--- a/drivers/w1/w1_int.c
+++ b/drivers/w1/w1_int.c
@@ -170,22 +170,24 @@ void __w1_remove_master_device(struct w1_master *dev)
void w1_remove_master_device(struct w1_bus_master *bm)
- struct w1_master *dev = NULL;
+ struct w1_master *dev, *found = NULL;
list_for_each_entry(dev, &w1_masters, w1_master_entry) {
if (!dev->initialized)
- if (dev->bus_master->data == bm->data)
+ if (dev->bus_master->data == bm->data) {
+ found = dev;
+ }
- if (!dev) {
+ if (!found) {
printk(KERN_ERR "Device doesn't exist.\n");
- __w1_remove_master_device(dev);
+ __w1_remove_master_device(found);
diff --git a/drivers/zorro/zorro-sysfs.c b/drivers/zorro/zorro-sysfs.c
index 9130f1c12c26..808b4f8675c5 100644
--- a/drivers/zorro/zorro-sysfs.c
+++ b/drivers/zorro/zorro-sysfs.c
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ static ssize_t zorro_read_config(struct kobject *kobj,
static struct bin_attribute zorro_config_attr = {
.attr = {
.name = "config",
- .mode = S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,
+ .mode = S_IRUGO,
.size = sizeof(struct ConfigDev),
.read = zorro_read_config,
diff --git a/fs/autofs4/root.c b/fs/autofs4/root.c
index 2d4c8a3e604e..45ff3d63b758 100644
--- a/fs/autofs4/root.c
+++ b/fs/autofs4/root.c
@@ -587,19 +587,20 @@ static struct dentry *autofs4_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, s
unhashed = autofs4_lookup_unhashed(sbi, dentry->d_parent, &dentry->d_name);
if (!unhashed) {
- * Mark the dentry incomplete, but add it. This is needed so
- * that the VFS layer knows about the dentry, and we can count
- * on catching any lookups through the revalidate.
- *
- * Let all the hard work be done by the revalidate function that
- * needs to be able to do this anyway..
- *
- * We need to do this before we release the directory semaphore.
+ * Mark the dentry incomplete but don't hash it. We do this
+ * to serialize our inode creation operations (symlink and
+ * mkdir) which prevents deadlock during the callback to
+ * the daemon. Subsequent user space lookups for the same
+ * dentry are placed on the wait queue while the daemon
+ * itself is allowed passage unresticted so the create
+ * operation itself can then hash the dentry. Finally,
+ * we check for the hashed dentry and return the newly
+ * hashed dentry.
dentry->d_op = &autofs4_root_dentry_operations;
dentry->d_fsdata = NULL;
- d_add(dentry, NULL);
+ d_instantiate(dentry, NULL);
} else {
struct autofs_info *ino = autofs4_dentry_ino(unhashed);
DPRINTK("rehash %p with %p", dentry, unhashed);
@@ -607,15 +608,17 @@ static struct dentry *autofs4_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, s
* If we are racing with expire the request might not
* be quite complete but the directory has been removed
* so it must have been successful, so just wait for it.
+ * We need to ensure the AUTOFS_INF_EXPIRING flag is clear
+ * before continuing as revalidate may fail when calling
+ * try_to_fill_dentry (returning EAGAIN) if we don't.
- if (ino && (ino->flags & AUTOFS_INF_EXPIRING)) {
+ while (ino && (ino->flags & AUTOFS_INF_EXPIRING)) {
DPRINTK("wait for incomplete expire %p name=%.*s",
unhashed, unhashed->d_name.len,
autofs4_wait(sbi, unhashed, NFY_NONE);
DPRINTK("request completed");
- d_rehash(unhashed);
dentry = unhashed;
@@ -658,7 +661,7 @@ static struct dentry *autofs4_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, s
* for all system calls, but it should be OK for the operations
* we permit from an autofs.
- if (dentry->d_inode && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
+ if (!oz_mode && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
* A user space application can (and has done in the past)
* remove and re-create this directory during the callback.
@@ -716,7 +719,7 @@ static int autofs4_dir_symlink(struct inode *dir,
strcpy(cp, symname);
inode = autofs4_get_inode(dir->i_sb, ino);
- d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
+ d_add(dentry, inode);
if (dir == dir->i_sb->s_root->d_inode)
dentry->d_op = &autofs4_root_dentry_operations;
@@ -844,7 +847,7 @@ static int autofs4_dir_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
return -ENOSPC;
inode = autofs4_get_inode(dir->i_sb, ino);
- d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
+ d_add(dentry, inode);
if (dir == dir->i_sb->s_root->d_inode)
dentry->d_op = &autofs4_root_dentry_operations;
diff --git a/fs/ecryptfs/inode.c b/fs/ecryptfs/inode.c
index 131954b3fb98..5d40ad13ab5c 100644
--- a/fs/ecryptfs/inode.c
+++ b/fs/ecryptfs/inode.c
@@ -357,6 +357,10 @@ static struct dentry *ecryptfs_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
ecryptfs_printk(KERN_DEBUG, "Is a special file; returning\n");
goto out;
+ if (special_file(lower_inode->i_mode)) {
+ ecryptfs_printk(KERN_DEBUG, "Is a special file; returning\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
if (!nd) {
ecryptfs_printk(KERN_DEBUG, "We have a NULL nd, just leave"
"as we *think* we are about to unlink\n");
diff --git a/fs/exec.c b/fs/exec.c
index ce62f7b65f17..c21a8cc06277 100644
--- a/fs/exec.c
+++ b/fs/exec.c
@@ -780,18 +780,11 @@ static int de_thread(struct task_struct *tsk)
int count;
- * Tell all the sighand listeners that this sighand has
- * been detached. The signalfd_detach() function grabs the
- * sighand lock, if signal listeners are present on the sighand.
- */
- signalfd_detach(tsk);
- /*
* If we don't share sighandlers, then we aren't sharing anything
* and we can just re-use it all.
