path: root/poky/meta/classes/base.bbclass
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'poky/meta/classes/base.bbclass')
1 files changed, 704 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/poky/meta/classes/base.bbclass b/poky/meta/classes/base.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb1f4b753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/classes/base.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+BB_DEFAULT_TASK ?= "build"
+CLASSOVERRIDE ?= "class-target"
+inherit patch
+inherit staging
+inherit mirrors
+inherit utils
+inherit utility-tasks
+inherit metadata_scm
+inherit logging
+OE_IMPORTS += "os sys time oe.path oe.utils oe.types oe.package oe.packagegroup oe.sstatesig oe.lsb oe.cachedpath oe.license"
+OE_IMPORTS[type] = "list"
+def oe_import(d):
+ import sys
+ bbpath = d.getVar("BBPATH").split(":")
+ sys.path[0:0] = [os.path.join(dir, "lib") for dir in bbpath]
+ def inject(name, value):
+ """Make a python object accessible from the metadata"""
+ if hasattr(bb.utils, "_context"):
+ bb.utils._context[name] = value
+ else:
+ __builtins__[name] = value
+ import
+ for toimport in"OE_IMPORTS", d):
+ imported = __import__(toimport)
+ inject(toimport.split(".", 1)[0], imported)
+ return ""
+# We need the oe module name space early (before INHERITs get added)
+OE_IMPORTED := "${@oe_import(d)}"
+def lsb_distro_identifier(d):
+ adjust = d.getVar('LSB_DISTRO_ADJUST')
+ adjust_func = None
+ if adjust:
+ try:
+ adjust_func = globals()[adjust]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return oe.lsb.distro_identifier(adjust_func)
+die() {
+ bbfatal_log "$*"
+oe_runmake_call() {
+ bbnote ${MAKE} ${EXTRA_OEMAKE} "$@"
+ ${MAKE} ${EXTRA_OEMAKE} "$@"
+oe_runmake() {
+ oe_runmake_call "$@" || die "oe_runmake failed"
+def base_dep_prepend(d):
+ if d.getVar('INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS', False):
+ return ""
+ return "${BASE_DEFAULT_DEPS}"
+BASE_DEFAULT_DEPS = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}compilerlibs virtual/libc"
+BASEDEPENDS_class-target = "${@base_dep_prepend(d)}"
+BASEDEPENDS_class-nativesdk = "${@base_dep_prepend(d)}"
+FILESPATH = "${@base_set_filespath(["${FILE_DIRNAME}/${BP}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${BPN}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/files"], d)}"
+# THISDIR only works properly with imediate expansion as it has to run
+# in the context of the location its used (:=)
+THISDIR = "${@os.path.dirname(d.getVar('FILE'))}"
+def extra_path_elements(d):
+ path = ""
+ elements = (d.getVar('EXTRANATIVEPATH') or "").split()
+ for e in elements:
+ path = path + "${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/" + e + ":"
+ return path
+PATH_prepend = "${@extra_path_elements(d)}"
+def get_lic_checksum_file_list(d):
+ filelist = []
+ lic_files = d.getVar("LIC_FILES_CHKSUM") or ''
+ tmpdir = d.getVar("TMPDIR")
+ s = d.getVar("S")
+ b = d.getVar("B")
+ workdir = d.getVar("WORKDIR")
+ urls = lic_files.split()
+ for url in urls:
+ # We only care about items that are absolute paths since
+ # any others should be covered by SRC_URI.
