SUMMARY = "Sensor/Actuator repository for Mraa" HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "libs" LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=66493d54e65bfc12c7983ff2e884f37f" DEPENDS = "libjpeg-turbo mraa" SRCREV = "5cf20df96c6b35c19d5b871ba4e319e96b4df72d" PV = "2.0.0+git${SRCPV}" SRC_URI = "git://${BPN}.git;protocol=http \ file://0001-CMakeLists.txt-Use-SWIG_SUPPORT_FILES-to-find-the-li.patch \ file://0001-Use-stdint-types.patch \ " S = "${WORKDIR}/git" # Depends on mraa which only supports x86 and ARM for now COMPATIBLE_HOST = "(x86_64.*|i.86.*|aarch64.*|arm.*)-linux" inherit distutils3-base cmake pkgconfig # override this in local.conf to get needed bindings. # BINDINGS_pn-upm="python" # will result in only the python bindings being built/packaged. # Note: 'nodejs' is disabled by default because the bindings # generation currently fails with nodejs (>v7.x). BINDINGS ??= "python" # nodejs isn't available for armv4/armv5 architectures BINDINGS_armv4 ??= "python" BINDINGS_armv5 ??= "python" PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGES', 'node-${PN}', 'nodejs', '', d)} \ ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGES', '${PYTHON_PN}-${PN}', 'python', '', d)}" PACKAGECONFIG[python] = "-DBUILDSWIGPYTHON=ON, -DBUILDSWIGPYTHON=OFF, swig-native ${PYTHON_PN}," PACKAGECONFIG[nodejs] = "-DBUILDSWIGNODE=ON, -DBUILDSWIGNODE=OFF, swig-native nodejs-native," FILES_${PYTHON_PN}-${PN} = "${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}" RDEPENDS_${PYTHON_PN}-${PN} += "${PYTHON_PN}" FILES_node-${PN} = "${prefix}/lib/node_modules/" RDEPENDS_node-${PN} += "nodejs" ### Include desired language bindings ### PACKAGES =+ "${@bb.utils.contains('BINDINGS', 'nodejs', 'node-${PN}', '', d)}" PACKAGES =+ "${@bb.utils.contains('BINDINGS', 'python', '${PYTHON_PN}-${PN}', '', d)}"