if (atomic_read(&oldsighand->count) <= 1) {
- BUG_ON(atomic_read(&sig->count) != 1);
+ signalfd_detach(tsk);
return 0;
@@ -930,12 +923,11 @@ static int de_thread(struct task_struct *tsk)
sig->flags = 0;
+ signalfd_detach(tsk);
if (leader)
- BUG_ON(atomic_read(&sig->count) != 1);
if (atomic_read(&oldsighand->count) == 1) {
* Now that we nuked the rest of the thread group,
diff --git a/fs/signalfd.c b/fs/signalfd.c
index 7b941abbcde0..a8e293d30034 100644
--- a/fs/signalfd.c
+++ b/fs/signalfd.c
@@ -56,12 +56,18 @@ static int signalfd_lock(struct signalfd_ctx *ctx, struct signalfd_lockctx *lk)
sighand = lock_task_sighand(lk->tsk, &lk->flags);
- if (sighand && !ctx->tsk) {
+ if (!sighand)
+ return 0;
+ if (!ctx->tsk) {
unlock_task_sighand(lk->tsk, &lk->flags);
- sighand = NULL;
+ return 0;
- return sighand != NULL;
+ if (lk->tsk->tgid == current->tgid)
+ lk->tsk = current;
+ return 1;
static void signalfd_unlock(struct signalfd_lockctx *lk)
@@ -331,7 +337,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_signalfd(int ufd, sigset_t __user *user_mask, size_t sizemas
ctx->sigmask = sigmask;
- ctx->tsk = current;
+ ctx->tsk = current->group_leader;
sighand = current->sighand;
diff --git a/fs/sysfs/bin.c b/fs/sysfs/bin.c
index 135353f8a296..5afe2a26f5d8 100644
--- a/fs/sysfs/bin.c
+++ b/fs/sysfs/bin.c
@@ -248,12 +248,7 @@ int sysfs_create_bin_file(struct kobject * kobj, struct bin_attribute * attr)
void sysfs_remove_bin_file(struct kobject * kobj, struct bin_attribute * attr)
- if (sysfs_hash_and_remove(kobj->sd, attr-> < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: "
- "bad dentry or inode or no such file: \"%s\"\n",
- __FUNCTION__, attr->;
- dump_stack();
- }
+ sysfs_hash_and_remove(kobj->sd, attr->;
diff --git a/fs/sysfs/dir.c b/fs/sysfs/dir.c
index 048e6054c2fd..83e76b3813c9 100644
--- a/fs/sysfs/dir.c
+++ b/fs/sysfs/dir.c
@@ -762,12 +762,15 @@ static int sysfs_count_nlink(struct sysfs_dirent *sd)
static struct dentry * sysfs_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
struct nameidata *nd)
+ struct dentry *ret = NULL;
struct sysfs_dirent * parent_sd = dentry->d_parent->d_fsdata;
struct sysfs_dirent * sd;
struct bin_attribute *bin_attr;
struct inode *inode;
int found = 0;
+ mutex_lock(&sysfs_mutex);
for (sd = parent_sd->s_children; sd; sd = sd->s_sibling) {
if (sysfs_type(sd) &&
!strcmp(sd->s_name, dentry-> {
@@ -778,14 +781,14 @@ static struct dentry * sysfs_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
/* no such entry */
if (!found)
- return NULL;
+ goto out_unlock;
/* attach dentry and inode */
inode = sysfs_get_inode(sd);
- if (!inode)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- mutex_lock(&sysfs_mutex);
+ if (!inode) {
+ ret = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ goto out_unlock;
+ }
if (inode->i_state & I_NEW) {
/* initialize inode according to type */
@@ -815,9 +818,9 @@ static struct dentry * sysfs_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
sysfs_instantiate(dentry, inode);
sysfs_attach_dentry(sd, dentry);
+ out_unlock:
- return NULL;
+ return ret;
const struct inode_operations sysfs_dir_inode_operations = {
@@ -942,6 +945,8 @@ int sysfs_rename_dir(struct kobject *kobj, struct sysfs_dirent *new_parent_sd,
if (error)
goto out_drop;
+ mutex_lock(&sysfs_mutex);
dup_name = sd->s_name;
sd->s_name = new_name;
@@ -949,8 +954,6 @@ int sysfs_rename_dir(struct kobject *kobj, struct sysfs_dirent *new_parent_sd,
d_add(new_dentry, NULL);
d_move(sd->s_dentry, new_dentry);
- mutex_lock(&sysfs_mutex);
diff --git a/include/asm-i386/io.h b/include/asm-i386/io.h
index 7b65b5b00034..e8e0bd641120 100644
--- a/include/asm-i386/io.h
+++ b/include/asm-i386/io.h
@@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ extern void __iomem * __ioremap(unsigned long offset, unsigned long size, unsign
* writew/writel functions and the other mmio helpers. The returned
* address is not guaranteed to be usable directly as a virtual
* address.
+ *
+ * If the area you are trying to map is a PCI BAR you should have a
+ * look at pci_iomap().
static inline void __iomem * ioremap(unsigned long offset, unsigned long size)
diff --git a/include/asm-m68k/ioctls.h b/include/asm-m68k/ioctls.h
index 0c48929ab444..b8d2f4be7fd7 100644
--- a/include/asm-m68k/ioctls.h
+++ b/include/asm-m68k/ioctls.h
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
#define TIOCSBRK 0x5427 /* BSD compatibility */
#define TIOCCBRK 0x5428 /* BSD compatibility */
#define TIOCGSID 0x5429 /* Return the session ID of FD */
+#define TCGETS2 _IOR('T',0x2A, struct termios2)
+#define TCSETS2 _IOW('T',0x2B, struct termios2)
+#define TCSETSW2 _IOW('T',0x2C, struct termios2)
+#define TCSETSF2 _IOW('T',0x2D, struct termios2)
#define TIOCGPTN _IOR('T',0x30, unsigned int) /* Get Pty Number (of pty-mux device) */
#define TIOCSPTLCK _IOW('T',0x31, int) /* Lock/unlock Pty */
diff --git a/include/asm-m68k/page.h b/include/asm-m68k/page.h
index 9e6d0d6debdb..1431ea0b59e0 100644
--- a/include/asm-m68k/page.h
+++ b/include/asm-m68k/page.h
@@ -4,17 +4,15 @@
#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#include <linux/const.h>
/* PAGE_SHIFT determines the page size */
#ifndef CONFIG_SUN3
#define PAGE_SHIFT (12)
#define PAGE_SHIFT (13)
-#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
-#define PAGE_SIZE (1 << PAGE_SHIFT)
-#define PAGE_SIZE (1UL << PAGE_SHIFT)
+#define PAGE_SIZE (_AC(1, UL) << PAGE_SHIFT)
#define PAGE_MASK (~(PAGE_SIZE-1))
#include <asm/setup.h>
@@ -27,6 +25,8 @@
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <linux/compiler.h>
#include <asm/module.h>
#define get_user_page(vaddr) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL)
diff --git a/include/asm-m68k/processor.h b/include/asm-m68k/processor.h
index 8455f778b601..4453ec379c5d 100644
--- a/include/asm-m68k/processor.h
+++ b/include/asm-m68k/processor.h
@@ -38,12 +38,8 @@ static inline void wrusp(unsigned long usp)
#ifndef CONFIG_SUN3
#define TASK_SIZE (0xF0000000UL)
-#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
-#define TASK_SIZE (0x0E000000)
#define TASK_SIZE (0x0E000000UL)
/* This decides where the kernel will search for a free chunk of vm
* space during mmap's.