+ try:
+ path = bb.fetch.decodeurl(url)[2]
+ if not path:
+ raise bb.fetch.MalformedUrl(url)
+ if path[0] == '/':
+ if path.startswith((tmpdir, s, b, workdir)):
+ continue
+ filelist.append(path + ":" + str(os.path.exists(path)))
+ except bb.fetch.MalformedUrl:
+ bb.fatal(d.getVar('PN') + ": LIC_FILES_CHKSUM contains an invalid URL: " + url)
+ return " ".join(filelist)
+def setup_hosttools_dir(dest, toolsvar, d, fatal=True):
+ tools = d.getVar(toolsvar).split()
+ origbbenv = d.getVar("BB_ORIGENV", False)
+ path = origbbenv.getVar("PATH")
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(dest)
+ notfound = []
+ for tool in tools:
+ desttool = os.path.join(dest, tool)
+ if not os.path.exists(desttool):
+ srctool = bb.utils.which(path, tool, executable=True)
+ if "ccache" in srctool:
+ srctool = bb.utils.which(path, tool, executable=True, direction=1)
+ if srctool:
+ os.symlink(srctool, desttool)
+ else:
+ notfound.append(tool)
+ if notfound and fatal:
+ bb.fatal("The following required tools (as specified by HOSTTOOLS) appear to be unavailable in PATH, please install them in order to proceed:\n %s" % " ".join(notfound))
+addtask fetch
+do_fetch[dirs] = "${DL_DIR}"
+do_fetch[file-checksums] = "${@bb.fetch.get_checksum_file_list(d)}"
+do_fetch[file-checksums] += " ${@get_lic_checksum_file_list(d)}"
+do_fetch[vardeps] += "SRCREV"
+python base_do_fetch() {
+ src_uri = (d.getVar('SRC_URI') or "").split()
+ if len(src_uri) == 0:
+ return
+ try:
+ fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, d)
+ except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException as e:
+ bb.fatal(str(e))
+addtask unpack after do_fetch
+do_unpack[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_unpack[cleandirs] = "${@d.getVar('S') if d.getVar('S') != d.getVar('WORKDIR') else os.path.join('${S}', 'patches')}"
+python base_do_unpack() {
+ src_uri = (d.getVar('SRC_URI') or "").split()
+ if len(src_uri) == 0:
+ return
+ try:
+ fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, d)
+ fetcher.unpack(d.getVar('WORKDIR'))
+ except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException as e:
+ bb.fatal(str(e))
+def get_layers_branch_rev(d):
+ layers = (d.getVar("BBLAYERS") or "").split()
+ layers_branch_rev = ["%-20s = \"%s:%s\"" % (os.path.basename(i), \
+ base_get_metadata_git_branch(i, None).strip(), \
+ base_get_metadata_git_revision(i, None)) \
+ for i in layers]
+ i = len(layers_branch_rev)-1
+ p1 = layers_branch_rev[i].find("=")
+ s1 = layers_branch_rev[i][p1:]
+ while i > 0:
+ p2 = layers_branch_rev[i-1].find("=")
+ s2= layers_branch_rev[i-1][p2:]
+ if s1 == s2:
+ layers_branch_rev[i-1] = layers_branch_rev[i-1][0:p2]
+ i -= 1
+ else:
+ i -= 1
+ p1 = layers_branch_rev[i].find("=")
+ s1= layers_branch_rev[i][p1:]
+ return layers_branch_rev
+BUILDCFG_FUNCS ??= "buildcfg_vars get_layers_branch_rev buildcfg_neededvars"
+BUILDCFG_FUNCS[type] = "list"
+def buildcfg_vars(d):
+ statusvars ='BUILDCFG_VARS', d)
+ for var in statusvars:
+ value = d.getVar(var)
+ if value is not None:
+ yield '%-20s = "%s"' % (var, value)
+def buildcfg_neededvars(d):
+ needed_vars ="BUILDCFG_NEEDEDVARS", d)
+ pesteruser = []
+ for v in needed_vars:
+ val = d.getVar(v)
+ if not val or val == 'INVALID':
+ pesteruser.append(v)
+ if pesteruser:
+ bb.fatal('The following variable(s) were not set: %s\nPlease set them directly, or choose a MACHINE or DISTRO that sets them.' % ', '.join(pesteruser))
+addhandler base_eventhandler
+base_eventhandler[eventmask] = "bb.event.ConfigParsed bb.event.MultiConfigParsed bb.event.BuildStarted bb.event.RecipePreFinalise bb.runqueue.sceneQueueComplete bb.event.RecipeParsed"
+python base_eventhandler() {
+ import bb.runqueue
+ if isinstance(e, bb.event.ConfigParsed):
+ if not d.getVar("NATIVELSBSTRING", False):
+ d.setVar("NATIVELSBSTRING", lsb_distro_identifier(d))
+ d.setVar('BB_VERSION', bb.__version__)
+ # Works with the line in layer.conf which changes PATH to point here
+ setup_hosttools_dir(d.getVar('HOSTTOOLS_DIR'), 'HOSTTOOLS', d)
+ setup_hosttools_dir(d.getVar('HOSTTOOLS_DIR'), 'HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL', d, fatal=False)
+ if isinstance(e, bb.event.MultiConfigParsed):
+ # We need to expand SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_SAFE_RECIPE_DEPS in each of the multiconfig data stores
+ # own contexts so the variables get expanded correctly for that arch, then inject back into
+ # the main data store.