diff --git a/include/asm-m68k/termbits.h b/include/asm-m68k/termbits.h
index 0e520f328f53..8c14170996bb 100644
--- a/include/asm-m68k/termbits.h
+++ b/include/asm-m68k/termbits.h
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ struct ktermios {
#define HUPCL 0002000
#define CLOCAL 0004000
#define CBAUDEX 0010000
+#define BOTHER 0010000
#define B57600 0010001
#define B115200 0010002
#define B230400 0010003
@@ -156,10 +157,12 @@ struct ktermios {
#define B3000000 0010015
#define B3500000 0010016
#define B4000000 0010017
-#define CIBAUD 002003600000 /* input baud rate (not used) */
+#define CIBAUD 002003600000 /* input baud rate */
#define CMSPAR 010000000000 /* mark or space (stick) parity */
#define CRTSCTS 020000000000 /* flow control */
+#define IBSHIFT 16 /* Shift from CBAUD to CIBAUD */
/* c_lflag bits */
#define ISIG 0000001
#define ICANON 0000002
diff --git a/include/asm-m68k/termios.h b/include/asm-m68k/termios.h
index 00edabd76168..0823032e4045 100644
--- a/include/asm-m68k/termios.h
+++ b/include/asm-m68k/termios.h
@@ -82,8 +82,10 @@ struct termio {
copy_to_user((termio)->c_cc, (termios)->c_cc, NCC); \
-#define user_termios_to_kernel_termios(k, u) copy_from_user(k, u, sizeof(struct termios))
-#define kernel_termios_to_user_termios(u, k) copy_to_user(u, k, sizeof(struct termios))
+#define user_termios_to_kernel_termios(k, u) copy_from_user(k, u, sizeof(struct termios2))
+#define kernel_termios_to_user_termios(u, k) copy_to_user(u, k, sizeof(struct termios2))
+#define user_termios_to_kernel_termios_1(k, u) copy_from_user(k, u, sizeof(struct termios))
+#define kernel_termios_to_user_termios_1(u, k) copy_to_user(u, k, sizeof(struct termios))
#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
diff --git a/include/asm-m68knommu/pgtable.h b/include/asm-m68knommu/pgtable.h
index e1e6a1d2333a..46251016e821 100644
--- a/include/asm-m68knommu/pgtable.h
+++ b/include/asm-m68knommu/pgtable.h
@@ -65,4 +65,6 @@ extern unsigned int kobjsize(const void *objp);
#define VMALLOC_END 0xffffffff
+#include <asm-generic/pgtable.h>
#endif /* _M68KNOMMU_PGTABLE_H */
diff --git a/include/asm-s390/atomic.h b/include/asm-s390/atomic.h
index ea486952f778..2d184655bc5d 100644
--- a/include/asm-s390/atomic.h
+++ b/include/asm-s390/atomic.h
@@ -67,8 +67,17 @@ typedef struct {
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#define atomic_read(v) ((v)->counter)
-#define atomic_set(v,i) (((v)->counter) = (i))
+static inline int atomic_read(const atomic_t *v)
+ barrier();
+ return v->counter;
+static inline void atomic_set(atomic_t *v, int i)
+ v->counter = i;
+ barrier();
static __inline__ int atomic_add_return(int i, atomic_t * v)
@@ -182,8 +191,17 @@ typedef struct {
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#define atomic64_read(v) ((v)->counter)
-#define atomic64_set(v,i) (((v)->counter) = (i))
+static inline long long atomic64_read(const atomic64_t *v)
+ barrier();
+ return v->counter;
+static inline void atomic64_set(atomic64_t *v, long long i)
+ v->counter = i;
+ barrier();
static __inline__ long long atomic64_add_return(long long i, atomic64_t * v)
diff --git a/include/asm-s390/cio.h b/include/asm-s390/cio.h
index f738d2827582..1982fb344164 100644
--- a/include/asm-s390/cio.h
+++ b/include/asm-s390/cio.h
@@ -258,19 +258,6 @@ struct ciw {
/* Sick revalidation of device. */
#define CIO_REVALIDATE 0x0008
-struct diag210 {
- __u16 vrdcdvno : 16; /* device number (input) */
- __u16 vrdclen : 16; /* data block length (input) */
- __u32 vrdcvcla : 8; /* virtual device class (output) */
- __u32 vrdcvtyp : 8; /* virtual device type (output) */
- __u32 vrdcvsta : 8; /* virtual device status (output) */
- __u32 vrdcvfla : 8; /* virtual device flags (output) */
- __u32 vrdcrccl : 8; /* real device class (output) */
- __u32 vrdccrty : 8; /* real device type (output) */
- __u32 vrdccrmd : 8; /* real device model (output) */
- __u32 vrdccrft : 8; /* real device feature (output) */
-} __attribute__ ((packed,aligned(4)));
struct ccw_dev_id {
u8 ssid;
u16 devno;
@@ -285,8 +272,6 @@ static inline int ccw_dev_id_is_equal(struct ccw_dev_id *dev_id1,
return 0;
-extern int diag210(struct diag210 *addr);
extern void wait_cons_dev(void);
extern void css_schedule_reprobe(void);
diff --git a/include/asm-s390/diag.h b/include/asm-s390/diag.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..72b2e2f2d32d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/asm-s390/diag.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * s390 diagnose functions
+ *
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2007
+ * Author(s): Michael Holzheu <>
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_S390_DIAG_H
+#define _ASM_S390_DIAG_H
+ * Diagnose 10: Release pages
+ */
+extern void diag10(unsigned long addr);
+ * Diagnose 14: Input spool file manipulation
+ */
+extern int diag14(unsigned long rx, unsigned long ry1, unsigned long subcode);
+ * Diagnose 210: Get information about a virtual device
+ */
+struct diag210 {
+ u16 vrdcdvno; /* device number (input) */
+ u16 vrdclen; /* data block length (input) */
+ u8 vrdcvcla; /* virtual device class (output) */
+ u8 vrdcvtyp; /* virtual device type (output) */
+ u8 vrdcvsta; /* virtual device status (output) */
+ u8 vrdcvfla; /* virtual device flags (output) */
+ u8 vrdcrccl; /* real device class (output) */
+ u8 vrdccrty; /* real device type (output) */
+ u8 vrdccrmd; /* real device model (output) */
+ u8 vrdccrft; /* real device feature (output) */
+} __attribute__((packed, aligned(4)));
+extern int diag210(struct diag210 *addr);
+#endif /* _ASM_S390_DIAG_H */
diff --git a/include/asm-s390/pgalloc.h b/include/asm-s390/pgalloc.h
index 56c8a6c80e2e..e45d3c9a4b7e 100644
--- a/include/asm-s390/pgalloc.h
+++ b/include/asm-s390/pgalloc.h
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
#define check_pgt_cache() do {} while (0)
-extern void diag10(unsigned long addr);
* Page allocation orders.
diff --git a/include/asm-sparc64/percpu.h b/include/asm-sparc64/percpu.h
index caf8750792ff..a1f53a4da405 100644
--- a/include/asm-sparc64/percpu.h
+++ b/include/asm-sparc64/percpu.h
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include <linux/compiler.h>
+register unsigned long __local_per_cpu_offset asm("g5");
#define setup_per_cpu_areas() do { } while (0)
@@ -23,8 +25,6 @@ extern unsigned long __per_cpu_shift;
__typeof__(type) per_cpu__##name \
-register unsigned long __local_per_cpu_offset asm("g5");
/* var is in discarded region: offset to particular copy we want */
#define per_cpu(var, cpu) (*RELOC_HIDE(&per_cpu__##var, __per_cpu_offset(cpu)))
#define __get_cpu_var(var) (*RELOC_HIDE(&per_cpu__##var, __local_per_cpu_offset))
diff --git a/include/asm-sparc64/system.h b/include/asm-sparc64/system.h
index 64891cb10f05..3f175fa7e6d2 100644
--- a/include/asm-sparc64/system.h
+++ b/include/asm-sparc64/system.h
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ do { \
* not preserve it's value. Hairy, but it lets us remove 2 loads
* and 2 stores in this critical code path. -DaveM
-#define EXTRA_CLOBBER ,"%l1"
#define switch_to(prev, next, last) \
do { if (test_thread_flag(TIF_PERFCTR)) { \
unsigned long __tmp; \
@@ -164,33 +163,34 @@ do { if (test_thread_flag(TIF_PERFCTR)) { \
"stx %%i6, [%%sp + 2047 + 0x70]\n\t" \
"stx %%i7, [%%sp + 2047 + 0x78]\n\t" \
"rdpr %%wstate, %%o5\n\t" \
- "stx %%o6, [%%g6 + %3]\n\t" \
- "stb %%o5, [%%g6 + %2]\n\t" \
- "rdpr %%cwp, %%o5\n\t" \
+ "stx %%o6, [%%g6 + %6]\n\t" \
"stb %%o5, [%%g6 + %5]\n\t" \
- "mov %1, %%g6\n\t" \
- "ldub [%1 + %5], %%g1\n\t" \
+ "rdpr %%cwp, %%o5\n\t" \
+ "stb %%o5, [%%g6 + %8]\n\t" \
+ "mov %4, %%g6\n\t" \
+ "ldub [%4 + %8], %%g1\n\t" \
"wrpr %%g1, %%cwp\n\t" \
- "ldx [%%g6 + %3], %%o6\n\t" \
- "ldub [%%g6 + %2], %%o5\n\t" \
- "ldub [%%g6 + %4], %%o7\n\t" \
+ "ldx [%%g6 + %6], %%o6\n\t" \
+ "ldub [%%g6 + %5], %%o5\n\t" \
+ "ldub [%%g6 + %7], %%o7\n\t" \
"wrpr %%o5, 0x0, %%wstate\n\t" \
"ldx [%%sp + 2047 + 0x70], %%i6\n\t" \
"ldx [%%sp + 2047 + 0x78], %%i7\n\t" \
- "ldx [%%g6 + %6], %%g4\n\t" \
+ "ldx [%%g6 + %9], %%g4\n\t" \
"brz,pt %%o7, 1f\n\t" \
" mov %%g7, %0\n\t" \
"b,a ret_from_syscall\n\t" \
"1:\n\t" \
- : "=&r" (last) \
+ : "=&r" (last), "=r" (current), "=r" (current_thread_info_reg), \
+ "=r" (__local_per_cpu_offset) \
: "0" (task_thread_info(next)), \
"i" (TI_WSTATE), "i" (TI_KSP), "i" (TI_NEW_CHILD), \
"i" (TI_CWP), "i" (TI_TASK) \
: "cc", \
"g1", "g2", "g3", "g7", \
- "l2", "l3", "l4", "l5", "l6", "l7", \
+ "l1", "l2", "l3", "l4", "l5", "l6", "l7", \
"i0", "i1", "i2", "i3", "i4", "i5", \
- "o0", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4", "o5", "o7" EXTRA_CLOBBER);\
+ "o0", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4", "o5", "o7"); \
/* If you fuck with this, update ret_from_syscall code too. */ \
if (test_thread_flag(TIF_PERFCTR)) { \
write_pcr(current_thread_info()->pcr_reg); \
diff --git a/include/linux/audit.h b/include/linux/audit.h
index 4bbd8601b8f0..d6579df8dadf 100644
--- a/include/linux/audit.h
+++ b/include/linux/audit.h
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
#define AUDIT_ADD_RULE 1011 /* Add syscall filtering rule */
#define AUDIT_DEL_RULE 1012 /* Delete syscall filtering rule */
#define AUDIT_LIST_RULES 1013 /* List syscall filtering rules */
-#define AUDIT_TTY_GET 1014 /* Get TTY auditing status */
-#define AUDIT_TTY_SET 1015 /* Set TTY auditing status */
+#define AUDIT_TTY_GET 1016 /* Get TTY auditing status */
+#define AUDIT_TTY_SET 1017 /* Set TTY auditing status */
#define AUDIT_FIRST_USER_MSG 1100 /* Userspace messages mostly uninteresting to kernel */
#define AUDIT_USER_AVC 1107 /* We filter this differently */
diff --git a/include/linux/kbd_kern.h b/include/linux/kbd_kern.h
index 506ad20c18f8..8bdb16bfe5fb 100644
--- a/include/linux/kbd_kern.h
+++ b/include/linux/kbd_kern.h
@@ -161,4 +161,7 @@ static inline void con_schedule_flip(struct tty_struct *t)
schedule_delayed_work(&t->, 0);
+/* mac_hid.c */
+extern int mac_hid_mouse_emulate_buttons(int, unsigned int, int);
diff --git a/include/linux/mempolicy.h b/include/linux/mempolicy.h
index e147cf50529f..5bdd656e88cf 100644
--- a/include/linux/mempolicy.h
+++ b/include/linux/mempolicy.h
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ extern enum zone_type policy_zone;
static inline void check_highest_zone(enum zone_type k)
- if (k > policy_zone)
+ if (k > policy_zone && k != ZONE_MOVABLE)
policy_zone = k;
diff --git a/include/linux/mm.h b/include/linux/mm.h
index 655094dc9440..1692dd6cb915 100644
--- a/include/linux/mm.h
+++ b/include/linux/mm.h
@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ static inline void vma_nonlinear_insert(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
/* mmap.c */
-extern int __vm_enough_memory(long pages, int cap_sys_admin);
+extern int __vm_enough_memory(struct mm_struct *mm, long pages, int cap_sys_admin);
extern void vma_adjust(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long start,
unsigned long end, pgoff_t pgoff, struct vm_area_struct *insert);
extern struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(struct mm_struct *,
diff --git a/include/linux/mmzone.h b/include/linux/mmzone.h
index 3ea68cd3b61f..4e5627379b09 100644
--- a/include/linux/mmzone.h
+++ b/include/linux/mmzone.h
@@ -410,6 +410,24 @@ struct zonelist {
+ * Only custom zonelists like MPOL_BIND need to be filtered as part of
+ * policies. As described in the comment for struct zonelist_cache, these
+ * zonelists will not have a zlcache so zlcache_ptr will not be set. Use
+ * that to determine if the zonelists needs to be filtered or not.
+ */
+static inline int alloc_should_filter_zonelist(struct zonelist *zonelist)
+ return !zonelist->zlcache_ptr;
+static inline int alloc_should_filter_zonelist(struct zonelist *zonelist)
+ return 0;
+#endif /* CONFIG_NUMA */
struct node_active_region {
unsigned long start_pfn;
diff --git a/include/linux/pci.h b/include/linux/pci.h
index e7d8d4e19a53..038a0dc7273a 100644
--- a/include/linux/pci.h
+++ b/include/linux/pci.h
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ int pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(struct pci_dev *dev, u64 mask);
int pcix_get_max_mmrbc(struct pci_dev *dev);
int pcix_get_mmrbc(struct pci_dev *dev);
int pcix_set_mmrbc(struct pci_dev *dev, int mmrbc);
+int pcie_get_readrq(struct pci_dev *dev);
int pcie_set_readrq(struct pci_dev *dev, int rq);
void pci_update_resource(struct pci_dev *dev, struct resource *res, int resno);
int __must_check pci_assign_resource(struct pci_dev *dev, int i);
@@ -578,6 +579,9 @@ int pci_set_power_state(struct pci_dev *dev, pci_power_t state);
pci_power_t pci_choose_state(struct pci_dev *dev, pm_message_t state);
int pci_enable_wake(struct pci_dev *dev, pci_power_t state, int enable);
+/* Functions for PCI Hotplug drivers to use */
+int pci_bus_find_capability (struct pci_bus *bus, unsigned int devfn, int cap);
/* Helper functions for low-level code (drivers/pci/setup-[bus,res].c) */
void pci_bus_assign_resources(struct pci_bus *bus);
void pci_bus_size_bridges(struct pci_bus *bus);
diff --git a/include/linux/pci_ids.h b/include/linux/pci_ids.h
index 07fc57429b58..f77944e432f2 100644
--- a/include/linux/pci_ids.h
+++ b/include/linux/pci_ids.h
@@ -360,6 +360,9 @@
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RS400_166 0x5a32
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RS400_200 0x5a33
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RS480 0x5950
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RD580 0x5952
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RX790 0x5957
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RS690 0x7910
/* ATI IXP Chipset */
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_IXP200_IDE 0x4349
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_IXP200_SMBUS 0x4353
@@ -2092,8 +2095,10 @@
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8568 0x0021
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8567E 0x0022
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8567 0x0023
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8544E 0x0030
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8544 0x0031
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8533E 0x0030
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8533 0x0031
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8544E 0x0032
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8544 0x0033
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8641 0x7010
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_MPC8641D 0x7011
diff --git a/include/linux/security.h b/include/linux/security.h
index c11dc8aa0351..1a15526e9f67 100644
--- a/include/linux/security.h
+++ b/include/linux/security.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ extern int cap_inode_removexattr(struct dentry *dentry, char *name);
extern int cap_task_post_setuid (uid_t old_ruid, uid_t old_euid, uid_t old_suid, int flags);
extern void cap_task_reparent_to_init (struct task_struct *p);
extern int cap_syslog (int type);
-extern int cap_vm_enough_memory (long pages);
+extern int cap_vm_enough_memory (struct mm_struct *mm, long pages);
struct msghdr;
struct sk_buff;
@@ -1125,6 +1125,7 @@ struct request_sock;
* Return 0 if permission is granted.