+ deps = []
+ for config in e.mcdata:
+ deps.append(e.mcdata[config].getVar("SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_SAFE_RECIPE_DEPS"))
+ deps = " ".join(deps)
+ e.mcdata[''].setVar("SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_SAFE_RECIPE_DEPS", deps)
+ if isinstance(e, bb.event.BuildStarted):
+ localdata =
+ statuslines = []
+ for func in'BUILDCFG_FUNCS', localdata):
+ g = globals()
+ if func not in g:
+ bb.warn("Build configuration function '%s' does not exist" % func)
+ else:
+ flines = g[func](localdata)
+ if flines:
+ statuslines.extend(flines)
+ statusheader = d.getVar('BUILDCFG_HEADER')
+ if statusheader:
+ bb.plain('\n%s\n%s\n' % (statusheader, '\n'.join(statuslines)))
+ # This code is to silence warnings where the SDK variables overwrite the
+ # target ones and we'd see dulpicate key names overwriting each other
+ if isinstance(e, bb.event.RecipePreFinalise):
+ if d.getVar("TARGET_PREFIX") == d.getVar("SDK_PREFIX"):
+ d.delVar("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}binutils")
+ d.delVar("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial")
+ d.delVar("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc")
+ d.delVar("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}g++")
+ d.delVar("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}compilerlibs")
+ if isinstance(e, bb.runqueue.sceneQueueComplete):
+ completions = d.expand("${STAGING_DIR}/sstatecompletions")
+ if os.path.exists(completions):
+ cmds = set()
+ with open(completions, "r") as f:
+ cmds = set(f)
+ d.setVar("completion_function", "\n".join(cmds))
+ d.setVarFlag("completion_function", "func", "1")
+ bb.debug(1, "Executing SceneQueue Completion commands: %s" % "\n".join(cmds))
+"completion_function", d)
+ os.remove(completions)
+ if isinstance(e, bb.event.RecipeParsed):
+ #
+ # If we have multiple providers of virtual/X and a PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/X is set
+ # skip parsing for all the other providers which will mean they get uninstalled from the
+ # sysroot since they're now "unreachable". This makes switching virtual/kernel work in
+ # particular.