* @vm_enough_memory:
* Check permissions for allocating a new virtual mapping.
+ * @mm contains the mm struct it is being added to.
* @pages contains the number of pages.
* Return 0 if permission is granted.
@@ -1169,7 +1170,7 @@ struct security_operations {
int (*quota_on) (struct dentry * dentry);
int (*syslog) (int type);
int (*settime) (struct timespec *ts, struct timezone *tz);
- int (*vm_enough_memory) (long pages);
+ int (*vm_enough_memory) (struct mm_struct *mm, long pages);
int (*bprm_alloc_security) (struct linux_binprm * bprm);
void (*bprm_free_security) (struct linux_binprm * bprm);
@@ -1469,10 +1470,14 @@ static inline int security_settime(struct timespec *ts, struct timezone *tz)
return security_ops->settime(ts, tz);
static inline int security_vm_enough_memory(long pages)
- return security_ops->vm_enough_memory(pages);
+ return security_ops->vm_enough_memory(current->mm, pages);
+static inline int security_vm_enough_memory_mm(struct mm_struct *mm, long pages)
+ return security_ops->vm_enough_memory(mm, pages);
static inline int security_bprm_alloc (struct linux_binprm *bprm)
@@ -2219,7 +2224,12 @@ static inline int security_settime(struct timespec *ts, struct timezone *tz)
static inline int security_vm_enough_memory(long pages)
- return cap_vm_enough_memory(pages);
+ return cap_vm_enough_memory(current->mm, pages);
+static inline int security_vm_enough_memory_mm(struct mm_struct *mm, long pages)
+ return cap_vm_enough_memory(mm, pages);
static inline int security_bprm_alloc (struct linux_binprm *bprm)
diff --git a/include/linux/selection.h b/include/linux/selection.h
index ed3408b400f1..f9457861937c 100644
--- a/include/linux/selection.h
+++ b/include/linux/selection.h
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
#include <linux/tiocl.h>
#include <linux/vt_buffer.h>
+struct tty_struct;
extern struct vc_data *sel_cons;
extern void clear_selection(void);
diff --git a/include/linux/serial_reg.h b/include/linux/serial_reg.h
index 1c5ed7d92b0f..96c0d93fc2ca 100644
--- a/include/linux/serial_reg.h
+++ b/include/linux/serial_reg.h
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
#define UART_LSR_PE 0x04 /* Parity error indicator */
#define UART_LSR_OE 0x02 /* Overrun error indicator */
#define UART_LSR_DR 0x01 /* Receiver data ready */
+#define UART_LSR_BRK_ERROR_BITS 0x1E /* BI, FE, PE, OE bits */
#define UART_MSR 6 /* In: Modem Status Register */
#define UART_MSR_DCD 0x80 /* Data Carrier Detect */
diff --git a/kernel/auditsc.c b/kernel/auditsc.c
index 3401293359e8..04f3ffb8d9d4 100644
--- a/kernel/auditsc.c
+++ b/kernel/auditsc.c
@@ -2023,7 +2023,7 @@ int __audit_signal_info(int sig, struct task_struct *t)
axp-> = ctx->aux_pids;
ctx->aux_pids = (void *)axp;
- BUG_ON(axp->pid_count > AUDIT_AUX_PIDS);
+ BUG_ON(axp->pid_count >= AUDIT_AUX_PIDS);
axp->target_pid[axp->pid_count] = t->tgid;
selinux_get_task_sid(t, &axp->target_sid[axp->pid_count]);
diff --git a/kernel/futex.c b/kernel/futex.c
index 3415e9ad1391..e8935b195e88 100644
--- a/kernel/futex.c
+++ b/kernel/futex.c
@@ -1670,6 +1670,7 @@ pi_faulted:
if (ret)
goto out;
+ uval = 0;
goto retry_unlocked;
diff --git a/kernel/irq/manage.c b/kernel/irq/manage.c
index 203a518b6f14..853aefbd184b 100644
--- a/kernel/irq/manage.c
+++ b/kernel/irq/manage.c
@@ -462,7 +462,9 @@ void free_irq(unsigned int irq, void *dev_id)
* We do this after actually deregistering it, to make sure that
* a 'real' IRQ doesn't run in parallel with our fake
+ local_irq_save(flags);
handler(irq, dev_id);
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
diff --git a/kernel/module.c b/kernel/module.c
index 33c04ad51175..db0ead0363e2 100644
--- a/kernel/module.c
+++ b/kernel/module.c
@@ -784,8 +784,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(symbol_put_addr);
static ssize_t show_refcnt(struct module_attribute *mattr,
struct module *mod, char *buffer)
- /* sysfs holds a reference */
- return sprintf(buffer, "%u\n", module_refcount(mod)-1);
+ return sprintf(buffer, "%u\n", module_refcount(mod));
static struct module_attribute refcnt = {
diff --git a/kernel/posix-timers.c b/kernel/posix-timers.c
index 55b3761edaa9..7a15afb73ed0 100644
--- a/kernel/posix-timers.c
+++ b/kernel/posix-timers.c
@@ -547,9 +547,9 @@ sys_timer_create(const clockid_t which_clock,
new_timer->it_process = process;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&process->sighand->siglock, flags);
if (new_timer->it_sigev_notify == (SIGEV_SIGNAL|SIGEV_THREAD_ID))
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&process->sighand->siglock, flags);
} else {
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&process->sighand->siglock, flags);
process = NULL;
@@ -605,13 +605,14 @@ static struct k_itimer * lock_timer(timer_t timer_id, unsigned long *flags)
timr = (struct k_itimer *) idr_find(&posix_timers_id, (int) timer_id);
if (timr) {
- spin_unlock(&idr_lock);
if ((timr->it_id != timer_id) || !(timr->it_process) ||
timr->it_process->tgid != current->tgid) {
- unlock_timer(timr, *flags);
+ spin_unlock(&timr->it_lock);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&idr_lock, *flags);
timr = NULL;
- }
+ } else
+ spin_unlock(&idr_lock);
} else
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&idr_lock, *flags);
diff --git a/kernel/printk.c b/kernel/printk.c
index 5c7c325b29cc..8451dfc31d25 100644
--- a/kernel/printk.c
+++ b/kernel/printk.c
@@ -1085,10 +1085,12 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(unregister_console);
static int __init disable_boot_consoles(void)
- if (console_drivers->flags & CON_BOOT) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "turn off boot console %s%d\n",
- console_drivers->name, console_drivers->index);
- return unregister_console(console_drivers);
+ if (console_drivers != NULL) {
+ if (console_drivers->flags & CON_BOOT) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "turn off boot console %s%d\n",
+ console_drivers->name, console_drivers->index);
+ return unregister_console(console_drivers);
+ }
return 0;
diff --git a/kernel/signal.c b/kernel/signal.c
index b27c01a66448..ad63109e413c 100644
--- a/kernel/signal.c
+++ b/kernel/signal.c
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ int dequeue_signal(struct task_struct *tsk, sigset_t *mask, siginfo_t *info)
/* We only dequeue private signals from ourselves, we don't let
* signalfd steal them
- if (tsk == current)
+ if (likely(tsk == current))
signr = __dequeue_signal(&tsk->pending, mask, info);
if (!signr) {
signr = __dequeue_signal(&tsk->signal->shared_pending,
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ int dequeue_signal(struct task_struct *tsk, sigset_t *mask, siginfo_t *info)
if (!(tsk->signal->flags & SIGNAL_GROUP_EXIT))
tsk->signal->flags |= SIGNAL_STOP_DEQUEUED;
- if ( signr &&
+ if (signr && likely(tsk == current) &&
((info->si_code & __SI_MASK) == __SI_TIMER) &&
diff --git a/lib/Kconfig b/lib/Kconfig
index e5c2c514174a..ba3d104994d9 100644
--- a/lib/Kconfig
+++ b/lib/Kconfig
@@ -138,4 +138,7 @@ config HAS_DMA
depends on !NO_DMA
default y
+ bool
diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
index d9e5f1cd0bfb..6b0ba8cf4e5f 100644
--- a/lib/Makefile
+++ b/lib/Makefile
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ CFLAGS_kobject_uevent.o += -DDEBUG
obj-$(CONFIG_GENERIC_IOMAP) += iomap.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_HAS_IOMEM) += iomap_copy.o devres.o check_signature.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_HAS_IOMEM) += iomap_copy.o devres.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CHECK_SIGNATURE) += check_signature.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCKING_API_SELFTESTS) += locking-selftest.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK) += spinlock_debug.o
lib-$(CONFIG_RWSEM_GENERIC_SPINLOCK) += rwsem-spinlock.o
diff --git a/lib/iomap.c b/lib/iomap.c
index a57d262a5ed9..864f2ec1966e 100644
--- a/lib/iomap.c
+++ b/lib/iomap.c
@@ -240,7 +240,20 @@ void ioport_unmap(void __iomem *addr)
-/* Create a virtual mapping cookie for a PCI BAR (memory or IO) */
+ * pci_iomap - create a virtual mapping cookie for a PCI BAR
+ * @dev: PCI device that owns the BAR
+ * @bar: BAR number
+ * @maxlen: length of the memory to map
+ *
+ * Using this function you will get a __iomem address to your device BAR.
+ * You can access it using ioread*() and iowrite*(). These functions hide
+ * the details if this is a MMIO or PIO address space and will just do what
+ * you expect from them in the correct way.
+ *
+ * @maxlen specifies the maximum length to map. If you want to get access to
+ * the complete BAR without checking for its length first, pass %0 here.
+ * */
void __iomem *pci_iomap(struct pci_dev *dev, int bar, unsigned long maxlen)
unsigned long start = pci_resource_start(dev, bar);
diff --git a/mm/hugetlb.c b/mm/hugetlb.c
index d7ca59d66c59..de4cf458d6e1 100644
--- a/mm/hugetlb.c
+++ b/mm/hugetlb.c
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ int follow_hugetlb_page(struct mm_struct *mm, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
ret = hugetlb_fault(mm, vma, vaddr, 0);
- if (!(ret & VM_FAULT_MAJOR))
+ if (!(ret & VM_FAULT_ERROR))
remainder = 0;
diff --git a/mm/mempolicy.c b/mm/mempolicy.c
index 71b84b45154a..172abffeb2e3 100644
--- a/mm/mempolicy.c
+++ b/mm/mempolicy.c
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ static struct zonelist *bind_zonelist(nodemask_t *nodes)
lower zones etc. Avoid empty zones because the memory allocator
doesn't like them. If you implement node hot removal you
have to fix that. */
- k = policy_zone;
+ k = MAX_NR_ZONES - 1;
while (1) {
for_each_node_mask(nd, *nodes) {
struct zone *z = &NODE_DATA(nd)->node_zones[k];
diff --git a/mm/mmap.c b/mm/mmap.c
index b6537211b9cc..0d40e66c841b 100644
--- a/mm/mmap.c
+++ b/mm/mmap.c
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ atomic_t vm_committed_space = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
* Note this is a helper function intended to be used by LSMs which
* wish to use this logic.
-int __vm_enough_memory(long pages, int cap_sys_admin)
+int __vm_enough_memory(struct mm_struct *mm, long pages, int cap_sys_admin)
unsigned long free, allowed;
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ int __vm_enough_memory(long pages, int cap_sys_admin)
/* Don't let a single process grow too big:
leave 3% of the size of this process for other processes */
- allowed -= current->mm->total_vm / 32;
+ allowed -= mm->total_vm / 32;
* cast `allowed' as a signed long because vm_committed_space
@@ -2077,7 +2077,7 @@ int insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct * mm, struct vm_area_struct * vma)
if (__vma && __vma->vm_start < vma->vm_end)
return -ENOMEM;
if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_ACCOUNT) &&
- security_vm_enough_memory(vma_pages(vma)))
+ security_vm_enough_memory_mm(mm, vma_pages(vma)))
return -ENOMEM;
vma_link(mm, vma, prev, rb_link, rb_parent);
return 0;
diff --git a/mm/nommu.c b/mm/nommu.c
index 9eef6a398555..8ed0cb43118a 100644
--- a/mm/nommu.c
+++ b/mm/nommu.c
@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(get_unmapped_area);
* Note this is a helper function intended to be used by LSMs which
* wish to use this logic.
-int __vm_enough_memory(long pages, int cap_sys_admin)
+int __vm_enough_memory(struct mm_struct *mm, long pages, int cap_sys_admin)
unsigned long free, allowed;
diff --git a/mm/page_alloc.c b/mm/page_alloc.c
index 3da85b81dabb..6427653023aa 100644
--- a/mm/page_alloc.c
+++ b/mm/page_alloc.c
@@ -1157,6 +1157,7 @@ get_page_from_freelist(gfp_t gfp_mask, unsigned int order,
nodemask_t *allowednodes = NULL;/* zonelist_cache approximation */
int zlc_active = 0; /* set if using zonelist_cache */
int did_zlc_setup = 0; /* just call zlc_setup() one time */
+ enum zone_type highest_zoneidx = -1; /* Gets set for policy zonelists */
@@ -1166,6 +1167,18 @@ zonelist_scan:
z = zonelist->zones;
do {
+ /*
+ * In NUMA, this could be a policy zonelist which contains
+ * zones that may not be allowed by the current gfp_mask.