+ #
+ pn = d.getVar('PN')
+ source_mirror_fetch = d.getVar('SOURCE_MIRROR_FETCH', False)
+ if not source_mirror_fetch:
+ provs = (d.getVar("PROVIDES") or "").split()
+ multiwhitelist = (d.getVar("MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST") or "").split()
+ for p in provs:
+ if p.startswith("virtual/") and p not in multiwhitelist:
+ profprov = d.getVar("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_" + p)
+ if profprov and pn != profprov:
+ raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s set to %s, not %s" % (p, profprov, pn))
+CONFIGURESTAMPFILE = "${WORKDIR}/configure.sstate"
+addtask configure after do_patch
+do_configure[dirs] = "${B}"
+do_prepare_recipe_sysroot[deptask] = "do_populate_sysroot"
+base_do_configure() {
+ if [ "`cat ${CONFIGURESTAMPFILE}`" != "${BB_TASKHASH}" ]; then
+ cd ${B}
+ if [ "${CLEANBROKEN}" != "1" -a \( -e Makefile -o -e makefile -o -e GNUmakefile \) ]; then
+ oe_runmake clean
+ fi
+ find ${B} -ignore_readdir_race -name \*.la -delete
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${CONFIGURESTAMPFILE}" ]; then
+ mkdir -p `dirname ${CONFIGURESTAMPFILE}`
+ fi
+addtask compile after do_configure
+do_compile[dirs] = "${B}"
+base_do_compile() {
+ if [ -e Makefile -o -e makefile -o -e GNUmakefile ]; then
+ oe_runmake || die "make failed"
+ else
+ bbnote "nothing to compile"
+ fi
+addtask install after do_compile
+do_install[dirs] = "${B}"
+# Remove and re-create ${D} so that is it guaranteed to be empty
+do_install[cleandirs] = "${D}"
+base_do_install() {
+ :
+base_do_package() {
+ :
+addtask build after do_populate_sysroot
+do_build[noexec] = "1"
+do_build[recrdeptask] += "do_deploy"
+do_build () {
+ :
+def set_packagetriplet(d):
+ archs = []
+ tos = []
+ tvs = []
+ archs.append(d.getVar("PACKAGE_ARCHS").split())
+ tos.append(d.getVar("TARGET_OS"))
+ tvs.append(d.getVar("TARGET_VENDOR"))
+ def settriplet(d, varname, archs, tos, tvs):
+ triplets = []
+ for i in range(len(archs)):
+ for arch in archs[i]:
+ triplets.append(arch + tvs[i] + "-" + tos[i])
+ triplets.reverse()
+ d.setVar(varname, " ".join(triplets))
+ settriplet(d, "PKGTRIPLETS", archs, tos, tvs)
+ variants = d.getVar("MULTILIB_VARIANTS") or ""
+ for item in variants.split():
+ localdata =
+ overrides = localdata.getVar("OVERRIDES", False) + ":virtclass-multilib-" + item
+ localdata.setVar("OVERRIDES", overrides)
+ archs.append(localdata.getVar("PACKAGE_ARCHS").split())
+ tos.append(localdata.getVar("TARGET_OS"))
+ tvs.append(localdata.getVar("TARGET_VENDOR"))
+ settriplet(d, "PKGMLTRIPLETS", archs, tos, tvs)
+python () {
+ import string, re
+ # Handle backfilling
+ oe.utils.features_backfill("DISTRO_FEATURES", d)
+ oe.utils.features_backfill("MACHINE_FEATURES", d)
+ #
+ # These take the form:
+ #
+ # PACKAGECONFIG ??= "<default options>"
+ # PACKAGECONFIG[foo] = "--enable-foo,--disable-foo,foo_depends,foo_runtime_depends,foo_runtime_recommends"
+ pkgconfigflags = d.getVarFlags("PACKAGECONFIG") or {}
+ if pkgconfigflags:
+ pkgconfig = (d.getVar('PACKAGECONFIG') or "").split()
+ pn = d.getVar("PN")
+ mlprefix = d.getVar("MLPREFIX")
+ def expandFilter(appends, extension, prefix):
+ appends = bb.utils.explode_deps(d.expand(" ".join(appends)))
+ newappends = []
+ for a in appends:
+ if a.endswith("-native") or ("-cross-" in a):
+ newappends.append(a)
+ elif a.startswith("virtual/"):
+ subs = a.split("/", 1)[1]
+ if subs.startswith(prefix):
+ newappends.append(a + extension)
+ else:
+ newappends.append("virtual/" + prefix + subs + extension)
+ else:
+ if a.startswith(prefix):
+ newappends.append(a + extension)
+ else:
+ newappends.append(prefix + a + extension)
+ return newappends
+ def appendVar(varname, appends):
+ if not appends:
+ return
+ if varname.find("DEPENDS") != -1:
+ if'nativesdk', d) or'cross-canadian', d) :
+ appends = expandFilter(appends, "", "nativesdk-")
+ elif'native', d):
+ appends = expandFilter(appends, "-native", "")
+ elif mlprefix:
+ appends = expandFilter(appends, "", mlprefix)
+ varname = d.expand(varname)
+ d.appendVar(varname, " " + " ".join(appends))
+ extradeps = []
+ extrardeps = []
+ extrarrecs = []
+ extraconf = []
+ for flag, flagval in sorted(pkgconfigflags.items()):
+ items = flagval.split(",")
+ num = len(items)
+ if num > 5:
+ bb.error("%s: PACKAGECONFIG[%s] Only enable,disable,depend,rdepend,rrecommend can be specified!"