+ * Check the zone is allowed by the current flags
+ */
+ if (unlikely(alloc_should_filter_zonelist(zonelist))) {
+ if (highest_zoneidx == -1)
+ highest_zoneidx = gfp_zone(gfp_mask);
+ if (zone_idx(*z) > highest_zoneidx)
+ continue;
+ }
if (NUMA_BUILD && zlc_active &&
!zlc_zone_worth_trying(zonelist, z, allowednodes))
diff --git a/mm/slab.c b/mm/slab.c
index a684778b2b41..6f6abef83a1a 100644
--- a/mm/slab.c
+++ b/mm/slab.c
@@ -883,6 +883,7 @@ static void __slab_error(const char *function, struct kmem_cache *cachep,
static int use_alien_caches __read_mostly = 1;
+static int numa_platform __read_mostly = 1;
static int __init noaliencache_setup(char *s)
use_alien_caches = 0;
@@ -1399,8 +1400,10 @@ void __init kmem_cache_init(void)
int order;
int node;
- if (num_possible_nodes() == 1)
+ if (num_possible_nodes() == 1) {
use_alien_caches = 0;
+ numa_platform = 0;
+ }
for (i = 0; i < NUM_INIT_LISTS; i++) {
@@ -3558,7 +3561,14 @@ static inline void __cache_free(struct kmem_cache *cachep, void *objp)
objp = cache_free_debugcheck(cachep, objp, __builtin_return_address(0));
- if (cache_free_alien(cachep, objp))
+ /*
+ * Skip calling cache_free_alien() when the platform is not numa.
+ * This will avoid cache misses that happen while accessing slabp (which
+ * is per page memory reference) to get nodeid. Instead use a global
+ * variable to skip the call, which is mostly likely to be present in
+ * the cache.
+ */
+ if (numa_platform && cache_free_alien(cachep, objp))
if (likely(ac->avail < ac->limit)) {
diff --git a/mm/slub.c b/mm/slub.c
index 69d02e3e439e..04151da399c6 100644
--- a/mm/slub.c
+++ b/mm/slub.c
@@ -1877,9 +1877,16 @@ static struct kmem_cache_node * __init early_kmem_cache_node_alloc(gfp_t gfpflag
BUG_ON(kmalloc_caches->size < sizeof(struct kmem_cache_node));
- page = new_slab(kmalloc_caches, gfpflags | GFP_THISNODE, node);
+ page = new_slab(kmalloc_caches, gfpflags, node);
+ if (page_to_nid(page) != node) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "SLUB: Unable to allocate memory from "
+ "node %d\n", node);
+ printk(KERN_ERR "SLUB: Allocating a useless per node structure "
+ "in order to be able to continue\n");
+ }
n = page->freelist;
page->freelist = get_freepointer(kmalloc_caches, n);
@@ -3112,7 +3119,7 @@ static int list_locations(struct kmem_cache *s, char *buf,
unsigned long flags;
struct page *page;
- if (!atomic_read(&n->nr_slabs))
+ if (!atomic_long_read(&n->nr_slabs))
spin_lock_irqsave(&n->list_lock, flags);
@@ -3247,7 +3254,7 @@ static unsigned long slab_objects(struct kmem_cache *s,
if (flags & SO_FULL) {
- int full_slabs = atomic_read(&n->nr_slabs)
+ int full_slabs = atomic_long_read(&n->nr_slabs)
- per_cpu[node]
- n->nr_partial;
@@ -3283,7 +3290,7 @@ static int any_slab_objects(struct kmem_cache *s)
for_each_node(node) {
struct kmem_cache_node *n = get_node(s, node);
- if (n->nr_partial || atomic_read(&n->nr_slabs))
+ if (n->nr_partial || atomic_long_read(&n->nr_slabs))
return 1;
return 0;
diff --git a/mm/sparse.c b/mm/sparse.c
index 3047bf06c1f3..239f5a720d38 100644
--- a/mm/sparse.c
+++ b/mm/sparse.c
@@ -41,6 +41,15 @@ int page_to_nid(struct page *page)
return section_to_node_table[page_to_section(page)];
+static void set_section_nid(unsigned long section_nr, int nid)
+ section_to_node_table[section_nr] = nid;
+#else /* !NODE_NOT_IN_PAGE_FLAGS */
+static inline void set_section_nid(unsigned long section_nr, int nid)
@@ -68,10 +77,6 @@ static int __meminit sparse_index_init(unsigned long section_nr, int nid)
struct mem_section *section;
int ret = 0;
- section_to_node_table[section_nr] = nid;
if (mem_section[root])
return -EEXIST;
@@ -148,6 +153,7 @@ void __init memory_present(int nid, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
struct mem_section *ms;
sparse_index_init(section, nid);
+ set_section_nid(section, nid);
ms = __nr_to_section(section);
if (!ms->section_mem_map)
diff --git a/mm/vmscan.c b/mm/vmscan.c
index d419e10e3daa..a6e65d024995 100644
--- a/mm/vmscan.c
+++ b/mm/vmscan.c
@@ -271,6 +271,12 @@ static void handle_write_error(struct address_space *mapping,
+/* Request for sync pageout. */
+enum pageout_io {
/* possible outcome of pageout() */
typedef enum {
/* failed to write page out, page is locked */
@@ -287,7 +293,8 @@ typedef enum {
* pageout is called by shrink_page_list() for each dirty page.
* Calls ->writepage().
-static pageout_t pageout(struct page *page, struct address_space *mapping)
+static pageout_t pageout(struct page *page, struct address_space *mapping,
+ enum pageout_io sync_writeback)
* If the page is dirty, only perform writeback if that write
@@ -346,6 +353,15 @@ static pageout_t pageout(struct page *page, struct address_space *mapping)
+ /*
+ * Wait on writeback if requested to. This happens when
+ * direct reclaiming a large contiguous area and the
+ * first attempt to free a range of pages fails.
+ */
+ if (PageWriteback(page) && sync_writeback == PAGEOUT_IO_SYNC)
+ wait_on_page_writeback(page);
if (!PageWriteback(page)) {
/* synchronous write or broken a_ops? */
@@ -423,7 +439,8 @@ cannot_free:
* shrink_page_list() returns the number of reclaimed pages
static unsigned long shrink_page_list(struct list_head *page_list,
- struct scan_control *sc)
+ struct scan_control *sc,
+ enum pageout_io sync_writeback)
struct pagevec freed_pvec;
@@ -458,8 +475,23 @@ static unsigned long shrink_page_list(struct list_head *page_list,
if (page_mapped(page) || PageSwapCache(page))
- if (PageWriteback(page))
- goto keep_locked;
+ may_enter_fs = (sc->gfp_mask & __GFP_FS) ||
+ (PageSwapCache(page) && (sc->gfp_mask & __GFP_IO));
+ if (PageWriteback(page)) {
+ /*
+ * Synchronous reclaim is performed in two passes,
+ * first an asynchronous pass over the list to
+ * start parallel writeback, and a second synchronous
+ * pass to wait for the IO to complete. Wait here
+ * for any page for which writeback has already
+ * started.
+ */
+ if (sync_writeback == PAGEOUT_IO_SYNC && may_enter_fs)
+ wait_on_page_writeback(page);
+ else
+ goto keep_locked;
+ }
referenced = page_referenced(page, 1);
/* In active use or really unfreeable? Activate it. */
@@ -478,8 +510,6 @@ static unsigned long shrink_page_list(struct list_head *page_list,
#endif /* CONFIG_SWAP */
mapping = page_mapping(page);
- may_enter_fs = (sc->gfp_mask & __GFP_FS) ||
- (PageSwapCache(page) && (sc->gfp_mask & __GFP_IO));
* The page is mapped into the page tables of one or more
@@ -505,7 +535,7 @@ static unsigned long shrink_page_list(struct list_head *page_list,
goto keep_locked;
/* Page is dirty, try to write it out here */
- switch(pageout(page, mapping)) {
+ switch (pageout(page, mapping, sync_writeback)) {
goto keep_locked;
@@ -777,6 +807,7 @@ static unsigned long shrink_inactive_list(unsigned long max_scan,
nr_active = clear_active_flags(&page_list);
+ __count_vm_events(PGDEACTIVATE, nr_active);
__mod_zone_page_state(zone, NR_ACTIVE, -nr_active);
__mod_zone_page_state(zone, NR_INACTIVE,
@@ -785,7 +816,29 @@ static unsigned long shrink_inactive_list(unsigned long max_scan,
nr_scanned += nr_scan;
- nr_freed = shrink_page_list(&page_list, sc);
+ nr_freed = shrink_page_list(&page_list, sc, PAGEOUT_IO_ASYNC);
+ /*
+ * If we are direct reclaiming for contiguous pages and we do
+ * not reclaim everything in the list, try again and wait
+ * for IO to complete. This will stall high-order allocations
+ * but that should be acceptable to the caller
+ */
+ if (nr_freed < nr_taken && !current_is_kswapd() &&
+ sc->order > PAGE_ALLOC_COSTLY_ORDER) {
+ congestion_wait(WRITE, HZ/10);
+ /*
+ * The attempt at page out may have made some
+ * of the pages active, mark them inactive again.
+ */
+ nr_active = clear_active_flags(&page_list);
+ count_vm_events(PGDEACTIVATE, nr_active);
+ nr_freed += shrink_page_list(&page_list, sc,
+ }
nr_reclaimed += nr_freed;
if (current_is_kswapd()) {
diff --git a/net/802/psnap.c b/net/802/psnap.c
index 04ee43e7538f..31128cb92a23 100644
--- a/net/802/psnap.c
+++ b/net/802/psnap.c
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ static int snap_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
.type = __constant_htons(ETH_P_SNAP),
+ if (unlikely(!pskb_may_pull(skb, 5)))
+ goto drop;
proto = find_snap_client(skb_transport_header(skb));
if (proto) {
@@ -62,14 +65,18 @@ static int snap_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
skb->transport_header += 5;
skb_pull_rcsum(skb, 5);
rc = proto->rcvfunc(skb, dev, &snap_packet_type, orig_dev);
- } else {
- skb->sk = NULL;
- kfree_skb(skb);
- rc = 1;
+ if (unlikely(!proto))
+ goto drop;
return rc;
+ kfree_skb(skb);
+ goto out;
diff --git a/net/dccp/ccids/ccid2.c b/net/dccp/ccids/ccid2.c
index 248d20f4c7c4..d29b88fe723c 100644
--- a/net/dccp/ccids/ccid2.c
+++ b/net/dccp/ccids/ccid2.c
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ static void ccid2_hc_tx_packet_sent(struct sock *sk, int more, unsigned int len)
int rc;
ccid2_pr_debug("allocating more space in history\n");
- rc = ccid2_hc_tx_alloc_seq(hctx, CCID2_SEQBUF_LEN, GFP_KERNEL);
+ rc = ccid2_hc_tx_alloc_seq(hctx, CCID2_SEQBUF_LEN, gfp_any());
BUG_ON(rc); /* XXX what do we do? */
next = hctx->ccid2hctx_seqh->ccid2s_next;
diff --git a/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c b/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c
index 50d86e94d9ed..5dead399fe64 100644
--- a/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c
+++ b/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ slow_path:
* Copy a block of the IP datagram.
- if (skb_copy_bits(skb, ptr, skb_transport_header(skb), len))
+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb, ptr, skb_transport_header(frag), len))
left -= len;
diff --git a/net/irda/irmod.c b/net/irda/irmod.c
index 1900937b3328..8ba703da2797 100644
--- a/net/irda/irmod.c
+++ b/net/irda/irmod.c
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ static int __init irda_init(void)
diff --git a/net/irda/irnetlink.c b/net/irda/irnetlink.c
index 694ea4d92fa8..1e429c929739 100644
--- a/net/irda/irnetlink.c
+++ b/net/irda/irnetlink.c
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static int irda_nl_get_mode(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info)
if(nla_put_string(msg, IRDA_NL_ATTR_IFNAME,
- dev->name));
+ dev->name))
goto err_out;
if(nla_put_u32(msg, IRDA_NL_ATTR_MODE, irlap->mode))
diff --git a/security/commoncap.c b/security/commoncap.c
index 338606eb7238..7520361663e8 100644
--- a/security/commoncap.c
+++ b/security/commoncap.c
@@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ int cap_syslog (int type)
return 0;
-int cap_vm_enough_memory(long pages)
+int cap_vm_enough_memory(struct mm_struct *mm, long pages)
int cap_sys_admin = 0;
if (cap_capable(current, CAP_SYS_ADMIN) == 0)
cap_sys_admin = 1;
- return __vm_enough_memory(pages, cap_sys_admin);
+ return __vm_enough_memory(mm, pages, cap_sys_admin);
diff --git a/security/dummy.c b/security/dummy.c
index 19d813d5e083..853ec2292798 100644
--- a/security/dummy.c
+++ b/security/dummy.c
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ static int dummy_settime(struct timespec *ts, struct timezone *tz)
return 0;
-static int dummy_vm_enough_memory(long pages)
+static int dummy_vm_enough_memory(struct mm_struct *mm, long pages)
int cap_sys_admin = 0;
if (dummy_capable(current, CAP_SYS_ADMIN) == 0)
cap_sys_admin = 1;
- return __vm_enough_memory(pages, cap_sys_admin);
+ return __vm_enough_memory(mm, pages, cap_sys_admin);
static int dummy_bprm_alloc_security (struct linux_binprm *bprm)
diff --git a/security/selinux/hooks.c b/security/selinux/hooks.c
index 6237933f7d82..d8bc4172819c 100644
--- a/security/selinux/hooks.c
+++ b/security/selinux/hooks.c
@@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@ static int selinux_syslog(int type)
* Do not audit the selinux permission check, as this is applied to all
* processes that allocate mappings.
-static int selinux_vm_enough_memory(long pages)
+static int selinux_vm_enough_memory(struct mm_struct *mm, long pages)
int rc, cap_sys_admin = 0;
struct task_security_struct *tsec = current->security;
@@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ static int selinux_vm_enough_memory(long pages)
if (rc == 0)
cap_sys_admin = 1;
- return __vm_enough_memory(pages, cap_sys_admin);
+ return __vm_enough_memory(mm, pages, cap_sys_admin);
/* binprm security operations */