+ % (d.getVar('PN'), flag))
+ if flag in pkgconfig:
+ if num >= 3 and items[2]:
+ extradeps.append(items[2])
+ if num >= 4 and items[3]:
+ extrardeps.append(items[3])
+ if num >= 5 and items[4]:
+ extrarrecs.append(items[4])
+ if num >= 1 and items[0]:
+ extraconf.append(items[0])
+ elif num >= 2 and items[1]:
+ extraconf.append(items[1])
+ appendVar('DEPENDS', extradeps)
+ appendVar('RDEPENDS_${PN}', extrardeps)
+ appendVar('RRECOMMENDS_${PN}', extrarrecs)
+ appendVar('PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS', extraconf)
+ pn = d.getVar('PN')
+ license = d.getVar('LICENSE')
+ if license == "INVALID" and pn != "defaultpkgname":
+ bb.fatal('This recipe does not have the LICENSE field set (%s)' % pn)
+ if'license', d):
+ check_license_format(d)
+ unmatched_license_flag = check_license_flags(d)
+ if unmatched_license_flag:
+ bb.debug(1, "Skipping %s because it has a restricted license not"
+ " whitelisted in LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST" % pn)
+ raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("because it has a restricted license not"
+ " whitelisted in LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST")
+ # If we're building a target package we need to use fakeroot (pseudo)
+ # in order to capture permissions, owners, groups and special files
+ if not'native', d) and not'cross', d):
+ d.setVarFlag('do_unpack', 'umask', '022')
+ d.setVarFlag('do_configure', 'umask', '022')
+ d.setVarFlag('do_compile', 'umask', '022')
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_install', 'depends', ' virtual/fakeroot-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ d.setVarFlag('do_install', 'fakeroot', '1')
+ d.setVarFlag('do_install', 'umask', '022')
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_package', 'depends', ' virtual/fakeroot-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ d.setVarFlag('do_package', 'fakeroot', '1')
+ d.setVarFlag('do_package', 'umask', '022')
+ d.setVarFlag('do_package_setscene', 'fakeroot', '1')
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_package_setscene', 'depends', ' virtual/fakeroot-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ d.setVarFlag('do_devshell', 'fakeroot', '1')
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_devshell', 'depends', ' virtual/fakeroot-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ need_machine = d.getVar('COMPATIBLE_MACHINE')
+ if need_machine:
+ import re
+ compat_machines = (d.getVar('MACHINEOVERRIDES') or "").split(":")
+ for m in compat_machines:
+ if re.match(need_machine, m):
+ break
+ else:
+ raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("incompatible with machine %s (not in COMPATIBLE_MACHINE)" % d.getVar('MACHINE'))
+ source_mirror_fetch = d.getVar('SOURCE_MIRROR_FETCH', False)
+ if not source_mirror_fetch:
+ need_host = d.getVar('COMPATIBLE_HOST')
+ if need_host:
+ import re
+ this_host = d.getVar('HOST_SYS')
+ if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
+ raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("incompatible with host %s (not in COMPATIBLE_HOST)" % this_host)
+ bad_licenses = (d.getVar('INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE') or "").split()
+ check_license = False if pn.startswith("nativesdk-") else True
+ for t in ["-native", "-cross-${TARGET_ARCH}", "-cross-initial-${TARGET_ARCH}",
+ "-crosssdk-${SDK_SYS}", "-crosssdk-initial-${SDK_SYS}",
+ "-cross-canadian-${TRANSLATED_TARGET_ARCH}"]:
+ if pn.endswith(d.expand(t)):
+ check_license = False
+ if pn.startswith("gcc-source-"):
+ check_license = False
+ if check_license and bad_licenses:
+ bad_licenses = expand_wildcard_licenses(d, bad_licenses)
+ whitelist = []
+ incompatwl = []
+ for lic in bad_licenses:
+ spdx_license = return_spdx(d, lic)
+ for w in ["LGPLv2_WHITELIST_", "WHITELIST_"]:
+ whitelist.extend((d.getVar(w + lic) or "").split())
+ if spdx_license:
+ whitelist.extend((d.getVar(w + spdx_license) or "").split())
+ '''
+ We need to track what we are whitelisting and why. If pn is
+ incompatible we need to be able to note that the image that
+ is created may infact contain incompatible licenses despite
+ '''
+ incompatwl.extend((d.getVar(w + lic) or "").split())
+ if spdx_license:
+ incompatwl.extend((d.getVar(w + spdx_license) or "").split())
+ if not pn in whitelist:
+ pkgs = d.getVar('PACKAGES').split()
+ skipped_pkgs = []
+ unskipped_pkgs = []
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ if incompatible_license(d, bad_licenses, pkg):
+ skipped_pkgs.append(pkg)
+ else:
+ unskipped_pkgs.append(pkg)
+ all_skipped = skipped_pkgs and not unskipped_pkgs
+ if unskipped_pkgs:
+ for pkg in skipped_pkgs:
+ bb.debug(1, "SKIPPING the package " + pkg + " at do_rootfs because it's " + license)
+ mlprefix = d.getVar('MLPREFIX')
+ d.setVar('LICENSE_EXCLUSION-' + mlprefix + pkg, 1)
+ for pkg in unskipped_pkgs:
+ bb.debug(1, "INCLUDING the package " + pkg)
+ elif all_skipped or incompatible_license(d, bad_licenses):
+ bb.debug(1, "SKIPPING recipe %s because it's %s" % (pn, license))
+ raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("it has an incompatible license: %s" % license)
+ elif pn in whitelist:
+ if pn in incompatwl:
+ bb.note("INCLUDING " + pn + " as buildable despite INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE because it has been whitelisted")
+ # Try to verify per-package (LICENSE_<pkg>) values. LICENSE should be a
+ # superset of all per-package licenses. We do not do advanced (pattern)
+ # matching of license expressions - just check that all license strings
+ # in LICENSE_<pkg> are found in LICENSE.
+ license_set = oe.license.list_licenses(license)
+ for pkg in d.getVar('PACKAGES').split():
+ pkg_license = d.getVar('LICENSE_' + pkg)
+ if pkg_license:
+ unlisted = oe.license.list_licenses(pkg_license) - license_set
+ if unlisted:
+ bb.warn("LICENSE_%s includes licenses (%s) that are not "
+ "listed in LICENSE" % (pkg, ' '.join(unlisted)))
+ needsrcrev = False
+ srcuri = d.getVar('SRC_URI')
+ for uri in srcuri.split():
+ (scheme, _ , path) = bb.fetch.decodeurl(uri)[:3]
+ # HTTP/FTP use the wget fetcher
+ if scheme in ("http", "https", "ftp"):
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', ' wget-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ # Svn packages should DEPEND on subversion-native
+ if scheme == "svn":
+ needsrcrev = True
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', ' subversion-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ # Git packages should DEPEND on git-native
+ elif scheme in ("git", "gitsm"):
+ needsrcrev = True
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', ' git-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ # Mercurial packages should DEPEND on mercurial-native
+ elif scheme == "hg":
+ needsrcrev = True
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', ' mercurial-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ # Perforce packages support SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}"
+ elif scheme == "p4":
+ needsrcrev = True
+ # OSC packages should DEPEND on osc-native
+ elif scheme == "osc":
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', ' osc-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ elif scheme == "npm":
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', ' nodejs-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ # *.lz4 should DEPEND on lz4-native for unpacking
+ if path.endswith('.lz4'):
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', ' lz4-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ # *.lz should DEPEND on lzip-native for unpacking
+ elif path.endswith('.lz'):
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', ' lzip-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ # *.xz should DEPEND on xz-native for unpacking
+ elif path.endswith('.xz') or path.endswith('.txz'):
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', ' xz-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ # .zip should DEPEND on unzip-native for unpacking
+ elif path.endswith('.zip') or path.endswith('.jar'):
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', ' unzip-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ # file is needed by
+ elif path.endswith('.rpm'):
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', ' xz-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ # *.deb should DEPEND on xz-native for unpacking
+ elif path.endswith('.deb'):
+ d.appendVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', ' xz-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ if needsrcrev:
+ d.setVar("SRCPV", "${@bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d)}")
+ set_packagetriplet(d)
+ # 'multimachine' handling
+ mach_arch = d.getVar('MACHINE_ARCH')
+ pkg_arch = d.getVar('PACKAGE_ARCH')
+ if (pkg_arch == mach_arch):
+ # Already machine specific - nothing further to do
+ return
+ #
+ # We always try to scan SRC_URI for urls with machine overrides
+ # unless the package sets SRC_URI_OVERRIDES_PACKAGE_ARCH=0
+ #
+ override = d.getVar('SRC_URI_OVERRIDES_PACKAGE_ARCH')
+ if override != '0':
+ paths = []
+ fpaths = (d.getVar('FILESPATH') or '').split(':')
+ machine = d.getVar('MACHINE')
+ for p in fpaths:
+ if os.path.basename(p) == machine and os.path.isdir(p):
+ paths.append(p)
+ if len(paths) != 0:
+ for s in srcuri.split():
+ if not s.startswith("file://"):
+ continue
+ fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([s], d)
+ local = fetcher.localpath(s)
+ for mp in paths:
+ if local.startswith(mp):
+ #bb.note("overriding PACKAGE_ARCH from %s to %s for %s" % (pkg_arch, mach_arch, pn))
+ return
+ packages = d.getVar('PACKAGES').split()
+ for pkg in packages:
+ pkgarch = d.getVar("PACKAGE_ARCH_%s" % pkg)
+ # We could look for != PACKAGE_ARCH here but how to choose
+ # if multiple differences are present?
+ # Look through PACKAGE_ARCHS for the priority order?
+ if pkgarch and pkgarch == mach_arch:
+ bb.warn("Recipe %s is marked as only being architecture specific but seems to have machine specific packages?! The recipe may as well mark itself as machine specific directly." % d.getVar("PN"))
+addtask cleansstate after do_clean
+python do_cleansstate() {
+ sstate_clean_cachefiles(d)
+addtask cleanall after do_cleansstate
+do_cleansstate[nostamp] = "1"
+python do_cleanall() {
+ src_uri = (d.getVar('SRC_URI') or "").split()
+ if len(src_uri) == 0:
+ return
+ try:
+ fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, d)
+ fetcher.clean()
+ except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException as e:
+ bb.fatal(str(e))
+do_cleanall[nostamp] = "1"
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_fetch do_unpack do_configure do_compile do_install do_package